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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I get it. Growing up with the original trilogy though, I was at least hoping to see him do something cool :) Something that shows how he's grown over 30 some years...

One of the rumors does show him "doing something cool" and shows his growth as a character.

But if by badassness you mean like, a lightsaber fight...


that predates MSW. It's a Mizzlewump rumor, I believe.

Yes, this was the Mizzlewump dump:

I've read the second draft of the Abrams/Kasdan script.

I've chosen a trip so that people can't BS in my name when trailers, other media, and the film itself confirm what I say. I won't post again until then so as not to be accused of attention whoring.

Please don't read unless you want to have the film spoiled.

>Leia is made leader of the Republic after her predecessor’s death
>Han is a retired veteran of the Republic fleet
>Luke hasn’t been seen in nearly 30 years
>the lead character is Han and Leia’s daughter
>the other lead is the child of Lando, and either a male or female depending on who is cast
>the other lead is a Stormtrooper, also either a male or female depending on who is cast
>dialogue for these two characters is very rough in the second draft
>Luke has no known offspring
>The Empire still exists in the form of a number of loyal galaxies and are in a state of cold war with the Republic
>The Empire is simply referred to as the “Empire,” and the Republic is referred to formally only once, as the “Galactic Republic;” no “New” anywhere
>There are no Jedi whatsoever, and people still speak as if they are extinct, with Luke being “the last of his kind”
>The main antagonists are an older student of the Emperor, and his apprentice
>The apprentice takes control of the power dynamic between the two pretty quickly…
>The Republic are excavating ruins on a neutral world for a weapon; the world factors into tense negotiations the Empire have had with the Republic, and is referred to as the “Sith Homeworld”
>Loredump: In the script, the Sith are a couple thousand years old, founded by an ancestor of Palpatine called Ruin; the apprentice in this film also goes by that name
>the ruins within the Sith Homeworld are a control station; the planet itself is the weapon
>Luke saves the day at the end, but in a bad way; he has changed

Mizzlewump must have been fairly high up the food chain to have gotten to read that script. Obviously a ton of stuff changed, but you can see the basics of the plot in there. I wonder if this was also the draft where Rey came from an ice world, since the final battle would have obviously taken place on the "Sith Homeworld" (Moraband). I get the feeling they flipped it around, with the desert planet coming first and snow last, so that Rey would have more of a parallel to Luke growing up on a desert planet and to avoid being too similar to Geonosis.


Yes, this was the Mizzlewump dump:

Mizzlewump must have been fairly high up the food chain to have gotten to read that script. Obviously a ton of stuff changed, but you can see the basics of the plot in there. I wonder if this was also the draft where Rey came from an ice world, since the final battle would have obviously taken place on the "Sith Homeworld" (Moraband). I get the feeling they flipped it around, with the desert planet coming first and snow last, so that Rey would have more of a parallel to Luke growing up on a desert planet and to avoid being too similar to Geonosis.
I'd be very interested to see Moraband in live-action, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if it popped up at some point in the Sequel Trilogy.


Yes, this was the Mizzlewump dump:

Mizzlewump must have been fairly high up the food chain to have gotten to read that script. Obviously a ton of stuff changed, but you can see the basics of the plot in there. I wonder if this was also the draft where Rey came from an ice world, since the final battle would have obviously taken place on the "Sith Homeworld" (Moraband). I get the feeling they flipped it around, with the desert planet coming first and snow last, so that Rey would have more of a parallel to Luke growing up on a desert planet and to avoid being too similar to Geonosis.

Very high considering this article with Anthony Daniels the other day.


Unphotocopyable paper heh. Without that MSW callsheet leak they have done extremely well on keeping everything under wraps.


been avoiding spoilers since like April but did a quick google search and it seems like there's still a possibility that Snoke will be that amazing creep cyborg from the early concept arts? that excites me greatly.
been avoiding spoilers since like April but did a quick google search and it seems like there's still a possibility that Snoke will be that amazing creep cyborg from the early concept arts? that excites me greatly.

I don't think so? Last I'd heard he was going to be a lizard man.


Ah, damnit. That's from MSW too so it's probably legitimate. Still I refuse to believe they won't use such fucking perfect design for a Star Wars villain. There's not a chance that Kylo Ren gets cyborg-ed in this movie is there? I've avoided the scene-by-scene breakdown.

