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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

Didn't see Catch me if you can but Munich was good I will give you that. Although what was up with that weird sex scene at the end?

But why was Spielbergo even brought up in this thread?? Thankfully he is not involved in Star Wars

You didn't understand the film. Now get onto watching Catch Me If You Can and stop running your mouth.


I bet it could, we shall see when someone gets Wipeout up and running on the Rift.

And I love Pod Racers (except for that stupid stage with the upper and lower platforms, I could NEVER stay on the top platform)

I know EXACTLY the level you're talking about.


All of my hate.


If Spielberg and Williams did not lose it, people would get excited every time one of their works was around the corner just like they used to be 20-30 years ago. In the 80s and 90s if Spielberg was directing a movie people would be talking about it. Today, not so much. I know some people who never even heard of this Lincoln movie. That says it all.

Same with Williams. People never throw his name around anymore(except on gaf, haha) when thinking about today's best film composers.

JJ Abrams pales in comparison to a prime Spielberg, but the sad reality is that today, I pick Abrams over Spielberg to direct an action or scifi movie.


Williams' scores for Lincoln, War Horse, Tintin, most of Indy IV, Munich, and Memoirs are all far and away better than some of his middling efforts from the late 80s and early 90s. He got his mojo back in 1992 around the time of Hook, Home Alone, Jurassic Park and Schindler's List, and meandered again until 1999-2001 with Phantom, Angela's Ashes, AI and Harry Potter.

Bottom line, if Williams is inspired (read: the film is quality), he is guaranteed to produce fine work, and will pull out all the stops at any rate if it's Spielberg/Lucas, well, as much as he can regardless of the film's quality.


Still one of my favorite N64 games

It was fun, but it was also the most frustrating N64 game ever for me. Goddamn cheating NPCs catching up out of nowhere after you've built up a solid lead.

If Spielberg and Williams did not lose it, people would get excited every time one of their works was around the corner just like they used to be 20-30 years ago. In the 80s and 90s if Spielberg was directing a movie people would be talking about it. Today, not so much. I know some people who never even heard of this Lincoln movie. That says it all.

Well, for Spielberg, the guy's made at least two genuinely great movies in the 2000s (Catch Me If You Can, Munich) and several good movies (AI, Minority Report, and The Terminal). I haven't seen War Horse/Tintin/Lincoln yet, but the only reason Spielberg really deserves serious grief is for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. And while I'm sure he was responsible for much of what was wrong with Indy4, you can't really deny that Lucas deserves a fair share of the blame there, if not the lion's share. Without that dragging him down, Spielberg would have the reputation of being in a slight slump at most. I still don't think it's fair to say he's lost it, and considering that he's not slowing down as he pushes 70 I think he'll get another moment of greatness.


I hated Pod racing. Even when I saw Episode I for the first time back in 1999, I couldn't wait for that part of the movie to be over.


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Mark Hamill talks about his involvement in Episode VII:


First off, will he appear in Star Wars VII? "They're talking to us," he reveals. "George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we'd be interested. He did say that if we didn't want to do it, they wouldn't cast another actor in our parts – they would write us out. … I can tell you right away that we haven't signed any contracts. We're in the stage where they want us to go in and meet with Michael Arndt, who is the writer, and Kathleen Kennedy, who is going to run Lucasfilm. Both have had meetings set that were postponed -- on their end, not mine. They're more busy than I am."
Hamill, 61, says he's intrigued about where the new trilogy could go but says he knows nothing about the storyline: "I probably learn more from Entertainment Tonight than I do directly from Lucasfilm – like for instance, when George told us he wanted to do the next trilogy, he didn't tell us it was going to be done for Disney. He saved that little nugget, and I read it online like anybody else."


I hated Pod racing. Even when I saw Episode I for the first time back in 1999, I couldn't wait for that part of the movie to be over.

It was great. Speed Racer did it much better, but neither of the movies really made it really apparent how difficult or how fast that was.


