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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Mizzlewump's post said that they wouldn't post again until around the time of the movie, so we may still get some more information if they're interested in returning.

"I've chosen a trip so that people can't BS in my name when trailers, other media, and the film itself confirm what I say. I won't post again until then so as not to be accused of attention whoring."

I do think it would have been more interesting though if the snow planet had been Moraband like in the Mizzlewump rumor. But then again, we still don't even know what the name of the planet is in the movie!
I'm curious if they will make any attempt to explain how the splintered remnant of the Empire had the resources to create a planet size installation like that.

Also, if its purpose is to destroy stars, does that mean starkiller base can move? Or is it somehow like shooting stars from lightyears away or something
I'm curious if they will make any attempt to explain how the splintered remnant of the Empire had the resources to create a planet size installation like that.

Also, if its purpose is to destroy stars, does that mean starkiller base can move? Or is it somehow like shooting stars from lightyears away or something

The First Order isn't the Empire.


I'm curious if they will make any attempt to explain how the splintered remnant of the Empire had the resources to create a planet size installation like that.

Also, if its purpose is to destroy stars, does that mean starkiller base can move? Or is it somehow like shooting stars from lightyears away or something

Well, the EU already had stationary superweapons that could fire across the galaxy like the Galaxy Gun. I would presume that the Starkiller Base doesn't move because we know they fire a (I guess low powered) shot at Maz Kanata's castle.

We don't know the full extent of the First Order's resources. They certainly smaller than the Empire and seem more like a "backwater" power but that may just be speculation. We don't know how long they've been around, if they've had thirty years to build this thing, if Snoke has some crazy secrets like if the Core Empire is still around and financing them or something, etc. It could be that it already existed and the First Order fixed it up, because the Mizzlewump leak stated that in the second draft of the script, the planet-weapon was actually the Sith homeworld itself and the Republic and Empire were fighting over the control station, which was in the form of ancient ruins. We won't know until the movie is out and dialogue clears it up if that concept was abandoned or not.


That long bc the way MSW keeps describing his scene as like 30 seconds lol. At least when I read the report it was like that. Not sure if its been updated.

Nah, we don't really know the exact amount of time. It could be that Rey shows up and speaks with Luke, it could just be that she shows up and hands him the lightsaber and the music swells and cuts to credits. We really don't know.

I remember there being some speculation that Luke might have another short appearance as a hologram in whatever the puzzle is that the droids solve pointing to his location, but that's never been confirmed.


Nah, we don't really know the exact amount of time. It could be that Rey shows up and speaks with Luke, it could just be that she shows up and hands him the lightsaber and the music swells and cuts to credits. We really don't know.

I remember there being some speculation that Luke might have another short appearance as a hologram in whatever the puzzle is that the droids solve pointing to his location, but that's never been confirmed.
It has also been rumored that he came back to shoot more scenes. The story about Mark Hamill almost falling off a cliff in Skellig Michael is from last month (he denied the near-death thing, but filming did take place there), so it's hard to tell whether it's some really late addition or just Episode VIII material.

Also, one of the main sources of info for MSW were casting calls and lines for the auditions, but the OT characters obviously never had any, so the scenes where they're alone or with extras are still a mystery. If Luke had some scenes alone in the temple, chances of any leak were very slim.
It is very unlikely that the new protagonists have more scenes with them that we don't know anything about, however, specially Luke.


Judging by the plot of the movie, there's really nothing else Luke could be in, unless there's more to the flashback sequence. I mean, there's some possible scenes that MSW never described from their call sheets (I recall that weird discovery of a Halloween costume page having extremely detailed information about characters and scenes, including one that describes Rey stumbling onto a whole group of Knights of Ren at Starkiller Base, although who knows if that's actually in the movie or just some weird embellishment) but I can't see where else he'd even fit in.
It has also been rumored that he came back to shoot more scenes. The story about Mark Hamill almost falling off a cliff in Skellig Michael is from last month (he denied the near-death thing, but filming did take place there), so it's hard to tell whether it's some really late addition or just Episode VIII material.

