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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

If it's a joke it's nothing but it it's real, believe it or not I can get a lot of information from a Vader crotch shot.
Where's this going, you have my attention!
The lightsaber is inverted. With the emitter down. Vader always wore the saber emitter up in the OT. Except maybe in Jedi but that's because the original hilt was lost and they kit-bashed a stunt hilt used for Luke. This gave the Jedi Vader saber two d-rings one being a redundant one on the base.

The saber is hung from the belt with a metal clip. Looks pretty generic. The prequels used Covertec pager clips to attach sabers to belts. The hilt actually looks accurate to ANH and appears to be a either a piece built with an original MPP flashgun or a very close replica. The sabers created to match the original sabers in the prequels were shop built from scratch and noticably smaller than the ones used in the original movies. This looks to be the right size.

The gloves are the same or similar to the ones used for Empire and Jedi.

I guessing it's a replica made by a fan or perhaps a Lucasfilm display piece.
. That's some impressive star wars knowledge!
I hope they aren't burning down an Ewok village as it was rumored. That would be as unnecessary as bringing back the Midi-chlorians just to point out that they suck.
I hope they aren't burning down an Ewok village as it was rumored. That would be as unnecessary as bringing back the Midi-chlorians just to point out that they suck.

Depending on how it's portrayed. It does sound a little too on the nose though, almost like winking at the camera.
I wouldn't call myself a Midichlorian "apologist" simply because I don't think Midichlorians are a big deal as I don't see them explaining or giving any real weight to the Force itself, as I've explained (from my own POV). That's the only reason I "defend" the Midichlorians; the Jedi used them as a scientific gauge in the prequels to make decisions regarding who to "let in" to the Order, which is one reason why I find them to be too by the books and why Qui-Gon didn't completely agree with how they viewed things and made decisions (he even argues with Obi-Wan about this in the movie).

And by extension, I get the impression that when the order was wiped out and Qui-Gon was communicating with Yoda and Obi-Wan between the trilogies that Qui-Gon essentially threw out the book and enlightened the remaining Jedi about the true nature of the Force, not this "crude matter." However I understand what you're saying and that's fine. I guess I'm just so indifferent toward it, the Force is still a mythical... force without much explanation even if you consider the Midichlorians.

Lol no yea I'm totally fine and get that. Honestly, I just get caught up in fanboyism sometimes. But real talk the biggest issue is, like many people have said, how it was handled. I'd be fine with those assumptions that it was one of the example of the OR's ignorance and naïveté but the thing is the PT doesn't support that at all. Like if he did more scenes where Qui-Gon was openly opposed to the Senate's method of selection or crap like that and strict by the book teaching I'd be totally fine. That'd be interesting as hell. But no. The word midi-chlordane is literally only mentioned in that tiny scene, with QG showing a baby amount of disapproval and the rest is just speculation from us trying to interpret an interesting and plausible reason for Lucas to have put them in.

Anyway yea. Just to clarify to everyone. I'm not like super pissed ripping my hair out over it. Just kinda sad and disappointed that it turned out the way it did :p
I still dont' know that I buy the "Billie Lourd is playing a Young Leia" thing. For one, she doesn't look much like her mom did at that age, and secondly - she doesn't look like her mom did.

Most people, when they think Carrie Fisher, they think of her when she was 20 years old, playing Princess Leia for the first time. They have an idea of what "young Princess Leia" looks like LOCKED in their heads already.

They aren't going to buy this woman who looks about 20 years old and looks not at all like that image, playing the same character about 5-10 years YOUNGER than 20 year-old Carrie Fisher.

It just doesn't make sense.

I agree. For a film that has taken great pains to preserve continuity by securing the original three, it'll be jarring if they suddenly cast Lourd in such an iconic role. I think I would honestly prefer it if they did some janky head replacement using old unused footage (is there any?) if they're doing a flashback.

On the other hand, the Star Trek films didnt balk at recasting the original iconic crew while also having Nimoy show up, so who knows.
I agree. For a film that has taken great pains to preserve continuity by securing the original three, it'll be jarring if they suddenly cast Lourd in such an iconic role. I think I would honestly prefer it if they did some janky head replacement using old unused footage (is there any?) if they're doing a flashback.