It's basically this with ferraris that fly.


Harrison Ford is whatever. But if Mark Hamill came back...that would be AWESOME.

Ford, Fisher, Hamill, Williams, Williams, C-3PO, R2-D2 are sure to come back and I hope Mayhew does also. For the children I hope they audition fresh faces instead of already established actors and actresses in hollywood. Either way this is going to be the most anticipated movie in history so all the pressure is on Abrams because if the movie really sucks ass then he is going to be the most hated man in the business no matter what the opinions on the prequel trilogy are. There is a reason why all of the other top directors refused the job, they don't want to be the man who butchered Star Wars worse than Lucas has.


As long as the opening scroll says "30ish years have past since the second Death Star was destroyed and the Emperor was killed...lots of shit has happened, new threats have risen and fallen, etc etc etc", then I'm perfectly fine with these characters returning and obviously showing their age.


That bit about writing out characters, rather than recasting, seems pretty obvious.

May also suggest digital Han for the spin-off.

Recasting for a Episode 7 that takes places 30 or so years after ROTJ to have a new Han who is the same age as Harrison Ford is right now but with a new actor would of course make no sense. This would have nothing to do with a young han solo in a young han solo movie, they of course would hire an actor for that. Saying they won't recast for Episode 7 would have nothing to do with a young han solo movie since Harrison Ford obviously can't play a young han solo.


Yeah, nothing. lol

Of course it would have nothing to do with it. They won't do a cgi animated movie for a han solo spin-off.

Recasting Han Solo but having Mark Hamill running around as Luke of course makes no sense, they'd write the character out in that instance because no audience would buy into it. A young han solo movie would have a new actor playing Han Solo because Harrison Ford is like 70 and not young Han Solo.


Lucas was still in charge during most of the pre-production work. He hired Michael Arndt before he stepped down.

I'm praying he stays well away on this and doesn't come back as some sort of "adviser", infecting the film with his horrible ideas. I suppose we don't know how much input he had in pre-production work either..


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I'm praying he stays well away on this and doesn't come back as some sort of "adviser", infecting the film with his horrible ideas. I suppose we don't know how much input he had in pre-production work either..

Lucas IS an advisor for Episode 7. Kathleen Kennedy is running the show and does have the final say on things.

Also, Lucas is heavily involved creatively with the Clone Wars CG series, so can we put to rest the "everything Lucas touches turns to shit" nonsense.


Lucas IS an advisor for Episode 7. Kathleen Kennedy is running the show and does have the final say on things.

Also, Lucas is heavily involved creatively with the Clone Wars CG series, so can we put to rest the "everything Lucas touches turns to shit" nonsense.

I haven't watched the Clone Wars CG series, but didn't that feature a resurrected Darth Maul and lots of space politics? The prequel movies speak for themselves, so you'd understand if I was worried about his involvement.


I haven't watched the Clone Wars CG series, but didn't that feature a resurrected Darth Maul and lots of space politics? The prequel movies speak for themselves, so you'd understand if I was worried about his involvement.

The Clone Wars tv series is really well recieved. I'd say it is generally considered the best output in the star wars franchise since Empire Strikes Back. At least post season 3 on.



What's encouraging is that Hamill sounds genuinely interested in making sure the story and characters are up to par. I doubt he's holding out for money. He doesn't seem the type.

Hamill as Luke Skywalker is one of the most iconic or recognizable roles in all of film. If he comes back, he wants it to be done right. Kudos to him.


What's encouraging is that Hamill sounds genuinely interested in making sure the story and characters are up to par. I doubt he's holding out for money. He doesn't seem the type.

I'm just glad that he doesn't seem to absolutely hate Star Wars and the fanbase the way Harrison Ford does and Alec Guinness did.


The Clone Wars tv series is really well recieved. I'd say it is generally considered the best output in the star wars franchise since Empire Strikes Back. At least post season 3 on.

