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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)

What if they release the scene as either preview with Rogue One or as a promotional tool next year as part of a Star Wars special on ABC (which would also include a look at "Star Wars Land") about a week or two before EP VIII opens before putting it on Youtube. Then the movie can have it's time skip.

0.00% chance of this happening.

They're not going to have one-off live action canonical scenes.
0.00% chance of this happening.

They're not going to have one-off live action canonical scenes.

I'd also be pretty surprised if we started getting Marvel-esque post-credits sequences in Star Wars films, period. They're pretty adamant about keeping the Saga and Anthology films largely separate, and have more or less flat out said nothing will be crossing from Anthology to Saga (obviously the reverse will still happen). Wouldn't make much sense to then attach a Saga scene to the end of an Anthology film given that. Especially one not intended to actually show up in a Saga film itself. The most we'd get is a trailer debut before the movie.


If VIII follows directly from VII, I hope IX does a multi-year timeskip opening with a big battle, not unlike Episode III.

Then set another cartoon inbetween the two, like TCW.
It's really not that hard to pull off. Here's what I could see happening:

Start with the crawl, then tilt down to the wreckage of Starkiller base. To the left we see the Falcon and the Resistance make the jump to hyperspace. Pan right and we see a First Order command shuttle leaving the wreckage in the opposite direction. Cut to the interior of the ship and we see Hux arguing (respectfully as he can) with Snoke via hologram, along with a severely wounded Kylo in the ship. Snoke says something ominous about Luke and/or Rey, and then BAM, hard cut to this.
Not horrible at all. I still somehow feel there's something odd about jumping straight back into a SW film at the moment the last one ended. Ironic, since Lucas was inspired by serials, but there it is. It would feel wrong to me to have two SW films separated only by the time you spent in between them, if that makes sense. It makes them into conjoined twins, as opposed to individual cinematic entities.

The ending of TFA seems to have made that a real possibility. Seemingly for the sake of having Luke in the film at all! I'm interested to see how it plays out in the end, but TFA has built up a certain level of trust in me, so I'm curious is all. About a great many things. Like, what's Chewie going to do without Han to hide behind? He needs his own story now.
I think it could start out from Kylo Ren's perspective after the crawl, him getting picked up by Hux, and going to meet Snoke or whatever, and then after we get a cool look at Dark Side training, we cut back Rey and Luke.

EDIT: Or it could even take place from an alternate point of view, maybe Beneicio Del Toro's character or something

EDIT 2: Wow, I should read the thread.


I have a great idea. Instead of an opening crawl, why don't they do what TV shows do and start with a "PREVIOUSLY ON STAR WARS..." with a bunch of scenes from The Force Awakens, and then the final scene just continues on instead of cutting away. After the entire island sequence ends, TITLE CARD, cue main theme, pan down into space, two X-Wings fly out and gun down a stray TIE-Fighter. Cockpit view showing Finn piloting one of the X-Wings and he goes "WE'RE BACK BABY!" and then we see Poe in the cockpit go "ON YOUR SIX!" and they evade laser shots from another TIE-fighter.


............is anyone still there? Lol.


*Rey/Luke Lightsaber hand off*

Smash cut to Finn snapping back to reality, Poe having just gotten his attention. They're both on a mission of some sort.

There ya go. Provides connection, time skip and hints that Finn may be more than we realize or has a deeper connection to Rey than we expect. Tada!

Other crazy idea: The next movie is the inverse of TFA and follows Luke for a good hour until he finally reaches Planet Ireland. He turns around from surveying the island and Rey is there...


Other crazy idea: The next movie is the inverse of TFA and follows Luke for a good hour until he finally reaches Planet Ireland. He turns around from surveying the island and Rey is there...
This would be insane. You shouldn't have said it, because now I want it.


This would be insane. You shouldn't have said it, because now I want it.

