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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


By that logic, The Empire Strikes Back references one event at the beginning of the film, the Battle of Hoth, and that's it.
Not really though. They are in pursuit of the heroes for the duration, with the Falcon on the run. Then they spring a trap for Luke after capturing Han, Leia and Chewie. The movie ends with Luke defeated and Han frozen in carbonite. The bad guys win in that movie.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
By that logic, The Empire Strikes Back references one event at the beginning of the film, the Battle of Hoth, and that's it.

I never think the Empire Strikes Back refers to the battle of Hoth. More like how they leave the heroes licking their wounds by the end of the movie.


By that logic, The Empire Strikes Back references one event at the beginning of the film, the Battle of Hoth, and that's it.

Plus, I'm not sure how you can say that the clone army being deployed (and thus the Clone Wars beginning) is not the most important thing that happened in the movie. The threat/mystery/usage of the clones runs throughout most of the film, particularly in Obi-Wan's storyline, and the galaxy being at war after generations of peace is the most consequential part of the macro-story: it's the very means by which Palpatine and the Sith rise to power.

But there's just so much more to the title than simply the literal strike of the empire in the beginning of the film. It's also a metaphor for the dark side striking back against the light (new hope, which is Luke). It's about Luke's temptation to the dark side and how relentlessly threatening Vader and the emperor are. Clones is just a sloppy mess with no coherence whatsoever. Empire is focused from the beginning to end as an example of what the good guys are ultimately facing and the struggle Luke has to overcome. It's a wake up call. By the time Jedi rolls around, Luke knows this struggle and is now ready to face it, even if he may not fully know how difficult it will become.

Attack of the Clones has no underlying meaning.


Speaking of titles it always makes me laugh when people think A New Hope was a Special Edition addition and thus hate it for that reason.

Seems a lot seem to forget it's been A New Hope since 1981.


Pablo tweeted earlier today that The Force Awakens wasn't named until September 2014.

Oh wow, cool thanks.. didn't know it was named so early on. I'd imagine the title just happens at almost any time during production, considering it's easily changed (until you start advertising). Maybe they just knew they had a great title at that time.

Speaking of titles it always makes me laugh when people think A New Hope was a Special Edition addition and thus hate it for that reason.

Seems a lot seem to forget it's been A New Hope since 1981.

Interesting, I've never heard anyone say this. That's silly..


By that logic, The Empire Strikes Back references one event at the beginning of the film, the Battle of Hoth, and that's it.
Surfinn covered this as well, but The Empire striking back after the events of ANH is the theme of the entire film. The battle of Hoth just puts the rebels on the run, but a resurgent Empire and dark side of the Force is what the film is about. If you want to point to events, then Han getting captured, tortured and put into carbonite is also the Empire striking back. Luke's losing fight with Vader is the Empire striking back.

In the same way that A New Hope is about the rebels finding, um, new hope, the Empire Strikes Back is about the Empire hitting back, hard. There's an elegance in it.

Pablo tweeted earlier today that The Force Awakens wasn't named until September 2014.

That's a great tidbit to know.

It was announced when principal photography wrapped, in November: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=927703

I'm guessing we'll get a similarly timed title announcement for VIII.

Oh wow, cool thanks.. didn't know it was named so early on. I'd imagine the title just happens at almost any time during production, considering it's easily changed (until you start advertising). Maybe they just knew they had a great title at that time.
That was only two months before filming wrapped and it was announced.


I'm pretty LTTP on this as I'm yet to see the Force Awakens lol.

For all of you that saw it, is it worth seeing in 3D at IMAX?


"Order of the Darkside"? From my previous post? Sounds fake?

Def clunky, but this is Croatia right? Could it be some kind of cross translation issue. If you were going for "The Order of the Dark Side" it seems like it would make more sense to call it "The Knights of Ren" since that is the order of the dark side we are dealing with.

Unless order is less an organization and more of a thing, The dark side bringsorder, etc.

In that case I wonder if all three movie titles play off the force theme.

