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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


I saw the movie and one episode. Both were garbage. Plus, everything I've heard about it sounded dumb. (Maul survived ? Fuck you.)
Finally, I can't take any Star Wars-related opinions seriously if they come from anyone who liked the prequels even the slightest bit.

To judge Clone Wars based on the first movie and episode, would be to judge all Star Wars movies on the quality of Episode 1 alone. The quality of the episodes and seasons increases exponentially, I agree that it's probably one of the best post-Empire Strikes Back things to happen to the whole SW franchise!


To judge Clone Wars based on the first movie and episode, would be to judge all Star Wars movies on the quality of Episode 1 alone. The quality of the episodes and seasons increases exponentially, I agree that it's probably one of the best post-Empire Strikes Back things to happen to the whole SW franchise!




or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I definitely found the CW movie and first episodes to be a huge barrier... and I'm a Star Wars dork. I'm glad there's something worth getting to in that series. I'll get there eventually...


I definitely found the CW movie and first episodes to be a huge barrier... and I'm a Star Wars dork. I'm glad there's something worth getting to in that series. I'll get there eventually...

No, it's strictly for kids. There are way too many filler episodes.
Don't take this the wrong way, but how do you know this? It seems like just an assumption, and it is a fair one, but we shouldn't forget what it is in the first place (if it is actually just an assumption)

No offense taken. It's a fair question. The answer is basically that I read a LOT & I pay attention & I'm familiar w/ how the entertainment industry works and so the combination of quotes, descriptions, & stories, when put together, spell it out. I guess you could still call that an "assumption" but short of Disney essentially throwing Lucas under a bus after selling them Star Wars, they're never gonna outright say that he's no longer a part of the decisionmaking in any way. You leave the possibility hanging there, it works both ways: Fans who still like the guy are calmed by the hope he can keep things on track. Fans who dislike the guy can use him as a scapegpat for bad decisionmakong, as they've made habitual over the last 15 years. Either way - they've got some cover, and they don't look as if they're burning bridges or being cold about the transaction.

But the Arndt articles all mention Lucas handing stuff over... and stepping away. The Kennedy articles mention the same thing. The Iger/sale articles mention the same stuff. the Kennedy articles mention that he gave her the keys to everything. The Iger articles have her going and hiring her because he knows they want new movies. And of course, he doesn't initiate the sale in the 1st place if he still wants any creative control. All of his participation in these movies have consisted of him moving away from the property. Even the videos they put up w/ him & Kennedy about the sale basically reinforce that Kennedy CAN check w/ him, if she wants. But he doesn't expect her to. Nor should he. Because he hired her specifically to take the whole thing over.

Basically, you don't go around putting the guy who sold you the company of his own volition, & the guy who put you in charge of that company, on blast like that. You don't just say "Yeah, he's out." You make all the right noises about respect & legacy & vision.

And then you hire everyone else and move away from him while he cashes out his stock & gets his philanthropy on.
To judge Clone Wars based on the first movie and episode, would be to judge all Star Wars movies on the quality of Episode 1 alone. The quality of the episodes and seasons increases exponentially, I agree that it's probably one of the best post-Empire Strikes Back things to happen to the whole SW franchise!

It really is crazy how much the visual quality of the show increased from Season 1 to Season 3.


The Tartakovsky Clone Wars is amazing. Love it.

Agreed, I watched it again recently and it's still fantastic.

Guess I need to stick with the new Clone Wars show, slogged my way through season 1 and couldn't finish it, knowing some episodes were truly terrible and awful filler.
I think someone, either in this thread or in the Clone Wars thread, put together a list of episodes, season to season, that you can safely skip without missing anything regarding the story, essentially shrinking the length of each season to about half.


I think someone, either in this thread or in the Clone Wars thread, put together a list of episodes, season to season, that you can safely skip without missing anything regarding the story, essentially shrinking the length of each season to about half.

This list would be much appreciated!
I think this fits under the "Pre-Production" banner.

Businesweek has posted a story of how Disney acquired Lucasfilm, focused mostly on Iger's pursuit, and Lucas' hesitancy.

Basically, it reads like Iger positioning himself perfectly, and Lucas balancing the wish to just walk away from all the fucking bullshit with his habitual need to control everything.

I came away from the story sorta feeling sad for Lucas. The Prequels sorta broke him, apparently, and it reads like a man who is contemplating divorce more than it does a man looking to sell off some assets. That he simultaneously got engaged and moved to the city of his fiancee sort of makes a weird kind of sense, honestly. He left this one thing that was basically THE ENTIRETY of what he was as a person, and is doing something legitmately new in almost every aspect.

Also, for newshounds/spoilerheads - it basically breaks down the timeline, and Lucas admits Hamill, Ford & Fisher are 99% signed already, and any press back and forth is essentially extra negotiation tactics at play.
No, it's strictly for kids. There are way too many filler episodes.

Yet so many adults enjoy it because there are many good episodes too. It's a series meant for a general audience, yes some bad childish episodes here and there, but it has some amazing arcs as well.
Yeah, it's pretty clear as to how things laid out.

2011: Iger asks about selling.
2011/2012: Lucas decides it's time to get down to it.
2012: Hires Kathleen Kennedy to take over, talks to Harrison, Carrie, & Mark. Hands over his story treatments. Hires Michael Arndt to flesh out those treatments once Disney approves of story treatment feasibility. Finalizes sale to Disney.
Article should also help lay to rest the silly belief that the casting of OT characters has anything to do with Abrahms.

Why would people think that in the first place? Doesn't make any sense.

