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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I hope they make a standalone movie of Ashoka the Jedi fugitive on the run. Searching for redemption as the Clone Wars series left her. How does she escape Order 66? Would she strictly follow the Jedi code, or would she start to dive into the grey area. Give us some closure with her story!

What is a "grey area" force user called anyways"?
Grey jedi. Seriously.

edit: Although I'm sure I read somewhere that our boy George didn't like the idea and declared them non-canonical. Maybe Disney will let Chris Avellone make another Star Wars RPG now.
This golden age of tv is largely based on flawed heroes and anti-heroes as the main protagonist. Will TFA buck the trend of black and white Force characters?


What is Star Wars for you?

I have to say for me it is quite heavily McQuarrie's art.. I retrospect, i do appreciate Lucas' ideas (i just read that he more or less popularized "used future" concept), but that will never override the fact the visual impact of the films was... is more powerful than Lucas' ideas i think.
And i don't doubt that i'm not alone in this.

Perhaps this is JJA's and Kasdan's thinking as well? I don't know but i would not be surprised.
Lucas may not be a concept artist but he's the dude that employed the concept artist. He's also the dude that hired John Williams for the score and Ben Burt for sound.

You can't just take away his contributions by attributing them solely to other people. Film is always collaborative but he had to wrangle it.

Edit: I'm not going to say that this movie is fan fiction or anything though. That's silly. I'm just arguing with your notion that SW is McQuarrie, as if Lucas lacked input into that process.
So is George Lucas a bad director who made a few good movies, or a good director who made a few bad movies?

He's a good director who stopped after his biggest success, let his skills atrophy for almost 30 years, then tried to get back on the bike, and fell over twice before doing a couple bunny hops and getting back off.
^^^^See I'm not as charitable as you, I'd probably categorise his more recent efforts as a toddler repeatedly riding his tricycle into a glass door before finally becoming frustrated and just throwing his toys everywhere until he's made a big mess.

Lucas may not be a concept artist but he's the dude that employed the concept artist. He's also the dude that hired John Williams for the score and Ben Burt for sound.

Yeah, say what you want about the Best Picture that year (never much of Woody Allen fan myself but whatever), but he was definitely robbed of the Best HR award.


Thx 1138 is probably his best film, honestly

I'd go with American Graffiti. Sometimes I wonder what kind of career Lucas might have had if SW hadn't been such a hit, and if he made more of those smaller films he always intended to make.

He's a good director who stopped after his biggest success, let his skills atrophy for almost 30 years, then tried to get back on the bike, and fell over twice before doing a couple bunny hops and getting back off.

And each time Lucas fell over Rick McCallum yelled, "You're okay, George! Keep going!" while everyone else was too timid to offer more practical advice. :p







I'd go with American Graffiti. Sometimes I wonder what kind of career Lucas might have had if SW hadn't been such a hit, and if he made more of those smaller films he always intended to make.
He would have likely directed Apocalypse Now like he originally intended instead of having to abandon it to Coppola post-A New Hope.
I'm guessing you guys saw it already: The TFA trailer directed by Lucas spoof (sorry no link for you).

Honestly, I didn't get half the gags but thought it was funny. What's with the looking at the robot thru the rock hole? Was that a cinematography shot in the movies?
Older concept art. Looks to be the scene we saw in teaser.

I don't think it is concept art, it is straightforward licensed art. In other words, I think they were produced from the scene, and not the other way around as a concept. The guy draws and sells officially licensed Star Wars art (and other disney and marvel properties as well).

I'm not sure what is up with the older style x-wings, they may or may not make an appearance in the film (it is labelled for force awakens afterall), but he has drawn them in the past.


What is Star Wars for you?

I have to say for me it is quite heavily McQuarrie's art.. I retrospect, i do appreciate Lucas' ideas (i just read that he more or less popularized "used future" concept), but that will never override the fact the visual impact of the films was... is more powerful than Lucas' ideas i think.
And i don't doubt that i'm not alone in this.

Perhaps this is JJA's and Kasdan's thinking as well? I don't know but i would not be surprised.

I think at this point you have to look at Lucas as one would look at Stan Lee. They both were there to start their respective works/genre/whatever and had quality artists to bring those ideas to life (Kirby/McQuarrie). But as time moved on they have both became more overseers with a talent for self promotion. Now I think they're probably more comfortable throwing a cameo out there and talking about stuff instead of doing stuff.


