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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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The passive aggressive defensiveness put me off from replying further, to be honest.

Well think about it. You're coming into a thread for people who are buying and enjoying a game, and essentially saying "This is why you're wasting you're money and shouldn't be enjoying this."

And you expect people to not be a little defensive?

def sim

I'm trying to get "First of of a match" achievement and it's really eluding me. Way to many players, even in Blast.

That's something I got through natural play. I wouldn't focus or stress too much about it!

i dunno...those kind of posts are why review threads exist right? those type of people tend to post once in the thread to never return

Yeah, but if that kind of discussion is not allowed here then maybe just tell him? If he doesn't come back then whatever. Some of the responses come off as if he pre-faced his post in an incendiary way.


Gold Member
y'all a defensive bunch dang

Seriously. A little perspective never hurt anyone.

How about this is not a review thread. Bring it to that. Just saying. I stayed out of FO4 |OT| threads out of respect, and kept my disdain for the performance of the game to the DF and review threads.

I would argue people are buying the game because Star Wars, which this game has plenty of. The original Battlefront only had AT-ATson 2 maps and BF2 only had them on Hoth, yet they were still the biggest selling Star Wars games of the time.

No statistics, but some anecdotal evidence (which sure could mean jack squat) of my friends no one is really playing Walker Assault at all. The most popular modes I see early on is Supremacy, Heroes vs Villains, Blast, and Fighter Squadron.

You got that right.

Walker Assault is great movie like large battle experiences, but I only do that in doses. The other modes I play repeatedly.


So since the season pass will only involve the original trilogy. What villains/heroes do you think they will add? I can see Yoda and Chewbacca for sure. Maybe Lando? Greedo? I imagine it will be two of each to keep things balanced. I am not shocked to see them focusing on the original trilogy with this release due to Disney distancing themselves from the prequels.
Well think about it. You're coming into a thread for people who are buying and enjoying a game, and essentially saying "This is why you're wasting you're money and shouldn't be enjoying this."

And you expect people to not be a little defensive?

How about this is not a review thread. Bring it to that. Just saying. I stayed out of FO4 |OT| threads out of respect, and kept my disdain for the performance of the game to the DF and review threads.

It's a shame that the OT has to become an echo chamber of positivity and all negativity has to be relegated to the Review thread.

OT should be a place to discuss the released game and anything related to it, not just a place for people who bought the game to express how awesome, fun, beautiful, etc., it is.


So not worth it
Well think about it. You're coming into a thread for people who are buying and enjoying a game, and essentially saying "This is why you're wasting you're money and shouldn't be enjoying this."

And you expect people to not be a little defensive?

It's fine, I am just explaining why there was no follow up post since the person I replied to was calling me out for it. To each their own, as they say.
Agreed. It also shows how out of the loop some people are, I mean, DICE has been using this formula for awhile now. Really though, for years now people hear what one journalist or YouTuber says and run with it. I wish people would just check things out for themselves and go from there. If I went by what every review or impression said then I would've missed out on a number of games that I actually enjoyed.

Cant wait to see the Angry Army aka Angry joe review lol...


Gold Member
It's a shame that the OT has to become an echo chamber of positivity and all negativity has to be relegated to the Review thread.

OT should be a place to discuss the released game and anything related to it, not just a place for people who bought the game to express how awesome, fun, beautiful, etc., it is.

No, it is not that. People are sharing their experiences good and bad, who you know, bought and/or played the game.

Not sharing some dudes review with disingenuous reasoning and poor fact checking information (TTK) to try and sway people in here, who more than likely already purchased it. What is the purpose? Trying to provide some buyer's remorse? Hard to do on a huge fan driven I.P..

Once I play FO4, I will go in that thread and share my positives and negatives.


Agreed, lol.

If you are a fan, this is a must have for the experience of how it just replicates the feel. There is a great playing, fantastic running, gorgeous looking and sounding game here. The millions of useless unlock syndrome is clouding people's judgement.

i think many people are conditioned to think unlocks and persistence = longevity.


I don't think we'll ever get surface-to-space combat in SWBF (at this in this release), but I have to imagine they'll set some Fighter Squadron maps in space in future DLC. I can see:

Jakku (of course)
Death Star
Asteroid Field/Chase

being added, easily.

I agree. I can see that being something they do in future titles. This game is more of a commando game than a squadron game.

I agree with first three. I think for a fourth map they might do something on Yavin.

Also, where are the B-Wings?


Yeah I agree
I keep pretending I can do that by flying close to the super tiny trenches in some maps


Kinda would be surprised if there wasn't a Death Star trench run DLC in the future. Needs more variety than just randomly shooting down transports. It'd be neat if there were X-Wings/Y-Wings vs. Imperials in Tie Fighters/Gun batteries with Vader appearing occasionally to balance things out.