The original cast will be a huge draw for the general audience and will act as the perfect bridge to the new story and characters. It's crazy not to use them if you have the opportunity. Everyone wins!
reading about his reluctance to give his stuff to Disney was both funny and sad/frustrating. He admits he almost threw a little tantrum about it, too. "I could have just said fine, I'll sell it to someone else!"

But when it came down to it, he handed those treatments over, and he had to wait for them to sign off on their potential as jumping off points for the upcoming trilogy - and then Kennedy hired Arndt.

It appears his role as Consultant is basically fact-checker, too. "Nah, those dont' have wheels." "Nah, that guy can't run that fast," that sorta shit.


LOL cat and mouse games with the media.

Lucas was asked by Businessweek if he'd reached out to Hamill, Ford and Fisher to let them know about the new trilogy and the sale before the deal went down, Lucas revealed, "We had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison—or we were pretty much in final stages of negotiation. So I called them to say, ‘Look, this is what’s going on.’ ' He pauses. 'Maybe I’m not supposed to say that. I think they want to announce that with some big whoop-de-do, but we were negotiating with them.' Then he adds: 'I won’t say whether the negotiations were successful or not.'”
I hope it was aggressive negotiations
That's your problem. You watched the movie and the first Episode. The movie was so retardedly different in direction from the way the show has gone. It was pure kid garbage.

In many ways the show has gone darker and more violent then even the movies dared to stray.

Personally, I tried watching the movie four times. Could never finish it. Each time I started from the beginning and got further than before. Each time has been exponentially more painful. Hopefully one day I'll reach the good part of the series and be able to look back at those horrible memories and laugh.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That's your problem. You watched the movie and the first Episode. The movie was so retardedly different in direction from the way the show has gone. It was pure kid garbage.

In many ways the show has gone darker and more violent then even the movies dared to stray.

I watched a random episode. No idea which but I really doubt it was the first.
And darker and more violent is not necessarily a positive. See: '90s comics.


I wouldve liked to have seen the original scene where something had wheels that required Lucas's necessary knowledge of no wheels. Did Ardnt have Cewbacca driving a 99 Chevy?
I just finished Season 3 of the Clone Wars. Second half of that season was pretty damn awesome.

Also, it is gonna be weird seeing the Disney Castle right before the movie starts. I wonder what they are gonna do to make it custom, like they did with Tron and Oz.


Maybe the Millenium Falcon taking off behind the castle, and the engine wash lighting up the city as it flies away?

It'll probably be a lightsaber sound effect as the castle illuminates.


Or they'd just put in a simpler Disney logo for where the Fox logo used to go as the drums start up for the usual opening music track, then it transitions to the Lucasfilm logo as usual before the A Long Time Ago screen.
Or they'd just put in a simpler Disney logo for where the Fox logo used to go as the drums start up for the usual opening music track, then it transitions to the Lucasfilm logo as usual before the A Long Time Ago screen.

Which is what I'm personally hoping for. I'd love if it was dead silent from the last trailer up until the fanfare kicking in.

I'm wondering if the Bad Robot logo will go up front.

(what a weird thing to wonder)


Which is what I'm personally hoping for. I'd love if it was dead silent from the last trailer up until the fanfare kicking in.

I'm wondering if the Bad Robot logo will go up front.

(what a weird thing to wonder)

Yep, the Bad Robot logo will likely be up front. Remember when Abrams signed on Disney announced this would be a co-production with Bad Robot.
Yep, the Bad Robot logo will likely be up front. Remember when Abrams signed on Disney announced this would be a co-production with Bad Robot.

Or it could simply be, in plain green font:

A Bad Robot/Lucasfilm LTD production

But yeah, it'll probably be a quick Bad Robot still, fading into the animated Lucasfilm logo, fading to black, and then "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

IF they have the fanfare and opening crawl.

I seriously doubt that's going to be a question.


Nothing is certain anymore.
Abrams is a devoted nostalgic Star Wars fanboy. He isn't going to mess with that. Especially since this is called Episode VII. If they were going to really upend the formula they wouldn't put the number 7 in the title.


IF they have the fanfare and opening crawl.

They will be in the Sequel Trilogy for sure.

If Episode 7 lacked the opening crawl fans would tear down entire theaters in their rage. Heck, they'd hold JJ down under their collective tears long enough to drown him.


I always felt things would have worked better if Palpatine had used the clones as patsies, claiming they were the Jedi's weapon against the republic, rather than taking them as his own personal army. It would have explained the apparent non-cloniness of the stormtroopers in the OT and would have explained why he let the Jedi have them in the first place.

Oh well.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Or they'd just put in a simpler Disney logo for where the Fox logo used to go as the drums start up for the usual opening music track, then it transitions to the Lucasfilm logo as usual before the A Long Time Ago screen.

The Lucasfilm logo is ugly. I cringed when I first saw it. They should go OT with that.


Uhhh, isn't the logo used in the OT exactly the same? Other than perhaps color maybe, can't remember.

Nope, the OT logo is just the word Lucasfilm in a boring font in green. They updated that along with all the other changes in the DVD though.

edit: This was the original.



Doesn't Hamill have some serious working out to do? Unless we're going to say Skywalker really let himself go.

Still, he was amazing in Wing Commander III, so I'm cautiously optimistic he still has it.


Doesn't Hamill have some serious working out to do? Unless we're going to say Skywalker really let himself go.

Still, he was amazing in Wing Commander III, so I'm cautiously optimistic he still has it.

All he needs is a personal trainer and a few months, no big deal.
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