Okay so here's the other thing that gives me a bit of hope: in all the arts with that cyborg, even if it was an older design for Ren, they clearly had decided that this character has a cyborg hand, at the very least. Is there any indication that Ren gets a cyborg hand in this movie? That would seem to cement them being the same character.


Scary K. Rool? Super Mario Bros. Dennis Hopper? Like, what are we talking about here description-wise? Do we know if he's even going to be seen in Episode VII?

from Making Star Wars: "Snoke is not human. His head is shaped like a snake, a cobra but perhaps slightly flatter and wider. His eyes are pitch black and reptilian. His mouth is closed but sort of bulbous. You cannot see teeth. He has an angry sneer about him."

However late last year Underworld reported "Andy Serkis’ character basically looks like an old man, zombie like, almost risen from the dead."

It seems a little on-the-head to make a guy who's name is Snoke look like an actual snake, but hey...


Ah, damnit. That's from MSW too so it's probably legitimate. Still I refuse to believe they won't use such fucking perfect design for a Star Wars villain. There's not a chance that Kylo Ren gets cyborg-ed in this movie is there? I've avoided the scene-by-scene breakdown.

Okay so here's the other thing that gives me a bit of hope: in all the arts with that cyborg, even if it was an older design for Ren, they
from Making Star Wars: "Snoke is not human. His head is shaped like a snake, a cobra but perhaps slightly flatter and wider. His eyes are pitch black and reptilian. His mouth is closed but sort of bulbous. You cannot see teeth. He has an angry sneer about him."

However late last year Underworld reported "Andy Serkis’ character basically looks like an old man, zombie like, almost risen from the dead."

It seems a little on-the-head to make a guy who's name is Snoke look like an actual snake, but hey...
MSW's report is much more recent and they are the far more realizable source. clearly had decided that this character has a cyborg hand, at the very least. Is there any indication that Ren gets a cyborg hand in this movie? That would seem to cement them being the same character.
Nope no cyborg hands or anything as far we know for the villains. Most logical answer is that was a an older concept of Kylo that was scrapped in pre-production. Just like Cyborg Chewie.
I browsed this thread quite a bit when the cyborg concept art hit. I think there was also concept art of Rey holding a lightsaber, if I'm not mistaken.

Haven't really visited here since then. I know that Luke is barely in the film and I think Han dies. Y'all think I should spoil myself the rest of the film? Because it is quite tempting.


I browsed this thread quite a bit when the cyborg concept art hit. I think there was also concept art of Rey holding a lightsaber, if I'm not mistaken.

Haven't really visited here since then. I know that Luke is barely in the film and I think Han dies. Y'all think I should spoil myself the rest of the film? Because it is quite tempting.
Well you already know the ending of you know Luke really isn't in the movie, Rey is the one who uses the saber, and that Han dies.
That's a choice only you can make.

But if you wanna make it: Here's the shotlist spoilers, arranged in order, and read like an audiobook, from Full of Sith's Rumor Control #5

(Basically, we know about 90% of the plot, and have known it since late April/Early May. Nothing's really changed since then, and stuff like characterization, dialog, tone is still more or less a mystery)
Well you already know the ending of you know Luke really isn't in the movie, Rey is the one who uses the saber, and that Han dies.

I'm off to read/listen to spoilers. See you in 2 days.
That's a choice only you can make.

But if you wanna make it: Here's the shotlist spoilers, arranged in order, and read like an audiobook, from Full of Sith's Rumor Control #5

(Basically, we know about 90% of the plot, and have known it since late April/Early May. Nothing's really changed since then, and stuff like characterization, dialog, tone is still more or less a mystery)

The plot seems to have even more convenience than a normal star wars movie.

Yeah the force brings all these people together yada yada but its still annoying
I know its just cheap toy recordings, but I do like how its clearly Adam Driver's voice

I imagine some of the scenarios where we hear those lines. Like when he's interogating Rey, "Is it true...you're just a scavenger?" or the answer to Snoke's "There's been an awakening...have you felt it?" "I feel it, too"


Time to go dark.
Love to all but...

I'm out! See you on the other side of release.


