Well he doesn't reach any higher up.A selfie with Vader's crotch? What's up with that?
Well he doesn't reach any higher up.A selfie with Vader's crotch? What's up with that?
Lawrence Kasdan is writing it. The writer of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. You are in safe hands.Can't knock this feeling that Episode VII is going to come off as the biggest fanfic ever produced.
Lawrence Kasdan is writing it. The writer of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. You are in safe hands.
Midichlorians are stupid.
But no, blood tests.
Yep, this is after Qui-Gon enlightened them through the Force in the gap between the prequels and originals. That's why they're far more spiritual and humble toward the Force in the originals, not that by the book mindset in the prequels. Lucas made them that way so that they'd be blind and arrogant. If the Jedi order were as wise as they were in the originals in the prequels, they wouldn't have gotten their asses kicked. My evidence? One of the last scenes in Episode III where Yoda deliberately touches on this.
I get that people don't like Midichlorians but they were introduced to show that the Jedi didn't have that spiritual connection to the Force that they should have had. They treated it like science and it was one of many flaws about them that helped Palpatine exploit them.
Hm, no. It'd be nice to retcon it this way, but it sure as hell wasn't made like that.
Yep, this is after Qui-Gon enlightened them through the Force in the gap between the prequels and originals. That's why they're far more spiritual and humble toward the Force in the originals, not that by the book mindset in the prequels. Lucas made them that way so that they'd be blind and arrogant. If the Jedi order were as wise as they were in the originals in the prequels, they wouldn't have gotten their asses kicked. My evidence? One of the last scenes in Episode III where Yoda deliberately touches on this.
I get that people don't like Midichlorians but they were introduced to show that the Jedi didn't have that spiritual connection to the Force that they should have had. They treated it like science and it was one of many flaws about them that helped Palpatine exploit them.
Yep, this is after Qui-Gon enlightened them through the Force in the gap between the prequels and originals. That's why they're far more spiritual and humble toward the Force in the originals, not that by the book mindset in the prequels. Lucas made them that way so that they'd be blind and arrogant. If the Jedi order were as wise as they were in the originals in the prequels, they wouldn't have gotten their asses kicked. My evidence? One of the last scenes in Episode III where Yoda deliberately touches on this.
I get that people don't like Midichlorians but they were introduced to show that the Jedi didn't have that spiritual connection to the Force that they should have had. They treated it like science and it was one of many flaws about them that helped Palpatine exploit them.
The way Midichlorians are introduced and treated in Phantom Menace strongly suggests it was created almost solely as an answer to the question "Why would the council take this kid if they think he's way out of the age range?"
It's kind of a band-aid on a bad concept, and by bad concept I don't mean "Detecting the force," I mean a) de-aging Skywalker to 7 or 8 years old (I believe he was 13/14 in the original drafts) and b) making the rule that anyone older than toddler is too old to begin the training.
When Yoda said "too old!" in Empire, it didn't need to be interpreted as "anyone older than 2"
Regardless - it was an answer to a question that nobody was really asking, and the best answer to it would have been to just not ask the question. Have the people in the room feel how strong he is automatically. Watching people react to the jolt of power emanating off the kid says way more than having a Lady Schick waved over his arm.
The Jedi believed in a Prophecy about a Chosen One. They did not treat the Force like science at all.
Yeah, the hardest part of any RPG is the 20 minutes you spend trying to come up with something genuinely good for your character name until you invariably and perhaps inevitably continue the many and varied adventures of Farts McButtcrack.
I hate you Farts, I hate you so much.
(I believe he was 13/14 in the original drafts)
When Yoda said "too old!" in Empire, it didn't need to be interpreted as "anyone older than 2"
I simply don't think it's as big of a deal as people tend to believe.
I agree, it's really not that big a deal. It's just one of those things that people tend to pick at. I can see WHY they pick at it, and I'm more inclined to agree with the idea that the introduction of Midichlorians is pretty unnecessary overall, but it doesn't really carry much weight in the Prequel Trilogy. It CAN, if you want it to, but it can also just be one of a million little details that kinda/sorta move the plot forward, but aren't very important, comparatively.
I agree, it's really not that big a deal. It's just one of those things that people tend to pick at. I can see WHY they pick at it, and I'm more inclined to agree with the idea that the introduction of Midichlorians is pretty unnecessary overall, but it doesn't really carry much weight in the Prequel Trilogy. It CAN, if you want it to, but it can also just be one of a million little details that kinda/sorta move the plot forward, but aren't very important, comparatively.
a selfie taken "on set"... with Vader? Could it be the rumors are true? Or is he intentionally messing with the fans.He is quite a joker...
Yep, this is after Qui-Gon enlightened them through the Force in the gap between the prequels and originals. That's why they're far more spiritual and humble toward the Force in the originals, not that by the book mindset in the prequels. Lucas made them that way so that they'd be blind and arrogant. If the Jedi order were as wise as they were in the originals in the prequels, they wouldn't have gotten their asses kicked. My evidence? One of the last scenes in Episode III where Yoda deliberately touches on this.