On the other hand, the Star Trek films didnt balk at recasting the original iconic crew while also having Nimoy show up, so who knows.

I assume that if we do get a "flashback" to a young Leia, it'll probably be within the narrative or the film rather than a literal flashback. So maybe a force vision that's all smoke and mirrors and trippy as hell. How they shoot it could make her face not be the focal point of the scene. Maybe it's just her presence in the sequence that matters.
If they did a brief and hazy force vision a la Episode III, I wouldn't be against them using present day Fisher and some digital makeup. They wont do it, but that shit's come a long way:


If on the other hand it is a crystal clear scene set 35 years in the past, it would be pretty conspicuous if they used Lourd and kept avoiding her face like George McFly in BttF 2. They'd sooner put her in a white gown, slap a couple of buns on her head and say fuck it and fuck you, Lourd is Leia.


If they did a brief and hazy force vision a la Episode III, I wouldn't be against them using present day Fisher and some digital makeup. They wont do it, but that shit's come a long way:


If on the other hand it is a crystal clear scene set 35 years in the past, it would be pretty conspicuous if they used Lourd and kept avoiding her face like George McFly in BttF 2. They'd sooner put her in a white gown, slap a couple of buns on her head and say fuck it and fuck you, Lourd is Leia.
Digital makeup for Fisher was already what I was expecting to begin with, even for her "present day" Leia. -_-


If they want to do a flashback, they can always do it by having R2 show a hologram. Who knows what secrets that old astromech has inside him. They can do a low-res A New Hope style hologram and use a stand in and have Fisher dub her voice in.
I'd be fine with those assumptions that it was one of the example of the OR's ignorance and naïveté but the thing is the PT doesn't support that at all.

I personally think it supports it if you think about it, it's just that it doesn't make a big deal out of it or hand it to the viewer on a silver platter so to speak. I mean, this is a very scary thing to say out loud around Lucas haters, but I do think the guy knows his own story and to me it was very apparent that he made the Jedi that way and introduced the Midichlorians with the idea of the Jedi in the PT being too strict and closed-minded (the Midichlorians, Jedi not being allowed to have romantic relationships, Anakin being unable to visit his mother, the list goes on!), but to each his own.

It's a lot more than just the Midichlorians that I feel backs up what I'm getting at. I don't think we're going to change each other's minds, but it was still fun to go over-- especially with the few such as yourself that were willing to have a polite back and forth.
I personally think it supports it if you think about it, it's just that it doesn't make a big deal out of it or hand it to the viewer on a silver platter so to speak. I mean, this is a very scary thing to say out loud around Lucas haters, but I do think the guy knows his own story and to me it was very apparent that he made the Jedi that way and introduced the Midichlorians with the idea of the Jedi in the PT being too strict and closed-minded (the Midichlorians, Jedi not being allowed to have romantic relationships, Anakin being unable to visit his mother, the list goes on!), but to each his own.

It's a lot more than just the Midichlorians that I feel backs up what I'm getting at. I don't think we're going to change each other's minds, but it was still fun to go over-- especially with the few such as yourself that were willing to have a polite back and forth.

Where's your evidence Yoda and Obi Wan had changed their minds on these things? Ben tries to get Luke to abandon his family as soon as possible and train as a Jedi, Luke has no romantic relationship in the OT, Yoda encourages Luke to let his friends die and continue his Jedi training, the list goes on!

The only reason George Lucas introduced midichlorians into the PT is he needed a quick short hand for identifying Anakin as potentially the most powerful Jedi ever and it was the best he could come up with. The reason they don't exist in the OT is because he hadn't thought of them yet and the reason they're barely mentioned in the the other PT movies is the same reason Jar Jar is barely in them, namely that people hated them.


Where's your evidence Yoda and Obi Wan had changed their minds on these things? Ben tries to get Luke to abandon his family as soon as possible and train as a Jedi, Luke has no romantic relationship in the OT, Yoda encourages Luke to let his friends die and continue his Jedi training, the list goes on!

