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Star Wars Battlefront |OT2| I am altering the OT. Pray I don't alter it any further.

Also the planet next to the Death Star is not geonosis as many people thought. They couldn't say the name, so it's safe to assume it's tied to Rogue One.

It looks like it could be Jedha.



It can't be Eadu as it looks darker and it's obviously not Scarif.


Man I'm hyped. The content and the QoL/balancing changes sound great. They're also pulling in a little more EU stuff, which is helping round out the whole package. This will be a great base for Battlefront 2.

I really hope they make the B-Wing and Defender flyable in the near future, seems a waste to make the assets and just relegate them to AI wingmen.


As an almost exclusive Scout trait user, I can't really complain. The traits seem more evenly balanced now.

I also don't think Berserker is necessarily a buff seeing as how it no longer has damage reduction.

I'll probably be using sharpshooter a lot in Supremacy / Walker Assault with my T21b loadout. Maybe the DLT19x will be useful now as well.
As an almost exclusive Scout trait user, I can't really complain. The traits seem more evenly balanced now.

I also don't think Berserker is necessarily a buff seeing as how it no longer has damage reduction.

I'll probably be using sharpshooter a lot in Supremacy / Walker Assault with my T21b loadout. Maybe the DLT19x will be useful now as well.

I could live with the level 1 and 2 being switched, I wouldn't like it, but still. The radar scramble is just going to work against you most likely.

Will probably swap to Berserker for a bit. Noticed myself going increasingly frustrated with constant partner spawns who could potentially not run scout thus giving away my position if they tended to stick with me.




I could live with the level 1 and 2 being switched, I wouldn't like it, but still. The radar scramble is just going to work against you most likely.

Will probably swap to Berserker for a bit. Noticed myself going increasingly frustrated with constant partner spawns who could potentially not run scout thus giving away my position if they tended to stick with me.

It will take some getting used to.

Scout will still be useful for flanking (barring any bad partner spawn) and the radar scramble will give you away yes, but the benefit it can have for the team outweights the cons, in my opinion.

Should be useful in well defended points in supremacy.


I have over 100 hours played and I still haven't got to 60. lol

However, I have played since June 27, so I have some catching up to do!

I have around 900 hours logged. Kill me.

I missed the stream. What updates are coming with the DLC? I see that there are no more helmetless stormtroopers (yay), and scout is getting nerfed (boo). Anything else?


All caught up on the streams. A bit disappointed with only 3 modes, the interior of the Death Star deserves the royal treatment when it comes to maps and modes. Hopefully more to come.

Looking forward to seeing how the new changes pan out.


While disappointing we can't pilot the B-Wing and Defenders it's still a pretty interesting way to implement them and does add something new.


Just started playing again tonight, and other than the fact I am apparently complete fucking shit at this game now (I just went 11-30 in my first game) I am completely failing to understand what the game considers as an Uplink Defense. I need 5 for the latest bounty, and I have killed multiple people both trying to disarm the uplink as well as killing people while I am physically next to the uplink and I am still at 0/5. ????

I'm going 5-24 like every fucking match. Holy shit. I'm kind of legitimately upset, all year this game has been my relaxing go-to game where if my K/D wasn't at the very least approaching 2.0 something was wrong, and now I can't even break 0.5. What the fuuuuuuuuuuck

Edit: It took me a full 2 hours to complete a 75 kills challenge, I never went positive the entire night (only came even remotely close once), and the last two games I played in WA the other team got all 5 heroes up at once. So that's rad. I'm definitely playing the Destiny expansion over this tomorrow lol. I honestly can't tell if I'm just ass at this now (most lobbies had ~5 people on the opposing team all with absurd 5.0+ K/D's) or if just most of the people still playing at this point are just savage and/or I ran into bad lobbies, but fuck whatever this hero exploit is.


Well that livestream has me completely sold- I'm just going to bite the bullet and finally get the season pass even though its full price because I need to play this RIGHT NOW :p

The repeating blaster looks absolutely monstrous - might have a new primary weapon right there.
It's not up in the UK yet. I was hoping for a quick blast before work but I guess I'll be checking this thread for the next 10 hours instead.
On early Tuesday morning, September 20th, Star Wars Battlefront servers will go offline for up to 30 minutes to apply our Death Star patch update. Scheduled downtime is listed below; we apologize in advance for any inconveniences.

