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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Basically that's what I thought Jedis were anyway, after watching the movies as a child in the early eighties.

More kind of having a taoistic hermits mindset keen on keeping things in balance rather than being those lame cult fanatics who were integrated into republic politics like they were portrayed in the prequels.

In the OT, there was no "light side" of the Force, it was just the Force. And the dark side was uncontrolled use of the Force, rather than half of the Force dually opposed to the other half. The video games and EU made the concept more dualistic than it used to be.
Ive always liked the idea of one jedi who isnt on the dark or light side. He does as he pleases how he pleases. A nomad jedi.

S/he cares nothing about good or bad. Politics is just another word to the character, and it carries no burden. S/he uses the force that is advantageous for whatever sort of environment, scenario, predicament, etc.

No code. No allegiance. Nor a hired gun/mercenary. This jedi simply exist. The path s/he chooses, is sporadic and reasonless. The only truly significant aspect of this person, is that s/he can weild both the good or bad parts of the force. An anomoly.

I think itd be interesting to what sort of character/story/role would come out of this situation.

He's called Jolee Bindo
In the OT, there was no "light side" of the Force, it was just the Force. And the dark side was uncontrolled use of the Force, rather than half of the Force dually opposed to the other half. The video games and EU made the concept more dualistic than it used to be.

Exactly my feelings. Thanks...


where have I been? First finding out about crouching tiger hidden dragon 2 and now john williams for episode 7?

This day has started off well so far.

A Star Wars movie without John Williams fantastic Score wouldnt be a Star Wars movie :D


Legit question. In the OT only Vader knew the emperor was a sith right?

Doubt it. He had those funky wizard adviser types with him on the DSII and his red robed badass guards probably also knew what was up.
Some Admirals in the fleet probably also knew what was up.

If you count the Prequels in: He threw the Senate at Yoda. Somebody must have heard of that/seen that/seen a recording.
Doubt it. He had those funky wizard adviser types with him on the DSII and his red robed badass guards probably also knew what was up.
Some Admirals in the fleet probably also knew what was up.

If you count the Prequels in: He threw the Senate at Yoda. Somebody must have heard of that/seen that/seen a recording.

You're assuming. We only have what the movies show us.

Yoda went into hiding. Watch A New Hope again the way Tarkin talks it's as if he thought Vader was the only force user.


He kind of seemed like a bitch. Additionally, he was on the good side and went through "official" training. Further on, he became "bad"-ish. Not what I was talking about.
Imperial knights might be what your looking for. Or there's the Jensaarai.
Looked him up. Seems extremely bland.

He kind of seemed like a bitch. Additionally, he was on the good side and went through "official" training. Further on, he became "bad"-ish. Not what I was talking about.

you really think a wookiepedia article gives you a sense of what a character is like?

Calling motherfucking Jolee a bitch, smh.


You're assuming. We only have what the movies show us.

Yoda went into hiding. Watch A New Hope again the way Tarkin talks it's as if he thought Vader was the only force user.
A NEW HOPE is a canon outlier anyway as it was the first one and Lucas didn't have the universe sorted out in his head fully it seems.
There are clear examples of this during the whole movie:

"Sad devotion to that ancient religion" - PT established only 18 years since the Jedi fell and the prequels established them as police embedded with the troops (which the admiral is a part of) instead of solitary monks. "Jedi Business"

"their fighters are too small for our turbo lasers"...they built this Death Star without thinking about the ever present rebel fighters, fighters that according to canon are being built by long etablished companies and there is a long established "tradition" of dog fighting in the STAR WARS universe since thousand of years ago.

So A NEW HOPE really is an outlier when it comes to this.
Hell, I would bet a lot of money that "during the clone wars" meant somethng more akin to THX1138 back in 1976 than the crap we got with the clone wars.
You're assuming. We only have what the movies show us.

Yoda went into hiding. Watch A New Hope again the way Tarkin talks it's as if he thought Vader was the only force user.

It seems like the Emperor was in seclusion most of the time prior to ROTJ. I doubt anyone other than the people who guarded his palace even saw him.

Red Mage

It would be cool if episode 7 showed the force in different ways then we are used to. Maybe introduce a character who claims he's achieved a greater understanding beyond light side and dark side. Someone who can take out a whole group of Jedi with his mind.

Er, isn't that what they were going for with Jacen in EU? Lucas pretty much crapped his pants and put a kibosh on it if I remember correctly.


Er, isn't that what they were going for with Jacen in EU? Lucas pretty much crapped his pants and put a kibosh on it if I remember correctly.

Yes, Matt Stover put an interesting spin on things by having Vergere explain to Jacen that The Force itself is neutral and that good and evil - morality - is a concept held by mortals. It was great.

The following book just claimed Vergere was a liar.


Ive always liked the idea of one jedi who isnt on the dark or light side. He does as he pleases how he pleases. A nomad jedi.

S/he cares nothing about good or bad. Politics is just another word to the character, and it carries no burden. S/he uses the force that is advantageous for whatever sort of environment, scenario, predicament, etc.

No code. No allegiance. Nor a hired gun/mercenary. This jedi simply exist. The path s/he chooses, is sporadic and reasonless. The only truly significant aspect of this person, is that s/he can weild both the good or bad parts of the force. An anomoly.

I think itd be interesting to what sort of character/story/role would come out of this situation.

Look no further than Jolee Bindo.


Edit: Beaten by a KotOR bro.


I thought Mace Windu's lightsaber was purple? It's the only reason I played as him in the PSX game, lol.

I would also like to see other colours for the lightsabers.
Has the filming schedule for this been revealed, or at lest a rough approximation? Curious to see how far along principal photography is.
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