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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Sounds like Arndt wasn't making ideal progress and got bounced.

And that Abrams/Kasdan were still completing the screenplay whilst shooting! :u

I don't want to know how sausage is made!


The heirarchy, as I understand it

1) Snoke: Loose analogy - the Emperor

2) Kylo Ren and General Hux: Loose analogy - Darth Vader and Moff Tarkin

3) Captain Phasma: Loose analogy - Boba Fett

Hux apparently does the Tarkin thing, hanging around Starkiller base, ordering people around and making plans that blow up in his face. Snoke sits back and waits for Hux to tell him what's up, while also talking to Kylo about Force bullshit. Sometimes Kylo will go out and get his hands dirty on his own because he's that kind of dude, but it appears that Phasma is more or less the First Order enforcer. She'll show up, look bad ass, and hopefully, as opposed to Fett, actually DO SOMETHING worth the attention.

Phasma is more General Grievous than Boba Fett by a large margin I would say.
Phasma is more General Grievous than Boba Fett by a large margin I would say.

What leads you to that conclusion, though? Grievous in Episode III is a fulltime chump. I don't think Phasma's going out like that. I mean, yeah, Fett didn't actually do anything but look cool, but at least in Empire he didn't completely kneecap all that cool-looking the minute he said anything like Grievous did.

I'm making OT comparisons because I'm fairly certain both Kasdan and Abrams aren't really checking the prequels for any character or archetype inspirations. I figure they've got Phasma in there like "Okay, here's Fett, take 3. This time we make her actually worthy of the look she's got, though. How bout that."

Btw, anyone read Shattered Empire #1 yet? It's neat to see the origin of Poe Dameron's parents and how they both fought in the Battle of Endor.

Between this and Aftermath I'm starting to think there wasn't a single Rebel anywhere who wasn't involved with that battle. Which makes sense, as it was the most important fight in that war, but also makes both sides seem a lot smaller than I'd thought they were.
Remember the first time Boba Fett actually did anything he got smacked into a giant sand vagina, on accident, by a blind dude?

what a character
Grievous was awesome in the drawn Clone Wars ... series? miniseries?
He got his remaining biological part hurt in the end of that cartoon, i guess this explains why he was so disappointing in the movie.
Grievous was awesome in the drawn Clone Wars ... series? miniseries?
He got his remaining biological part hurt in the end of that cartoon, i guess this explains why he was so disappointing in the movie.

We talked about it on the big Clone Wars (2003) special we did a month ago, but the reason Grievous is different in the microseries and the movie is because Tartakovsky and crew were basically just handed a design and told to run with it. A personality for the character hadn't really been created yet.

So in the space of time between his first appearance in Clone Wars, and his appearances in the following season, a personality had been decided upon - and it wasn't the stone-cold badass Tartakovsky's crew had created. Windu force crushing his lungs was added late in the game, I believe, to sort of explain why this droid was going to have a cough in the movie. But it doesn't explain why the Grievous in Clone Wars is as scary as he is, and why the Grievous in Episode III is such a chickenshit chump.


Jango Fett actually did some pretty awesome stuff: Going mano-a-mano with Obi-Wan, the asteroid space battle with the wonderful-sounding bombs, and killing a Jedi and the bull-rhino in the arena. Not to mention being the template for the clone army. Even his death was somwhat more dignified than his son's.

The reason nobody remembers Jango is probably because Attack of the Clones is so awful.
hard to say. People seem to have completely forgotten about that BBC rating thing that made it seem like the 10th/11th was a possibility.

Someone upthread was talking about starting Full of Sith from the beginning, which seems CRAZY to me (that's a lot of really old episodes), but I scrubbed through my first two appearances as the Rumor Control guy (before it became its own separate spinoff show once legitimate details started leaking out) and it's pretty funny to hear the amount of way wrong shit alongside the "correct but we had no clue it was correct" stuff we kept tripping over.

