ppl saying john williams still has it are delusional.
just as delusional as those who say Spielberg hasn't lost a step.
Wait what? Lincoln was fantastic. Moving away from obsessive horns is a good thing.
Lincoln was not fantastic. and it probably would have been better if Spielberg directed it 20 years ago.
Lincoln was not fantastic. and it probably would have been better if Spielberg directed it 20 years ago.
Lincoln is fantastic. And it's soundtrack is just fine.
Spielberg hasn't lost a step so much as evolved, which is fine by me.
ppl saying john williams still has it are delusional.
just as delusional as those who say Spielberg hasn't lost a step.
That was 14 years ago.
Lincoln is definitely NOT one of Spielberg's better dramatic efforts and Catch Me If You Can is anything but middling.Lincoln is one of his better dramatic efforts. He'll never make popcorn flicks on the level of Raiders or Jaws again, I get that. Doesn't mean he isn't still making great movies.
2000s Spielberg is about as consistently good as any other period in his career. Some hits (AI, Minority Report, Munich), some misses (War Horse, The Terminal, Indy 4) and some middling, fun affair (Catch Me If You Can, War of the Worlds)
Then show me an example of something bad he's done lately or STFU.
Last decade Spielberg released a slew of films that are better than 95% of every other filmmaker's entire filmography. You're nuts.Spielberg, Cameron, Burton, Zemekis, and Scott need to follow George Lucas into retirement. They don't have the magic anymore.
Dude, I'm not hating on Williams, I'm just pointing out that your example is a bit dated. Chill out. Personally I love his work on the HP films (whatever else I might think about that series) and those came out after TPM, though still about a decade ago now for the first three.
Sorry man. It's just all this negativity that tends to surround EVERYTHING on the internet tends to bug me.
Last decade Spielberg released a slew of films that are better than 95% of every other filmmaker's entire filmography. You're nuts.
Last decade Spielberg released a slew of films that are better than 95% of every other filmmaker's entire filmography. You're nuts.
Star Wars is a late 70's phenomenon that should be left alone. There are only two truly great films in the series which hardly warrants 9 goddamn films pushing some pretty flimsy material to the breaking point repeatedly.
Amazed people are actually interested in these after the fiasco of the last three.
ppl saying john williams still has it are delusional.
just as delusional as those who say Spielberg hasn't lost a step.
Prequels gave us this...
So in the end, it was worth it.
It's an evergreen property that somehow has incredible mainstream pull even after major missteps. The fact it's able to support endless comics, books, TV episodes and licensed products seven years after it's last film is incredible.
Might just be that Trek and Wars are really the only options for space opera.
A.I, Minority Report an WotW are big time flops, but The Terminal is okay? LOL.no way. Let me go take a look to refresh my memory but there was nothing outstanding. War of the Worlds, A.I., and Minority report were bigtime flops. The Terminal was OK but nothing spectacular and Indy 4 was super shitty.
Munich had a fantastic score, as did Memoirs of a Geisha.Williams's work on Lincoln was utterly forgettable. Seemed like he was recycling some stuff from SPR. His last great work was AI.
That's from 14 years ago
A.I, Minority Report an WotW are big time flops, but The Terminal is okay? LOL.
I like how you also conveniently left out Catch Me If You Can and Munich.
Don't know why I bother with you sometimes.
Munich had a fantastic score, as did Memoirs of a Geisha.
I played the n64 game religiously. More proof that episode 1 was the best and only prequel
Crackhead opinions on Spielberg on the Internet. His last decade was incredible and beats other director filmographies handily.
I understand how you feel, man.Sorry man. It's just all this negativity that tends to surround EVERYTHING on the internet tends to bug me.
He's made exactly the same amount of stink as any preceding decade. He's as consistent as ever.Spileberg still has it, but he's definitely made some stinkers. With that said though, what seasoned director who has made so much varied stuff hasn't?
Munich had a fantastic score, as did Memoirs of a Geisha.
No, TinTin was good, but it wasn't great Williams. Munich was great Williams. Schindler is god Williams.As did Tintin, but I'm the only one.
I seriously don't think Williams knows Lucas isn't doing Star Wars - and if Lucas isn't doing it, I doubt Williams will still want to.
That said - if he DOES still want to, Abrams has to say yes. Not only is Williams still Williams, but saying no will engender some SERIOUS negative feelings
I don't think it matters that much if Williams knows about Lucas' absence or not. The fact that he's open to doing more is enough. Don't forget JJ's insanely good relationship with Spielberg. Steven will be the bridge that binds JJ and Williams. I'd be surprised if Lucas didn't pass his own blessings of JJ onto Williams.
John Williams doesn't even know where he is. Seriously. He's been at my place for the last couple of days and has been scoring shit I do around the house. I'd make him leave, but it's kind of nice.
No, TinTin was good, but it wasn't great Williams. Munich was great Williams. Schindler is god Williams.
Did you play it jedi style with one hand for each controller/engine
As much as Episode 1 sucked, I'd buy a new podracing game with Oculus Rift(or any other kind of VR) support on day 1.
I don't think your brain could handle that if they made it as fast as the game.
Continuing the series now is just cynical franchising, its a powerful phenomenon but at some point you have to let the damn thing rest in peace. The first two films are fantastic and worth watching, at least until Lucas started fucking with them in his abominable dvd and blu ray releases.
I bet it could, we shall see when someone gets Wipeout up and running on the Rift.
And I love Pod Racers (except for that stupid stage with the upper and lower platforms, I could NEVER stay on the top platform)
A.I, Minority Report an WotW are big time flops, but The Terminal is okay? LOL.
I like how you also conveniently left out Catch Me If You Can and Munich.
Don't know why I bother with you sometimes.
Munich had a fantastic score, as did Memoirs of a Geisha.