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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


hopefully Star Wars Episode 7 has a Blu ray special edition or collector's edition with lots of behind the scenes and extras.the making of Star Wars Episode 7 from the early production stages to what Lucas had done to what JJ and the other writers came up with after revising the scrpt. Just seeing the transition from nothing to something would be a treat.

I really hope we get some juicy extras too, but knowing Disney's treatment of behind the scenes material in Marvel blu-ray releases, I'm not so optimistic.
The DVD extras for the prequels were pretty fantastic and all-encompassing (among them, the surprisingly forthright Ep1 doc "The Beginning"); even the fairly-slapdash Blu-ray release had a extensive collection of deleted scenes and BTS stuff for every movie in the saga. Hopefully, we don't end up with a mess like the Into Darkness release.
I really hope we get some juicy extras too, but knowing Disney's treatment of behind the scenes material in Marvel blu-ray releases, I'm not so optimistic.

I thought even though Disney technically owns Star Wars, Lucasfilm operates on it's own much like Marvel does for Disney. There's no evidence that there will be lack of extras because of Disney. I thought Disney was known for the Gold edition dvd's with tons of extras?
It's pretty much a rip off of Han with a longer vest?

Now the armor/cloak combos from the animated clone wars would be something amazing.

That's just his outfit before he dons black Jedi robes ala ROTJ Luke. Not really, but how cool would that be? Please no brown robes that should only be for people living in harsh desert conditions like Uncle Owen and Obi Wan for 20 years on Tatooine.
Now in this case would they be the robes of a black Jedi or?

This logic probably doesn't make sense, but in my opinion the Ewoks are worse than anything in any of the films, including amazingly Jar Jar. I can't stand the (almost) that whole Endor sequence. I'd almost prefer it all happened off-screen.

So the Ewoks, I've mentioned this before, but they're not that bad if you think about it. They look too cute and are played for laughs too frequently, but if you really think about the realities of a bunch of barbaric, cannibalistic, intelligent primate-like animals who know the forest like you know the drive to work (or pizza hut, or whatever) - it's horrifying!

I just watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and I feel like the apes are exactly what the Ewoks should have felt like - primitive certainly, but physically superior to humans in every way and with just enough intelligence to present a legitimate threat to a better-armed force. The tech of the time wasn't up to portraying that and as we all (probably rightly) assume, George was more interested in making them cute and appealing to children than legitimizing their contribution to the war effort.

The Ewoks aren't as much of a problem in my mind as they are to others.


Boyega's most well known performance is in Attack of the Block.

0% chance he does not end up sword fighting.

that Kylo Ren helmet is good. much better than the the one for test screen.

The original front view leak of Kylo Ren looks way different to me. I don't see a visor/single front opening, for instance. I see two distinct eye holes. And a way different mouth area shape. Hopefully the initial image is the closer to final look they were aiming for. It has more character, IMO.

Maybe that was a placeholder for a while. It could have been a concept they were aiming for?
If you look closely at the design in the test shot and the concept, they share a lot of similiarites despite looking so different intially. Specifically, the shape of the eye slot and the way it pulls back on the side in both images is very similar, as is the the way the mask hangs. Similarly, the ridges in the test shot more or less match up with the yellow lines in the concept from another angle. The test shot was kind of blurry and the vader/samurai style back would be obscured, so I'm thinking that given the context of the new image, what people originally referred to as the "revan" mask is actually closer to the concept with recessed eye slot than actual revan (the image was too blurry to tell for sure originally and obscured the depth), and is either an unfinished version or an alternate.

I think perhaps the original posted above is final version, when you consider that the facemask part shown in the toy image is a little smoother than in the concept art.


It has more character, IMO.

that character being Revan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

that leak was probably just a concept that was scrapped, realized it looked too familiar and made the new mask

*on extended viewing, the old leaked mask looks like a mix of the old Revan Mask, and Grievous's faceplate, specifically the eyeholes and below


that character being Revan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

that leak was probably just a concept that was scrapped, realized it looked too familiar and made the new mask

Revan's mask looks different. A Small, single slit visor with two distinct nodules on the chin, and strong lines on the mouth area. One reason I'm leaning towards this being more final is his lightsaber. Unmistakably the same design they went with in the teaser.


Revan's mask looks different. A Small, single slit visor with two distinct nodules on the chin, and strong lines on the mouth area. One reason I'm leaning towards this being more final is his lightsaber. Unmistakably the same design they went with in the teaser.

thats why i added in that last bit on my post. the lowr half of the mask reminds me of Grievous, which is a smoother faceplate


Hasbro is making people pull the toy leak image from their sites. It's way too late for that.

thats why i added in that last bit on my post. the lowr half of the mask reminds me of Grievous, which is a smoother faceplate

I see it now. Yep, I agree. There are some similarities there.


so it's a definitely no on the first mask leak being a thing now that the toy mold is out in the wild?

