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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

I predict it will be Gore Verbinski. He has experience with big-budget CGI blockbusters plus a good relationship with Disney.

After The Lone Ranger? Ehhhhhh, is that relationship so good? I guess that film will probably do well (Depp factor ain't dead yet) but the production sounds hilariously crap.

It's a decent suggestion as per his pedigree, I suppose. Still wish he could do Bioshock, for some reason
Probably been said already, but I just hope they match the level of the Old Republic cinematic trailers. Those were phenomenal.

Wish JJ Abrams had never done Star Trek and had done these new Star Wars instead.
Abrams already made the best SW movie since ESB in 2009.

That's not even exaggeration. And it was mostly Abrams and Lindelof who figured out how to map Star Wars onto Star Trek in such a way. Combine that with Abrams recognizing/repurposing the Original Series iconography in a way none of the films had done? Guaranteed success.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Trek 09 is better than all the Star Wars movies. But so are a lot of things. Like a bear mauling your dick off.
How was he neutered? He's blind at the beginning of the film and then by the end he's exhausted from the events of the whole trilogy and just wants the war to be over so he can settle down with Leia. It's realistic and can you really blame him?

He's neutered because he doesn't do shit but spew one-liners and get sidelined time and again. Trapped in Carbonite. Loses his ship. Trapped by Ewoks. Leia gives him the brushoff. Trapped by Imperials. Only gets Leia's full attention at the very end, and only because his competition is her brother.

Aside from getting rescued at the beginning, Han Solo is pretty much unnecessary to advancing the plot, or adding any bit of depth or meaning to the proceedings. He's just there. Compare that to the Han Solo of Star Wars and Empire, where he's got agency, where he's making things happen, where large sections of the plot hinge on his actions. The one thing he could have done to lend Jedi any semblance of weight is to die - but Lucas decided against that, so he just sorta hung around like a vestigial tail, wagging and smirking but ultimately not helping anything.


How was he neutered? He's blind at the beginning of the film and then by the end he's exhausted from the events of the whole trilogy and just wants the war to be over so he can settle down with Leia. It's realistic and can you really blame him?

Just because he has internal logic in the plot of the movie doesn't mean that the script didn't nerf him.
Is it realistic to think that Disney is waiting on Lone Ranger's box office preformance before handing Verbinski the job?

He really seems like the most realistic option on the table, and the only reason Disney wouldn't trust him is if Lone Ranger completely shits the bed.
Is it realistic to think that Disney is waiting on Lone Ranger's box office preformance before handing Verbinski the job?

He really seems like the most realistic option on the table, and the only reason Disney wouldn't trust him is if Lone Ranger completely shits the bed.

No. They will announce a director before Lone Ranger hits.
No. They will announce a director before Lone Ranger hits.

Just did a quick bit of research, and noticed that LR doesn't even come out until July. For some reason I thought it was an April/May release.

Hmm. Maybe they announce Verbinski as the director & then use the press to push Lone Ranger?

If you're wondering why I'm so set on Verb, it's just that after Bird & Abrams stepped out - the only big-name directors I can think of that are on good terms with Disney & have proven box office hits are him & Joseph Kosinski. And unless Oblivion suprises everyone, I don't think he'd have enough experience.
Based on the Oblivion trailer I would have no problem with Kosinski. Based on TRON I would have a very big problem with Kosinski. I need to see Oblivion.
I doubt it will be Verbinski Star Wars doesn't seem like his style plus they probably want to keep him open to start Lone Ranger 2 right away if its a hit. I'm still anticipating either Vaughn, Faverau, Fincher or Blomkamp. Kosinski and Disney seem to be lining up Tron 3 next, Brad Bird is busy, and I doubt Stanton will ever be allowed to make non-pixar movies ever again.
Based on the Oblivion trailer I would have no problem with Kosinski. Based on TRON I would have a very big problem with Kosinski. I need to see Oblivion.

Yeah. I'm not sure if my problems with Legacy root from the film being too faithful to the original film, or Kosinski himself. He wouldn't be a bad choice, but Verb just seems like the more realistic alternative.
Just did a quick bit of research, and noticed that LR doesn't even come out until July. For some reason I thought it was an April/May release.

Hmm. Maybe they announce Verbinski as the director & then use the press to push Lone Ranger?

If you're wondering why I'm so set on Verb, it's just that after Bird & Abrams stepped out - the only big-name directors I can think of that are on good terms with Disney & have proven box office hits are him & Joseph Kosinski. And unless Oblivion suprises everyone, I don't think he'd have enough experience.

It's been mentioned in this (long & winding) thread, but it's less to do with "friendly with Disney" and more to do with "Friendly with Kathleen Kennedy." Like Disney's deal with Marvel, the film side is handled by Kevin Feige, not Disney execs. Disney more or less keeps their hands off. The deal with Lucasfilm will be essentially the same. Kennedy gets to run Star Wars.

She's already mentioned there are people in mind, and those people tend to have connections to her, or have previously worked with her.

The last solid bit of rumormongering seemed to point to the FIRST solid bit of rumormongering, that being Matthew Vaughn. David Fincher's name popped up for a quick second, and while people immediately went on a run of "Oh, he's so wrong for Star Wars, he only makes dark angry movies" he worked with Kennedy on Benjamin Button, and worked for Lucasfilm on Return of the Jedi, so there's history.

Again, here's a list of directors Kennedy's worked with:

Peter Jackson (Tin Tin)
Edgar Wright (Tin Tin)
Clint Eastwood (Hereafter)
M. Night Shyamalan (Last Airbender)
David Fincher (Benjamin Button)
Julian Schnabel (Diving Bell & the Butterfly)
Gary Ross (Seabiscuit)
Joe Johnston (Jurassic Park III)

Plus, there's been word that Jon Favreau has been discussed, and Frank Marshall, Kennedy's husband, said back in November that Kennedy's basically got it narrowed down to two people already. Meaning whoever it is, they've probably already been chosen, it's just a matter of announcing it.

