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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production



Uh, I saw all three of those movies and I have no idea who the hell this is. And don't throw expanded universe shit at me.
No EU BS here. She's in Episode II and III. She plays a role in the final battle and shes in various battle meeting scenes.


Also she was in Episode III. This is her
death scene
but its shitty quality:


Should we start naming the different lightsaber hilts seen as characters as well? They've seen just as much combat and are just as developed in the films. I think that is the point that was made - she is pretty much a prop in the films. We don't get to know her in the slightest. If you can't describe who she is without referring to what she looks like, then she's a pretty bad example of a character.
Should we start naming the different lightsaber hilts seen as characters as well? They've seen just as much combat and are just as developed in the films.

I want to stress the guy asked if any cool characters were created in the prequels and I responded with Darth maul, Jango Fett, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Aayla secura and im getting nitpicked to death over the stupidest shit. Even if you don't want to count Aayla (yet people count Bossk, IG88, Dengar in the OT even though they never got there own scene) thats still 3 major characters.

Also, She got her own death scene in the film that has to count for something AND she is HUGE in the EU:

Her character is ONLY fleshed out in the Expanded Universe. She's not really a character in the movies. She's an extra, essentially. She stands around, she dies.

Maul, Jango, and Obi-Wan are legitimate characters. Jango isn't especially good, though. He's more of a prop than a character.

The bounty hunters in Empire are also more props than characters. One of them makes a "oontz, urrowl" noise, one looks like he's wearing a melting hat made of toilet paper. Those aren't character traits. They're set design.
Her character is ONLY fleshed out in the Expanded Universe. She's not really a character in the movies. She's an extra, essentially. She stands around, she dies.

Maul, Jango, and Obi-Wan are legitimate characters. Jango isn't especially good, though. He's more of a prop than a character.

The bounty hunters in Empire are also more props than characters. One of them makes a "oontz, urrowl" noise, one looks like he's wearing a melting hat made of toilet paper. Those aren't character traits. They're set design.

How is Jango a prop he has a beefier role than Darth Maul did in Episode I?? I seriously question if you guys even saw the movies or just watched the trailers and read comments on the internet.


Her character is ONLY fleshed out in the Expanded Universe. She's not really a character in the movies. She's an extra, essentially. She stands around, she dies.

Maul, Jango, and Obi-Wan are legitimate characters. Jango isn't especially good, though. He's more of a prop than a character.

The bounty hunters in Empire are also more props than characters. One of them makes a "oontz, urrowl" noise, one looks like he's wearing a melting hat made of toilet paper. Those aren't character traits. They're set design.

Jango is a prop but Maul is a character???? I mean I know I'm slamming on considering any of them characters, but that's just silly.

(yet people count Bossk, IG88, Dengar in the OT even though they never got there own scene)

For the record, I sure as fuck wouldn't. And I make fun of people for thinking Boba Fett was a character too.
Watto was the best prequel character.

He at least had a pulse and a personality. Yoda might be the only other character in the prequel trilogy that possessed any sort of liveliness. Everyone else was so goddamned TIRED looking. Strained and pinched.

Jango is a prop but Maul is a character???? I mean I know I'm slamming on considering any of them characters, but that's just silly.

I said all three of them are characters, (you quoted it, even) but Jango is closer to a prop. I didn't say either Maul OR Jango were GOOD characters. But Maul at least had some semblance of presence. Jango's mostly a void. That scene between him and Kenobi on Kamino is devoid of anything interesting or compelling in the slightest.

Like his kid, he's a suit. He's walking plot utility.
It's a 25 second clip comprising almost the entirety of her appearance in Episode 3. of those 25 seconds, she spends maybe 10 of them onscreen. She looks to her left, to her right, and is shot.

She's a glorified extra.
It's a 25 second clip comprising almost the entirety of her appearance in Episode 3. of those 25 seconds, she spends maybe 10 of them onscreen. She looks to her left, to her right, and is shot.

She's a glorified extra.