Also, one of the main sources of info for MSW were casting calls and lines for the auditions, but the OT characters obviously never had any, so the scenes where they're alone or with extras are still a mystery. If Luke had some scenes alone in the temple, chances of any leak were very slim.
It is very unlikely that the new protagonists have more scenes with them that we don't know anything about, however, specially Luke.

The Skellig scenes from last month were for Episode VIII. Lucasfilm officially confirmed that to EW when they wrote it was reshoots for VII. Rian Johnson was there, not JJ Abrams. It was for VIII, not secretly adding new Luke footage to satisfy whiny fanboys.

As for MSW sources they never said it was auditon stuff or casting intimation. The big dump of information that began last February was from a shot list, which describes every shot done while the movie was filmed. There aren't secret missing Luke scenes.


It has also been rumored that he came back to shoot more scenes. The story about Mark Hamill almost falling off a cliff in Skellig Michael is from last month (he denied the near-death thing, but filming did take place there), so it's hard to tell whether it's some really late addition or just Episode VIII material.

Also, one of the main sources of info for MSW were casting calls and lines for the auditions, but the OT characters obviously never had any, so the scenes where they're alone or with extras are still a mystery. If Luke had some scenes alone in the temple, chances of any leak were very slim.
It is very unlikely that the new protagonists have more scenes with them that we don't know anything about, however, specially Luke.

Those scenes from last month were for Episode VIII. 99.9999% chance that Hamill as Luke is only in the last shot of the movie, you are holding out on false hope here.


Those scenes from last month were for Episode VIII. 99.9999% chance that Hamill as Luke is only in the last shot of the movie, you are holding out on false hope here.
I'm not, I do think that's the only scene. The "Han shoots first" moment that was promised doesn't fit the scenes described by MSW, though, so I think that's a scene we don't know yet.


Nah, we don't really know the exact amount of time. It could be that Rey shows up and speaks with Luke, it could just be that she shows up and hands him the lightsaber and the music swells and cuts to credits. We really don't know.

I remember there being some speculation that Luke might have another short appearance as a hologram in whatever the puzzle is that the droids solve pointing to his location, but that's never been confirmed.

I'm betting on this one.

Going by past Star Wars films, the last minute or two will be wordless. She'll walk up the stairs, Luke will be waiting at the top ("Force Theme" plays), and she hands him the lightsaber.

I sincerely doubt the speculation that Luke will show up in a hologram when the droids solve the puzzle. He's the big mystery of the film; why "spoil" the "reveal" of his character five minutes before Rey meets him when you can end the film with their meeting? That seems a lot stronger of a reveal to me.
So, is Finn supposed to be force sensitive too, or only Rey?
Nobody is force sensitive. The title of the film is just a classic JJ misdirection.

money is on both, but there isn't anything much that clearly points to finn being sensitive like there is with rey


Who do you guys think Rey and Kylo parents are? I saw some now saying Rey is Lukes daughter and Kylo is Han and Leia's son.


Who do you guys think Rey and Kylo parents are? I saw some now saying Rey is Lukes daughter and Kylo is Han and Leia's son.

Bobby shared something from reddit. The user claimed the info to be from the novelization:

Rey was orphaned. Luke recognized the force in her, took her in as an apprentice, and ultimately adopted her as his own. It is true that Luke had started an academy and that he was training several young jedi, but Rey was the favored one.

Kylo is the blood relation, via Han and Leia. A lot of his anger stems from the fact that Luke favored an adopted child over an actual member of the Skywalker bloodline. It is hinted that Luke had sensed a propensity for the dark side in Kylo and was therefore hesitant to train him.


Daisy Ridley's comments are key here:
"I’m not sure how much I can say. I guess because I’ve said that I’m solitary, and that’s how I begin, that is probably a big clue as to what… (Kathleen Kennedy nervously chuckles) … it is."

Some people have made the case for all kinds of conclusions, really, so I guess she did a pretty good job giving people a clue while at the same time not letting anything slip.
Personally, I think it confirmed she's not Luke's daughter. Luke wasn't solitary when the series began. Even after Owen and Beru are killed, he has Obi-Wan with him.

