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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Why are people worried about Lucas? I'm much more worried that Lindelof or the other two dunces somehow get chances of a rewrite. No matter how small of a possibility, that scares me more than any involvement Lucas has/had.

Some people are just too bitter and can't let go of their hate.

Please. For a movie that needs to be PG (you bet Disney will be gunning for that children's merchandise), they couldn't have found a more qualified writer.

Don't forget that Revenge of the Sith was PG-13. And a lot of the SW films are pretty violent (severed limbs galore, disembowelment).


Why are people worried about Lucas? I'm much more worried that Lindelof or the other two dunces somehow get chances of a rewrite. No matter how small of a possibility, that scares me more than any involvement Lucas has/had.

Lindelof won't be coming anywhere near the new SW movies...at least the first one. He's busy with a couple other projects.


Lindelof won't be coming anywhere near the new SW movies...at least the first one. He's busy with a couple other projects.

In theory all of them should be busy. Lindelof had the Bird project, Orzi and Kurtzman have TF4 and ST3, but I'm terrified they might take some special 'time off' and plow through it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I really hope the use of lightsabers is heavily reduced in these films. They became about as exciting as explosions in a Michael Bay film during the prequels.
Just respect the art of a good old fashioned lightsaber battle is all I'm asking. No spinning, no twirls, no double lightsabers, just fights that have some kind of weight and meaning behind them.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Then why bother even stating your side of the argument? If you're not willing to indulge in the other side, why fight?

I could ask you to read, see and listen to everything I have on the subject (Good luck with that.) and it would be just as valid. You're being ridiculous.


In theory all of them should be busy. Lindelof had the Bird project, Orzi and Kurtzman have TF4 and ST3, but I'm terrified they might take some special 'time off' and plow through it.

The movie is being filmed early 2014. The script is done.


In theory all of them should be busy. Lindelof had the Bird project, Orzi and Kurtzman have TF4 and ST3, but I'm terrified they might take some special 'time off' and plow through it.

I think Abrams knows well enough to keep those guys away from SW. Their resumes are quite awful when you take away the two ST films. Even then the ST scripts aren't very good, but Abrams' direction is what made them fun and entertaining films despite narrative flaws.

I have no fear. Plus Lindelof seems aware enough of how much people hate his writing, especially after Prometheus (even if he wasn't entirely to blame there). Nevertheless I think it's a combination of Abrams wanting to distance SW from the ST writers as well as knowing that the fans would not be optimistic about any of those three working on SW.


I think Abrams knows well enough to keep those guys away from SW. Their resumes are quite awful when you take away the two ST films. Even then the ST scripts aren't very good, but Abrams' direction is what made them fun and entertaining films despite narrative flaws.

I have no fear. Plus Lindelof seems aware enough of how much people hate his writing, especially after Prometheus (even if he wasn't entirely to blame there). Nevertheless I think it's a combination of Abrams wanting to distance SW from the ST writers as well as knowing that the fans would not be optimistic about any of those three working on SW.

I'm fully aware this isn't a serious concern(unless it becomes one). I would rather take Lucas writing over Lindelof/O/K writing any day of the week.
"Even" the Star Trek scripts aren't very good?

The scripts for Abrams' Star Treks are amongst the most dysfunctional seen in Hollywood blockbusters for years. Only the direction, performances and design keep them afloat.


Why are people worried about Lucas? I'm much more worried that Lindelof or the other two dunces somehow get chances of a rewrite. No matter how small of a possibility, that scares me more than any involvement Lucas has/had.

Because Greedo shot first, and because Jedi Rocks, and because Han stepping on Jabba's tail, and because R2D2 hiding behind rocks, and because Vader Noooo, and because the entire Prequel Trilogy, and because the Ewoks. In recent years, Lucas has done more harm than good to the series. His touch has become poison. Some people can hardly remember a time when it was gold, or if they do, they think it was some sort of lie.

Disney and JJ Abrams are turning back the clock, to a time before the madness, and promising to carry on in Lucas' grand and golden tradition. There's room enough for two kinds of fear here, one is that Lucas might somehow ruin this as well, and two is that Disney and JJ might not be able to match the golden era of Lucas. Or the two might even combine (Disney and JJ ruin the series themselves by deliberately reproducing the poison hand of Lucas, not understanding how it's different from the golden one, I mean, both hands made lots of money).


I'm fully aware this isn't a serious concern(unless it becomes one). I would rather take Lucas writing over Lindelof/O/K writing any day of the week.

Oooh that's a toss up for me. But I think I'd pick Lucas for the sheer reason that he just sort of writes whatever comes to his head and doesn't flinch.
If the last two Star Trek movies are anything to go by, I have complete faith in Abrams to make this movie exactly what it needs to be.

Can't wait to see what they come up with. I can't imagine how hard of a task this is.

Is this 2015?


I think Abrams knows well enough to keep those guys away from SW.

He either doesn't know how bad they are or doesn't care.

Plus Lindelof seems aware enough of how much people hate his writing, especially after Prometheus (even if he wasn't entirely to blame there).

Lindelof is pretty self-aware of how he's received, but he wouldn't let that stop him from getting a job (nor should he), especially when it's fucking Star Wars.


He either doesn't know how bad they are or doesn't care.

I'd bank on Abrams knowing. He works with those guys because he knows how they write, and he just needs someone to put the story he wants to tell into the form of a script. I'm not saying it's such a callous process, just that Abrams sticks with them because at the very least he knows what to expect and he knows how they write.

