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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Does anyone expect there to be something beyond the blue, green and red lightsabers in Episode VII?

My thinking, is since its Disney and Star Wars, both of which make shit tons of money with toys alone, it would make sense from a business standpoint to do so.

Also, I think it would help put JJs stamp on the new movie as well.

If so, I'm hoping for yellow. I read recently, that before Jedis basically started picking there favorite colors (essentially), that green, blue and yellow were for different classes of Jedi. It sounded cool.

It would certainly make it feel different from the prequels and would expand the visuals on a superficial level. The green and blue for goodies rule was a really weird restraint by Lucas. I too would like to see more saber colours. Yellow would be nice.


What about the same color as the Ralph McQuarrie Stormtrooper concept:

For imperial light sabers?
To be honest, with the way the production seems to be cribbing from that McQuarrie vault left right and centre, I'm now convinced this stormtroopers with lightsabers idea has some weight behind it. I'm also convinced Christie's character will die a horrible death befitting her station.


To be honest, with the way the production seems to be cribbing from that McQuarrie vault left right and centre, I'm now convinced this stormtroopers with lightsabers idea has some weight behind it. I'm also convinced Christie's character will die a horrible death befitting her station.

Stormtrooper + lightsaber = Jedi hunter



The more I think about these new films, the less I want them. The Skywalker saga should have ended with Jedi. Episode 7 should at least have taken place far far into the future after a long period of peace in the galaxy. If these plot rumors are true, it sounds like killing the emperor and restoring balance to the force did jack shit.
Was this a big thing in the EU? I don't understand the appeal.

No, this was early early concept art.

The more I think about these new films, the less I want them. The Skywalker saga should have ended with Jedi. Episode 7 should at least have taken place far far into the future after a long period of peace in the galaxy. If these plot rumors are true, it sounds like killing the emperor and restoring balance to the force did jack shit.

When the emperor died, do you think the empire said "well that's that, we give up?"


The more I think about these new films, the less I want them. The Skywalker saga should have ended with Jedi. Episode 7 should at least have taken place far far into the future after a long period of peace in the galaxy. If these plot rumors are true, it sounds like killing the emperor and restoring balance to the force did jack shit.

I want them to expand on the Skywalker saga, but I also agree it would be nice to go either a thousand years in the past or way in the future. That way we SHOULD get all new stories, new character development, all that jazz.


Don't forget the Imperial Knights from those comics set some 130 years after the Battle of Yavin, they used silver lightsabers as a nod to Ralph McQuarrie's concept art.
It would be cool if episode 7 showed the force in different ways then we are used to. Maybe introduce a character who claims he's achieved a greater understanding beyond light side and dark side. Someone who can take out a whole group of Jedi with his mind.


It would be cool if episode 7 showed the force in different ways then we are used to. Maybe introduce a character who claims he's achieved a greater understanding beyond light side and dark side. Someone who can take out a whole group of Jedi with his mind.

Ive always liked the idea of one jedi who isnt on the dark or light side. He does as he pleases how he pleases. A nomad jedi.

S/he cares nothing about good or bad. Politics is just another word to the character, and it carries no burden. S/he uses the force that is advantageous for whatever sort of environment, scenario, predicament, etc.

No code. No allegiance. Nor a hired gun/mercenary. This jedi simply exist. The path s/he chooses, is sporadic and reasonless. The only truly significant aspect of this person, is that s/he can weild both the good or bad parts of the force. An anomoly.

I think itd be interesting to what sort of character/story/role would come out of this situation.
Ive always liked the idea of one jedi who isnt on the dark or light side. He does as he pleases how he pleases. A nomad jedi.

S/he cares nothing about good or bad. Politics is just another word to the character, and it carries no burden. S/he uses the force that is advantageous for whatever sort of environment, scenario, predicament, etc.

No code. No allegiance. Nor a hired gun/mercenary. This jedi simply exist. The path s/he chooses, is sporadic and reasonless. The only truly significant aspect of this person, is that s/he can weild both the good or bad parts of the force. An anomoly.

I think itd be interesting to what sort of character/story/role would come out of this situation.

Basically Yojimbo as a Jedi.
That and the Star Wars productions have been legendary for their disinformation.

No they're not.

Falsely named trailer reels and "Blue Harvest" isn't "disinformation," really.

People love the narrative of production houses employing people to lie to fans for the purpose of throwing them off the scent, but it's really not that important to most filmmakers or studios. They're more concerned with just making the movie.


