They given an explanation for WHY someone is a Force Sensitive. Arguably the why of it is utterly pointless, and at worst, it demystifies the Force by giving it a biological, genetic explanation, as opposed to a mystical one.
Plus there's a whole lot of other issues associated with them...
EDIT This seems to be the most common problem. My own problems with them are not quite this.
The Force is already biological, seeing as to how organic beings are the only ones shown to have force abilities in any of the films. Midichlorians changed nothing about that. It was shown to be genetic by Vader having Luke and Leia, all force sensitive at the very least, with 2 being the most powerful Force users of all time.
It's like saying having blood demystifies the Force, because without it you can't use the force. Which is seemingly true from the OT. Or in our own world that science demystifies religion (yea yea, I know).
We know Lucas mainly used them for his symbiotic theme in TPM and to short hand justify Anakin being taken by Qui-Gon (and we can extrapolate that this is how Jedi use it in general, they are a small population compared to the galaxy at large, they have to have some way to see who gets into their club. And it's not the be all end all anyway. Force use tests are important as seen by the council's rejection of Anakin) By Sith there are implications that midichlorians can be manipulated to create life. Nothing that fans didn't guess and couldn't happen withou science behind it.
All things considered, the Force is still incredibly mysterious. We don't know why it works or how it works. Why are high running speeds, levitation, mind tricks, super reflexes, the ability to exist after death, and whatever else I'm forgetting possible because of it? All we know is the existence of midichlorians are necessary for Force to be manipulated by a being.
You could call it unnecessary, but it was apart of the TPM's themes, which should not be seen as pointless (regardless of opinions on that film). And by the OT they are irrelevant because Obi-Wan and Yoda have no reason to pay attention to them. Luke and Leia are it, as far as they are concerned, and midichlorian counts aren't going to help them. And they will mean nothing Luke.