Well, to be fair what we know from spoilers/leaks of Episode VII Luke never married and abandoned his friends to go into seclusion so he ended up sort of listening to Obi-Wan and Yoda after all.
Lucas finally saw the teaser:

“I haven’t seen anything; I mean I saw the trailer, it looks great, it looks interesting. But as I’ve said before: one thing I regret about Star Wars is that I never got to see it, you know? I never got to be blown away by the big ship coming over the thing, or anything. But this time I’m going to be, because I have no idea what they’re doing.”



After 35+ years of managing Star Wars and 15+ years of getting constant shit for the prequels, it has to be a hell of a relief to wash his hands of the whole thing and just watch the new movies as a regular viewer.
The quote in that article is contradictory to what he said more recently. Didn't he allegedly write the first treatment this new trilogy is based on? He's got to have some idea of what's going to happen.

The "he wrote a treatment thing" isn't clear in and of itself. The Business Week article most people use to point at that mentions "treatments" alongside a more general "rough sketches," so nobody really knows how detailed anything he wrote really was, other than Iger looked through it and said "We can use this, there's good ideas in here."

We don't really know what Arndt turned that stuff into, and we further don't know how much of it has changed after Kasdan/Abrams got ahold of it, either.

It's possible seeing those out-of-context images had him like "huh. I don't know what this is or how it fits into what I thought it would be."

...or maybe he's just covering because he doesn't want to deal with someone going "tell me tell me tell me"
Where's your evidence Yoda and Obi Wan had changed their minds on these things? Ben tries to get Luke to abandon his family as soon as possible and train as a Jedi, Luke has no romantic relationship in the OT, Yoda encourages Luke to let his friends die and continue his Jedi training, the list goes on!

I was talking about the Jedi apparently not allowing Anakin to visit his mother. I'm pretty sure that if Luke wanted to visit Owen and Beru, had they not been burned to a crisp, that he would have been allowed to do so because there wasn't some big Jedi Order he was following orders from. Luke didn't have a romantic relationship in the originals but that has nothing at all to do with the Jedi, and there was some romance between he and Leia but we all know how that turned out. Anakin did, and it was nothing but trouble to him.

Yoda only encouraged Luke to not go after his friends because he was afraid of what might happen, and at that point Luke didn't know Vader was his father and Yoda was concerned about that as well. Obi-Wan and Yoda were banking on Luke defeating Anakin and Palpatine, and there was a lot of thin ice that Luke had to skate on and they were being very cautious about that.


Lucas is the quintessential unreliable narrator. He's changed history on things so many times that I really don't know what's real.

heh, the man constantly making changes to his films is constantly making changes to his own history too. Some life imitating art shit.
heh, the man constantly making changes to his films is constantly making changes to his own history too. Some life imitating art shit.


"It's like poetry. It rhymes."
I personally think it supports it if you think about it, it's just that it doesn't make a big deal out of it or hand it to the viewer on a silver platter so to speak. I mean, this is a very scary thing to say out loud around Lucas haters, but I do think the guy knows his own story and to me it was very apparent that he made the Jedi that way and introduced the Midichlorians with the idea of the Jedi in the PT being too strict and closed-minded (the Midichlorians, Jedi not being allowed to have romantic relationships, Anakin being unable to visit his mother, the list goes on!), but to each his own.

It's a lot more than just the Midichlorians that I feel backs up what I'm getting at. I don't think we're going to change each other's minds, but it was still fun to go over-- especially with the few such as yourself that were willing to have a polite back and forth.

I can respect dat homie. Good shit. And yea I get that. Idk it's just cuz that would've been such a great side plot for the PT to have if it had focused on it more but I mean like I said it honestly just feels like a series of coincidences. Relationships weren't allowed because it makes Anakin/Padme romance feel more R+J-esque, Midis only included to give a reason for Jedi to pick up Anakin, Senate makes wrong decisions only because they were getting played by a legit Sith that had infiltrated their system, etc. Even if they weren't coincidental, none of these feel all that bad. At the most they were just a little too strict and demanding. Nothing severe enough to reason that they were wrong in their ways. And if Lucas did only intend for them to only come off as "slightly-strict", why even include that at all? That's so boring compared to the extreme of a dictatorial iron-ruled government.