The only filmmaker I can think of who routinely tries to throw people off is Michael Bay, and half the time that's really him saying "No that's not true that's ridiculous" in regards to some rumor about a Transformers movie and then whatever he said was false turns out to be true.
Well, to be fair - Abrams is known for flat out lying to press - but he also paid for that bullshit on Into Darkness, and Kennedy's essentially said that his brand of mystery box bullshit isn't going to fly at Lucasfilm, and he's said he's going to tone that way down and focus instead on just getting the movie made without simultaneously doing that whole media mystery circus.
Well, to be fair - Abrams is known for flat out lying to press - but he also paid for that bullshit on Into Darkness, and Kennedy's essentially said that his brand of mystery box bullshit isn't going to fly at Lucasfilm, and he's said he's going to tone that way down and focus instead on just getting the movie made without simultaneously doing that whole media mystery circus.

seems like that kind of stuff is Orci/Kurtzmann

where the trailers show shit and PR says "its not what you think!!!"

and then its exactly what you think. Fortunately they aren't involved
seems like that kind of stuff is Orci/Kurtzmann

where the trailers show shit and PR says "its not what you think!!!"

and then its exactly what you think. Fortunately they aren't involved

It's very much a philosophy that JJ created with Lindelof for LOST and he took it with him for his films. He likes having absolute control of the flow of information for his productions (look up the "mystery box" or that TED talk he did about the subject). Orci/Kurtzman were just following his lead.

But, like Bobby said, Into Darkness' campaign backfired because of this and Kathleen Kennedy has him on a much tighter leash for Star Wars.
I have no problems with misdirection to a certain extent. I think that artists should be able to present information about their work as they see fit and I do think that things get ruined quite easily these days. I mean what's the point of writing surprising stories when all the surprises are leaked beforehand? I enjoy reading stuff and rumors and whatever as much as the next person, but I won't lie, if I went into this movie not knowing anything more than I do right now, I would be perfectly okay with that.
I remember reading a story where Paramount came pretty close to saying "Fuck it" around March Madness of last year and had ads made and ready to go that would have featured that character reveal, running basically every fourth or fifth commercial break during rounds one and two.

They should have done it, too. But I guess they were afraid of seriously pissing off Abrams. Which is funny because he basically burnt em ANYWAY by leaving Star Trek 3 to be done by Orci while he ran off and reinvigorated the Star Wars series.

The problem with misdirection isn't that it's dishonest. It's that it's not cost-effective. It's also attention diffusing. If you're that worried about your story getting out? Just hire tighter security and write in harsher punishments for NDA breaking. Because when you're taking your eye off the ball to come up with some cutesy shit to fool the 5-10% of fans who actually care enough to play the spoiler game anyway? You're wasting time and money for no good reason.


never heard about the cat, apparently
The marketing for episode 7 should just be no comment when asked about it and it will be released on this date, go see it. It already has all the buzz, don't need much advertising. of course that won't be the case, we will see ads 24/7.
I have no problems with misdirection to a certain extent. I think that artists should be able to present information about their work as they see fit and I do think that things get ruined quite easily these days. I mean what's the point of writing surprising stories when all the surprises are leaked beforehand? I enjoy reading stuff and rumors and whatever as much as the next person, but I won't lie, if I went into this movie not knowing anything more than I do right now, I would be perfectly okay with that.

I'm fine with some misdirection too, but Abrams was so desperate to not tell everyone about Khan in Into Darkness even after everyone had pretty much figured it out and the cast and crew ran out of non-answers.

Additionally the Khan reveal, in context of the film, isn't even a real surprise or a twist, so it had pretty much no impact on the enjoyment of the film, especially for non-Trek people. It was like "oh okay so now who is this Khan guy?"

It's okay right now that we don't know anything about Episode VII beyond casting and some vague details, but I fully expect to have far more information a year from now than we did for ST:ID
The marketing for episode 7 should just be no comment when asked about it and it will be released on this date, go see it. It already has all the buzz, don't need much advertising. of course that won't be the case, we will see ads 24/7.

To be fair though, up to this point, that's essentially been their plan regarding any rumor, even the correct ones. They don't need to spread misinformation. Its a waste of resources. Just staying quiet tends to rile up the fans more than anything, and they either come up with some ridiculous bullshit to fill the space on their own, or they simply forget about it when they see no answer is coming, only to be surprised all over again when it's actually confirmed through official channels months later.
It's okay right now that we don't know anything about Episode VII beyond casting and some vague details, but I fully expect to have far more information a year from now than we did for ST:ID

I wouldn't worry about that, I think the Khan thing was just something cool for the fans that didn't work out the way they wanted; I'm not the biggest ST person but was familiar with the character and name, and I didn't look into STID that much like trying to dig for spoilers and thought it ended up being a pretty cool moment in the theater. That's all I think JJ wants with his stuff is to bring surprises and things of an unexpected nature to it.

I don't know if he'll treat Episode VII that way, but there will be things in the story that they'll want to keep under wraps, I'm sure. Hopefully nothing will be as blatant as "Qui-Gon's Noble End" which I shit you not was a fucking track title on the soundtrack.
Well, there isn't a movie out that doesn't have everything in it spoiled by the tie-in novelizations a couple weeks before release, really. The studios themselves make these spoilers available in the home stretch almost every time.