September 20:

Schedule Patches (platform starts):

07:00 UTC Companion (12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET)
07:00 UTC PC (12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET)
09:00 UTC PS4 (2:00 AM PT / 5:00 AM ET)
11:00 UTC X1 (4:00 AM PT / 7:00 AM ET)

Full patch notes will be posted once the update is live.

New content for DLC owners:

New levels: Five new maps set around or on the Death Star.

New game mode: Battle Station

A new three-phased mode in which Rebels attempt to destroy an Imperial Star Destroyer in order to clear space for a GR-75 and its brave Rebel boarding party. Then, these Rebels participating in an assault on the Death Star in hopes of rescuing R2-D2 before, finally, attempting to destroy the Death Star itself with the help of Luke Skywalker.

New Weapons:

TL-50 Heavy Repeater: A heavy blaster with a secondary fire mode which launches an explosive round.

K-16 Bryar Pistol: A powerful blaster pistol with a secondary fire ability which allows the player to charge up a powerful shot.

New Star Cards:

Laser Trip mine: Can be attached on any surface and will explode when an enemy passes it. It will also scramble the radar of any enemy that gets too close.

Medical Droid: A stationary droid that is placed by the player. The droid will send out a “healing pulse” every 3 seconds and reduce the cooldown for the players star cards.

New Heroes:


Micro Grenades – The primary weapon fires “micro grenades” which are tiny grenades that deal explosive damage.
Predatory Instincts – It changes the visuals so you see characters’ heat signatures. Bossk is also enhanced while the power is active, increasing his damage, his sprint speed, and the cooldown speed of his abilities. This ability doesn’t have a cooldown and can be turned on/off at anytime.
Toxic Escape – Bossk throws a Dioxis Grenade and leaps away from the explosion in the direction in which he was moving.
Trait: Trandoshan Regeneration – Bossk regenerates part of his lost health when killing enemy soldiers or doing high damage to heroes.


Multi-Bolts – Doubles the amount of bolts fired from his weapon
Mighty Roar - Chewbacca roars and empowers himself and his allies. It will do the following:
• Rebel soldiers receive the Berserker level 3 effect and increased armor for a limited time.
• Friendly Heroes receive increased armor for a limited time
• Chewbacca receives increased damage and armor for a limited time.
Ground Slam - Chewbacca slams the ground, damaging and pushing back enemies in an area around the point of impact. This ability can be used while in the air.
Trait: Furious Firing : Increases the amount of bolts fired from Chewbacca’s Bowcaster by 1 per rank in the trait.

New Hero vehicles: Red Five (Luke Skywalker) and Tie Advanced x1 (Darth Vader) will be introduced as new playable hero vehicles on both Battle Station and Fighter Squadron. In addition to this, users will be able to spawn in as “wingmen” whenever Red Five or TIE Advanced x1 are active on the level.

Red Five has the following abilities:
• Shields - that prevent the vehicle from taking damage for a short duration or until shields are depleted.
• Proton Torpedoes - that are missiles that track down enemy targets.
• R2-D2 Repair - which will heal a set amount of health.

TIE Advanced x1 has the following abilities:
• Shields - that prevent the vehicle from taking damage for a short duration or until shields are depleted.
• Speed Boost - which will allow the vehicle to briefly fly faster.
• Relentless Assault - which will allow the player to fire the main weapon more rapidly, deal bonus damage and not overheat.

Hut Contracts:

New Hutt contracts: Six new Hutt Contracts have been added to the game.


Soft lock [Vehicles]: An overheat mechanic has been added to the softlock system.
Vehicles: Improved vehicle collision handling, meaning that whenever two vehicles collide they will only deal a small amount of damage to each other and not instantly explode.
TIE interceptor: Missiles have been removed as an ability and replaced with a new ability called Laser Barrage. When active, the player fires without overheating for a short duration of time and deals more damage per shot.
A-wing: The Shield ability has been replaced with a Speed Boost ability.
Skirmish: Resolved a bug in which players could spawn as a soldier with hero abilities if they were playing co-op.
Skirmish: Resolved an issue in which players in co-op could spawn in as the same hero if they both activated the hero token at the same time.
Skirmish: Resolved a graphical glitch that occurred in co-op when one player would spawn in as a AT-AT.
Appearance: With the arrival of the Imperial Officers, the certification for Stormtroopers to remove their helmets in combat has been withdrawn.
Skirmish: The multiplayer hand can now be used in Skirmish.
General: Fixed various minor issues with Skirmish.
General: Various minor UI issues.
General: Resolved various spectator issues.
General: Updated the localization.
General: Various minor audio fixes in the UI.


