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Star Wars Celebration 2017 |OT| A thread forty years in the making. You'll be Omazed.

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I'm just happy I can enjoy the new films.

For me the both prequels and the show absolutely missed the mark - the show has some of the worst of ROTS's flaws - while there were a million ways they could have gone with the sequel trilogy and I still loved TFA. I have full confidence that TLJ will be brilliant. And Rogue One was probably the best Star Wars film (or visual media) since 1980.

Rey better be Luke's daughter though.


There were ways to flesh him out as a much better character rather than just ignoring the other two films, as much as I dislike them. The "from my point of view the Jedi are evil" Anakin in ROTS who believes he was literally the only Jedi to not know of a conspiracy to kill all the Senators is absolutely not someone who I could see as having been a teacher for years. It just doesn't work.

Maybe you should finish season 5 before coming to that conclusion? There's an event during the finale that basically causes him to lose faith in the council's decisions and attitude. But even before that, he became more weary of them after the events of the Obi-wan undercover arc in season 4.

What would have been much better would be to get into how Anakin's political views grew over time and factored into him becoming Vader - such as, when he was a slave it was a bad thing that the Republic did not have control over the planet to have stopped slavery. To be frustrated with the limited jurisdiction of the Jedi. Believing that the answer to the biggest problems he sees in the galaxy, is more control and that the Republic must expand to conquer more worlds, to impose order. Peace by any means necessary. Giving Anakin a Padawan was not the right way to flesh out his character.

You get hints of his political views throughout the series. Off the top of my head, the episodes where he talks with Tarkin and the episode Heroes on Both Sides from season 3 were instances where he explained that might is right and that the Republic should be be able to do more to enforce peace and order.

Giving Anakin a Padawan was a good way to flesh out his character, because it was a test to see how ready he was as a pupil to become teacher and whether or not he could learn to let go when bad things happened to those close to him. He succeeded in some respects, but failed in others. The episodes where Ahsoka's life is in danger demonstrate how far he'd be willing to save those he cares about and how impulsive he can be compared to the other jedi. It's a foreshadowing of what he would later do because he wanted to save Padme from what he thought was certain doom.
But she's the best thing in Rebels.
Ahsoka is one of the best Star Wars characters in general.
but Sabine really should be the best part of Rebels but it feels like they mandated that she can't overshadow Ezra.
Entire series would probably be better with Sabine in Ezra's role but keeping her story points.


Maybe you should finish season 5 before coming to that conclusion?
I hated what I saw but I'll give the show another chance since it's still on Netflix Canada. I remember actually kind of liking the Mortis episodes which were really divisive.

Dooku Captured, I think you all have to admit was terrible.

Eh, I flip between these but I do think AOTC while less dull is objectively the worse film. Anakin doesn't have any kind of relationship or meaningful differences with the main antagonist, Dooku. It has a few moments when he searches for his mother that are not bad.


Was getting caught part of your plan?



I hated what I saw but I'll give the show another chance since it's still on Netflix Canada. I remember actually kind of liking the Mortis episodes which were really divisive.

What episodes did you leave off of? The Mortis episodes were season 3.

I hated what I saw but I'll give the show another chance since it's still on Netflix Canada. I remember actually kind of liking the Mortis episodes which were really divisive.

Dooku Captured, I think you all have to admit was terrible.

Eh, I flip between these but I do think AOTC while less dull is objectively the worse film. Anakin doesn't have any kind of relationship or meaningful differences with the main antagonist, Dooku. It has a few moments when he searches for his mother that are not bad.

Honestly.. Hell no

Y'all can hate but you know it to be true. AOTC has much cooler shit and actually does interesting things and added a lot to the Star wars Universe.

On the other hand you have kid Anakin, a villain with no personality or character and no, one fight does not redeem the pointlessness of having an entire movie be centered around dumb ass kid Anakin and pod racing.

AOTC at least adds:
Actual story for Anakin
Anakins anger issues
Clone Wars
The infinitely superior Jango Fett (Fuck Boba)
Obi Wan Vs Jango Fett
Clone Army

TPM adds:
Pod Racing
The worst version of Darth Maul

There's a reason that the best Star Wars show
I haven't watched Rebels yet
is based on the Clone Wars and not the adventures of Kid Anakin Feat JarJar Binx.

Honestly the entirety of TPM just feels like a waste of time and money and entirely irrelevant. I've got no urge to watch the film ever again.
Okay, I can agree to disagree on Ashoka but how can you hate Anakin's characterization? The show actually made him a good character. It actually gave him depth and showed why he could fall to the dark side.