Lindelof is pretty self-aware of how he's received, but he wouldn't let that stop him from getting a job (nor should he), especially when it's fucking Star Wars.

Nah, even a guy like Lindelof knows well enough that a lifetime of nearly universal hatred from SW fans just wouldn't be worth it. ;)


I really hope the use of lightsabers is heavily reduced in these films. They became about as exciting as explosions in a Michael Bay film during the prequels.

It's a small thing, but I would like to see the lightsabers interact with the environment. They hardly ever casted a glow on other objects in the movies, and they had no interaction with water. The fight on Kamino should have seen the lightsabers steaming as the rain hit them...
Just respect the art of a good old fashioned lightsaber battle is all I'm asking. No spinning, no twirls, no double lightsabers, just fights that have some kind of weight and meaning behind them.

The important thing to remember about the OT vs PT is that in the OT the lightsaber fights weren't about the sabers, they were about the characters and plot conflict. In the PT they were about swiish vroom bzzz. There was more seriousness and plot progression in TESB's saber fight on Cloud City than in the entire PT.

Use the fights to move the plot, not as action set pieces. If you can take the fight out and still make the plot work then the fight doesn't need to be there.


I really hope the use of lightsabers is heavily reduced in these films. They became about as exciting as explosions in a Michael Bay film during the prequels.

I wouldn't count on it. Abrams isn't exactly known for holding back on excess, is he?

Going by Star Trek (the one Abrams film I've seen), I don't think the quieter moments in the original films are going to be in this new trilogy. It's probably going to be all action, all the time.


They should have more lightsaber light effects from KOTOR, like when you added a gem to your lightsaber there's a swirling light surrounded it.



Look at Star Trek and Into Darkness.

That's EXACTLY what we're going to get.

However, definitions of "Pandering" will probably get stretched. I don't think the terms "fanservice" really apply to Star Trek, because JJ's not even remotely aiming his movies at existing fans. He's taking what WORKED on old fans, and repurposing it for new audiences. That's not fanservice. That's - essentially - sampling. Remixing.

Will he do that with Star Wars? I think it's highly likely.

You think the next Star Wars will be paced similar to Star Trek as well ? That was one thing I was hoping he would bring to Star Wars.
I think the tack he took with the Star Trek reboot will absolutely be the same tack he takes with Star Wars. It's more or less the same tack he took with Super 8, really.

He's doing combination homage/remixes, here. He's going to take pre-existing imagery that's memorable, put his own spin on it, and repurpose it to fit the story he's working with, in a way that those images work on a completely different audience, but for very similar reasons.

Will Star Wars be paced as breakneck as Star Trek or Into Darkness was? I'd guess it'll be a little bit slower than both - although Star Trek 09 wasn't COMPLETELY "go go go." There were stopdowns and resting spots.

But I do think that his Star Wars movie is likely going to move faster, and allow itself to be way more emotional than the prequels did.
All the people who complain will probably be the same ones going nuts with nostalgic filled hype soon as the first teaser shows a shot of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker wielding a lightsaber.

I was recently browsing some OT scenes on youtube and came across that deleted Return scene of Luke building his lightsaber.

Imagine a cold open to the trailer, similar to this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ayT0EZwbks&feature=player_detailpage#t=85s

I'd lose it.

The most encouraging thing about these new films is NO JEDI COUNCIL. Whoever the force users are, they can be more like Luke, they can actually show some damn emotion and won't have the in-universe dogma holding them back.
I think it'll be fairly simple: the movies count 100% but nothing else does. Maybe they poach a few things (like Coruscant was poached for the prequels) but anyone expecting them to strictly adhere to events in Random Star Wars Book from the 90s #42 is delusional.

I'm glad, I don't really like most of the EU stuff (Even though I'm unfamiliar with most of it, the stuff I read online is ridiculous).

The Emperor transferring his aura into clones for instance. Hate that mess.

Also hate small things like the kids being named after other people. "Anakin Solo" "Ben Skywalker"....no sir I don't like it.

Destroy it all.

This even more. Dogfights are a must.

I'm iffy on this. I know that a lot of people liked the beginning of Episode 3 but I was bored. I obviously like the trench run, and Lando at the end of Return is my favorite dogfight ever, but it's all about the characters for me.

One of the most underrated pieces of music in Star Wars : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3IIeNorhVU&feature=player_detailpage#t=96s


Walk to window/Sit on couch


Reverse Shot

Just get rid of this shit please. I do feel confident that no matter the script it will be a better directed movie though.
Walk to window/Sit on couch


Reverse Shot

Just get rid of this shit please. I do feel confident that no matter the script it will be a better directed movie though.

Into Darkness is a clusterfuck of unnecessary and ineffective shot comp/editing. Coverage when it isn't needed, masters of an awesome set for half-seconds, close-ups so frequent that they don't mean anything anymore.

If JJ's Star Wars is anything like that, I'll rage. Doubt it will be, though.


If they're filming starting in early 2014, isn't that fairly ambitious to release at any point in 2015? This has to be a Christmas launch, right? I know ILM has the manpower and money to go full-force (heh) at this, but this just seems incredibly ambitious.


Just saw Star Trek: Into Darkness, it was freaking awesome. Bring on the Abrams Empire! He doesn't need to reinvent the wheel or anything, just make entertaining movies that respect the universe I love. That is all I can hope for at this point. Please no frat boy Jedi though.
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