I get that people don't like Midichlorians but they were introduced to show that the Jedi didn't have that spiritual connection to the Force that they should have had. They treated it like science and it was one of many flaws about them that helped Palpatine exploit them.
I agree, it's really not that big a deal. It's just one of those things that people tend to pick at. I can see WHY they pick at it, and I'm more inclined to agree with the idea that the introduction of Midichlorians is pretty unnecessary overall, but it doesn't really carry much weight in the Prequel Trilogy. It CAN, if you want it to, but it can also just be one of a million little details that kinda/sorta move the plot forward, but aren't very important, comparatively.
I'll have to take your word for it on all the details. Was interesting to read your interpretations though. I had no idea Vader's saber in RotJ was improvised to such an extent. How could they lose such a valuable prop? I guess it just goes with the territory when it comes to Vader, since they redid his helmet piece at least twice based on my limited knowledge (once for empire, once for RotS)If it's a joke it's nothing but it it's real, believe it or not I can get a lot of information from a Vader crotch shot.
The lightsaber is inverted. With the emitter down. Vader always wore the saber emitter up in the OT. Except maybe in Jedi but that's because the original hilt was lost and they kit-bashed a stunt hilt used for Luke. This gave the Jedi Vader saber two d-rings one being a redundant one on the base.
The saber is hung from the belt with a metal clip. Looks pretty generic. The prequels used Covertec pager clips to attach sabers to belts. The hilt actually looks accurate to ANH and appears to be a either a piece built with an original MPP flashgun or a very close replica. The sabers created to match the original sabers in the prequels were shop built from scratch and noticably smaller than the ones used in the original movies. This looks to be the right size.
The gloves are the same or similar to the ones used for Empire and Jedi.
I guessing it's a replica made by a fan or perhaps a Lucasfilm display piece.
I'll have to take your word for it on all the details. Was interesting to read your interpretations though. I had no idea Vader's saber in RotJ was improvised to such an extent. How could they lose such a valuable prop? I guess it just goes with the territory when it comes to Vader, since they redid his helmet piece at least twice based on my limited knowledge (once for empire, once for RotS)
I still don't get how you make one of the most universally beloved movies of all time and somehow get the idea that it needs to be fixed.
How much power do these people have?
"The basic story for the standalone was already in place, being hammered out by a few people and run through the new Lucasfilm story-group"
How much power do these people have?
There was a interview with the Story Group lead a few months back, can't remember where. They wield a lot of power. They basically decided they needed a George Lucas without Lucas there. Someone to make all the key story decisions, approve all stories, decide the laws of the universe, how characters would act, etc. And in the wake of Lucas they created the group of about 5-6 people including long-time Lucasfilm types like Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee.
The story group came up with the initial hook behind Rebels for example, and dictates the eras and basic plots where books and comics can be and so forth.
You didn't like Regarding Henry? Mind you, he also has a writing credit on Armageddon.
Yeah, it never bothered me. But being an atheist, I kind of liked the force having some science behind it,rather that just being spiritual mumbo jumbo. But overall, yeah it was unnecessary and I doubt it will be mentioned again.
Both are pretty bad imo lol. Just kinda odd using that for an argument in support of JJ. Super 8 would be a better example of his good writing chops I think.
It used to be on TV all the time when I was a kid so I do have kind of a soft spot for it, but the real answer is it was a joke.
Lol Damnt. This whole time I was sitting here thinking "there's no way he's serious. He's gotta be joking......but what if he isn't." Shiii. Played me like a damn fiddle. But yeah I love the shit out of Armageddon. Still tear up every once in a while. Bruce goin out like such a beast unnnnnnngggg.
Yeah, it never bothered me. But being an atheist, I kind of liked the force having some science behind it, rather that just being spiritual mumbo jumbo. But overall, yeah it was unnecessary and I doubt it will be mentioned again.
My problem with midi-chlorians isn't that they are bad in the context of the PT. It's the implications and impact they have on the entire SW lore. I am certain Lucas did not care or even give it a second thought when he inserted it in PM and that yea like what was said earlier it was just a reason for Anakin to be "the one!!!"
In the OT you get the impression that the Force is a mystical and mysterious "force" (go figure) that exists throughout the entire universe that connects everything and everyone to each other on a deeper level than just physical or scientific.
With that 2 minute glancing scene, Lucas completely shatters that for the sake of lazy writing. People make so many excuses for Lucas and give him way more credit for things he did not intend or plan out. AND DON'T NONE A Y'ALL DARE USE EU RETCONS AND EXPLANATIONS TO JUSTIFY LUCAS' GARBAGE. Lo siento for the rant![]()
In the OT you get the impression that the Force is a mystical and mysterious "force" (go figure) that exists throughout the entire universe that connects everything and everyone to each other on a deeper level than just physical or scientific.
Wow... This is some hardcore case of fedora tipping right there.
