And....? Im not sure what you are trying to argue here. Its been a pretty well accepted fact for like 30 years that LOTR greatly inspired star wars. If the fact that Lucas was lifting dialogue straight from Gandalf doesn't convince you that he was consciously thinking of him when writing obi wans character then nothing will. Obviously he was inspired by minfues character in the hidden fortress too...he was inspired by both! Thankfully theres no rule that when writing a character you can only take traits from one preexisting character.
Im not saying that star wars was only inspired by of the things that makes it great was the fact that it was such a mishmash...but the LOTR inspiration was definitely there.
Is it? I mean really? I don't think so but how do you test such a thing? It's not particularly scientific but I went to the wiki page for Star Wars (1977) and did a couple of searches;
flash gordon - 14 matches
hidden fortress - 5 matches
joseph campbell - 1 match
lord of the rings - 1 match (in a section talking about Peter Jacksons movies and how he was influenced by Star Wars)
Toshiro Mifune - 2 matches
Akira Kurosawa - 5 matches
Kurosawa - 8 matches (obviously includes the previous 5)
Gandalf - Phrase not found
J.R.R Tolkien - Phrase not found
JRR Tolkien - Phrase not found
Tolkien - Phrase not found
hobbit - Phrase not found
Not scientific really, but it certainly doesn't help your case.
edit: some more:
Yojimbo - 1 match
Sanjuro - 1 match
olorin - Phrase not found
mithrandir - Phrase not found
Istari - Phrase not found
wizard - 4 matches (oooh what's this? Oh, one generic reference to 'wizards' and three references to The Wizard of Oz. Damn, wrong wizard.)
edit: Last one I swear since someone mentioned Dune and Tatooine is basically Arrakis. Add to that the fact that Han Solo is a 'spice' smuggler plus the whole magic space jesus thing:
Dune - 7 matches (though to be fair two of those are just references to sand dunes)
Frank Herbert - 2 matches
Herbert - 3 matches
vvvv It's from the beginning of the Hobbit. "What makes it a good morning? Do you mean it is a morning to be good on..."