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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


What are the odds the names are going to be as fucking doofy as they were when Lucas was supervising things?

IIRC, Lucas revealed that (starting late in the original trilogy) he used his kids' baby-speak as inspiration for most of his character names. Or thin references to Darth Vader.

I'm sure he's been stockpiling names, I'm sure they're the sort of thing he'd be including in his outlines, and I don't think JJ would change them if they were given to him. Maybe he might change or adjust the worst of them. Stacking those odds, I guess I'd put a 50/50 number on it.

It would probably depend on whether JJ would want to capture Geroge's inimitable style, or if he would want to go back to the beginning with more "normal" names, more in line with ANH.
That's how he got Jar Jar's name, not every name. The goofy names are essential, and have been there from the beginning. Greedo, Jabba, Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna, Salacious Crumb, Max Rebo, Wicket W. Warrick, it's all part of the fun.

If you start taking it too seriously, you end up with EU type trash like "Mara Jade" and "Jacen"


Neo Member
Arguing with a co-worker about JJ using EU.

Will JJ just set up the characters he wants or are his hands tied to stay more or less in the bounds of the EU?
Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."
Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."
I'd prefer they go on without the old characters, but I'm not sure it's Abrams' fault.

Looks like including the old cast was always part of the plan.

Shira mentions the specific quote here.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."

I'm a fan, but I'm very happy he's not doing these.
The only character that should return should be R2D2. Maybe C3PO. Star Wars has always revolved around R2.

He delivers the Death Star plans and sets our heroes on their journey.

He fixes the Falcon's hyperdrive and allows them to escape Vader.

He delivers Luke's lightsaber and gets the Rebels into the Death Star II control station.

He saved Amidala's spaceship by fixing the shields.

I forget what happened in the other prequels. I've only seen them once.
The only character that should return should be R2D2. Maybe C3PO. Star Wars has always revolved around R2.

He delivers the Death Star plans and sets our heroes on their journey.

He fixes the Falcon's hyperdrive and allows them to escape Vader.

He delivers Luke's lightsaber and gets the Rebels into the Death Star II control station.

He saved Amidala's spaceship by fixing the shields.

I forget what happened in the other prequels. I've only seen them once.

He spills oil on droids and sets them on fire and flies around n rocket thrusters


The only character that should return should be R2D2. Maybe C3PO. Star Wars has always revolved around R2.

He delivers the Death Star plans and sets our heroes on their journey.

He fixes the Falcon's hyperdrive and allows them to escape Vader.

He delivers Luke's lightsaber and gets the Rebels into the Death Star II control station.

He saved Amidala's spaceship by fixing the shields.

I forget what happened in the other prequels. I've only seen them once.

Yoda should live on in Artoo, like a Krang cyborg


I seriously doubt the movie is going to be about the old characters. They'll be there purely to pass the torch. They are too old to be the protagonists.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I seriously doubt the movie is going to be about the old characters. They'll be there purely to pass the torch. They are too old to be the protagonists.

Says the guy who hasn't seen many movies.


Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."

What. I'm a JJ hater as much as the next guy, but Whedon is just a completely different level of terrible. Not to mention, he's just as much of a fanboy as Abrams is.
Arguing with a co-worker about JJ using EU.

Will JJ just set up the characters he wants or are his hands tied to stay more or less in the bounds of the EU?

I'm sure he has carte blanche. If he wants to steal anything, he will. Disney own it all now, after all. Why wouldn't you? Didn't Lucas take the name Coruscant and other things from the EU for the Prequels?
Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."

Whedon's style is the complete opposite of what Star Wars needs/is

I'm sure he has carte blanche. If he wants to steal anything, he will. Disney own it all now, after all. Why wouldn't you? Didn't Lucas take the name Coruscant and other things from the EU for the Prequels?

The folks at LFL convinced Lucas to keep the name Coruscant that was invented by the EU. They always strived for some continuity to a point. When making the clone wars they took tons of EU material and used it for the show but willingly overwrote aspects of it. Disney and everyone involved can do whatever they want.
The folks at LFL convinced Lucas to keep the name Coruscant that was invented by the EU. They always strived for some continuity to a point. When making the clone wars they took tons of EU material and used it for the show but willingly overwrote aspects of it. Disney and everyone involved can do whatever they want.