The Force Awakens
The Order of the Darkside
The ____ of the Light. (something inspirational, Hope? Victory? Return? Rise?)

I'm enjoying rampant speculation recently. >.>


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm hellbent on Episode IX being called The Last Skywalker, mainly because it just has a nice ring to it


The litmus test for any "leaked" subtitle should be whether or not it works as an acronym. The Order of the Dark Side -> TOTDS = shitty acronym. Too long, shit looks like 'toads'.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Force awakens got a bit of stick when it was announced, as did Finn and Poe as names, but as with most things it grows on you and now is just as Star Wars as anything else. So long as its not completely out of character for a Star Wars film the title will mostly be fine and accepted and all the more if the films is good.
The order of the dark side sounds like something that causes panic in a restaurant kitchen.



Force awakens got a bit of stick when it was announced, as did Finn and Poe as names, but as with most things it grows on you and now is just as Star Wars as anything else. So long as its not completely out of character for a Star Wars film the title will mostly be fine and accepted and all the more if the films is good.
Ever since Attack of the Clones, I'll handle any title.

Still remember that red carpet video where Ewan and Nicole Kidman were laughing in disbelief when informed of that title.
I like defending the prequels so let's go!

The Phantom Menace
The film is focused on setting the ground work for Palpatine to collapse the Republic. Everything from fostering the Separatist to urging them to start a war. Palpatine is the Menace, and he's a phantom because it's unknown to everyone else who he is, let alone that he's in plain site and orchestrating everything.

Attack of the Clones
You can be quick and say that the title only references the battle of Geonosis, but the whole film was again setting up for why the Republic would accept this army. Keep in mind most places don't just randomly accept suspicious armies out of nowhere, they had to make it make sense. The film clearly shows why the Republic needed an army, how the army was ready for war, and why they were ok with accepting it (under the guise of a fallen Jedi). It then ends with battle.

Revenge of the Sith
Keep in mind that there is a canon event of a huge war between Jedi and Sith. The Sith were wiped out by the Jedi and thought to be extinct. Then thousands of years of preparation the Sith are able to come back and wipe out the Jedi. This is revenge to a T. Eye for an eye. It's more than just poetry.

Pablo's been taking the piss out of people saying it since the theory first started. I doubt this will convince people. It would be nice if it did though.
Snoke isn't a Sith? Cool. Ahsoka isn't a Jedi. It doesn't mean much by itself.

Though it seems clear they don't want Snoke to be Plagueis even though it makes way more sense for a sith that mastered the art of life and death. But whatever, let's make him a random new character to avoid association with the prequels! Damn I'm being passive aggressive.


I like defending the prequels so let's go!

The Phantom Menace
The film is focused on setting the ground work for Palpatine to collapse the Republic. Everything from fostering the Separatist to urging them to start a war. Palpatine is the Menace, and he's a phantom because it's unknown to everyone else who he is, let alone that he's in plain site and orchestrating everything.

Attack of the Clones
You can be quick and say that the title only references the battle of Geonosis, but the whole film was again setting up for why the Republic would accept this army. Keep in mind most places don't just randomly accept suspicious armies out of nowhere, they had to make it make sense. The film clearly shows why the Republic needed an army, how the army was ready for war, and why they were ok with accepting it (under the guise of a fallen Jedi). It then ends with battle.

Revenge of the Sith
Keep in mind that there is a canon event of a huge war between Jedi and Sith. The Sith were wiped out by the Jedi and thought to be extinct. Then thousands of years of preparation the Sith are able to come back and wipe out the Jedi. This is revenge to a T. Eye for an eye. It's more than just poetry.

Snoke isn't a Sith? Cool. Ahsoka isn't a Jedi. It doesn't mean much by itself.

Though it seems clear they don't want Snoke to be Plagueis even though it makes way more sense for a sith that mastered the art of life and death. But whatever, let's make him a random new character to avoid association with the prequels! Damn I'm being passive aggressive.

