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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Another magnificent photogram for your eyes


The force is with him.


This is the first time I have hope for this movie. How he looks now is how I always envisioned an older Luke Jedi Master.


So what will the Luke wear? Black attire from ROTJ?
Kind of hope for black vest+Obi Wan cloak.

There was a really neat costume progression for him in the OT:
  • ROTJ: BLACK and then when he doesn't turn he has the grey flap from his vest to indicate he didn't become Vader.
So what will the Luke wear? Black attire from ROTJ?
Kind of hope for black vest+Obi Wan cloak.

There was a really neat costume progression for him in the OT:
  • ROTJ: BLACK and then when he doesn't turn he has the grey flap from his vest to indicate he didn't become Vader.

I was pondering this myself. It would be tempting to say brown and white, if they're really pushing for those Obi Wan vibes. This, coupled with the fact that the prequels for better or worse cemented brown and white robes as garb of the Jedi, would lend credence to this possibility.

On the flip side, Luke isn't Obi Wan and as a nomadic Master he has no ties to that older school of Jedi. Personally, I hope they show more imagination than simply popping him in the bog standard robes. I like to think Luke is still rocking black in some capacity, and these most recent pics are proof that he looks good in a bit of dark leather. Better than he does in XL Hawaiian shirts, anyway.

Your suggestion of a brown robe on top of a black vest could be a plausible compromise and a visual "mesh" of the two schools. Maybe even a white robe Gandalf style. Either way, you know they can't wait to do that shot of him pulling his hood down to reveal his grizzled old mug.

More broadly speaking, I think I'm more interested to see what Han and Leia are wearing these days.
I was pondering this myself. It would be tempting to say brown and white, if they're really pushing for those Obi Wan vibes. This, coupled with the fact that the prequels for better or worse cemented brown and white robes as garb of the Jedi, would lend credence to this possibility.

On the flip side, Luke isn't Obi Wan and as a nomadic Master he has no ties to that older school of Jedi. Personally, I hope they show more imagination than simply popping him in the bog standard robes. I like to think Luke is still rocking black in some capacity, and these most recent pics are proof that he looks good in a bit of dark leather. Better than he does in XL Hawaiian shirts, anyway.

Your suggestion of a brown robe on top of a black vest could be a plausible compromise and a visual "mesh" of the two schools. Maybe even a white robe Gandalf style. Either way, you know they can't wait to do that shot of him pulling his hood down to reveal his grizzled old mug.

More broadly speaking, I think I'm more interested to see what Han and Leia are wearing these days.

I'm hoping for something practical and cool. Robes only make sense in a harsh environment and never felt right for me in the prequels. Luke isn't a monk, he isn't tied to that way of the Jedi. Maybe a more muted version of his clothing he wore at the medal ceremony from ANH. If he is missing or in hiding why would he dress like a Jedi?
Practical clothing is good- I'd also like to see more of those overtly '70s jackets and waistcoats in the movie, to balance out the more eccentric prequel-inspired desert-wear we saw in those leaked TMZ photos. I'm more just pointing out what I think the production might do, as the clothing decisions are almost a microcosm for the intriguing dilemmas the Episode VII team face in general. There's that tension between JJ's passion for the OT and his acknowledgment of the kids who have grown up with the PT; which is further intertwined with his visible efforts to placate OT fans, while simultaneously appeasing his Disney masters who have forked out an awful lot of money for now instantly recognisable and marketable iconography from the prequel trilogy. The film is one big balancing act and it's fascinating to watch it unfold.

I will be very pleasantly surprised if Luke doesn't wear the familiar prequel robes, more just because it would demonstrate that they're not playing it safe and staying true to the core of his character. Robes to me not only suggest harsh environments, but also ceremony. Luke isn't an overly ceremonial person, and when he did wear that hooded black cloak at the beginning of RotJ, it was a theatrical act to underscore his dramatic entrance to Jabba's Palace. On a visual level, the audience is clearly supposed to connect his appearance to that of the Emperor, casting uncertainty on Luke's allegiance and reflecting his conflicted mindset at that time. 30 years on, I would expect that his costume has evolved appropriately to reflect whatever lifestyle he is leading in his sixties.
Practical clothing is good- I'd also like to see more of those overtly '70s jackets and waistcoats in the movie, to balance out the more eccentric prequel-inspired desert-wear we saw in those leaked TMZ photos. I'm more just pointing out what I think the production might do, as the clothing decisions are almost a microcosm for the intriguing dilemmas the Episode VII team face in general. There's that tension between JJ's passion for the OT and his acknowledgment of the kids who have grown up with the PT; which is further intertwined with his visible efforts to placate OT fans, while simultaneously appeasing his Disney masters who have forked out an awful lot of money for now instantly recognisable and marketable iconography from the prequel trilogy. The film is one big balancing act and it's fascinating to watch it unfold.