She was also in the Ops center meetings at the beginning of the film and she was in the battle of Geonosis in Episode II.
She was also in the Ops center meetings at the beginning of the film

hence the "almost."

She's not a character in the movies, man. Maybe she's a character in the comics and books, but as has been pointed out, EVERYONE is, because merchandising is a hungry beast that must be consistently fed.

The fact the comic page you posted has Aurra Sing in it further goes to that point.
She was also in the Ops center meetings at the beginning of the film and she was in the battle of Geonosis in Episode II.

I'm going to say this again so you understand where we're coming from:

Describe her character as portrayed in the films - without mentioning what she looks like or what happens to her.

Eg of a different character description: This character seems to only care about themself, but underneath the wise-cracking, shady exterior is a heart of gold.


Her character in star wars is as significant as hammehead

edit: Haha, I just noticed the TM. I love that they have a trademark on the name Hammerhead.
I'm going to say this again so you understand where we're coming from:

Describe her character as portrayed in the films - without mentioning what she looks like or what happens to her.

Eg of a different character description: This character seems to only care about themself, but underneath the wise-cracking, shady exterior is a heart of gold.

Didn't stop Boba Fett from becoming so huge and now likely going to get his own film.

Hammerhead was in Return of the Jedi? I thought he was just in the Cantina scene in ANH

The ROTJ backing was used for all figures at that time, many of which were from the previous movies.


He at least had a pulse and a personality. Yoda might be the only other character in the prequel trilogy that possessed any sort of liveliness. Everyone else was so goddamned TIRED looking. Strained and pinched.

I said all three of them are characters, (you quoted it, even) but Jango is closer to a prop. I didn't say either Maul OR Jango were GOOD characters. But Maul at least had some semblance of presence. Jango's mostly a void. That scene between him and Kenobi on Kamino is devoid of anything interesting or compelling in the slightest.

Like his kid, he's a suit. He's walking plot utility.

I was taking issue with the idea that Maul gets a pass and Jango doesn't, however exactly you segregate them. Maul's presence amounts to looking like a devil and getting killed.


That's what these film snobs don't understand. Star Wars characters don't have to waste time shoving who they are down the audiences throats.

People just like Boba Fett because he looks cool. No one knew anything about him as a person till Episode II and that really didn't do much to help the Fett persona. He was based on Clint Eastwood in Leone's Man With No Name Films initially for a reason. Man if they did the fett movie as a spaghetti western like his character was based on that'd be really interesting, but no way Disney would do something that interesting.
I was taking issue with the idea that Maul gets a pass and Jango doesn't, however exactly you segregate them. Maul's presence amounts to looking like a devil and getting killed.

They both got "a pass" I called them both characters, and explained that Maul at least has some semblance of presence, while Jango does not, even when he's not just "The Suit" and is given speaking lines.

I mean, to be clear, I'm separating peanuts and crayons out of a turd.

AnticitizenOne said:
That's what these film snobs don't understand. Star Wars characters don't have to waste time shoving who they are down the audiences throats.

The idea that a character actually POSSESS character isn't the same as "Shoving who they are down the audience's throat." You're blatantly advocating for thoughtlessness in movies.
The idea that a character actually POSSESS character isn't the same as "Shoving who they are down the audience's throat." You're blatantly advocating for thoughtlessness in movies.

How about you and Sculli go enjoy a fine wine and watch Citizen kane and bitch about Michael Bay movies and leave us Star Wars fans alone. We've been through enough already.
How about you and Sculli go enjoy a fine wine and watch Citizen kane and bitch about Michael Bay movies and leave us Star Wars fans alone. We've been through enough already.

Have you even SEEN Citizen Kane? Do you know what you're saying when you make that reference, or are you knee-jerk invoking its name because you think it's a synonym for "Smart 'n' shit."

This has gotta be an act, right? I honestly can't tell with you. I really can't.


How about you and Sculli go enjoy a fine wine and watch Citizen kane and bitch about Michael Bay movies and leave us Star Wars fans alone. We've been through enough already.
You are speaking for yourself, not Star Wars fans. You have downright weird views on Star Wars, far from the mainstream of Star Wars fandom.