Soft lock [Vehicles]: Introduced new visuals for the new soft lock system.
Appearance: Updated the appearance system and now allows the user to switch heads to the various body types.
Unlocks: Now allows the player to filter options to the unlock & Hutt Contract screen. These options are: Active, Unlocked, Locked and All.
HuD: updated the player health visual to better illustrate the boosted health that can be gained from the Bacta Bomb.
Fighter Squadron: Removed an on screen prompt for the player to be able to exit the cloud car.
Hero Hunt: Resolved a bug which caused some hero defeat messages to not appear in the kill log.
Chat [PC]: Resolved a bug in which the in-game partner chat was limited to your friends and didn’t work with automatically assigned partners.

Weapons & Star Cards:

Scout Binoculars: Reduced cooldown with 10 seconds.
Bacta Bomb: Reduced the cooldown with 10 seconds
Bacta Bomb: Added a 4 second healing immunity from the Bacta Bomb.
Bacta Bomb: Resolved a bug in which users wouldn’t get healed if their health wasn’t at 100%.
Bacta Bomb: Updated the logic for triggering the healing effect. Players hit by the Bacta Bomb will get 5 health periodically over 3 seconds (max 30 health). If players take damage during this time, all future health ticks are cancelled.
Traits: Players can now equip a trait card on each of their hands. Meaning you can bring two different traits in to the battle.


Traits: All traits have been updated and most levels have new abilities. The changes are:

Level 1: “Explosive damage reduction 30%“ has been changed to “Damage reduction with 10%”
Level 2: “Explosive damage reduction 50% has been changed to “Damage reduction with 25%”
Level 3: “Explosive damage reduction 50 & Blaster damage reduction 30%“ has been changed to “Damage reduction with 50%”

Bounty Hunter:
Level 1: “25% power up chance on kill” has been changed to “10% Faster card cooldowns”
Level 2: “50% power up chance on kill” has been changed to “25% Faster card cooldowns”
Level 3: “50% power up chance on kill & Kills shave off 80% of cooldown” has been changed to “50% Faster card cooldowns”

Level 1: “25% damage increase when hurt” has been changed to “15% bonus to hip fire damage“
Level 2: “50% damage increase when hurt” has been changed to “ 30% bonus to hip fire damage”
Level 3: “50% damage increase when hurt & 50% armor value when hurt” has been changed to “50% bonus to hip fire damage”

Escape Artist:
Level 1: “10% bonus to sprint speed” has been changed to “5% bonus to sprint speed”
Level 2: “25% bonus to sprint speed” has been changed to “15% bonus to sprint speed”
Level 3: “25 bonus to sprint speed & lethal melee strikes” has been changed to “30% bonus to sprint speed”

Level 1: “Sprinting doesn’t trigger enemy scanners” has been changed to “Firing blasters doesn’t trigger enemy scanners”
Level 2: “Firing blasters doesn’t trigger enemy scanners” has been changed to “Sprinting doesn’t trigger scanner”
Level 3: “Killing an enemy resets primary blaster heat” has been changed to “scramble enemy scanners”.

Level 1: “Headshots shaves of 25% of card cooldown” has been changed to “15% bonus damage while zooming”
Level 2: “Headshots shaves of 50% of card cooldown” has been changed to “30% bonus damage while zooming”
Level 3: “Headshots shaves of 100% of card cooldown” has been changed to “50% bonus damage while zooming”

Level 1: “Health regen starts 25% faster” has been changed to “6 seconds to health regenerates”
Level 2: “Health regen starts 50% faster” has been changed to ”4 seconds to health regenerates”
Level 3: “Health regen starts 50% faster & Kills regenerates 50 health” has been changed to ”2 seconds to health regenerate”.