I guess in the end for me it's just that there aren't enough examples of it to feel intentional and even if they were, the few that exist are so flimsy and weak that it becomes boring either way. Although you're probably right in that we won't completely convince each other, I have slightly become less annoyed by this particular part of the PT if that's any consolation lol.

Edit: And as far as Obi-Wan and Yoda changing their minds on things mentioned earlier. I don't think the way they act in the OT is reflective of their "hard, cold solid-mindset" from the PT, it's just the fact that Luke is literally the fucking Messiah and can't be fucking around if they have any hope of saving the galaxy, so they tell him to stop fucking around and save the fucking galaxy.
The Jedi existed for "over a thousand generations" and it would be awfully bold of Obi-Wan and Yoda to suddenly question such an institutionalized system. Not to say they couldn't, such things have happened in reality and they certainly had plenty of time on their hands, but they also would have had to come to these new beliefs independently as they were both in isolation.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That Luke hermit shit is legit? Hooboy... :/

There was a interview with the Story Group lead a few months back, can't remember where. They wield a lot of power. They basically decided they needed a George Lucas without Lucas there. Someone to make all the key story decisions, approve all stories, decide the laws of the universe, how characters would act, etc. And in the wake of Lucas they created the group of about 5-6 people including long-time Lucasfilm types like Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee.

I think I'm going to vomit.


There was a interview with the Story Group lead a few months back, can't remember where. They wield a lot of power. They basically decided they needed a George Lucas without Lucas there. Someone to make all the key story decisions, approve all stories, decide the laws of the universe, how characters would act, etc. And in the wake of Lucas they created the group of about 5-6 people including long-time Lucasfilm types like Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee.

The story group came up with the initial hook behind Rebels for example, and dictates the eras and basic plots where books and comics can be and so forth.

Didn't something like this already exist at LucasArts?

Before someone is a smartass, I'm obviously not referring to Lucas.


heh, the man constantly making changes to his films is constantly making changes to his own history too. Some life imitating art shit.

Hardly surprising. Most Star Wars history has been created to give Lucas the ultimate blow job at the expense of everyone that contributed to the franchise and the development of the original movies.

Marcia Lucas is the ultimate example of being written out.


I see you've read the secret history of star wars as well.

I've been pointing it out to people for years now.

The prequels were reason enough to believe something had been very wrong with the perceived genius of Lucas.

Howard the Duck was a warning no one understand enough of at the time due to Star Wars overall success.
I have 2 questions.

Does anyone think that Lucas is aware of the fact that he shit the bed and is being stubborn about it, or does he genuinely believe that the prequels are his magnum opus?

The other question is something that I've been putting some thought into as of late. What are the chances that this new trilogy will eschew the standby archetype formula they tried to recreate in the prequels? All the main characters in episode I were basically redone analogs of the characters from the first Star Wars film. I honestly think that Lucas was trying to make Jar Jar Binks into the new Chewbacca, and had he would have had a bigger role in the sequels had he not taken the pasting he had by fans and critics. The original cast members are basically here to pass the torch to the next generation, but popular consensus is that the droids, R2D2 and C-3PO will always be the main fixtures of this series because of how iconic they are and because storywise they are ageless. But the reality is, Anthony Daniels is not getting any younger, and that he's too deeply rooted in the old trilogy to be seen as a contemporary element in this series.

You think it's possible that they could say..... do away with the obligatory droids and token alien and shake things up abit more, 4 main protagonists instead of 3, Introduce 2 Lando type additions to Episode VIII instead of just one? Scotch the token alien and make the troupe an exclusively human affair? Have a crusty older type who doesn't have to be a martyr, etc....


Hardly surprising. Most Star Wars history has been created to give Lucas the ultimate blow job at the expense of everyone that contributed to the franchise and the development of the original movies.