I really liked Anakin's characterization in Clone Wars. It made him into the character that Obi Wan fondly reminisces to Luke Skywalker at the beginning of Star Wars. However, it also highlights the disparate quality in the writing of Hayden Christensen's Anakin. Really, there was alot of world building and expansion in the Star Wars universe with Clone Wars. So it becomes very implausible to then have the characters in the prequels not mention the events in Clone Wars. No mention of the fact that both Anakin and Count Dooku had apprentices. And the clones go back to being nameless jobbers, with none of the nuance or moral ambiguity that the clones in Clone Wars displayed. That was probably Clone Wars' most underrated innovation, imo.

I understand why none of these nuggets of info were present in the prequels, but it's nonetheless jarring to go from a well characterized Anakin in the Clone Wars to the whiny Hayden Christensen version of the character.

As earnest and optimistic as Dave Filoni and his team are to George Lucas, they aren't miracle workers. When you compare the quality in storytelling of the prequels to the Clone Wars, you see a highly creative individual who was not playing to his strengths. Clone Wars had some rough periods to overcome, but once they did, they really came into their own.

EDIT: So any Rebel fans know if any of the main characters will have new models? Which of them do you predict will remain the same throughout the remainder of the series? For some reason, I'm thinking of Rhinox from the Beast Wars series. I don't think he was ever given a new character model.


Y'all can hate but you know it to be true. AOTC has much cooler shit and actually does interesting things and added a lot to the Star wars Universe.

On the other hand you have kid Anakin, a villain with no personality or character and no, one fight does not redeem the pointlessness of having an entire movie be centered around dumb ass kid Anakin and pod racing.

AOTC at least adds:
Actual story for Anakin
Anakins anger issues
Clone Wars
The infinitely superior Jango Fett (Fuck Boba)
Obi Wan Vs Jango Fett
Clone Army

TPM adds:
Pod Racing
The worst version of Darth Maul

There's a reason that the best Star Wars show
I haven't watched Rebels yet
is based on the Clone Wars and not the adventures of Kid Anakin Feat JarJar Binx.

Honestly the entirety of TPM just feels like a waste of time and money and entirely irrelevant. I've got no urge to watch the film ever again.
Sure AOTC does some cool looking stuff but it barely has any substance.

Christopher Lee is great but Dooku is barely a character with unclear motivations and has pretty much nothing to do with Anakin's story. Does Anakin even know much of anything about Dooku?

Anakin commits genocide but we're still meant to like him afterwards and Padme still loves him.

For the Clone Army, would have been a lot more interesting if the public was clamouring for an army to protect them while losing faith in the Jedi.

Starting the Clone Wars at the end of the second film was a waste, it deserved way more time in the films. But I guess this is TPM's fault as well.


I can't think of a single memorable moment from EP2. Dooku was a cool character that was introduced.. That's about it.

Anakin is insufferably aggravating, the CGI sucks, the Yoda fight is LEGITIMATE fan service, C3PO scene on the conveyer belt still stands as the most immersion breaking, horrifically out of universe moment in the franchise.

TPM had more real sets, felt a lot more grounded.. Just felt a lot more like a SW film in general. Maul was a pretty incredible fight for what it was, although did nothing for the story other than move Anakin's plot forward.

Still, literally nothing of substance happened in ATOC other than Anakin killing sand people and getting some character development.
Sure AOTC does some cool looking stuff but it barely has any substance.

Christopher Lee is great but Dooku is barely a character with unclear motivations and pretty much nothing to do with Anakin's story. Does Anakin even know much of anything about Dooku?

Anakin commits genocide but we're still meant to like him afterwards and Padme still loves him.

For the Clone Army, would have been a lot more interesting if the public was clamouring for an army to protect them while losing faith in the Jedi.

Starting the Clone Wars at the end of the second film was a waste, it deserved way more time in the films. But I guess this is TPM's fault as well.

Hey, I'm not saying it's perfect, or even good just that it's a lot better than TPM (which I think is genuinely awful in every way). And my points weren't particularly cohesive, just things that the film added compared to TPM, and Dooku having any character at all is a huge step up from Darth Maul. As for Anakin's story, it had the whole thing with his mother. As poorly of an actor Hayden Christiansen is/was. At least his character went somewhere in his films. Whether that direction is good or bad is a different argument but it's more than I can say for TPM and kid Anakin.


That time of year again? Star Wars E3 is good fun. (most of the panels i'm interested in are late, but early enough that i'll be able to watch them too)


Hey, I'm not saying it's perfect, or even good just that it's a lot better than TPM (which I think is genuinely awful in every way). And my points weren't particularly cohesive, just things that the film added compared to TPM, and Dooku having any character at all is a huge step up from Darth Maul. As for Anakin's story, it had the whole thing with his mother. As poorly of an actor Hayden Christiansen is/was. At least his character went somewhere in his films. Whether that direction is good or bad is a different argument but it's more than I can say for TPM and kid Anakin.