I will be very pleasantly surprised if Luke doesn't wear the familiar prequel robes, more just because it would demonstrate that they're not playing it safe and staying true to the core of his character. Robes to me not only suggest harsh environments, but also ceremony. Luke isn't an overly ceremonial person, and when he did wear that hooded black cloak at the beginning of RotJ, it was a theatrical act to underscore his dramatic entrance to Jabba's Palace. On a visual level, the audience is clearly supposed to connect his appearance to that of the Emperor, casting uncertainty on Luke's allegiance and reflecting his conflicted mindset at that time. 30 years on, I would expect that his costume has evolved appropriately to reflect whatever lifestyle he is leading in his sixties.

How much acknowledgment do you think will actually be paid to the prequels? They're very polarizing. A safe bet would almost be to build off from the classic trilogy and work with the bulletpoints mentioned by Obi Wan, Yoda, Vader, etc.. when delving into the prequel era. I don't think any fans would lose sleep if the prequels were retconned out of existence.

That being said, I severely hope that Abrams and co. resist on relying heavily on callbacks and retreads. I don't want Luke becoming Obi Wan 2.0, where he has to be killed off because of precedent, or that the Empire constructs a third death star, etc..


Luke's name is Skywalker.

I don't want him to be stuck in one place wearing monk robes.

He has to have both a ride and R2D2 and a matching style.

One pb : robes are not great in a cockpit. He's not a buffed 30-something dude, so Production will definitely try and cloak his body in order to hide belly pot and tires.

and he should totally have a mask of some sort to hide his personnae on his nomadic quest.
Are we expecting anything from comic con? Seems weird we don't even have a promotional pic of the 3 yet, nevermind a teaser.

If we're to follow the Ep. 1 trajectory (teaser shown with springtime sci-fi megabomb Wing Commander), the first teaser will be shown before Jupiter Ascending.


If we're to follow the Ep. 1 trajectory (teaser shown with springtime sci-fi megabomb Wing Commander), the first teaser will be shown before Jupiter Ascending.

If it's tied to a movie, then it will be tied to a Marvel or Disney one. no way Disney will offer free adverstising to competition. And SW doesn't need another sci-fi series for exposure.
Maybe I'm mixing it up with a full trailer, I do remember going to see that monumental piece of shit Wing Commander because the Ep1 trailer was attached. According to wikipedia, the first teaser showed with The Siege and A Bug's Life.


Modesty becomes a woman
You know what I love about Mark Hamill?

He knows what he is to people. Regardless on how he feels about the movies, loss of privacy or anything like that, he realizes that he's an icon to people and that Luke Skywalker is a big deal.

Listening to him on Kevin Smiths podcast makes me respect the guy so much, but also sort of pity him. He's such a huge nerd, but he's just about the only guy on the planet that collects comics, watches tons of TV and movies, but isn't a fan of Star Wars because he just can't be. He said he's seen the movies once at the premiere.
You know what I love about Mark Hamill?
He knows what he is to people. Regardless on how he feels about the movies, loss of privacy or anything like that, he realizes that he's an icon to people and that Luke Skywalker is a big deal.

His dinner for 5 was quite insightful. Like how George was dismissive of all suggestions, and how Mark wanted Luke to turn evil for a bit. And his impression of Harrison is perfect.


Funny that J.J is in the same episode. Luke turning evil in this confirmed!


Modesty becomes a woman
His dinner for 5 was quite insightful. Like how George was dismissive of all suggestions, and how Mark wanted Luke to turn evil for a bit. And his impression of Harrison is perfect.


Funny that J.J is in the same episode. Luke turning evil in this confirmed!

But that kinda did happen, and it's one of the best moments in movie history.

Luke gives in to the dark side and wails on Vader and cuts his hand off, but then he rejects it. Going against what Yoda said and becoming a better Jedi than anyone thought he could.
How much acknowledgment do you think will actually be paid to the prequels? They're very polarizing. A safe bet would almost be to build off from the classic trilogy and work with the bulletpoints mentioned by Obi Wan, Yoda, Vader, etc.. when delving into the prequel era. I don't think any fans would lose sleep if the prequels were retconned out of existence.

That being said, I severely hope that Abrams and co. resist on relying heavily on callbacks and retreads. I don't want Luke becoming Obi Wan 2.0, where he has to be killed off because of precedent, or that the Empire constructs a third death star, etc..

Well, judging from the scant amount of officially released material - the merchant puppet, the Falcon chessboard and the X-Wing - the marketing team are predominantly leveraging OT nostalgia, which is good. Looking at the leaked images more broadly, the structures on Tatooine look straight out of the OT, while the marketplace leans more towards Mos Espa from the prequels. The extras' costumes also look closer to those of the prequels, and there is possibly a broken podracer in the desert. This all suggests a large OT focus with bits of prequel influence, but we'll have to wait and see.

The best case scenario for me would be that they don't overtly reference the prequels at all, but I'm not convinced they will totally ignore them over the course of the whole trilogy. On the most "acceptable" end of referencing the prequels there's things like the aforementioned possible podracer as set dressing, while on the least acceptable end we could have things like Hayden Christensen returning as Vader's force ghost at some point and stinking up the joint. Now, we've not heard any rumours concerning Hayden so far, so I don't think he'll be in VII at least. Then there is the prequel "character" Darth Plagueis, who seems tailor made to be resurrected at some point. It will be interesting to see what they'll do if they bring Yoda back for Episode VII or VIII- the fact that they've built a puppet for a random background merchant gives me hope that Yoda would be practical, but it remains to be seen what direction Rian Johnson might want to take him if he pops up in VIII.