Ren sounds just alright imo, a bit monotonous but I wonder if those lines were recorded just for the toys. Not sayin nothin but getting a little hayden Christensen vibe from those lines lol.

Not a big deal I guess but I'm disappointed though that Boyega is using an American accent. Guess I've just gotten used to hearing him talk British. Also that first line from the toys "I'm in charge now" sounds Australian and not like the accent in the other lines.
Ren sounds just alright imo, a bit monotonous but I wonder if those lines were recorded just for the toys. Not sayin nothin but getting a little hayden Christensen vibe from those lines lol.

Not a big deal I guess but I'm disappointed though that Boyega is using an American accent. Guess I've just gotten used to hearing him talk British. Also that first line from the toys "I'm in charge now" sounds Australian and not like the accent in the other lines.

I don't think any of the troopers had British accent in the OT. Only the officers.
Do we have any idea of Phasma's overall role in this movie? She's heavily featured in the merchandising and advertising, but I haven't actually heard what she's doing. Is she a direct antagonist for Finn, or what?
Do we have any idea of Phasma's overall role in this movie? She's heavily featured in the merchandising and advertising, but I haven't actually heard what she's doing. Is she a direct antagonist for Finn, or what?

The heirarchy, as I understand it

1) Snoke: Loose analogy - the Emperor

2) Kylo Ren and General Hux: Loose analogy - Darth Vader and Moff Tarkin

3) Captain Phasma: Loose analogy - Boba Fett

Hux apparently does the Tarkin thing, hanging around Starkiller base, ordering people around and making plans that blow up in his face. Snoke sits back and waits for Hux to tell him what's up, while also talking to Kylo about Force bullshit. Sometimes Kylo will go out and get his hands dirty on his own because he's that kind of dude, but it appears that Phasma is more or less the First Order enforcer. She'll show up, look bad ass, and hopefully, as opposed to Fett, actually DO SOMETHING worth the attention.
Is Snoke a force user or has that not been mentioned by anyone reputable? I remember someone saying he's just the leader of the First Order, but it made no mention of the Force or anything.


Is Snoke a force user or has that not been mentioned by anyone reputable? I remember someone saying he's just the leader of the First Order, but it made no mention of the Force or anything.

His talk about the Force's sides implies he is a Force user. After all, the distinction is more or less pointless for everyone else.
His talk about the Force's sides implies he is a Force user. After all, the distinction is more or less pointless for everyone else.
Hm, true that.

I've always wanted a character who studied and knew extensively about the Force, but wasn't sensitive to it. Like they talk a whole bunch but then you find out they aren't worth shit in a tussle.


Re: Force Awakens is the third best Star Wars movie talk -- If memory serves, that was the buzz on like every single one of the prequels. The earliest word of mouth was always "it might be better than Jedi, but it doesn't touch New Hope/Empire". Reception soured without exception once the dust settled and fans saw the films en masse, but it does seem funny that "third best" appears to be the default hype for any post-OT Star Wars film.

An old question: Why isn't Abrams directing all 3 films?

I just happened upon the Full of Sith podcast, and in the early eps (I'm starting from the beginning) they speak as if Abrams had been confirmed to direct the new trilogy. Was this actually ever on the cards? For as long as I can remember, it was always going to be 3 different directors.

An old question: Why isn't Abrams directing all 3 films?

I just happened upon the Full of Sith podcast, and in the early eps (I'm starting from the beginning) they speak as if Abrams had been confirmed to direct the new trilogy. Was this actually ever on the cards? For as long as I can remember, it was always going to be 3 different directors.

Probably doesn't want to commit ten years of his life to Star Wars. Understandable, we're not all George.

He's still young and he's got more movies to make
I think a lot of people assumed he was going to do all three ("he left Paramount & Star Trek to do Star Wars? Why would he give up the keys if he didn't have to?"), and it wasn't until Faraci started dropping hints that there were behind-the-scenes tensions that people started to believe he might not do 'em all. Of course, at the time, people were like "Fuck Faraci, he's full of shit" and some people actually sent some pretty vile shit to his inbox in response.

And then a bit later, we found out Arndt got fired and the release date got pushed back to December, and that's when everyone was like "Guess he's not doing all 3, then"
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