The production teaser made me think of it, with the weird garbled/distorted force theme at the beginning. Just play with the whole duality of the thing. Rey sees him and it's the classical Luke is the Jedi Hero theme, but in Luke's head he's broken. Eventually Luke finds himself again by teaching Rey and the theme slowly changes to the classical one.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I mean, my ideal turn of events for resolving "time skip or not" dilemma

- Opening scroll that explains a time skip of maybe approx half a year

- First scene involves a Resistance operation of some sort involving Poe, Finn, and more importantly, the new people. Shit goes down. Finn and co get away

- They catch up with General Leia. For me, it could be ideal if they meet her after she has some argument with whatever sad remnant is left of the Republic senate to actually squeeze some minimum political context. This could also introduce Del Toro or Dern. After that jibber jabber and everyone else goes there merry way, Finn pulls away Leia for a sec and asks for any news on Rey. Leia gets disheartened look and then

- GASP. A flashback in a mainline SW movie. We're basically back to the last several minutes of TFA only edited more concisely and to the point. Leia can also quickly respond to the question in the form of a VO during this sequence ("I dunno. Been a few months. I've made a huge mistake").

- Anyway, Rey meets Luke. Luke reunites with Chewie and R2. Some compelling interactions here and there until we get to a point in which both agree Rey be trained into a Jedi. Personally, I think it should be Master Luke doing the begging here because it could hint that he's still trying to make-up for his fuck-up. Also, I'd imagine Rey would still be very hesitant about digging deeper into the Force hole despite what she can do.

- Training montage and then boom, we've caught up.
The movie just needs to keep going with its story. There's no need for all this crazy hopping around, and important details can be covered by dialogue/story logic. Whatever is interesting about Luke's journey or integral to the plot can be touched on without like completely changing formula, getting rid or altering the crawl, or being stuffed with flashbacks.

I think you guys are overthinking this lol. But speculation is harmless of course.


I think it will be opening crawl, direct continuation from TFA with Luke and Rey talking about jedi things, and after of this, several clips of Luke training Rey over the time (Conan the Barbarian style, pushing the mill as years passed, but instead of years maybe months) and then, after that training timelap, will continue the main story of EP VIII.

With this, we have a direct continuation of the ep VII and a credible and visual timelap that put us in a few minutes of film into the action of ep VIII


I think it will start on the Skellig Island location with some brief moments of training/calm with Luke and Rey, possibly with Resistance dudes landing there too. But then we will see an amphibious/aerial assault on the island by The First Order similar to the one in ESB.
Cause it rhymes, and we haven't seen an amphibious assault in Star Wars yet. other than the ROTS crap scenes.
I'm going to disagree with the seeming majority here that we're going to see any sort of training sequence early in the movie.

Luke has been gone for years (possibly decades). He lost all of his pupils to his own nephew. He's not going to look at Rey and just say "LUL, YOU FOUND ME, AIN'T I GOOD AT HIDE N SEEK? Ok for srs, training time! Don't go bad, K?"

He's going to be extraordinarily hesitant to do anything. Even if we do a significant time skip (which kind of doubt will happen, at least in the ways proposed here), from a narrative sense I don't see it being very logical or likely that he would go back to teaching early on in the story. There's going to be quite a bit of build up to it.

Back into my personal theories, I don't think he'll train Rey at all, which will become a source of conflict in the movie.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I actually don't like the idea of it opening right after TFA ended, it just doesn't feel right for SW, the shortest time between films was ESB->ROTJ and that was 6 months to a year. A full-on flashback doesn't seem right either, I'm hoping it's a vision that takes place later in the film.
I actually don't like the idea of it opening right after TFA ended, it just doesn't feel right for SW, the shortest time between films was ESB->ROTJ and that was 6 months to a year. A full-on flashback doesn't seem right either, I'm hoping it's a vision that takes place later in the film.

It seems unlikely it's a vision seeing it's the same scene we got in TFA of Rey holding out the lightsaber to Luke.
I don't mind so much the movie picking up straight after TFA ends but I don't want the first scene to be Rey/Luke on that island. All the movies have had the crawl then a scene in outer space with huge ships and stuff. Maybe a scene with Kylo/Hux/Snoke then show the Rey/Luke scene.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
It seems unlikely it's a vision seeing it's the same scene we got in TFA of Rey holding out the lightsaber to Luke.

I didn't say it was likely, and if it was a vision it probably wouldn't be Luke or Rey's. Maybe Leia or Kylo Ren.

Maybe a scene with Kylo/Hux/Snoke then show the Rey/Luke scene.

I'd be up for this, I love how ROTJ opens with a Vader scene. My 2nd favourite opening after RotS
I actually don't like the idea of it opening right after TFA ended, it just doesn't feel right for SW, the shortest time between films was ESB->ROTJ and that was 6 months to a year. A full-on flashback doesn't seem right either, I'm hoping it's a vision that takes place later in the film.