I don't think it is concept art, it is straightforward art. In other words, it was probably produced from the scene, and not the other way around as a concept. I'm not sure what is up with the older style x-wings, they may or may not make an appearance in the film (it is labelled for force awakens afterall), but he has drawn them in the past. The guy draws and sells officially licensed start wars art (and other disney and marvel properties as well).

Exactly. Those are just licensed art, not official concept art pieces.


I think at this point you have to look at Lucas as one would look at Stan Lee. They both were there to start their respective works/genre/whatever and had quality artists to bring those ideas to life (Kirby/McQuarrie). But as time moved on they have both became more overseers with a talent for self promotion. Now I think they're probably more comfortable throwing a cameo out there and talking about stuff instead of doing stuff.

HUGE difference. Stan Lee just did very basic outlines and let the artist do as they please and filled in dialogue after the fact. McQuarrie's art was dictated by what Lucas wanted him to draw. They line up exactly with the older script drafts.

Lucas in his time was extremely hands on in every single area. Lucas was approving of small details such wardrobes on Empire Strikes Back even. Stan Lee was not as hands on at all


I think at this point you have to look at Lucas as one would look at Stan Lee. They both were there to start their respective works/genre/whatever and had quality artists to bring those ideas to life (Kirby/McQuarrie). But as time moved on they have both became more overseers with a talent for self promotion. Now I think they're probably more comfortable throwing a cameo out there and talking about stuff instead of doing stuff.

I do hope Baron Papanoida makes an appearance in The Force Awakens. :)

Hm, the google image search seems to indicate that character was also featured in the Clone Wars cartoon.


I think at this point you have to look at Lucas as one would look at Stan Lee. They both were there to start their respective works/genre/whatever and had quality artists to bring those ideas to life (Kirby/McQuarrie). But as time moved on they have both became more overseers with a talent for self promotion. Now I think they're probably more comfortable throwing a cameo out there and talking about stuff instead of doing stuff.

Oof, man, that really wasn't the best choice of analogies.
Anyone see Carrie Fisher honoring her mom at the SAG awards? I'm still dying to find out what her role is in all of this. I feel like we have a feeling for how Luke and Han will be based on reports. Luke will be a crazier version of old Obi Wan and Han as older, wiser, I'm too old for this shit Han. I've always wanted to see a scene where someone tries to kill her or something and she surprises the audience by force pushing them or something and saying "That's a little trick my brother showed me how to do". Sorry for my little fanboy fan fiction, I'm drinking vodka here.


Anyone see Carrie Fisher honoring her mom at the SAG awards? I'm still dying to find out what her role is in all of this. I feel like we have a feeling for how Luke and Han will be based on reports. Luke will be a crazier version of old Obi Wan and Han as older, wiser, I'm too old for this shit Han. I've always wanted to see a scene where someone tries to kill her or something and she surprises the audience by force pushing them or something and saying "That's a little trick my brother showed me how to do". Sorry for my little fanboy fan fiction, I'm drinking vodka here.

Watched a clip this morning. She actually looks pretty good considering what she has looked like at times fairly recently. That voice though. Several thousand packs of cigarettes ago it probably still sounded like Leia..
Anyone see Carrie Fisher honoring her mom at the SAG awards? I'm still dying to find out what her role is in all of this. I feel like we have a feeling for how Luke and Han will be based on reports. Luke will be a crazier version of old Obi Wan and Han as older, wiser, I'm too old for this shit Han. I've always wanted to see a scene where someone tries to kill her or something and she surprises the audience by force pushing them or something and saying "That's a little trick my brother showed me how to do". Sorry for my little fanboy fan fiction, I'm drinking vodka here.

I just want to know if Abrams is going to deal with that kiss.


Making Star Wars did a report about Leia's role not that long ago. They said Leia is the leader of the Rebellion/Republic now and has Artoo & Threepio with her. The characters meet up with her and the droids at the Rebellion/Republic HQ after Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and BB-8 get with Han and Chewie but but Leia, Artoo, and Threepio do not look to go on the main adventure with the rest. They believe Han and Leia may be not together as well since Leia is pretty pissed off that Han shows up and they haven't seen each other in a long time.


I like that a lot, I don't want c-3po and r2d2 to be in every star wars movie for the next 100 years. but then I never liked them much to begin with.