Another rumor in the same month:
We’ve discussed the loads of circumstantial evidence for Rey being a Solo in the past. We have sequences where she is drawn to the Falcon and knows how to repair it instinctually. Han passes her his blaster and she keeps it. She ends up the Captain of the Falcon with Chewbacca as her co-pilot by the end of the film. She exits the picture soon after a heartfelt goodbye with Leia. Most of all, she ends up with the Skywalker lightsaber by the end of the show.

But what if she isn’t related to Han Solo, Leia Organa, or Luke Skywalker?

That’s been the word with some sources this week. Most sources have felt it was hidden on set from them or it was really tightly guarded. It was an assumption Rey must be a Solo/Skywalker. But these sources quoted below are coming at this from a different angle and it is truly puzzling:

"None of the heroes… the kids… are Solos or Skywalkers."

Then a source that was dead on about a lot of things including Jakku not being Tatooine said:

"She’s not a Solo."

And finally:

"It would not knock me on my knees to learn she is a Solo. VII does not answer that question. It just presents it."
I think Kylo resenting her for being Luke's favoured despite the fact she's not a Skywalker, turning to the dark side and to Darth Vader, etc definitely fit what we know so far.
Then again, the argument for Kira Solo is still very strong depending on which rumors you believe, and could explain why Kylo didn't kill her.

There was also this rumor last month:
“Rey” is a pseudonym used by the hero in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
“Rey” was dropped off on Jakku by her parents.
“Rey” doesn’t leave Jakku because she’s waiting for her parents to return. Should she leave, they may never find her.
Her life on Jakku, living inside an AT-AT-turned-home, makes Luke’s life on Tatooine look suburban and luxurious.

Honestly, it's a very well kept secret. Could be Kira Kenobi for all I know.
It makes a lot more sense, storywise, for her to either directly be Luke's kid, or essentially Luke's adopted kid. The parental connection between the two just seems to fit the story a lot more cleanly.

The "She's a solo!" thing seems to work on the surface, but never really added much of anything storywise. It was a convenient conclusion more than anything, and confirmation biases filled in the rest.


The weird thing is there are plenty of elements in the movie that seem to point to her being a Solo, like her finding and later essentially inheriting the Falcon, her being buddy-buddy with Chewie, the fact that she spends more time with Han than anyone else from the OT cast, etc.

But then at the same time there's never any scene where she strongly interacts with Han in a way that would indicate that they have a special relationship. She has a "fond farewell" with Leia but that's about it. Han spends most of the movie bonding with Finn and it's Finn who chases after Kylo when Han dies. And her place of residence is a huge callback to Tatooine (poetry!). And then at the end of the movie she heads off and finds Luke.

I wasn't a fan of the "she's Luke's favored pupil/adopted child" at first but the more I think about it the more I like it. Not only because it provides a really nice impetus for Kylo, who would be infuriated that an actual flesh-and-blood relative such as himself would be passed over for this nobody when he has the lineage of the Chosen One within him, but because it parallels Lucas (Luke S.) adopting his children.


if Kylo really is lukes, then how the hell can we expect Finn to hold up against him lol. What makes Finn so special over Rey to be able to learn to use the force and fight Kylo head on in that forest scene. Finn looked like he was about to murder the shit out of someone.


I think there's maybe some cooperation between Rey and Finn during that final fight, like Rey using a blaster or whatever, until Finn gets injured and Rey has to take up the saber.

Plus, from most appearances, it seems that they barely hold him off. They're only saved by the mountain collapsing.

And, to comment on Rey's familial relationship, I think there's more reason to believe that she's either Luke's kid or adopted kid than Han's child. The Han/Leia/Rey connection died the moment the call sheets were leaked and there was more emphasis on Han and Finn's character interaction than Han and Rey.


