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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


Roddenberry was pretty thoroughly ignored by anyone/everyone after The Motion Picture, though. He didn't really have any influence. The title was honorary more than anything, and it was given to him as a means of placating him.

Buh? That's not true at all. Just go look at any interview with any writer who was on TNG while he was still alive.

Unless you just mean the movies, in which case it's probably about right.
Buh? That's not true at all. Just go look at any interview with any writer who was on TNG while he was still alive.

Unless you just mean the movies, in which case it's probably about right.

I meant the movies specifically, yeah. Shoulda clarified, sorry. Shatner's book about the making of the Star Trek movies goes into this quite a bit, as does Nicholas Meyer's book about his working with Star Trek. Basically, Harve Bennett boxed up Roddenberry as a means to stop him from essentially fucking up the deal he had at Paramount. Let him work on stuff they never intended on producing so he felt he was contributing.

Although the seasons of TNG when he was alive and actively contributing are recognized as not the best - but that's a different thread/argument.

I once had all those cans unopened lol. Sad nerd.


There are really two ways JJA could go about it: be the "nice guy, professional, do what the studio wants, which means if Lucas is feeding you a lot of info it's because the studio wants to so shut up and put what he asks in the movie somehow", or "you guys signed me, if you're not happy don't sign me again". I wonder where it will go. I doubt putting Nimoy in Star Trek was his idea. Really seemed like a studio idea.
I still have Jar Jar band aids in a trunk with my other SW stuff in my parents' home.

Even sadder.

Are we sad? or just awesome?

Edit: I still have toy catalogues with all the Star Wars stuff, random magazines with Star Wars on the covers and heaps of other random Star Wars themed stuff from round the Episode 1 days. Even have one of these somewhere too.



If you're someone who believes in doing as much as you can to help out in the field of education, and you had the means to raise BILLIONS to that end, why wouldn't you do that if given the opportunity? It's what he's doing with the Disney stock, too.
I wanna see the receipts.
Is he really giving the money to charity - or locking it into a tax sheltered charity "fund"

Damn, you are fast. I only took a few seconds to edit my post out.

Sculli's ex-wife tips 20%?
Also, that news about Williams is great. I almost missed it.

Seems like JW didn't receive the memo

"We're about to play Star Wars and each time we play it, I'm reminded of the first time we played it decades ago. Neither I, nor George, nor anyone else involved thought this would go far or in a few years there would be a sequel and I'd have to revisit the themes… and years later another trilogy. Now we're hearing of a new set of movies coming in 2015, 2016, so I need to make sure I'm still ready to go in a few years for what I hope would be continued work with George."


The Cryptarch's Bane

edit: Man the OP is hilarious, in retrospect.
JJ Abrams - “I am looking forward more than anyone to the next iterations of Star Wars, but I believe I will be going as a paying moviegoer!”
I'm sorry but Williams should be put out to pasture. His better years are long behind him. I hope Abrams bring on Giacchino.

He came back and did the prequels which were just as good if not better even in the music department... the only good thing about the prequels really.

Whoever made this understands Star Wars alot better than George Lucas apparently did:


SW is not about hip looking monks swinging around glowsticks its about badass starfighter combat.

SW never was focused on badass starfighter combat outside of the few minutes of the ending of the first movie. SW is all about the whole package, which the prequels lacked as it focused primarily on the jedi. Only one decent space battle in the whole prequel series. But where was the good scoundrels and underworld? Politics? Who asked for politics in star wars! Most of all, they need memorable characters and a cast you will actually enjoy, not a bunch of pompous jedi talking and politics that make little sense. SW OT had one of the most quotable lines in movie history, yet no one cares what anyone said in the prequels.
SW never was focused on badass starfighter combat outside of the few minutes of the ending of the first movie. SW is all about the whole package, which the prequels lacked as it focused primarily on the jedi. Only one decent space battle in the whole prequel series. But where was the good scoundrels and underworld? Politics? Who asked for politics in star wars! Most of all, they need memorable characters and a cast you will actually enjoy, not a bunch of pompous jedi talking and politics that make little sense. SW OT had one of the most quotable lines in movie history, yet no one cares what anyone said in the prequels.

You're absolutely wrong. There are tons of quotable lines from the prequels. They're hilarious!

I agree with you, though I think that the actual idea of politics in Star Wars was not a bad choice...it's just that, like everything else, it was executed so poorly and was focused around the most boring aspects of that plotline. I would have loved to get a well-thought out story that involved political intrigue and deception. Best recent example I've seen of a story that successfuly melded politics with action is Game of Thrones Season 1.
He came back and did the prequels which were just as good if not better even in the music department... the only good thing about the prequels really.

SW never was focused on badass starfighter combat outside of the few minutes of the ending of the first movie. SW is all about the whole package, which the prequels lacked as it focused primarily on the jedi. Only one decent space battle in the whole prequel series. But where was the good scoundrels and underworld? Politics? Who asked for politics in star wars! Most of all, they need memorable characters and a cast you will actually enjoy, not a bunch of pompous jedi talking and politics that make little sense. SW OT had one of the most quotable lines in movie history, yet no one cares what anyone said in the prequels.

You kinda forgot the Battle of Endor in there. And the asteroid chase in ESB. And even the TIE Fighter shootout in Star Wars. While I generally agree SW is about the "total package", thrilling space combat is more than a few minutes in one movie. The prequels were missing them.. or missing good ones, anyway.

And yeah, I don't know why but I remember a lot of lines from Phantom Menace, haha. Especially the Neimoidians. "No need to report that until there is something to report!"
I love Giacc as much as anybody and would love to see him score a Star Wars film. But you don't say no to John Williams when he's open to scoring a Star Wars film. JJ is a much more vibrant director than Lucas and it will be great to see Williams scoring to images that have the energy for him to rise to. Williams did all the heavy lifting in the prequels.
Oh yeah, I missed the posts saying Williams should be skipped.

Sorry, if John Williams still wants to score Star Wars, you let him. The end. Maybe you keep someone on speed dial considering the dude's 80, but as long as he's got all his faculties, it would be almost reprehensible to turn him down. Also, the prequel scores were fantastic, Lucas just murdered them in the editing room.


Williams did all the heavy lifting in the prequels.
I'd go as far to say some of his work on the prequels are the best of Williams entire career, he really gets inspired by that universe. Duel of Fates and Across the Stars are downright incredible. I'd honestly put across the stars on my top 5 Williams tracks of all time despite it being from that awful movie.


Star Wars definitely doesn't need a new sound. If there's one thing that is uniquely and instantly recognizable as Star Wars, it's the soundtrack.
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