Hopefully that sort of approach continues. There's plenty of the EU that could be borrowed brilliantly, especially with the approach Disney is now taking where they're receptive to spin-off movies or spin-offs in other mediums. In that sense, spin-offs directly based off or reworking EU material to the new universe would be a great way to appease those ideas that can't fit with whatever the new games end up being.
What. I'm a JJ hater as much as the next guy, but Whedon is just a completely different level of terrible. Not to mention, he's just as much of a fanboy as Abrams is.

Despite being a huge Whedon fan, I understand the complaints on some level when it comes to his worth as a filmmaker... but what about his witty dialogue? You don't appreciate that at all? So much more entertaining than the combination of bland, dumb and cliché that is the dialogue in most popcorn movies out there.


Despite being a huge Whedon fan, I understand the complaints on some level when it comes to his worth as a filmmaker... but what about his witty dialogue? You don't appreciate that at all? So much more entertaining than the combination of bland, dumb and cliché that is the dialogue in most popcorn movies out there.

I dislike "witty" dialogue. It's one of my problems with Sorkin too. I know, it's a weird complaint, but it really takes me out of the experience. Granted witty dialogue is better than bad dialogue, but eh, I think there's also a distinction between good dialogue and witty dialogue.
Despite being a huge Whedon fan, I understand the complaints on some level when it comes to his worth as a filmmaker... but what about his witty dialogue? You don't appreciate that at all? So much more entertaining than the combination of bland, dumb and cliché that is the dialogue in most popcorn movies out there.

Witty pop culture filled dialogue is not really fitting for star wars. Works for a comic book movie sure.
I dislike "witty" dialogue. It's one of my problems with Sorkin too. I know, it's a weird complaint, but it really takes me out of the experience. Granted witty dialogue is better than bad dialogue, but eh, I think there's also a distinction between good dialogue and witty dialogue.

Fair enough. Personally though, I prefer witty dialogue over realistic dialogue in genre fiction. That's why Joss Whedon and Brian K. Vaughan are two of my favorite writers; they understand that the way people talk in RL is not often compelling, so they choose to enhance reality by making everyone smarter and more eloquent than their RL counterparts would likely be.
Eh, BKV has some smart friends.

I really like Firefly, I think Angel is overall better than Buffy, I loved the hell out of Cabin in the Woods, and I'm generally a fan of things Whedon writes.

Bryan K. Vaughn is a better writer than Joss Whedon. If it was announced tomorrow that Bryan K. Vaughn got to write one of the next Star Wars movies (or Brian Wood, for that matter, who is doing a great job on Dark Horse's "Star Wars" ongoing) I would flip my shit.

B.K. said:
He shouldn't have much of a say in anything. He's only the director. He's not writing the movie.

Directors have a fair amount of say in the movie, and will often ask other writers to write things that they DO want in the movie. Being that J.J. Abrams is a screenwriter, and broke into the movie industry AS a screenwriter, I think its safe to assume, whether he's credited or not, that he's going to have a hand in what the script looks like before, and during shooting.
Since the announcement of JJ's involvement, I've thought that it is quite likely that BKV would be in the running to write one of the sequels, but he is not so interested in playing with other people's characters.

But... this is Star Wars.

If anything could pull him back in like old Michael Corleone...


Fuck I wish they gave this project to Joss Whedon instead of JJ who's just going to make a fanfic movie.

When asked what his thoughts were on the old cast returning whedon said:
"You know, I wouldn't go back, I'd go forward. I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did."

If Joss Whedon made Star Wars it would just be a bunch of fast talking female Jedi Knights spin kicking everything in sight. No thanks.
I don't even want the word "bounty hunter" mentioned in the new movies. That shit is played out

Two years from now... Bootleg footage from Google Glass of Comic-Con trailer for Episode VIII. Typical fast cuts of action. Screen goes black. Fans start cheering, but screen lights back up. Shot of the new protagonist asking, "Who was that?" Quick cut to Boba Fett doing something. Crowd goes nuts. Barely make out Han Solo saying a quip about how bad Boba Fett is. "SUMMER" Crowd gets even louder.

Almost a guarantee.
If Joss Whedon made Star Wars it would just be a bunch of fast talking female Jedi Knights spin kicking everything in sight. No thanks.

Right because thats exactly what Avengers was

That's like saying if Quentin Tarantino directs Star Wars all you would see are close ups of peoples feet
A guy in a suit and a stormtrooper helmet doing a YouTube news show and you wanna know if it's fake or not.

He also keeps showing pictures of a site that he's taking the story from - and never sources the site, or the story. Nor is there ever a link provided. Plus the story isn't very well written (the phrase "casted," for example, would never make it through proofing, as it's incorrect)

It's bullshit.
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