Zack Snyder meeting for a spinoff
Ben Affleck as the runner-up for Episode VII
"Where'd Matthew Vaughn go?" (making Kingsman)
"How much you wanna bet Han dies and Abrams does that thing where all the music stops and everything goes silent and you just watch someone react until all the music comes whooshing in"
Trusting that Michael Arndt is going to steer us away from bad Star Wars cliches.
"I bet you, so far as this Skywalker Saga stuff goes, the center of this trilogy is going to be a woman."

Kinda fascinating in hindsight to hear us fumbling around in the dark towards the sickly light of real spoilers.

First Rumor Control appearance (Jan 2013)
Second (February)
Third (March) ("Is Lando gonna be in it?")
Fourth (April)
Fifth (June)
Sixth (September)
Seventh (October)
Eighth (May 2014 - this one includes the Whitta controversy here at GAF)
Ninth (June)
Tenth (August 2014)


hard to say. People seem to have completely forgotten about that BBC rating thing that made it seem like the 10th/11th was a possibility.
I thought I read somewhere that that was a rating for the second teaser in the DVD/Blu Ray release of AoU or something. I really hope it is a new trailer though.
But maybe only a fool's hope.

"How much you wanna bet Han dies and Abrams does that thing where all the music stops and everything goes silent and you just watch someone react until all the music comes whooshing in"

Oh my god. Please god Abrams no. Please just let John Williams do his work. I want his music to give me those emotions. Abrams, don't take me out of the movie like this at this moment. Just let the scene happen naturally. If I start to hear the music stop during this scene I'll be backed up against my theater seat screaming like Heston in his cell in Planet of the Apes.
And why the hell has it taken so long for a full trailer?! Talk about confidence in that the movie will be a huge hit regardless. All we've gotten is two (awesome) vague teasers!
Apparently, von Sydow's playing the Vicar, a village elder at the beginning of the movie,
whose village gets torched by Kylo Ren and the First Order flametroopers in an effort to locate Luke Skywalker's lightsaber


Apparently, von Sydow's playing the Vicar, a village elder at the beginning of the movie,
whose village gets torched by Kylo Ren and the First Order flametroopers in an effort to locate Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
Yep, thats been part of the outline we got from MSW a while back that has been confirmed pretty consistently with every trailer, toy, etc release of info we have got.

You can read the full compiled thing here:
Since we're only getting one duel in the film, I'm really excited to see how it compares to other duels. You got the inexperienced Finn fighting Kylo, who I assume is pretty handy with that blade of his, and Finn manages to hold his own for a bit. The choreography is going to be interesting.
Since we're only getting one duel in the film, I'm really excited to see how it compares to other duels. You got the inexperienced Finn fighting Kylo, who I assume is pretty handy with that blade of his, and Finn manages to hold his own for a bit. The choreography is going to be interesting.

I think I just mega spoiled myself. lol

Had been avoiding the thread a bit. lol


I expect it to be closer to the Prequels but Ren is going to be more vicious and aggressive in his stances and attacks. Maybe something like Luke and Vader in RotJ.
The characters don't really seem to know themselves, or at least it doesn't seem that clear as to why they're going after it. Kylo appears to want it simply because it was Vader's, and he's got a fetish for grandad's style. The Resistance might want it simply because it was Luke's, and Leia would like for it to stay in the family, but our heroes discover at the end of the film that the saber points the way to where Luke's been hiding.

Whether the bad guys know that isn't all that clear, and it appears the good guys don't discover that til the very end, but they might suspect it.

It's also possible the saber itself contains the memories of what happened to Luke's temple about a decade before the movie started, as a shared vision of what caused him to leave occurs via Maz Kanata's force powers after it's shown to her. But that's just a theory, it's not stated outright in any of the plot spoilers we have so far.
I really hope the duel isn't super acrobatic like the prequels, but just involves an occasional backflip or somersault, with each strike being memorable and saying something about the characters themselves instead of trying to look flashy.

Maybe I'm asking too much.
I bet Finn goes ape shit and Ren just takes a defensive position until he has the upper hand.

also, Do you think Finn hurts himself with the lightsaber.


It has been confirmed that he is strong with the force.
Rogue One will be the movie with no Jedi

Have we got any 2nd confirmation that description regarding Finn was accurate? Seems like a clothing store wouldn't be the most reliable of sources.
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