I guess it's attitudes like that which led to people completely dismissing the existence of the force just twenty years after an intergalactic order of magic monks fought a huge war across half of the galaxy and were eventually hunted down and executed as traitors. I mean, does mass media not exist in the star wars universe? There weren't any newsreels of mace windu crushing battalions of battle droids with his mind?
The way Midichlorians are introduced and treated in Phantom Menace strongly suggests it was created almost solely as an answer to the question "Why would the council take this kid if they think he's way out of the age range?"
It's kind of a band-aid on a bad concept, and by bad concept I don't mean "Detecting the force," I mean a) de-aging Skywalker to 7 or 8 years old (I believe he was 13/14 in the original drafts) and b) making the rule that anyone older than toddler is too old to begin the training.
When Yoda said "too old!" in Empire, it didn't need to be interpreted as "anyone older than 2"
Regardless - it was an answer to a question that nobody was really asking, and the best answer to it would have been to just not ask the question. Have the people in the room feel how strong he is automatically. Watching people react to the jolt of power emanating off the kid says way more than having a Lady Schick waved over his arm.
ehh. there are 10,000 jedi in the Galaxy with an estimated total of 100 quadrillion sentients in the galaxy so 100,000,000,000,000,000/10,000=10,000,000,000,000. A person has a 1 in 10 trillion chance of actually becoming a jedi. Our perception of the commonality of the Jedi is skewed because the stories follow jedi and the people who encounter them. Yes mass media exists but would you be able to separate a Jedi from some one who isn't modestly dressed if they keep their lightsaber out of view and not of your own species? Why would their be newsreels?
ehh. there are 10,000 jedi in the Galaxy with an estimated total of 100 quadrillion sentients in the galaxy so 100,000,000,000,000,000/10,000=10,000,000,000,000. A person has a 1 in 10 trillion chance of actually becoming a jedi. Our perception of the commonality of the Jedi is skewed because the stories follow jedi and the people who encounter them. Yes mass media exists but would you be able to separate a Jedi from some one who isn't modestly dressed if they keep their lightsaber out of view and not of your own species? Why would their be newsreels?
Pretty sure most of that "Qui Gon in touch with Yoda and maybe Obi Wan" that was briefly alluded to at the end of ROTS (and I believe was gone over in more detail in the novelization and an earlier cut of the film) was just to teach Yoda/Obi about Force ghosts and the power to survive beyond death.Yep, this is after Qui-Gon enlightened them through the Force in the gap between the prequels and originals. That's why they're far more spiritual and humble toward the Force in the originals, not that by the book mindset in the prequels. Lucas made them that way so that they'd be blind and arrogant. If the Jedi order were as wise as they were in the originals in the prequels, they wouldn't have gotten their asses kicked. My evidence? One of the last scenes in Episode III where Yoda deliberately touches on this.
I get that people don't like Midichlorians but they were introduced to show that the Jedi didn't have that spiritual connection to the Force that they should have had. They treated it like science and it was one of many flaws about them that helped Palpatine exploit them.
The force is a mystical and mysterious thing, the force has never been explained as anything other than an unknown thing. Midichlorians are not, have never been, and don't create, the force, they are entities that allow communication with it.
Pretty sure most of that "Qui Gon in touch with Yoda and maybe Obi Wan" that was briefly alluded to at the end of ROTS (and I believe was gone over in more detail in the novelization and an earlier cut of the film) was just to teach Yoda/Obi about Force ghosts and the power to survive beyond death.
Yoda n Obi teach him in ghost school.Which of course was just a Lucas asspull anyway since Anakin becomes a Force ghost at the end of ROTJ despite having been the most blind and arrogant person ever and having no contact with Qui Gon.
You've read that Qui Gon "teaching more about the Force" into your narrative where you think the Jedis in the PT were incompetent and stodgy on purpose, which I don't agree with (I think it's really George's nerdy inability to portray an esoteric mystic order of monks - they come off like beauracrats), but I'll just leave that be since we've discussed that already....
ehh. there are 10,000 jedi in the Galaxy with an estimated total of 100 quadrillion sentients in the galaxy so 100,000,000,000,000,000/10,000=10,000,000,000,000. A person has a 1 in 10 trillion chance of actually becoming a jedi. Our perception of the commonality of the Jedi is skewed because the stories follow jedi and the people who encounter them. Yes mass media exists but would you be able to separate a Jedi from some one who isn't modestly dressed if they keep their lightsaber out of view and not of your own species? Why would their be newsreels?
I would like to go on record as saying that I definitely do not 'love the shit out of Armageddon' in case anyone came away with that impression. I mean yeah, I was kidding around about Regarding Henry but there are some things you just don't joke about.
Also, having Steven Tyler singing over a romantic scene featuring his daughter is just really fucking creepy.
That's true. And the prequels don't change that. Midichlorians certainly don't change that.
The force is a mystical and mysterious thing, the force has never been explained as anything other than an unknown thing. Midichlorians are not, have never been, and don't create, the force, they are entities that allow communication with it.