Beaten ... yeah

I don't think we'll ever get surface-to-space combat in SWBF (at this in this release), but I have to imagine they'll set some Fighter Squadron maps in space in future DLC. I can see:

Jakku (of course)
Death Star
Asteroid Field/Chase

being added, easily.


Yeah I agree
I keep pretending I can do that by flying close to the super tiny trenches in some maps

Ya you can get glimpses of how awesome it'd be when you go down to get powerups. I wanna have people chase me through the canyon behind the rebel base on Hoth, but if they're smart they should just gain altitude and shoot from above.


Gold Member
i think many people are conditioned to think unlocks and persistence = longevity.

It is definitely a carrot dangle trick used to keep people playing longer, and thinking they have so much content, yet more than half (and I would wager 3/4-7/8) of the shit they unlock, they never will use. Just things in the way, making you feel successful, trying to get to the unlock you want.

If the core game brings you a fantastic experience, you are having fun, then what the fuck is the issue?

Maybe I have been gaming so long that I appreciate things like this more. I grew up on freaking Pong/Space Invaders/SMB. All those "content rich" experiences.

Hell, trophies and achievements have not even been around that long, and people complain with smaller games with no Platinum's. The hoarder/collector syndrome is real. I just wonder where in our human evolution, the first humanoid to take more shiny stones from another, and say, MINE! I need more than the others!



So which Planets can we expect with the Season Pass DLCs?

Whats possible in the OT universe?

Mabye Yavin 4? Would be another great forest map :D

They MUST want to capitalize on Force Awakens and then after that, something, then most definitely something with Rogue One.


Wish there were more maps/modes for 20v20. Love big team battles.

I'm just one rank away from the jump pack now.. so close.


It is definitely a carrot dangle trick used to keep people playing longer, and thinking they have so much content, yet more than half (and I would wager 3/4-7/8) of the shit they unlock, they never will use. Just things in the way, making you feel successful, trying to get to the unlock you want.

If the core game brings you a fantastic experience, you are having fun, then what the fuck is the issue?

Maybe I have been gaming so long that I appreciate things like this more. I grew up on freaking Pong/Space Invaders/SMB. All those "content rich" experiences.

Hell, trophies and achievements have not even been around that long, and people complain with smaller games with no Platinum's. The hoarder/collector syndrome is real. I just wonder where in our human evolution, the first humanoid to take more shiny stones from another, and say, MINE! I need more than the others!


exactly lol!!

just look at csgo. the unlocks, the skins, etc... 1.6 didnt have any of those, and suddenly csgo has more population than ever before... but i think their matchmaking system is helping that.

COD4 started those pop ups on screen of leveling up, unlocks etc... and every major game has copied that since then. So many pop ups on screen to tell you how great you're doing and makes you feel like youre progressing.


ugh...everything is so expensive in this game. i understand the cards and weapons but emotes and head models...whyyy

It's a shame that the OT has to become an echo chamber of positivity and all negativity has to be relegated to the Review thread.

OT should be a place to discuss the released game and anything related to it, not just a place for people who bought the game to express how awesome, fun, beautiful, etc., it is.

the way the post was framed (not taking into account any past posts he might have made) looks like a driveby.

plenty of people are discussing both what they like and don't like about the game.


Gold Member
So which Planets can we expect with the Season Pass DLCs?

Whats possible in the OT universe?

Yavin 4 (moon) is probably a given. I would love to see Frostbite render Bespin (Cloud City) with their gorgeous sky rendering.

I would not be surprised if they included space battles with one of the expansions. That would sell it like gangbusters, (and cause people to bring up BF2 and voice displeasure as well, while secretly purchasing it, lol).

exactly lol!!

just look at csgo. the unlocks, the skins, etc... 1.6 didnt have any of those, and suddenly csgo has more population than ever before... but i think their matchmaking system is helping that.

COD4 started those pop ups on screen of leveling up, unlocks etc... and every major game has copied that since then. So many pop ups on screen to tell you how great you're doing and makes you feel like youre progressing.

Yep. Because we forgot that just playing the game with no "yay kid, here is your trophy" was, holy shit, still fun and why we did it! (I have been guilty of chasing them sometimes.)

It is all psychological really.

Gun Animal

So which Planets can we expect with the Season Pass DLCs?

Whats possible in the OT universe?

Mabye Yavin 4? Would be another great forest map :D

Cloud City seems like the most obvious one. Yavin and one of the two death stars seem like no-brainers too. Maybe Dagobah? Four maps across each of those and you've got your season pass.

edit: alternatively, they could use locations from Episode 7 and just set them during the OT era, like they're already doing with Jakku.
I'm thinking we get a battle on Degobah (plz plz), we'll get a Death Star space battle map and an internal one for non-vehicular modes and maybe we get an asteroid field space battle map :)


So which Planets can we expect with the Season Pass DLCs?