But really, spoilers aren't THAT big a deal because anyone who cares that much about spoilers is almost always a guaranteed ticket sold anyway.

That's why the mystery box was such a blow-up on Star Trek Into Darkness. You don't need to devote time and effort to lying to people who are going to see it REGARDLESS. Just focus on making your movie and locking down your production as best you can, and keep in mind the mystery box doesn't really help you because your movie's marketing is going to use most of the good shit to sell everyone else on the film anyway.

Misdirection/misinformation is just wasted energy.


The marketing for episode 7 should just be no comment when asked about it and it will be released on this date, go see it. It already has all the buzz, don't need much advertising. of course that won't be the case, we will see ads 24/7.

That'll be half the fun: just how crazy will the Star Wars promotions and advertisements will be this time around. I wonder if it will rival Episode 1's ramp up. Star Wars merchandise probably rivals the box office
It'll probably surpass it, I'd imagine. Toys/books/apparel/food tie-ins.

The Prequel trilogy made 2 billion dollars before a single frame of footage was shot thanks to the marketing contract with Pepsi.


That'll be half the fun: just how crazy will the Star Wars promotions and advertisements will be this time around. I wonder if it will rival Episode 1's ramp up. Star Wars merchandise probably rivals the box office

I wouldn't be suprised if that were true.

I cant wait to see all those stupid PEPSI cans with all of the main characters faces on them......

That'll be half the fun: just how crazy will the Star Wars promotions and advertisements will be this time around. I wonder if it will rival Episode 1's ramp up. Star Wars merchandise probably rivals the box office
That shit was nuts. I used to buy Pepsi cans on my way home from school. Phantom Menace was everywhere.
I know, right? I used to love talking about Star Wars but too many people are too upset about the prequels to have any real level-headed discussions about them. It's nice for a change to be able to lay opinions out on the table without feeling like you're in a poker match with a bunch of gun-toting gangstas. The difference here is that no one is saying "you're wrong" but rather "I disagree or agree and here's why." It's easy enough to just post "you're wrong watch the Plinkett reviews" (which is lazy as fuck) and there are plenty of super valid criticisms about the prequels, but some people such as myself were just along for the ride and actually found some of Lucas' story decisions to be interesting instead of just giving fans exactly what they wanted or predicted.

I agree with you.


I was thinking about the spinoff movies and they should definitely make one about Obi-Wan on Tatooine. It's been a decade, Ewan would look the right age - just make his hair a little more gray to transition to the Alec Guinness look. Get Liam Neeson back as ghost Qui-Gon.
I was thinking about the spinoff movies and they should definitely make one about Obi-Wan on Tatooine. It's been a decade, Ewan would look the right age - just make his hair a little more gray to transition to the Alec Guinness look. Get Liam Neeson back as ghost Qui-Gon.

Ewan would definitely be up for it I think.

If some of the rumors for Episode VII are true, they could explore some untold events about Obi-Wan too.
Ive always liked the idea of one jedi who isnt on the dark or light side. He does as he pleases how he pleases. A nomad jedi.

S/he cares nothing about good or bad. Politics is just another word to the character, and it carries no burden. S/he uses the force that is advantageous for whatever sort of environment, scenario, predicament, etc.

No code. No allegiance. Nor a hired gun/mercenary. This jedi simply exist. The path s/he chooses, is sporadic and reasonless. The only truly significant aspect of this person, is that s/he can weild both the good or bad parts of the force. An anomoly.

I think itd be interesting to what sort of character/story/role would come out of this situation.

Basically that's what I thought Jedis were anyway, after watching the movies as a child in the early eighties.

More kind of having a taoistic hermits mindset keen on keeping things in balance rather than being those lame cult fanatics who were integrated into republic politics like they were portrayed in the prequels.


On the lightsaber stuff, even though I liked episode 1 - 3, I loved that one of the Jedis on the council that we got to see a little of (Mace Windu) wielded a purple lightsaber.

Felt refreshing considering the amount of Jedi that had green/blue ones.


Basically that's what I thought Jedis were anyway, after watching the movies as a child in the early eighties.

More kind of having a taoistic hermits mindset keen on keeping things in balance rather than being those lame cult fanatics who were integrated into republic politics like they were portrayed in the prequels.

the point of the prequels is to show Jedis had indeed became lame under Sidious' maneouvering and their own shortcomings.

Basically it's interpretable the Force itself, through the Skywalkers, decided it was time for some cleaning-up.

Obiwan's life is a good parrallel to the Jedi's story.
Letting go was his most difficult choice/task. The less natural one. and yet in the end his best and most crucial one. What mattered was his pure and unaltered connection to the Force. such is what Jedi should be. a pure conduct of the Force, even though it's mysterious and sometimes contradictary in nature. Sith are clouded by their sense of self.
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