Is Verbinski on the list? Maybe. But I'd bet on Favreau, Johnston, Fincher, or Vaughn before I'd bet on Verbinski.
I highly doubt they will give this project to Joe Johnson. However, I'm sure Disney will let him direct a Boba Fett film considering he's been saying he really wants to make one.
So out of morbid curiosity, what do you guys think will happen if Episode 7 is critically panned as well?

Nothing. They will continue pushing Star Wars as long as it is profitable. People will still go see it, kids will love it, and people will talk about it on internet until the end times and beyond.
I doubt it will be Verbinski Star Wars doesn't seem like his style plus they probably want to keep him open to start Lone Ranger 2 right away if its a hit. I'm still anticipating either Vaughn, Faverau, Fincher or Blomkamp. Kosinski and Disney seem to be lining up Tron 3 next, Brad Bird is busy, and I doubt Stanton will ever be allowed to make non-pixar movies ever again.

I almost feel like style won't be a huge factor for picking a director. Disney has a 4-billion dollar investment riding on this movie (Not to say they'll lose money if SW7 flops, but they'll make a hell of a lot MORE money if it proves that the franchise is in good hands.) - they're going to have hands on the reigns of this thing on every shot. Further on, different directors will probably have more leeway - but for this one? Disney doesn't want somebody who is going to try anything even remotely risky. Just stick to the script.

I'd like Vaughn (though I think he said he wasn't doing it after the rumors), and Blomkamp would be great - but I think Disney's playing this one close to the chest. Verb's not going to go nuts, and any dope could film Lone Ranger 2.
Trek 09 was a good movie due to characterization more so than plotting. Abrahms has a terrible eye for production design though. That Romulan mining ship with the wonky death gantries without safety rails lost me. That and the ugly as sin aliens and terrible snow Coverfield monsters that always show up in his movies. Also that spinny space ship that Spock used was awful. Star Wars doesn't need his visual stylings.
I wish marketing hadn't fucked over John Carter so badly, because that was basically the best Star Wars movie since 2009's Star Trek, and Stanton seems almost a perfect fit for the franchise.
Trek 09 was a good movie due to characterization more so than plotting. Abrahms has a terrible eye for production design though. That Romulan mining ship with the wonky death gantries without safety rails lost me. That and the ugly as sin aliens and terrible snow Coverfield monsters that always show up in his movies. Also that spinny space ship that Spock used was awful. Star Wars doesn't need his visual stylings.

Not as awful as this post.
It's been mentioned in this (long & winding) thread, but it's less to do with "friendly with Disney" and more to do with "Friendly with Kathleen Kennedy." Like Disney's deal with Marvel, the film side is handled by Kevin Feige, not Disney execs. Disney more or less keeps their hands off. The deal with Lucasfilm will be essentially the same. Kennedy gets to run Star Wars.

She's already mentioned there are people in mind, and those people tend to have connections to her, or have previously worked with her.

The last solid bit of rumormongering seemed to point to the FIRST solid bit of rumormongering, that being Matthew Vaughn. David Fincher's name popped up for a quick second, and while people immediately went on a run of "Oh, he's so wrong for Star Wars, he only makes dark angry movies" he worked with Kennedy on Benjamin Button, and worked for Lucasfilm on Return of the Jedi, so there's history.

Again, here's a list of directors Kennedy's worked with:

Peter Jackson (Tin Tin)
Edgar Wright (Tin Tin)
Clint Eastwood (Hereafter)
M. Night Shyamalan (Last Airbender)
David Fincher (Benjamin Button)
Julian Schnabel (Diving Bell & the Butterfly)
Gary Ross (Seabiscuit)
Joe Johnston (Jurassic Park III)

Plus, there's been word that Jon Favreau has been discussed, and Frank Marshall, Kennedy's husband, said back in November that Kennedy's basically got it narrowed down to two people already. Meaning whoever it is, they've probably already been chosen, it's just a matter of announcing it.

Is Verbinski on the list? Maybe. But I'd bet on Favreau, Johnston, Fincher, or Vaughn before I'd bet on Verbinski.

Very interesting. I wasn't aware just how much control Lucasfilm had over the project. Johnston wouldn't be bad (I liked Cap. America), Favreau wouldn't be the best - but still possible, Fincher just doesn't seem likely, and Vaughn is probably the best-case scenario.
Verbinski basically makes big budget Terry Gilliam movies and if they get someone else to direct Lone Ranger 2 they may have a problem with Depp who may not want to collaborate with someone other than Verbinski who he works well with.
Very interesting. I wasn't aware just how much control Lucasfilm had over the project. Johnston wouldn't be bad (I liked Cap. America), Favreau wouldn't be the best - but still possible, Fincher just doesn't seem likely, and Vaughn is probably the best-case scenario.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Star Trek was so good it basically revived the sci-fi genre single handidly. You think Avatar (which came out a few months later) made all that money because it was a good movie? Hell naw it was because people were hungry for more sci-fi after trek and went to see it to subside their hunger.

Kennedy said herself she's putting a premium on people she's worked with before. Tentative feelers to Abrams don't invalidate that.

ehhh I don't like this. I'm not a fan of alot of the people shes worked with and the good ones shes worked with are too old and not hungry enough to do this justice.
Kennedy said herself she's putting a premium on people she's worked with before. Tentative feelers to Abrams don't invalidate that.

I know, I'm just saying I wouldn't limit it to that. It seemed more to me like a 'it would be nice to work with somebody I have a previous relationship with, but isn't essential.'

I honestly think they're just trying to find the right person for the job.
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