It's different (direction continuation I mean), sure, but I don't really think Star Wars inherently requires longer time gaps either. It's just a random trend that has happened to persist throughout the series. This is one of those areas where I think people need to not worry about keeping to perceived traditions.

As far as flashbacks in general, as they're being talked about a lot here, I think, depending on how it would be done, that is something that could significantly clash with the series style. I trust Rian Johnson though, and I'm not outright opposed to some experimentation with the formula. Either way though, I don't actually expect any sort of traditional flashback to occur in the movie, but force visions (especially with the lore not being overly established on the subject) do open a lot of doors.

Also, I'm thinking we probably will see a fairly significant amount of time pass between VIII and IX, with the ending of VIII greatly shaking up the status quo.


Aftershock LA
I think the easiest way to fill in the gaps with Luke/Rey will be this:

Opening Crawl scrolls down to >

Villain intro (as in, we learn what the First Order is planning for this movie; could include Kylo, I'm guessing General Hux with Del Toro's character introduction)>

Finn/Poe, supporting cast intro (just a fun adventure scene, maybe just snappy dialogue, maybe an actual action scene) >

Rey's first scene, which is the continuation of Luke/Rey's introduction from TFA. We get to see/hear their first words, and this segues into a bunch of other images, sequences, and Rey wakes up! The "flashback" was actually her having another dream/vision! She is still with Luke, and they have been training for the past year, but her recurring visions of danger and her meeting with Luke have been troubling her for all of that time.

It's an easy way to cover the importance of Luke and Rey's meeting and first conversation, without having to do a direct time skip.
Back into my personal theories, I don't think he'll train Rey at all, which will become a source of conflict in the movie.

I can't see Luke jumping at the chance to train her either but maybe he'll change his mind during the film. I'd be very surprised if there's no one teaching her by the end of VIII.



Star Wars Space Bear (episode 8) is currently being filmed in my city. The beauty of it is that all the locations are accessible at all time, except for a few hours when they cordon off the street. Starting today, the rehearsals have begun, and the true filming is scheduled for next two weeks from March 8th.

After being the King's Landing in Game of Thrones, the rumor is that my town will be a Jedi Capital city of sorts (I really don't follow Star Wars so I don't know the correct details).


Was getting caught part of your plan?
"Jedi Capital"?

Maybe a flashback?

Dude just said he doesn't follow SW though. Could be just random talk by other less informed citizens. Would be an interesting idea though.

Also, I'm getting so fed up with pillars now lol


Dude just said he doesn't follow SW though. Could be just random talk by other less informed citizens. Would be an interesting idea though.

Also, I'm getting so fed up with pillars now lol

That was more of a general speculation on my part. Not actually a question for him.

Erm, that being said, "Jedi Capital" totally makes no sense within the current happenings in Star Wars. :lol


Dude just said he doesn't follow SW though. Could be just random talk by other less informed citizens. Would be an interesting idea though.

Also, I'm getting so fed up with pillars now lol

Sorry for being vague. Does Jedi Temple make more sense?


And yes, Mark Hammil is here, just seen him. I remember how he looks like from the first movies. I don't know these new actors so maybe they are here as well.

(First photo was mine, this second one is not. Most of mine are with my kids, so I don't care to.share those)


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Sorry for being vague. Does Jedi Temple make more sense?

And yes, Mark Hammil is here, just seen him. I remember how he looks like from the first movies. I don't know these new actors so maybe they are here as well.

(First photo was mine, this second one is not. Most of mine are with my kids, so I don't care to.share those)

So the spoiler dodge begins...
And yes, Mark Hammil is here, just seen him. I remember how he looks like from the first movies. I don't know these new actors so maybe they are here as well.

Oh, the rumour is true then. Makes sense to assume Ridley will be there as well. Thanks for letting us know!


Was getting caught part of your plan?
My god so many things just went through my head with your sentence.


Luke vs Rey training match

you know you want it

Sorry about that, I thought it was common knowledge that he is in the movie. Not like they are hiding him or anything, he was announced to be coming a few weeks ago.

lol I'm joking. People know he's there, but there are highly sensitive people all over the web that wanna go completely clean that'd rather avoid the specifics.
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