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Star Wars Celebration 2017 |OT| A thread forty years in the making. You'll be Omazed.

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So reading the article, this whole thing is basically a cartoon series and toyline just for younger girls.

I mean, I don't know that I'm gonna be watching any of these shorts anytime soon myself, but I can't knock this effort on Lucasfilm's part. It's easily the most neglected part of their fanbase for going on 40 years.

Agreed. Not for me, but this stuff needs to be out there. I just hope the quality is there for the target audience.
I should have said something of substance that the audience cares about or is invested in. TPM felt like it stuck to the simplicity of the SW formula a lot better and FELT more like s film in the SW universe. Sure it's still a clusterfuck and there beginning is super confusing.. And it's clearly got its fair share of problems. But as a whole, I felt a lot more satisfied with the experience I had with TPM. AOTC just felt like an exercise in patience. Which defining moments are there in AOTC? At least Anakin had a few decent emotional scenes with his mom. Obi-Wan losing his mentor. Pod racing stuff felt fresh. Maul fight had some sort of emotional stakes.

I don't feel ANYTHING when I watch AOTC, aside from maybe when he kills sand people and witnesses his mom die. I can think of that ONE scene that's memorable in any way.

TPM sucks but it's highs are much higher than that of ATOC.. Which are pretty much non-existent.

I can appreciate that it's your opinion and personal feelings so I can't knock you for that, or tell you what you should feel but man.

For me TPM is an exercise of patience, if anything everything you feel about AOTC is how I feel about TPM. I waited for something cool and then the movie was over. I can't say I gave a shit about anything going on because no one gave a convincing performance or had anything to care about.

Fuck, I hate Boba Fett, but I felt something about Jango Fett clearly trying to take care of and protect his son with Obi Wan threatening that.

I felt something when Anakin's mother was enslaved by the sand people.

Dooku and Yoda was more entertaining to me than anything to do with Darth Maul who is still vastly overrated considering he's so non-existent that it's hard to even call him a plot device in TPM let alone a character. He's just kind of, there. The rest of the movie is just "let's fuck around for 2 hours"

It's never felt like Star Wars to me, if anything I feel that it's the worst offender in straying too far and it feels like an episode of those shows you watch when you're really young in terms of anything happening.

If anything Is an exercise of patience it's TPM. Because you feel like you have to watch it in order to understand the rest of it when it's largely irrelevant, not even just to the prequel trilogy but star wars as a whole. It rightfully goes ignored outside of Darth Maul and the occasional mention of Qui Gon.

Line update.


I feel like both TPM and AOTC have a slow pacing, but they attempt two radically different things.

TPM tried the heavy world building with the gungans, tatooine etc...

While AOTC was more set on an "adventure" and journey through space.

But I feel like AOTC was much more interesting because the characters had motivation and purpose.

In TPM you're wondering what's going on half the time and most characters have to "follow" or obey arbitrary rules.

I also felt like the slow pacing helped the characters in AOTC, since it allowed them to be more defined than anything in TPM.

Now obviously AOTC is famous for its really strange direction and writing (the sand line can't be called bad, it's beyond the realm of bad writing to a point it becomes fascinating).

And Anakin's emotional journey in this one absolutely worked for me.

I also thought the movie was kinda funny. TPM can be dreadful and I literally can't stand jarjar and the gungan garbage. Also the whole final act is whatever.

As for the antagonists, Maul looked cool but that's it. Dooku created a thirst for vengeance in Anakin, it was a nice set up, despite the character being underwhelming in the movie itself.


I appreciate your opinion too.

Couldn't you also argue the fights in AOTC are just as much of a throw away as Maul, and rush they're also just kind of.. There? I mean yeah it's Yoda but what does him fighting Dooku add to the story? Or those characters?

Of everything people throw around about fan service, Yoda's fight in AOTC is the worst offender. It adds absolutely nothing but shallow visual gratification.

I hate TPM. But I'm just failing to understand how it's a less enjoyable experience than AOTC.

But thanks for the convo. I think we can agree to disagree.
Ah, so Forces of Destiny was what Jennifer Muro was working on. Lucasfilm were missing something that was aimed specifically at younger girls. Seems like a good idea.


Star Wars Weekends is sorely missed. So many Orlando memories made in that theme park. Don't understand why they didnt wait until Star Wars Land opens


5 hours 13 minutes until it opens, 6 hours 13 minutes until the 40th panel.

Thanks man! Appreciate it!

So ... what are the odds of them announcing an Obi-Wan spinoff movie featuring Hayden? Sort of like the Obi-Wan adventures? God, I'd love to see an Obi-Wan movie ...


Biggest reason AotC is better than TPM for me is those scenes of storm troopers and Proto-star destroyers hinting at the empire ships in the OT. So many goosebumps


So how long have you guys been standing in that line? And you have to do it for 5 more hours?

I mean, I got a full night's sleep and a couple of hours of work since the last time I was in here. And I come back to see you're still standing in that damn line.

You guys are heroes in my book.


I'll be looking for you in the crowd Haloid! Of the panel stream that is.

Few more hours till I can go home... then i'm just gonna sit glued to my screen all weekend watching celebration content.

As I said the last two years, the fact they provide so much of the content for free through streaming is incredible. If they tried to charge for it like the blizzcon stream i'd probably pay for it


Jealous for all you guys who get to attend this year.

Last year was my first time and it was a lot of fun. Gutted they are skipping 2018... Was hoping it was coming to Europe again.

At least we have the live stream.
Hayden showing up. Imagine if they did a proper clone wars movie as a Star Wars story with Hayden and McGregor. Probably no chance but one can dream of a decent one with good writing and direction.
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