Ok I'm not going to spend an hour of my time reading a bunch of leaked, probably fake scripts and screenplays for the Force Awakens, but I'm sure some of you have. I've been able to piece together a lot of stuff, and I may be wrong so let me know if my synopsis is way off. People are asking me why no Luke in the poster and no images yet in any of the teasers. So here's what I have cobbled together:

-One of the main story arcs of The Force Awakens is the search for Luke Skywalker. Supposedly he went into hiding sometime at least a decade before the movie because his Jedi Academy was attacked and a bunch of his apprentices were killed. Luke realizes his very existence as the last Jedi is a threat to anyone around him so he goes into his own exile.
-Kylo Ren is hunting him because he wants to kill the last Jedi
-The new heroes are looking for him because they find the lightsaber he lost in his duel with Darth Vader in ESB and they have some overriding motivation where they feel they must return his lightsaber to him...maybe its the force guiding one of them, but whatever the motivation is, they are also looking for him as well
-Luke doesn't appear until the very end of the movie when one, or possibly both groups find him.

So is this it or am I way off?


I just don't see luke being successful in the dating game, he looks like one of those "nice guys". that's why I am sure she is a solo.


He isn't.

The screenplay never leaked.

I dunno, I'm not gonna spend a lot of time reading uninformed speculation you don't really give a shit about.

(seriously though, you're kinda lukewarm-ish)

oh....shit, you got a link to the summary of everything you know.....because you seemed to be the informed one here lol.

edit: oh damnit, you're that podcaster aren't ya lol....probably why you know so much


I just don't see luke being successful in the dating game, he looks like one of those "nice guys".

One of those "nice guys" who is also a legend in the Rebellion and Resistance for destroying the Death Star.

That said, it's interesting that Mark Hamill also didn't seem to think that Luke would be in a relationship. At Comic Con when they asked the OT cast members what they thought the characters would be doing after RotJ before they read the script for TFA, Hamill said he imagined Luke would be a loner hermit, partially because learning that the woman he had been attracted to was his sister would have messed him up. If Rey turns out to be Luke's padawan and not his daughter then something like that could have been taken into account. Or just that he became so dedicated to rebuilding the Order that he didn't have time for a mate.
I really like the idea of Rey being a close apprentice.

I feel like Luke having actual children is messier. Who was the mother, what happened to her, why would he abandon a flesh-and-blood daughter, etc.

I'm hoping that Finn has force powers...if anything, because I want him to be able to "do something" aside from regular soldier shit. Rey is a Jedi padawan. Poe is an ace pilot. Kylo is a dark-jedi (Or sith or whatever). And Finn...?


Why can't Finn be the everyman? People complained that the prequels lacked one and so far it seems like TFA builds him up to be that.

If he really does end up defecting blaster bolts with the lightsaber then I don't see how he can't be Force sensitive, but so far he's just the guy through whom we're reintroduced to the GFFA.
Why can't Finn be the everyman? People complained that the prequels lacked one and so far it seems like TFA builds him up to be that.

If he really does end up defecting blaster bolts with the lightsaber then I don't see how he can't be Force sensitive, but so far he's just the guy through whom we're reintroduced to the GFFA.

I can't speak for others, but my problem with the prequels wasn't a lack of everymen.

TESB is the best film in the franchise, and it doesn't have one. I guess you could say that Luke satisfies the purpose of an everyman, but he's not one.I think what you meant to say was that people complained about a lack of a true protagonist?


No the prequels definitely did lack someone in the universe who didn't react to everything with a smirk or dead pan observation. That's been pointed out in many reviews. Call Luke and everyman or not - he certainly served that purpose of discovering the universe together with us in ep 4 and still to a large extent in ep 5.


I didn't mind the prequels not having an "everyman" character either, actually. I get the point - to have the "guy who isn't special like all these other characters" that lets the audience feel like they have a surrogate they are experiencing the story through. But I never really needed that myself, and I don't care much about relating to characters so much as I care about whether their stories are interesting in and of themselves. But that's what Finn's story seems to be so far, albeit with his own twists.

Anyway, what are the odds that we'll get a shot of Snoke in the trailer? I think Maz is a good possibility since she's shown on the poster, so there's no reason to hide her anymore. Luke won't be in it unless it's a reuse of the shot from the second teaser. Probably better shots of Leia and Hux since they haven't had much screen time yet.
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