You're right, the arcs shouldn't mirror those of the OT too closely. There is a certain ironic pleasure in seeing events repeat themselves across history (as much shit Lucas gets for his poetry spiel, parallels can be good in moderation), but Luke shouldn't necessarily have to become a force ghost three quarters of the way in just because of the precedent. There's a good chance Han's dying, though.


Well, judging from the scant amount of officially released material - the merchant puppet, the Falcon chessboard and the X-Wing - the marketing team are predominantly leveraging OT nostalgia, which is good. Looking at the leaked images more broadly, the structures on Tatooine look straight out of the OT, while the marketplace leans more towards Mos Espa from the prequels. The extras' costumes also look closer to those of the prequels, and there is possibly a broken podracer in the desert. This all suggests a large OT focus with bits of prequel influence, but we'll have to wait and see.

The best case scenario for me would be that they don't overtly reference the prequels at all, but I'm not convinced they will totally ignore them over the course of the whole trilogy. On the most "acceptable" end of referencing the prequels there's things like the aforementioned possible podracer as set dressing, while on the least acceptable end we could have things like Hayden Christensen returning as Vader's force ghost at some point and stinking up the joint. Now, we've not heard any rumours concerning Hayden so far, so I don't think he'll be in VII at least. Then there is the prequel "character" Darth Plagueis, who seems tailor made to be resurrected at some point. It will be interesting to see what they'll do if they bring Yoda back for Episode VII or VIII- the fact that they've built a puppet for a random background merchant gives me hope that Yoda would be practical, but it remains to be seen what direction Rian Johnson might want to take him if he pops up in VIII.

You're right, the arcs shouldn't mirror those of the OT too closely. There is a certain ironic pleasure in seeing events repeat themselves across history (as much shit Lucas gets for his poetry spiel, parallels can be good in moderation), but Luke shouldn't necessarily have to become a force ghost three quarters of the way in just because of the precedent. There's a good chance Han's dying, though.

Han and or Luke dying would be a safe bet. I think this will be a passing the torch movie, so we need a good reason for the OT cast not to return beyond this movie.


There's a good chance Han's dying, though.

Leaving Leia a sad old widow is a terrible plot.

New films need to create compelling characters and surpising outcomes thanks to those additions.

Killing the OG characters after 30 years of them being fondly cherished is, IMO, a very unappropirate send-off.

I want surprises. Good, bad, etc..not some cleaning up to make up room for other characters who will utlimately be clened up too further down the road.
Another magnificent photogram for your eyes


I cannot believe how incredibly excited I am for a new Star Wars movie after the complete crap that was the Prequel Trilogy.

It's like 32 years later that 8 year old boy who I was in 1983 finally gets to see what happens to his heroes later on.

Mark just looks gorgeous...
I thought it was attached to Meet Joe Black.

First trailer was before and after Meet Joe Black. Second trailer was attached to Wing Commander.

I saw both for the trailer.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have a theatre exclusive trailer to bulk up the box office of a movie.
I cannot believe how incredibly excited I am for a new Star Wars movie after the complete crap that was the Prequel Trilogy.

It's like 32 years later that 8 year old boy who I was in 1983 finally gets to see what happens to his heroes later on.

I've become a bit jaded about SW after being obsessed with it from 1977-1999, but I'm starting to get a bit excited here.

I can't imagine how pumped I would be if this were happening now and the prequels hadn't happened. I'd be driving my wife and kids crazy.

Please be good (bows head and prays)
Leaving Leia a sad old widow is a terrible plot.

New films need to create compelling characters and surpising outcomes thanks to those additions.

Killing the OG characters after 30 years of them being fondly cherished is, IMO, a very unappropirate send-off.

I want surprises. Good, bad, etc..not some cleaning up to make up room for other characters who will utlimately be clened up too further down the road.

I'm not necessarily saying it would make for a good plot, just speculating on what we know. Apparently Han is the most prominent original character in this film, which could suggest a build up to a "shocking" death scene. This, in combination with Ford's well known desire to be killed off in RotJ, reinforces this possibility. Then again, I'm one of those people who thinks it wouldn't have necessarily made for a good plot in RotJ, either. We already had the drama of a Han "death" scene in ESB and his listlessness in RotJ was more due to bad writing than having exhausted all avenues for his character. Instead, we could have had the drama of Chewbacca dying in battle on the Wookiee planet (rather than Endor), with this spurring Han on.


But that kinda did happen, and it's one of the best moments in movie history.

Luke gives in to the dark side and wails on Vader and cuts his hand off, but then he rejects it. Going against what Yoda said and becoming a better Jedi than anyone thought he could.

Man, ROTJ is so good when it comes to everything Luke & Vader
Just watched Lizo Mzimba's interview with Mark. He always comes across as such a nice bloke. Very complimentary of the new cast members too.

His beard is awesome as well.
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