Making Star Wars did a report about Leia's role not that long ago. They said Leia is the leader of the Rebellion/Republic now and has Artoo & Threepio with her. The characters meet up with her and the droids at the Rebellion/Republic HQ after Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and BB-8 get with Han and Chewie but but Leia, Artoo, and Threepio do not look to go on the main adventure with the rest. They believe Han and Leia may be not together as well since Leia is pretty pissed off that Han shows up and they haven't seen each other in a long time.

I read this to be Leia getting 10minutes or less of screentime


When Carrie Fisher was on Craig Ferguson's show recently (I think she showed up during his last week, or the week before), she mentioned that she felt 'miscast' this time. She quickly said that she was joking when the audience and Craig reacted slightly shocked, but I have a feeling she realizes that she wouldn't have had a chance of being in the movie if she didn't have the historic connection to the franchise. I know that sounds like an insult, but it's not meant as one - I genuinely like the woman and I gained a lot of respect for her when she showed up in Stephen Fry's documentary talking about her bipolar depression. She's always very honest - sometimes a bit too honest for someone working in hollywood - but that's what I like about her. I think, judging from that interview, she won't have as big a role as Luke and Han. She's a great lady, but she's not really meant for action adventure movies anymore.

Edit: Here's the interview I was talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMkG8kNu-hI. She mentions the 'miscast' thing at 27:20.


They dont need to. But they should be in the goodybe trilogy for the old cast.

They are in the film, but from what has been reported they aren't in it that much. Having another film with Artoo & Threepio as the comic relief of the group would be a pretty big retread and I don't think they seem to be going for that to such a degree.

This should have be obvious with the fact Anthony Daniels was not part of any of the location shooting.

And think about it. You have to keep the main group somewhat small. We already know we have Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega), Poe (Oscar Isaac), Han, Chewie, & BB-8 as the main group for the film. With Luke likely tagging along once they find him. That is already 7 people.

Compare to the other first films main hero groups who went on the main adventure

The Phantom Menace:
1. Qui-Gon
2. Obi-Wan
3. Padme
4. Anakin
5. Jar Jar
6. R2-D2 (Threepio was basically a cameo in this one)

A New Hope:
1. Luke
2. Leia
3. Han
4. Chewie
5. Obi-Wan
6. R2-D2
7. C-3PO

The Force Awakens:
1. Finn
2. Rey
3. Poe
4. Han
5. Chewie
6. Luke (Assuming he tags along once they find him)
7. BB-8

There really isn't room for 2 more to tag along.
Watched a clip this morning. She actually looks pretty good considering what she has looked like at times fairly recently. That voice though. Several thousand packs of cigarettes ago it probably still sounded like Leia..

I don't know what Carrie Fisher's daughter sounds like, but with the rumors of her in the film, maybe she's dubbing Leia's voice.


That rumor was not from one of the reputable sources (like Making Star Wars or MF.com). I wouldn't put much stock in it. The only reason it got any attention was the "rumor" came out before actual reliable Star Wars sites started reporting on actual spoilers consistently and people were desperate for anything.
I also wouldn't be looking to Abrams taking any huge stylistic detours from the OT so the flashback rumour ends up having even less credibility than none.


Making Star Wars did a report about Leia's role not that long ago. They said Leia is the leader of the Rebellion/Republic now and has Artoo & Threepio with her. The characters meet up with her and the droids at the Rebellion/Republic HQ after Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and BB-8 get with Han and Chewie but but Leia, Artoo, and Threepio do not look to go on the main adventure with the rest. They believe Han and Leia may be not together as well since Leia is pretty pissed off that Han shows up and they haven't seen each other in a long time.

This is the second time I've heard the split rumor. I was starting to wonder if my friend was being fed fake rumors to track down leaks.

Makes sense to me but I can imagine fan outrage.


Han being a loner off with Chewie is more fitting then him being a married father anyway. I don't think many want a neutered EU style Han. Han was too lovey-dovey in ROTJ as is.


Elden Member
This is the second time I've heard the split rumor. I was starting to wonder if my friend was being fed fake rumors to track down leaks.

Makes sense to me but I can imagine fan outrage.

have there been any rumors about r2d2?


Maybe they could mess it with in auto-tune! Mark Hamill doesn't sound terribly different. Harrison Ford sounds...a little older...on a good day...
Seems like a waste and very strange to do for what seems like a small role. Especially when a lot of people know what she sounds like now and it would just be very weird to hear her with a altered 20 year old girls voice
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