Maybe. What if the differing mask design are two different Sith (some of the leaks had an entirely different Sith looking lightsaber design). Or a costume change midway through, or these pictures are of concept toys themselves and the final molds are yet to be seen?


Looking at those Kylo Ren concept pics I can definitely see where some of the Vader rumors came from.

If you put 2 + 2 together... the legit concept art that was leaked several weeks ago shows
Vader's old helmet reappearing, and being examined by Kylo

There's a good possibility he modifies Vader's helmet and makes it his own.


Maybe. What if the differing mask design are two different Sith (some of the leaks had an entirely different Sith looking lightsaber design). Or a costume change midway through, or these pictures are of concept toys themselves and the final molds are yet to be seen?

i had considered there being two new sith, but it seemed too soon to me


I'm thinking the Rule of Two may still be in play. We will see. I'm hoping for two so we can get that sweet mask from the earlier leak I like.

From what I've heard,
the new Sith Emperor-style villain is abolishing that 'tradition'.

It's one of the few things consistent across all the leaked info so far.


From what I've heard,
the new Sith Emperor-style villain is abolishing that 'tradition'.

It's one of the few things consistent across all the leaked info so far.

Just like Krayt. Awesome sauce. I hope that is indeed the case. The more people fighting and vying for power the more interesting it can be.


From what I've heard,
the new Sith Emperor-style villain is abolishing that 'tradition'.

It's one of the few things consistent across all the leaked info so far.
I don't think that's really been a rumor. We don't know much about a second Sith, although everybody accepts he probably exists.


I don't think that's really been a rumor. We don't know much about a second Sith, although everybody accepts he probably exists.

Yeah, I don't think there's been an explicit leak, but it seems highly likely that we have Driver and Serkis. We'll see.
Not much of a fan of Rey's hair here, but obviously I'll wait for a clear actual photo of the character since we can barely see any of it here.


So the Ewoks, I've mentioned this before, but they're not that bad if you think about it. They look too cute and are played for laughs too frequently, but if you really think about the realities of a bunch of barbaric, cannibalistic, intelligent primate-like animals who know the forest like you know the drive to work (or pizza hut, or whatever) - it's horrifying!

I am with you. When we first meet the Ewoks they are going to roast Han, Luke, and Chewie over an open fire and proceed to feast on them.

Nasty little bastards.


So, last night pretty much summed up my entire issue with this whole ordeal. I'm attending a Christmas party with various friends and the conversation turns to Star Wars leaks, The conversation eventually leads to speculation and I voiced the opinion that I think Darth Bane might be in the film somehow. A friend I have known since high school, Charlie, asks me who is Darth Bane. I tell him he was the Sith Lord who pioneered the Rule of Two. He then proceeds to ask me about how he developed the Rule of Two and even the origin of the Jedi versus Sith conflict.

I've come to realize that my problems with these new films aren't based of their own merits but instead centered on what they represent. In any other circumstance I would be delighted for another Star Wars. The biggest draw of seeing "Old characters" has no effect on me, given that I've never really gone without Luke Skywalker.

No, my biggest problem is there is no longer an answer to Charlie's question within "canon." There are no answers where there had once been answers before. There was thirty-thousand years of Jedi history that explained the Jedi and Sith origins, the first Sith, etc. Events and sequences that had no weight on the Skywalker story but still fleshed out that universe and made it feel grand. It would be different if there was no answer, but there were. It's the taking of these answers which have prevented me from enjoying anything about this new Star Wars film. I liked talking about non-Skywalker related things and Disney and J.J. took that away.

So, I sat down and told him in front of a dozen people the history of the Jedi using the only answers provided. From Naga Sadow - Darth Revan and ending with Bane. The conversation lasted about an hour and a half and was referred to as some kind of Masters Thesis. Charlie made a comment that initially caught me off guard but he essentially told me what he had just heard was the Star Wars equivalent of The Silmarillion. And yeah, in kind of a way it was. All the histories that have no bearing on the immediate story directly, but instead give you great appreciation for that world.

It's funny, because not a single person who heard my rambling thought it was dumb or "not Star Wars." The only time they got upset and thought anything was garbage was when I told them that Anakin Skywalker had turned to the Dark Side before episode 3 and then had his mind conveniently wiped as to not remember what he had done. They thought it was beyond stupid and asked me what EU thing that stupid idea came from. I told them it was from the George Lucas produced "The Clone Wars", in the Mortis Trilogy.
Ultimately I think the only real canon is the movies. Despite what has been said about Clone Wars and the new books being released, I think anything can be retconned by one simple decision to change something in a film.

