I just love the Cloud City map on Walker Assault. Hell, it's the only Walker Assault map I like.
This is a joke, right? lol
I just love the Cloud City map on Walker Assault. Hell, it's the only Walker Assault map I like.
Nope. I don't enjoy the mode on the vanilla maps.This is a joke, right? lol
This is a joke, right? lol
Haven't touched that map in a while, but isn't it like the easiest Rebel win in the mode?I just love the Cloud City map on Walker Assault. Hell, it's the only Walker Assault map I like.
Nope. I don't enjoy the mode on the vanilla maps.
You don't like it?
Kinda funny. But i think the Ultimate edition is the same price as the season pass. Dont recall any sale on the season passkinda want to get back into this game but I just cant pull the trigger on the DLC at that price. Does it ever go on sale on PS4?
kinda want to get back into this game but I just cant pull the trigger on the DLC at that price. Does it ever go on sale on PS4?
kinda want to get back into this game but I just cant pull the trigger on the DLC at that price. Does it ever go on sale on PS4?
Yes. You can have any head on the Rebel bodies.Quick question, I have noticed (not been in there in ages) the character select, I have as a Rebel the TWI'LEK character but can I have a TWI'LEK head and a X-WING PILOT body? I am 15,000 points from level 75 and I don't want to spend credits on the lower bodies just to check if this can be done.
Quick question, I have noticed (not been in there in ages) the character select, I have as a Rebel the TWI'LEK character but can I have a TWI'LEK head and a X-WING PILOT body? I am 15,000 points from level 75 and I don't want to spend credits on the lower bodies just to check if this can be done.
Yes. You can have any head on the Rebel bodies.
I also still don't understand how the third phase even works really.
Eh, they are much better in Supremacy. I don't like ace in the hole of the airspeeders.
3 rebels are chosen at random to complete the trench run. The pilots need to start at the first checkpoint, then hit consecutive checkpoints. Progress for the points is saved if all three die. Once a rebel hits the last checkpoint, they fire a torpedo and win.
This is what I originally thought, but as the Rebels I have won without hitting all of the checkpoints. The game I had just played when I made that post we were like 4 or 5 checkpoints short and we won for example. The Rebels also sometimes lose Checkpoint progress but I'm not exactly clear on how or why; I would assume it's a result of a failed run or something, but it's seemingly inconsistent on how much and how fast you lose checkpoint progress. It seems like sometimes every failed run drops one checkpoint, but I've also seen the checkpoint never go down.
In any case the entire mode is a great idea but seems kinda busted. The first phase is ridiculous easy for the Rebels which I think is understandable and fine. Second phase is alright but a bit busted for the Rebels, especially with the TL-50 (?) secondary fire, and the third phase is just a total slog and luck of the draw in the my experience in terms of who it chooses to be a pilot and how safe they are from getting instantly killed or not.
I love the concept but once I get my 10 wins for it for the trophy I'm just going back to WA.
I think if all 3 pilots die without making progress then you lose progress?
A bit off topic, but I was reading about the next Battlefront here, and it seems likely it will be based off of the sequel trilogy which is a little disappointing. The biggest evidence of this seems to be some concept art that was glimpsed during a video.
Edit: not sure why the image is so small, but you can see it bigger here.
I posted this in another BF thread, but figured people here might find it interesting:
Rogue 1 dec. 18th in theatres but...
Battlefront Ultimate edition drops on Nov. 18 apparently with all the DLC?
I guess people get to experience Scarif a month before release?
The population is steady at around 20-40k depending on the day of the week. If you have the cash I'd want until November 18th and get the Ultimate Edition for $40. It includes the base game and all of the DLC.I recently saw that this is about $20 on Amazon. Worth a purchase at that price point? How's the community on PS4?
Man so what on earth is going on with the multiple hero/villain characters glitch? People are saying it's been around for months but I only started seeing it recently, but virtually every single WA match I play now it's happening and it fucking sucks. Bossk is already goddamn ridiculous in WA, Bossk plus 5 other Villains is basically unwinnable for the Rebels if the Imperials are even remotely competent. Just played a match on Bespin WA where as the Rebels we barely managed to win and half of their team was 50-10 or better, and I was literally on the only person on my team who went positive and half of our team was -30 or more because they had 6 villains up the whole time. A decent team on Bespin can easily kill the AT-AT on the second phase -_-. It's hot fucking garbage.
The Hutt contracts are a cake walk compared to some of the ridiculousness they had in BF4. Of course BF4 had so many weapons that not having that 15th SMG wasn't a big deal.I really hope they do away with the Hutt Contracts in BF2, or at least make them more reasonable. I've been screaming at my TV for the last hour trying to get 5 kills with the laser tripwire for the fucking contract, I don't know if they disappear when you die or aren't guaranteed kills on detonation or what but I've been at 4/5 kills for multiple games now and I want to throw my game out the window. Every set of Contracts there's always at least one that is just a complete nightmare for me to get and I fucking hate it.
Never faced that bug. Is it on all platforms?
The Hutt contracts are a cake walk compared to some of the ridiculousness they had in BF4. Of course BF4 had so many weapons that not having that 15th SMG wasn't a big deal.
Sorry for the dumb question guys
I already own the game on PS4, bought it at launch
What's the best way to get the DLC? I was going to buy the season pass but it seems like its $50 and the Ultimate Edition of the game is only $40. Is that seriously right?
Yeah, that's how it works. The slog is the fun part. I get annoyed when teams steamroll.
Been playing every day again for the past couple weeks, I think it took a little break from the game to enjoy it again.