Both incredibly awful IMO.
But I give TPM the edge because of the lack of cringe-worthy romance scenes.
And Duel of the Fates.
Dooku, Jango, asteroid starfighter chase, clones, Coruscant speeder chase, better end battle, beginning of the Clone Wars (and damn that final scene is nice, minus the terrible CGI that has aged really, really badly).
Sure, the romance scenes are bad but i think there's enough better stuff overall than in the TPM.
Unfortunate that so many good things were more or less wasted though. Jango Fett was just ineffectual villain, we know next to nothing about Dooku (and Zam Wesel) and... well, so much was wasted, but then that applies to all prequels.
Also shame some of the deleted scenes didn't make it in, there were a couple of good ones, or with good ideas.