I don't let myself get too attached to any expanded fiction for my favourite franchises because this is usually the case.


Ultimately I think the only real canon is the movies. Despite what has been said about Clone Wars and the new books being released, I think anything can be retconned by one simple decision to change something in a film.

I don't let myself get too attached to any expanded fiction for my favourite franchises because this is usually the case.

My approach as always been that there are The Movies and The Movies+

Star Wars was never just a series of films, it is a universe. People can choose to just acknowledge the films, that's fine. But enjoying only the films doesn't negate that other stories still exist. I've never championed anything to contradict another, but I like knowing that there is history here. The Silmarils have no bearing on the adventure of Frodo, but it is nice to know that the history exists.


Ultimately I think the only real canon is the movies. Despite what has been said about Clone Wars and the new books being released, I think anything can be retconned by one simple decision to change something in a film.

I don't let myself get too attached to any expanded fiction for my favourite franchises because this is usually the case.

The Clone Wars is on equal footing with the movies. It came straight from George Lucas. There is no way to parse this statement. They make it as blatant as possible. The Clone Wars is not "expanded" at all.

To Lucasfilm The Clone Wars is equal in canon as say The Empire Strikes Back.

Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.

Immovable object. That is as clear as it can get.


It's funny, because not a single person who heard my rambling thought it was dumb or "not Star Wars." The only time they got upset and thought anything was garbage was when I told them that Anakin Skywalker had turned to the Dark Side before episode 3 and then had his mind conveniently wiped as to not remember what he had done. They thought it was beyond stupid and asked me what EU thing that stupid idea came from. I told them it was from the George Lucas produced "The Clone Wars", in the Mortis Trilogy.

While I don't exactly enjoy that arc much either, I believe it was meant to be ambiguous as to whether the events that transpired really happened or not or if it was all just a big hallucination brought on by a surge in Force energy.


The Clone Wars is also better than 3 of the movies so it's easy to accept it as important as them.

Not to mention it came from George Lucas. Even with attacks online about Lucas Lucasfilm is never going to retcon any canon material from George Lucas out of existence. That is sacred ground for better or for worse. No matter what happens Episodes I-VI + The Clone Wars will always remain as the key pillar of Star Wars canon that everything else revolves around.


The Clone Wars is on equal footing with the movies. It came straight from George Lucas. There is no way to parse this statement. They make it as blatant as possible. The Clone Wars is not "expanded" at all.

To Lucasfilm The Clone Wars is equal in canon as say The Empire Strikes Back.


Immovable object. That is as clear as it can get.

As you can see however, saying something IS only means so much to people.

I'll give Filoni major props though, he bent over backwards to include a lot of EU material, particularly KotOR.

Shame Rebels is bombing.


As you can see however, saying something IS only means so much to people.

I'll give Filoni major props though, he bent over backwards to include a lot of EU material, particularly KotOR.

Shame Rebels is bombing.
Well, it shows Lucasfilm calls The Clone Wars an immovable object of Star Wars canon that all future stories must align to. Outlining that the center of Star Wars canon is the George Lucas penned material which includes The Clone Wars. Someone saying they don't consider it canon is as bizarre as someone saying they don't consider Return of the Jedi canon.

As for Rebels that's the fault of Disney XD. Everything on Disney XD gets poor ratings. The few times they air Rebels on Disney Channel proper it does great. It's not going anywhere though. Disney cares more about propping up XD. Not to mention Rebels already got greenlit for season 2 and has been given the soft go-ahead to start work on season 3 scripts.


Anyone that has a problem with Clone Wars being canon doesn't have too much to worry about though. Not much of it will impact the Sequel trilogy or the stories post-RotJ in a direct way. It would mostly be backstory. And just because it's canon, in my mind doesn't mean it 100% happened in the exact way portrayed. It's animation afterall, so it's a somewhat heightened reality from film, you have to take that into consideration.

Doesn't mean we don't have some interesting stuff to draw from, in particular I loved all the bounty hunter stuff and the youngling training stuff.


Not to mention it came from George Lucas. Even with attacks online about Lucas Lucasfilm is never going to retcon any canon material from George Lucas out of existence. That is sacred ground for better or for worse. No matter what happens Episodes I-VI + The Clone Wars will always remain as the key pillar of Star Wars canon that everything else revolves around.
That's the point though, what does that really mean and why does it really matter unless future films are dependent on small stuff he introduces. I think its safe to say that George Lucas isn't Star Wars anymore. Its always bothered me that its treated as some kind of unquestionable sense of validation. It shouldn't matter anymore.

Hell, I showed friends the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars and one told me it shits all over the CGI show. They asked me why it wasn't considered canon and I couldn't come up with a good answer for them.
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