Vader: Regular soldiers that are under the effect of Force Choke will not be able to use melee attacks.
Leia: Increased the Trooper Bane cooldown from 14 to 15 seconds.
Leia: Increased the start damage from 50 to 53 for her E-11.
Leia: Increased the end damage from 25 to 35 for her E-11.
Leia: Increased the damage fall off distance from 25 to 30 for her E-11.
Palpatine: Increased the base lightning damage from 15 to 18.
Palpatine: Increased the block time by 60%.

Game Modes:

Fighter Squadron & Battle Station: New power-ups have been added for both the Rebel and Imperial sides. Once activated a group of AI vehicles will spawn in next to the player and engage the enemy in dog fighting for a duration of 60 seconds. The vehicles are:
• Y-wings and B-wings for the Rebels
• TIE Bomber and TIE Defender for Imperials
Fighter Squadron: AI A-wings and TIE interceptors have been added to the game mode
Fighter Squadron: Added Red 5 and TIE Advanced x1 as hero vehicles on all levels.
Turning point: Resolved a bug in which players sometimes would spawn outside the map when playing turning point on Clouds_01.
Heroes Vs Villains: All players are now immortal during the EoR screen and can’t be killed by turrets or droids anymore.
Drop zone [Private matches]: The player count has been changed to 12 players
Stats & Progression:

Diorama: Bossk and Chewbacca have been added to the Diorama.
Ranks: Increased from 70 to 90.


New visual unlocks have been added:
• Stormtrooper with pauldrons
• X-wing Pilot
• Death Star Trooper

Hutt Contracts:

Resolved a bug in which the Scout Pistol and Scatter Gun wouldn’t track towards various contracts.


Resolved a bug in which the “A New Hope” achievement would not trigger when playing Walker Assault.

Patch notes
Just started playing again tonight, and other than the fact I am apparently complete fucking shit at this game now (I just went 11-30 in my first game) I am completely failing to understand what the game considers as an Uplink Defense. I need 5 for the latest bounty, and I have killed multiple people both trying to disarm the uplink as well as killing people while I am physically next to the uplink and I am still at 0/5. ????

I'm going 5-24 like every fucking match. Holy shit. I'm kind of legitimately upset, all year this game has been my relaxing go-to game where if my K/D wasn't at the very least approaching 2.0 something was wrong, and now I can't even break 0.5. What the fuuuuuuuuuuck

Edit: It took me a full 2 hours to complete a 75 kills challenge, I never went positive the entire night (only came even remotely close once), and the last two games I played in WA the other team got all 5 heroes up at once. So that's rad. I'm definitely playing the Destiny expansion over this tomorrow lol. I honestly can't tell if I'm just ass at this now (most lobbies had ~5 people on the opposing team all with absurd 5.0+ K/D's) or if just most of the people still playing at this point are just savage and/or I ran into bad lobbies, but fuck whatever this hero exploit is.

Same here. Nothing but sweat fests yesterday. Lots of BS as well, like the A280 suddenly dropping me in 1-2 hits which felt ridiculous.

I swear people get a giant pop-up message whenever I enter an AT-ST or become a hero. Waterfall at Endor, the second I spawned into one I already a rocket from behind. Meanwhile no death squads for enemy heros and walkers.

And then there are the spawns..oh god the spawns.


Adjustments to traits sound great, even the new Scout is comprehensible, though I really dislike it's third stage since you announce yourself to the enemy with that.


Damn, I was a bounty hunter user. Gonna have to rethink my load out now. They've pretty much nerfed it compared to its previous use.
Watched some streams earlier and looks pretty cool. I only saw one of the ground based maps and the trench run map, but they look pretty slick.


Yeah I did the same. Seems like you have to have the console "on" for it to activate the download-phase.

Had I known :(

Read through the patch notes. It doesnt mention any changes to Disruption, yet it I recall hearing about it possibly being nerfed (unless I somehow missed that). Also, the bacta bomb update wording seems odd; "added 4 second healing immunity from bacta bomb" uh, what?

Also, I like their reasoning for removing helmetless stormtroopers. Saying it's because Imperial Officers have joined in, they no longer take their helmets off lol


Wow, I am pleasantly surprised by the patch notes, good stuff. Kind of crazy that they totally re-did a lot of the Traits, but now there's at least a couple that interest me as opposed to never being inclined to run anything but Scout (RIP amazing level 1 Scout).
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