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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

They given an explanation for WHY someone is a Force Sensitive. Arguably the why of it is utterly pointless, and at worst, it demystifies the Force by giving it a biological, genetic explanation, as opposed to a mystical one.
Plus there's a whole lot of other issues associated with them...

EDIT This seems to be the most common problem. My own problems with them are not quite this.

The Force is already biological, seeing as to how organic beings are the only ones shown to have force abilities in any of the films. Midichlorians changed nothing about that. It was shown to be genetic by Vader having Luke and Leia, all force sensitive at the very least, with 2 being the most powerful Force users of all time.

It's like saying having blood demystifies the Force, because without it you can't use the force. Which is seemingly true from the OT. Or in our own world that science demystifies religion (yea yea, I know).

We know Lucas mainly used them for his symbiotic theme in TPM and to short hand justify Anakin being taken by Qui-Gon (and we can extrapolate that this is how Jedi use it in general, they are a small population compared to the galaxy at large, they have to have some way to see who gets into their club. And it's not the be all end all anyway. Force use tests are important as seen by the council's rejection of Anakin) By Sith there are implications that midichlorians can be manipulated to create life. Nothing that fans didn't guess and couldn't happen withou science behind it.

All things considered, the Force is still incredibly mysterious. We don't know why it works or how it works. Why are high running speeds, levitation, mind tricks, super reflexes, the ability to exist after death, and whatever else I'm forgetting possible because of it? All we know is the existence of midichlorians are necessary for Force to be manipulated by a being.

You could call it unnecessary, but it was apart of the TPM's themes, which should not be seen as pointless (regardless of opinions on that film). And by the OT they are irrelevant because Obi-Wan and Yoda have no reason to pay attention to them. Luke and Leia are it, as far as they are concerned, and midichlorian counts aren't going to help them. And they will mean nothing Luke.


I really hope they show us the mythology of building the lightsaber and gathering the crystals. I think Jedi Outcast did it so well, it's the most memorable sequence to me in that game.

You can watch Star Wars Rebels or The Clone Wars for some examples of Jedi building their lightsabers, both during the Clone Wars period and Dark Times period.

I think the best we could possibly hope for in the films is a brief shot of it taking place, much like the one that was cut out of Return of the Jedi.
The Force is already biological, seeing as to how organic beings are the only ones shown to have force abilities in any of the films.

How could you forget Skippy the Jedi Droid?

I dunno, Yoda definitely says life creates it, makes it grow. But then he talks about a connection to the rock, even between the land and the ship. Then of course there's the classic;

Yoda said:
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter

So yeah, it's really mysterious. Midichlorians certainly didn't rip the curtain back, but they did demystify it just a little bit, they made it seem mundane to some extent.

I've said it before though, the real problem is how tone deaf the scenes with midichlorians are, the dialogue is so clunky and it's all just naked exposition, it's embarrassing. That's why no-one likes midichlorians. It's like Jar Jar, it's not that he's a kids character or that he's silly or goofy or adds nothing to the plot. It's quite simply that he's just not funny.


You can watch Star Wars Rebels or The Clone Wars for some examples of Jedi building their lightsabers, both during the Clone Wars period and Dark Times period.

I think the best we could possibly hope for in the films is a brief shot of it taking place, much like the one that was cut out of Return of the Jedi.

I just want that Jedi Theme to kick in in some remote desolate cave :(


MakingStarWars is pretty much the gold standard in rumors/leaks. If they say it then there is a pretty good chance its real.

Not to mention they had been saying stuff about Boyega being a stormtrooper who crashes at a desert planet that Daisy Ridley's character lives at. And described BB-8 as her droid and so forth multiple months before the teaser hit.
So, I was browsing Twiiter looking for Jurassic World pictures from London Toy Fair and something caught my eye..


Are Force Awakens toys on display? I wonder if any pictures or info will leak out.
That news disappoints me, but I'm still really looking forward to Episode VII. Would love to see what George's story treatment of Episode VII would have been..
Next month he'll do an interview that totally contradicts this.