For sure. Filoni and crew have a fantastic grasp on Star Wars in the animated arena. Even the weaker seasons are ranked higher than the prequels to me.

As for a CGI movie as far as actors go. I wouldn't put it past them. George Lucas made a huge to do over the fact he made such scans of basically every single actor involved in the movies even the originals by scanning footage.

They were going to use Peter Cushing for ROTS but they couldn't because when he was on set he wore pink slippers and such due to poor boot fitting etc. so he was only shot from the waist up.

You can bet they could get a Young Harrison Ford going.
There's precedent for such a thing from Disney.


That was heavily panned, and I dont' think Disney is going to shell out the money needed to get that looking right on a Han Solo spinoff.

richiek said:
Lucas IS an advisor for Episode 7.

No, not really. Again, his title as "creative consultant" is honorary at best. The "Pre-production" he was doing before closing the Disney sale consisted of gathering those backstory materials he had written from the early 80s, hiring Kathleen Kennedy, and handing everything over to her and Michael Arndt.

Again - you don't sell your entire company, 100% of it, to a completely different multimedia conglomerate if you actually want to continue control over it in any way.


That was heavily panned, and I dont' think Disney is going to shell out the money needed to get that looking right on a Han Solo spinoff.

I wonder how bad their attempts to do the same work on Bruce Boxleitner must have been for them to shuffle him off to the corner of every shot he was in as Tron.


After the sequel trilogy is finished, they should do an animated movie about what happened to Luke, Leia, and Han in the time between Episodes VI and VII and use the designs from the Holiday Special!

I wonder how bad their attempts to do the same work on Bruce Boxleitner must have been for them to shuffle him off to the corner of every shot he was in as Tron.

Oh shit - that's right! There were a few shots of de-aged Boxleitner. Were there supposed to be a lot more?
There were none.

Those few seconds of the start of Episode 3 were great, then we have "Droid Hijinks!" kick in and kill it. The IDEA of what the opening battle was about was great, for years we had heard about the great capital ship battles of SW history with so many dukeing it out right above a planet and finally here was a chance to see it done on the big screen, sadly the execution of it just turned into shit.
No, not really. Again, his title as "creative consultant" is honorary at best. The "Pre-production" he was doing before closing the Disney sale consisted of gathering those backstory materials he had written from the early 80s, hiring Kathleen Kennedy, and handing everything over to her and Michael Arndt.

Don't take this the wrong way, but how do you know this? It seems like just an assumption, and it is a fair one, but we shouldn't forget what it is in the first place (if it is actually just an assumption).

It's not outside the realm of possibility they contact George Lucas for any sort of help before production wraps. Him and JJ Abrams are supposedly good friends. I would not be surprised if they had already had some conversations about Episode 7.


I wonder how bad their attempts to do the same work on Bruce Boxleitner must have been for them to shuffle him off to the corner of every shot he was in as Tron.

If they go through with that Tron 3 movie, maybe Tron will just wear a helmet the whole time. Solve a lot of problems.

Doubtful though....


The Clone Wars tv series is really well recieved. I'd say it is generally considered the best output in the star wars franchise since Empire Strikes Back. At least post season 3 on.
It's got some executions and some fan service but it is just garbage.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It's got some executions and some fan service but it is just garbage.

I saw the movie and one episode. Both were garbage. Plus, everything I've heard about it sounded dumb. (Maul survived ? Fuck you.)
Finally, I can't take any Star Wars-related opinions seriously if they come from anyone who liked the prequels even the slightest bit.


I saw the movie and one episode. Both were garbage. Plus, everything I've heard about it sounded dumb. (Maul survived ? Fuck you.)
Finally, I can't take any Star Wars-related opinions seriously if they come from anyone who liked the prequels even the slightest bit.

That's your problem. You watched the movie and the first Episode. The movie was so retardedly different in direction from the way the show has gone. It was pure kid garbage.

In many ways the show has gone darker and more violent then even the movies dared to stray.
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