I wonder if he even realizes the father of Star Wars is a "film snob".


I like it when she gets shot in the back. She had it coming through the whole trilogy.

I have no idea what her name is or what personality she possesses. What a character!


Lucas wrote and directed episode II & III and I would bet good money he had no clue what alaya secura's character name was. What a character.
The fact you couldn't remember the fact that she had ONE line yet you call her a great character doesn't seem baffling to you?

Watch out with that film snob talk. You'll be banished to the vineyards where it's nothing but full goblets of wine and Orson Welles movies on a loop, non stop, while we warm ourselves by a burning effigy of Michael Bay, which we eventually put out with the tears of despair we shed for those poor, misguided Star Wars fans who simply don't know any better.
The fact you couldn't remember the fact that she had ONE line yet you call her a great character doesn't seem baffling to you?

There seems to be confusion. The guy asked "was there any cool characters from the prequels?" implying that there were none. I pointed out that Darth Maul, Young Obi Wan, Jango, and Aayla were 4 examples of cool characters that were featured in the Prequels. I used them as examples because they demonstrated the most longevity beyond the trilogy with the fan base and have shown up prominently in the cartoons, comics, EU novels, games, etc. I figured Aayla would be valid since people love the Empire strikes Back Bounty Hunters and characters like Salacious Crumb and consider them "cool characters"

And so instead of admitting that the prequel trilogy did spawn off some cool characters I get crucified and accused of not understand what the difference is between a main character and someone in the background. First someone said that Jango and Darth maul barely spoke aline. First of all that isn't true and second R2D2 just beeps through the whole series and Chewbacca stands in the background and barks occasionaly so wtf are people talking about. If Aayla is too obscure I would make the case that several other main characters like Darth Tyrannus, Yoda, Palpatine, and Mace Windu were good.
Alaya Secura was characterized like somebody out of Andy Warhol's Empire.

*buries nose in wine glass*

Hand me another issue of Film Comment for the fire, we need to keep this effigy stoked and burning brightly! I keep the back issues neatly stacked besides the ottoman made from Cassavetes reels.

AnticitizenOne said:
And so instead of admitting that the prequel trilogy did spawn off some cool characters I get crucified

There you go with those classic literature references.


There seems to be confusion. The guy asked "was there any cool characters from the prequels?" implying that there were none. I pointed out that Darth Maul, Young Obi Wan, Jango, and Aayla were 4 examples of cool characters that were featured in the Prequels. I used them as examples because they demonstrated the most longevity beyond the trilogy with the fan base and have shown up prominently in the cartoons, comics, EU novels, games, etc. I figured Aayla would be valid since people love the Empire strikes Back Bounty Hunters and characters like Salacious Crumb and consider them "cool characters"

And so instead of admitting that the prequel trilogy did spawn off some cool characters I get crucified and accused of not understand what the difference is between a main character and someone in the background. First someone said that Jango and Darth maul barely spoke aline. First of all that isn't true and second R2D2 just beeps through the whole series and Chewbacca stands in the background and barks occasionaly so wtf are people talking about. If Aayla is too obscure I would make the case that several other main characters like Darth Tyrannus, Yoda, Palpatine, and Mace Windu were good.

He didn't ask if there was any cool looking characters. He said good characters. Good implies there was something interesting about the actual character.
Alaya Secura is clearly a homage to Anna Karina's character in Jean-Luc Godard's 1965 french classic Pierrot Le Fou.


You must be high, Cheebo. Or maybe you were when you watched Pierrot Le Fou, because Ayala didn't have nearly as much charm nor break out into song and dance as much. I would love to see that version though.
You must be high, Cheebo. Or maybe you were when you watched Pierrot Le Fou, because Ayala didn't have nearly as much charm nor break out into song and dance as much.

I thought he was referring to the painting on the left hand side of the frame, which does just about as much in that one still image as Aayla Secura does in all of the prequels.
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