Marcia Lucas is the ultimate example of being written out.
I kind of feel like the last decade has almost swung the pendulum in an equally opposite direction, though, to the point where basically everything good about Star Wars is attributed to everybody but Lucas - as if Lucas wasn't somewhat responsible for choosing and overseeing those he originally collaborated with.

It's an easy narrative that also seems to vindictively take away a lot of what Lucas accomplished. Collaboration is something that happens in every film; we generally attribute it to the director in every other context except for the OT now because its director has fallen out of society's favor.


I kind of feel like the last decade has almost swung the pendulum in an equally opposite direction, though, to the point where basically everything good about Star Wars is attributed to everybody but Lucas - as if Lucas wasn't somewhat responsible for choosing and overseeing those he originally collaborated with.

It's an easy narrative that also seems to vindictively take away a lot of what Lucas accomplished. Collaboration is something that happens in every film; we generally attribute it to the director in every other context except for the OT now because its director has fallen out of society's favor.

Nah, it’s basically some online people that know the details. The average person has no clue and fully believes that Lucas had it all planned out and this was his huge triumph that proved what a great director and creator he is. That likely won’t change any time soon at all.


Nah, it’s basically some online people that know the details. The average person has no clue and fully believes that Lucas had it all planned out and this was his huge triumph that proved what a great director and creator he is. That likely won’t change any time soon at all.
I don't think the average person thinks Lucas is a genius anymore. A decade of vitriol directed at the prequels has definitely spilled over into the mainstream, just maybe not to the same degree or for the same explicitly-cited reasons.

Regardless it doesn't make the online community's attempt to strip away Lucas' achievements any less unfair or overly punitive. It's selective to attribute the good parts of the OT to everybody but Lucas, when we generally credit other directors for the entirety of their work, which are also collaborations.


I don't think the average person thinks Lucas is a genius anymore. A decade of vitriol directed at the prequels has definitely spilled over into the mainstream, just maybe not to the same degree or for the same explicitly-cited reasons.

Regardless it doesn't make the online community's attempt to strip away Lucas' achievements any less unfair or overly punitive. It's selective to attribute the good parts of the OT to everybody but Lucas, when we generally credit other directors for the entirety of their work, which are also collaborations.

You are over rating the ability for the average person to know dick squat or care.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You are over rating the ability for the average person to know dick squat or care.
Not caring means no knowledge or opinion one way or the other. I do agree that few people out there praise Lucas as some kind of flawless master of myth anymore.


Not caring means no knowledge or opinion one way or the other. I do agree that few people out there praise Lucas as some kind of flawless master of myth anymore.

To be honest I'm not sure they ever really did. Star Wars is mythic in its presence in pop culture, Lucas is a footnote by comparison. Note that that still leaves him very present and very public, but the man has never eclipsed the story in the way that, say, James Cameron has. And I think crediting him with bringing the hero's journey (or even talking about the hero's journey explicitly) into the mainstream is a relatively modern (2000s) development.

He might actually be more famous for 'wrecking' Star Wars than he ever was for creating it, but even that is still mostly the domain of people who care a lot about these sorts of things.
^^^^George Lucas was behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones, the man was worshipped as a god for two decades. He was one of the most famous movie directors of all time. probably only eclipsed by Spielberg. Cameron's up there of course, especially after Titanic but George Lucas is really, really famous and pre-prequels was definitely held up as one of the greats. Now you're right, seemingly more famous for destroying Star Wars than making it, meanwhile prequel haters grasp in any direction looking for someone else to credit the original film too. Marcia's a pretty good candidate, she apparently gave a lot of script notes and won an oscar for editing the film. She's credited for injecting some humanity in the script and apparently Star Wars was a plodding mess before she got her hands on it, wonder what she thinks of the prequels.

I was talking about the Jedi apparently not allowing Anakin to visit his mother. I'm pretty sure that if Luke wanted to visit Owen and Beru, had they not been burned to a crisp, that he would have been allowed to do so because there wasn't some big Jedi Order he was following orders from

See, I'm pretty sure Ben would never ever have let Luke see them again.
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