Imagine if you mixed Leia with the droids...
I mean I am not complaining, I love that rey will be the hero and if I had to choose I would have chosen her, but I understand where the finn fans come from, especially if they finall wanted to see a really big epic hero of their ethnicity on the big screen.
I'm not sure it works like that. Rey could have the personality of Han and still be a Jedi. Finn could be more like Luke. Poe could be a Leia.
Come on guys, it's not hard to see why people would like to see Finn become a jedi.
Well put.
Poe has been shown as a pilot in the trailers. If he never runs around half-naked he is already ahead of Leia.
The suggestion is that you have to be a Jedi to be a really big epic hero.
That isn't the case at all. It's quite possible that he plays the most pivotal part in the film without being a Jedi. We won't know until we see the film.
No, that's not the suggestion. The suggestion is that jedi are fucking awesome.
Did you watch the prequels?
The Jedi are overrated.
what is finn? he is nothing interesting, nothing big, nothing heroic.
Did you watch the prequels?
The Jedi are overrated.
Pilot doesn't mean he he has Han Solo's personality.
We haven't even heard dialogue out of these characters yet.
From my point of view YOU are overrated.
They play an enormous role in the universe,
People upset at Rey saving the day over Finn? REALLY? It's one movie out of a 3 I am sure he will have s great arc. Jedi or no Jedi. Everyone loves Han and he ain't a Jedi.
It's more the issue about needing a white person to save a black man.
People upset at Rey saving the day over Finn? REALLY? It's one movie out of a 3 I am sure he will have s great arc. Jedi or no Jedi. Everyone loves Han and he ain't a Jedi.
You realize everyone is going to be saving everyone in these films right. It's not going to be Rey saving Finn all the time. Hell, don't be surprised if Finn has to help out Rey in TFA as well. It's going to go both ways.
Poe might save both their asses at some point.
Well th early stuff coming out of MSW did make it seem like Rey was saving Finn all the time.
Neither was Luke.
That was the point.
People upset at Rey saving the day over Finn? REALLY? It's one movie out of a 3 I am sure he will have s great arc. Jedi or no Jedi. Everyone loves Han and he ain't a Jedi.
no one will complain if finn blows up the big main threat at the end of TFA and is the celebrated hero of the movie
MSW was actively pushing the angle that Finn wasn't shit for whatever reasons. They decided to sieze on it as a punchline and then ran it into the dirt. (much in the same way RebelForce Radio has siezed on the idea that Simon Pegg is the ultimate anti-fan and any connection he has to Star Wars is an insult to Star Wars fans)
It's probably not an accurate representation of his role in the film, being as they don't really have any ideas as to the characterizations of ANY of the characters.
You can't have a man play second fiddle to a woman. It's just wrong.
But Star Wars is "Skywalker Wankery," though. That's what it is. I mean, he's not being pushed aside because of it. He's part of it. A very important part. He was the first actor named. He and Driver were the #1 & #2 castings for this film. There's a reason for that.
Yeah they will, c'mon. People are complaining now because they know for a FACT he's a Jedi, and anything that dispels that conception is BULLSHIT.
Whether or not people will complain doesn't really have shit to do with whether or not his role in the story both a) improves the story and b) works for him as a character.
I absolutely agree, but that's not what we were talking about. we were talking about the finn fans who want to see him being the central hero, like luke. and I can see why they are worried at the moment, that's all I'm saying. but as I said we'll have to wait until the movie is out.
I also agree that no matter how they do it, tons of people will complain about finn. but I meant the finn fans in that context, I have to clarify that. of course there will be tons of idiots complaining if he actually turned out to be the main hero, or heavin forbid, might be rey's lover. but that's a completely different matter.
I feel SW is much more than that. Stuff like The Old Republic for example, doesn't center around the Skywalker line.
This is not going to happen.
I'm willing to put my beautiful, hand-crafted avatar on the line and despite knowing next to nothing about the movies I say it will happen in the trilogy.
Not in the movies it isn't. Not yet, anyway. This is a direct sequel to Return of the Jedi. Every single movie has been about Skywalker shit. This one is about that too. The next two will be as well. Shit is unavoidable.
He's not going to be "pushed aside" by it. He's going to be a big, big part of it. He's one of three leads. He's the POV character (not Rey), he's the eyes and ears by which we re-enter this universe and get re-acquainted. Rey will also have a journey, obviously, but Finn is US. Finn is our in.
I don't think so. I think it was just spec based on the idea that Poe might hit on Rey a couple times when they meet up.
Rey's characterization in this movie seems to mostly be "Leave me the fuck alone, please"
She doesn't seem too interested in people, period. Which is partially why Finn & Han caring what happens to her touches her so much, and is why her helping Finn after he goes after Kylo is a big step. She could have bailed, but she didn't.
I wouldn't be surprised if she never has a romantic encounter with anyone.
I'm willing to put my beautiful, hand-crafted avatar on the line and despite knowing next to nothing about the movies I say it will happen in the trilogy.
I think that's what is going to happen. Also, the story seems to take her away from the main group very quickly. She might not have time for that type of shit.
For the record, I am entirely with you on the issues of representation. I think this film is on track to address this more mindfully and purposefully than just about any blockbuster in recent memory. Even if this movie sucks, the people in charge of casting were doing their part. The three central characters are latino, black, and female. They aren't filling in extra side characters to fit a diversity quota. Those are the main characters.It's on.
And guys, nobody(Or rather I am not) is arguing that it shouldn't be about the Skywalkers. Rather that in light of the current(and unending) friction in the real world with both feminism, sexism and racism being huge sticking points, that the representation of Finn especially is making people worry that it's going to be the same old again. Like, do you guys think that Uhura in Star Trek for example, was cast as a female for no reason? That they thought about putting a black man there? It's always a way to say "See we're inclusive" by putting someone in there that doesn't do much or doesn't have much of an overall impact. "So stop your whining" is always what it ends up as. We(I) want to see Finn be a strong character, not flawless, not magical and not a freaking stereotype.
I feel SW is much more than that. Stuff like The Old Republic for example, doesn't center around the Skywalker line.
If Finn is Lando's kid, I'm gonna boo the fuck out of that. Like theres just one nigga in the entire universe so of course the one black kid is his,
I just can't get behind the idea of him being Calrissian. It would seem a little jarring for him to start with the badguys, unless he was a bastard child of some sort. Then in that case, I couldn't see him actually going by Calrissian. I'm hoping the name was obscured as part of an effort to keep the main characters mysterious, you know, a little mystery box. Imagine if they had just Rey without a last name, that would be a little TOO obvious what was going on. With Finn lacking a surname too it could [seemingly] go either way.I'm with you. It's so on-the-fucking-nose. It's why I'm hoping it turns out to be bunk.
But Lando having a kid was an idea being kicked around in the earliest drafts. That attribute has jumped characters through development at least once. Maybe it got jettisoned completely. But I'm figuring there's a reason Finn doesn't have a last name, just like Rey doesn't.
Kylo Ren = title to obscure his parentage
Rey = no last name; she's related to someone.
Finn = no last name; he's related to someone.