Heh, no doubt.

So far, it lines up with his quote last week that he watched the trailer and didn't know what was going on.

Plus there was that story of a meeting he had with Kennedy/Abrams/Kasdan where he basically said "Well, this isn't what I would do, but it's your show now."

I've been inclined to believe it before he actually came out and said it.

Of course, it's possible there are still elements of whatever rough sketches he handed over in the story, but apparently whatever's been changed from going to Arndt's hands, and then going to Abrams/Kasdan/Kinberg's hands, has left the story pretty much unrecognizable to Lucas.


Well isn't one of the rumors that they switched up the desert/ice planet locations for the first act? Couldn't that explain why he's confused?

Regardless, I'm sure a decent chunk of Lucas' vision has gone out the window. If they were going to adhere to it, they probably wouldn't have fired Arndt.
Well isn't one of the rumors that they switched up the desert/ice planet locations for the first act? Couldn't that explain why he's confused?

Regardless, I'm sure a decent chunk of Lucas' vision has gone out the window. If they were going to adhere to it, they probably wouldn't have fired Arndt.

That's what I always figured too. I am happy that the Prequels and The Clone Wars tv show are canon. I'm ready for the new era of Star Wars :)


Makes me wonder if Lucas would have used more of the EU in his films.
Lucas went on record in the last few years saying Luke never fell in love or got married so it's safe to say his treatments for the sequels would have completely over-wrote the post-ROTJ EU.


Lucas went on record in the last few years saying Luke never fell in love or got married so it's safe to say his treatments for the sequels would have completely over-wrote the post-ROTJ EU.

And yet we have Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Coruscant, and the plethora of EU the Clone Wars have, etc.

Lucas was at least aware of what was going on in his universe. I'm definitely curious to see if Fett returns.

Not to mention all the stuff that went by him to "OK."


Yes, I know that you are one of the Cool Kids if you shit on Lucas nowadays, but I'm really sad to hear that his original vision for Ep. VII won't be realized.

Of course, lots and lots of people will say: "Great! He ruined the prequels! It's good that he won't have anything to do with the plot of VII". But I disagree. Now when I see Episode VII, I'm afraid I will think of it as some sort of "fan fiction", no different than the "Expanded Universe" (That I've always considered non-canon, from the start).

As one of those few people who loved ALL Star Wars films, I find this incredibly disappointing. =(


And yet we have Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Coruscant, and the plethora of EU the Clone Wars have, etc.

Lucas was at least aware of what was going on in his universe. I'm definitely curious to see if Fett returns.
I don't disagre he knew more of it than Kasdan or Abrams did since he ran the company that put out the EU. I wouldn't be surprised if either of them were completely unaware that there ever was an EU when they wrote the script.

Also to the above post there is nothing wrong with that. It is fairly common to only consider stuff from the intial author as real for better or worse.


I don't disagre he knew more of it than Kasdan or Abrams did since he ran the company that put out the EU. I wouldn't be surprised if either of them were completely unaware that there ever was an EU when they wrote the script.

Which makes me wonder how influential the story group actually are.

One interview I remember reading a few months ago even implied that elements of JJ's work are dictated by them.


We already know they review all the scripts for the spin-off's and Rebels episodes (in addition to the books/comics/etc), I am sure they comb over the Force Awakens drafts as well.

And Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee are huge EU fans. I suspect they will say "well we already have a planet like that it is called blahblah" and the like.


Also to the above post there is nothing wrong with that. It is fairly common to only consider stuff from the intial author as real for better or worse.

Well, we are also talking about an ecosystem that supported the brand when there wasn't a new film for 16 years.

No one is making a case for elements in the Jurassic Park supplemental material to be considered for future installments. Star Wars fiction is another case entirely though and I would argue that it's perhaps the most successful supporting universe any franchise has ever launched.

It isn't "wrong" but I certainly don't think it's the wisest move, nor would doing a straight adaptation of books that some have read and others would be confused by. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.