Notice how your summaries had nothing to do with or even mention Anakin Skywalker, the main character of the PT (supposedly, anyway)? Big problem..

Which is one of the main issues I have with the PT. Seems like Lucas couldn't decide if he wanted the movies to focus on the actual star WARS and their politics (more of a GoT approach) and have a bunch of characters and key players, or focus on Anakin and his tragic transformation into Darth Vader, with the wars serving as a plot driving device, so he went half in with both ideas. And it shows, even in the episode titles. EP3 was the closest he came to writing anything decent.

Big ideas, but no focus. No Coherence or direction.



Looks like we've finally gotten official confirmation (to my knowledge anyway) of Snoke not being Plagueis (neither he nor Ren are Sith). Didn't see it posted.

I believe JJ said as much himself that neither of them are Sith, the Sith were a specific order of Dark Side users that use the Darth title, up until Darth Maul appeared the Jedi thought they had been wiped out for a thousand years. Kylo uses the Ren title, the other knights presumably do as well, it is possible Snoke also has a Ren title or something else as their leader.

They did also say at a panel that he wasn't Darth Plagueis, it is just that people didn't believe them. It doesn't surprise me really, from interviews they don't want to do the Sith again, the Sith were defeated and are finally gone after the fall of Palpatine and Vader.

In the end though these are just titles and names, there are other light side users besides the Jedi, their goals seem to be the same, at the end of the day the dark side wants to rule the galaxy.


I believe JJ said as much himself that neither of them are Sith, the Sith were a specific order of Dark Side users that use the Darth title, up until Darth Maul appeared the Jedi thought they had been wiped out for a thousand years. Kylo uses the Ren title, the other knights presumably do as well, it is possible Snoke also has a Ren title or something else as their leader.

They did also say at a panel that he wasn't Darth Plagueis, it is just that people didn't believe them. It doesn't surprise me really, from interviews they don't want to do the Sith again, the Sith were defeated and are finally gone after the fall of Palpatine and Vader.

In the end though these are just titles and names, there are other light side users besides the Jedi, their goals seem to be the same, at the end of the day the dark side wants to rule the galaxy.

Thanks for this. I like the direction they're going.


Aftershock LA
Order of the Dark Side sounds ok. Cheesy and pulpy. Shroud of the Dark Side could be nice as well.

I'm personally a fan of going with a Force Theme for the movies titles, like:

Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode VIII: The Way of the Force
Episode IX: The Will of the Force

Those last two would be really confusing in abbreviations, though. I like the Force theme in the titles because I feel like this trilogy is going to be just as much about the nature of the Force as it will be Rey's journey in accepting the Force, and her purpose in the new galaxy.

I can't remember what I first thought of The Force Awakens as a title, but I didn't hate it, that's for sure. I thought it was a compelling, intriguing title, because so much time between Return of the Jedi and TFA had passed, that the concept of the Force awakening in some form was really mysterious. I'm pleased with how the film, and the title of the film played out.

I actually like the PT titles excepting Attack of the Clones. That one just didn't fit the movie like The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith did. The title: Star Wars: Episode 2: Attack of the Clones is a bit better, but as a stand alone title, it is weak. Star Wars: A New Hope is a strong title. A New Hope, is kind of weird on its own. Couple the title, "A New Hope," with an evocative poster, however, and I think it could put people in seats. It's also a mysterious, evocative title, but with no context, the movie could be about anything.
I don't disagree, but Obi Wan on Kamino was one of the more fasdcinating set of secens in all of the PT for me.


Going baaaaack to this post, since I forgot to reply at the time.

Definitely agreed. I loved Kamino. Out of the entire prequel trilogy it was the sequence that always drew me in the most. Everything about it was creepy and strange, in a good way. By far it had the strongest "identity" of any portion of the PT, and almost seems like a glimpse into something that could have been. If the rest of the trilogy were able to play on the unsettling mystery of the Kamino portion, it could have been much better. In the end though it all amounted to nothing.

The Jango fight could have been a tad less Benny Hill though.
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