Yeah agree with you, most of Phantom Menace is a waste. It didn't even really have a main character.


If the prequels were made today, I feel like TPM would be relegated to being a Star Wars Story while the actual beginning of the trilogy would be the story of AOTC.


AOTC is deeply flawed, but it has a protagonist and a character arc. Anakin changes and develops in the film.

TPM has no protagonist and no emotional hook whatsoever.

TPM has a few decent action scenes, but they're counteracted by the most embarrassing scenes in the prequel trilogy (mostly involving Jar Jar and baby Anakin's "cute kid" antics).

I think AOTC has some of the best aesthetics in the prequels (the cyberpunk city) and some of the absolute worst (the Gamecube graphics on Geonosis).
I can't think of a single memorable moment from EP2. Dooku was a cool character that was introduced.. That's about it.

Anakin is insufferably aggravating, the CGI sucks, the Yoda fight is LEGITIMATE fan service, C3PO scene on the conveyer belt still stands as the most immersion breaking, horrifically out of universe moment in the franchise.

TPM had more real sets, felt a lot more grounded.. Just felt a lot more like a SW film in general. Maul was a pretty incredible fight for what it was, although did nothing for the story other than move Anakin's plot forward.

Still, literally nothing of substance happened in ATOC other than Anakin killing sand people and getting some character development.

How are you gunna say nothing of substance happened in AOTC then rep for TPM. If there's a film nothing of substance happened in, it would be TPM, which has no reason to exist.

Real sets doesn't make a decent addition to the universe and neither does one good fight.

If you think that's the worst then you should see the episode of The Clone Wars where C3PO and R2D2 accidentally topple two empires and get kidnapped by pirates.

Nothing about kid Anakin or Gungans feels like star wars to me and the CGI was equally as awful in TPM.

But in terms of substance AOTC adds:
Palatine playing both sides of the war
Clones being based off of Jango Fett
Obi Wan actually being cool
The beginning of Anakins turn
The actual war
And sets the ground work for just about anything relevant during the prequel era.

Again, TPM has shit Darth Maul, Pod Racing and Gungans.

AOTC is deeply flawed, but it has a protagonist and a character arc. Anakin changes and develops in the film.

TPM has no protagonist and no emotional hook whatsoever.

TPM has a few decent action scenes, but they're counteracted by the most embarrassing scenes in the prequel trilogy (mostly involving Jar Jar and baby Anakin's "cute kid" antics).

I think AOTC has some of the best aesthetics in the prequels (the cyberpunk city) and some of the absolute worst (the Gamecube graphics on Geonosis).
You get it.


AOTC is deeply flawed, but it has a protagonist and a character arc. Anakin changes and develops in the film.

TPM has no protagonist and no emotional hook whatsoever.

TPM has a few decent action scenes, but they're counteracted by the most embarrassing scenes in the prequel trilogy (mostly involving Jar Jar and baby Anakin's "cute kid" antics).

I think AOTC has some of the best aesthetics in the prequels (the cyberpunk city) and some of the absolute worst (the Gamecube graphics on Geonosis).
Dexter's Diner..

Never forget


How are you gunna say nothing of substance happened in AOTC then rep for TPM. If there's a film nothing of substance happened in, it would be TPM, which has no reason to exist.

Real sets doesn't make a decent addition to the universe and neither does one good fight.

If you think that's the worst then you should see the episode of The Clone Wars where C3PO and R2D2 accidentally topple two empires and get kidnapped by pirates.

Nothing about kid Anakin or Gungans feels like star wars to me and the CGI was equally as awful in TPM.

But in terms of substance AOTC adds:
Palatine playing both sides of the war
Clones being based off of Jango Fett
Obi Wan actually being cool
The beginning of Anakins turn
The actual war
And sets the ground work for just about anything relevant during the prequel era.

Again, TPM has shit Darth Maul, Pod Racing and Gungans.

You get it.
I should have said something of substance that the audience cares about or is invested in. TPM felt like it stuck to the simplicity of the SW formula a lot better and FELT more like s film in the SW universe. Sure it's still a clusterfuck and there beginning is super confusing.. And it's clearly got its fair share of problems. But as a whole, I felt a lot more satisfied with the experience I had with TPM. AOTC just felt like an exercise in patience. Which defining moments are there in AOTC? At least Anakin had a few decent emotional scenes with his mom. Obi-Wan losing his mentor. Pod racing stuff felt fresh. Maul fight had some sort of emotional stakes.

I don't feel ANYTHING when I watch AOTC, aside from maybe when he kills sand people and witnesses his mom die. I can think of that ONE scene that's memorable in any way.

TPM sucks but it's highs are much higher than that of ATOC.. Which are pretty much non-existent.
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