Which makes me wonder how influential the story group actually are.

One interview I remember reading a few months ago even implied that elements of JJ's work are dictated by them.

Well they gotta think forward, i'd imagine. That has been an issue with SW EU previously, i think, newer material contradicted older mercilessly, and often not for the better either.


The old EU had at least a half a dozen completely contradictory accounts of how the Death Star I plans were stolen for example, that sort of stuff will never happen again.


Well they gotta think forward, i'd imagine. That has been an issue with SW EU previously, i think, newer material contradicted older mercilessly, and often not for the better either.

The old EU had at least a half a dozen completely contradictory accounts of how the Death Star I plans were stolen for example, that sort of stuff will never happen again.

Ironically the most convoluted stories in the EU were the ones that tried to support or "fill in the gaps" for film events(save Shadows of the Empire.) Truthfully, my least favorite EU stories were those that told us that "X character worked behind the scene and did this and that's how TESB worked etc."

The best EU stories were things that did there own thing. It seems like Marvel is adhering to this "filler" like approach with their Star Wars material and I'm not liking that at all.

I honestly think I can fall in love with Star Wars again once the new EU moves away from this "filler" mentality


The guy who runs the Star Wars comics said they will not tell non-movie related story lines after ROTJ to not contradict future movies.

Due to the movie a year schedule from here on out the EU I suspect will always be about playing in the fringe since anything big may be something a movie would cover
Yes, I know that you are one of the Cool Kids if you shit on Lucas nowadays, but I'm really sad to hear that his original vision for Ep. VII won't be realized.

Of course, lots and lots of people will say: "Great! He ruined the prequels! It's good that he won't have anything to do with the plot of VII". But I disagree. Now when I see Episode VII, I'm afraid I will think of it as some sort of "fan fiction", no different than the "Expanded Universe" (That I've always considered non-canon, from the start).

As one of those few people who loved ALL Star Wars films, I find this incredibly disappointing. =(

Yeah same here. I am really sad and disappointed about it too. That's my worry about Episode VII too. I am one of those few people that love all six Star Wars films too. Either way, I am keeping an open mind.
Yes, I know that you are one of the Cool Kids if you shit on Lucas nowadays, but I'm really sad to hear that his original vision for Ep. VII won't be realized.

Of course, lots and lots of people will say: "Great! He ruined the prequels! It's good that he won't have anything to do with the plot of VII". But I disagree. Now when I see Episode VII, I'm afraid I will think of it as some sort of "fan fiction", no different than the "Expanded Universe" (That I've always considered non-canon, from the start).

As one of those few people who loved ALL Star Wars films, I find this incredibly disappointing. =(

Yeah, I agree with this. It's incredibly unfortunate. As long as that man was alive and providing ideas, they should have run with them.


Yeah, I agree with this. It's incredibly unfortunate. As long as that man was alive and providing ideas, they should have run with them.

I'll stop short of saying I "loved" all six. But most of the prequel hate really smacks of "nerd rage" more than anything else in my opinion. I like them all, and I haven't taken any of the six out of the rotation.

Even so the ideas in play for the prequels for the most part I thought were really good. Yes, the execution certainly left something to be desired in various areas. But nevertheless, it doesn't make me happy to hear they allegedly just tossed away Lucas's ideas for 7/8/9/etc.

But I won't go as far to say the new movies are doomed to feel like fan fiction to me. Abrams wrecked Star Trek (at least the spirit of what Star Trek has always been) but Star Wars is a very different animal; I'm cautiously optimistic.


The guy who runs the Star Wars comics said they will not tell non-movie related story lines after ROTJ to not contradict future movies.

Due to the movie a year schedule from here on out the EU I suspect will always be about playing in the fringe since anything big may be something a movie would cover

For how long? Five years?

And why not spinoffs?

And what about before?


no post-RotJ comics is really disappointing.

I hope after Episode VII that changes.

There is this huge 30 year gap to tell stories in. I want to see them start digging into it.
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