Whats possible in the OT universe?

Mabye Yavin 4? Would be another great forest map :D

Yavin would work. Maybe Ord Mantell?

I know people hate the Prequels but you could honestly have maps like Geonosis, and felucia

Kinda would be surprised if there wasn't a Death Star trench run DLC in the future. Needs more variety than just randomly shooting down transports. It'd be neat if there were X-Wings/Y-Wings vs. Imperials in Tie Fighters/Gun batteries with Vader appearing occasionally to balance things out.


Beaten ... yeah

I would loooove to see some more depth added to Fighter Squadron. Basically, make a version of Walker Assault but in space.

For example, a space battle where Rebels are attacking the Death Star II:

1) Rebels have to take down X number of Star Destroyers to make it safe for capital Rebel ships to jump in
2) Rebel ships jump in (how cool would it be to watch them emerge from hyperspace?) but it's an ambush--Rebel ships must be defended as they maneuver out of range of the Death Star's beam (if they don't, we get to watch the Death Star blow em up)
3) Keep an AI hero alive (Lando?) while you "wait" for the rebels to destroy the Endor shield generator
4) The assault moves right next to the Death Star, with Rebels flying through the dangerous maze of corridors in the Death Star, where they have to deal X amount of damage to destroy the Death Star

Pipe dream, I know, considering DICE has never done anything really interesting with their air modes.


The training missions and the co-op survival stuff is suuuuuuuuuuch a tease for what a full single player/campaign experience could've been, my god :< It's just the smallest of tastes and I desperately want something more/bigger.

I have conflicting feelings about this.

One one hand, its DICE, who has rarely delivered a good single player experience (with maybe the exception of Mirrors Edge and BF Bad Company depending on who your asking)


So my feelings are conflicted based on the fact I know DICE's record with SP is really shoddy, compared to the strength of the IP they have.
Yeah I agree
I keep pretending I can do that by flying close to the super tiny trenches in some maps

If they go with each DLC pack being based around a "planet", I would totally bank on the Death Star being one of those. And since we are getting new modes, a Death Star attack and defend mode sure would go nicely with Death Star DLC. Where one of the rebels gets to be Luke for the final shot. "Use the Force, Luke!"

Needs to happen!


I really do hope they consider adding conquest, it wss the original classic mode to battlefront one and two. And i hope they make it work for all the maps, not just a few dlc ones.
Yeah proper conquest would be nice. Supremacy is more like rush mode. But maps are too huge for 20 v 20. For proper conquest they need 32 v 32 or even 40v40.
Yeah proper conquest would be nice. Supremacy is more like rush mode. But maps are too huge for 20 v 20. For proper conquest they need 32 v 32 or even 40v40.
Then probably add speeders to all conquest maps. Every other game with a similar mode has jeeps, but not Battlefront. Speeders would be a good solution, and perhaps allow them for 2 person transport.


So which Planets can we expect with the Season Pass DLCs?

Whats possible in the OT universe?

Mabye Yavin 4? Would be another great forest map :D

If they are sticking with OgT then Yavin and Bespin most likely are there. Maybe Alderaan?

Or maybe they will have planets from Force Awakens.

Because when I think about potential heroes and villains remaining from OgT

Heroes: Chewie, Lando are kinda it (I can't imagine someone like Ackbar, Mon Mothma, etc as playable)

and for villains: really all I can think of is the bounty hunters asides from Boba (Bossk, IG-88, Dengar) and maybe Moff Tarkin?

But most of these ideas asides from Lando and Chewie barely compare to the roster they have. Hopefully Finn and Kylo are put in, on that Snow forest planet from the trailers.
They MUST want to capitalize on Force Awakens and then after that, something, then most definitely something with Rogue One.

So many people in various corners of the web are talking about TFA content in at least one of the four expansions. It's what the people want, I expect DICE to listen. As long as people like the new movie, hype for Force Awakens content will be at an all time high. It's too obvious.

I'd love it if they introduced at least one TFA Hero to each side. Kylo Ren and Rey?

I find anything related to Rogue One less likely, though. Depends on how the timeframe of the DLC releases match up with the release of that movie.


I've heard people say the BF4 season pass was well worth the money due to its amount of content. Is everyone expecting the same for the season pass of this game?
So many people in various corners of the web are talking about TFA content in at least one of the four expansions. It's what the people want, I expect DICE to listen. As long as people like the new movie, hype for Force Awakens content will be at an all time high. It's too obvious.

I'd love it if they introduced at least one TFA Hero to each side. Kylo Ren and Rey?

I find anything related to Rogue One less likely, though. Depends on how the timeframe of the DLC releases match up with the release of that movie.

Isnt Rouge One scheduled for december 2016? By that time all DLC packs will probably be out. Probably even before BF5 is out.
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