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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Shit happens. Them not being together can make total sense.

I imagine people complaining about something as trivial are babies with poor taste anyways.They will complain if they put them together too because of pandering. What matters is if the movie is good and how that stuff is handled.
I don't mind it myself. As I said, he should've died anyway, but it's just a fact that some people will be pissed. 32 years later and a lot of people think the band is getting back together, etc.


This movie is about Rey and Finn. Some people just aren't going to be happy unless it's two hours of Han, Leia, and Luke together.

To me, it adds more weight if they aren't together, especially given the rumor in Han.


Is it possible for a lightsaber to crash land onto a planet and not disintegrate?
The info we have is: "A lightsaber tumbles through space, crashes towards the ground."
We don't know for sure that it went through atmospheric entry. If it did, yes, it's pretty stupid, even for Star Wars, but we don't know yet.
I'm praying at some point, whether it be in the next film or the last of the new trilogy, that we actually see Leia using force powers. I'd love for her to have at least one really bad ass moment .


I'm praying at some point, whether it be in the next film or the last of the new trilogy, that we actually see Leia using force powers. I'd love for her to have at least one really bad ass moment .

I feel like the most we'll get out of this movie regarding that is that she''ll use the force to grab a cup of coffee into her hand while looking at some holomaps.


Max Kanatas face on the poster, where I can see her eyes through her mask, for some reason I have in my mind a image of the mask automatically opening and we see lupitas actual face or more likely her characters alien face.
I mean, it's going to be a 7 or 8pm showing at the earliest on the 17th; rarely any theaters have solely 12am showings anymore. Unless this is all a "I don't want to deal with crazed fans ruining the night" thing, which I can understand, though I personally don't mind that kind of atmosphere.


I'm sure it's been mentioned several times throughout this thread, but can someone tell me how much time Luke is supposed to get in this movie and to what extent?
I'm sure it's been mentioned several times throughout this thread, but can someone tell me how much time Luke is supposed to get in this movie and to what extent?

Luke shows up at the very end of the movie in a wordless scene or at least it's assumed to be wordless - the script never leaked, so nobody really has any idea who has what dialog beyond key phrases and stuff that's come out via the toys.

He also shows up in a flashback/vision in the middle of the film, but it's unknown if we actually see his face at any point during the vision.


About 5-15 minutes. He meets up with Rey at the end.

Luke shows up at the very end of the movie in a wordless scene or at least it's assumed to be wordless - the script never leaked, so nobody really has any idea who has what dialog beyond key phrases and stuff that's come out via the toys.

He also shows up in a flashback/vision in the middle of the film, but it's unknown if we actually see his face at any point during the vision.

Is he supposed to be in episodes 8 and 9?
I feel like JJ can make Luke's character cooler than the other directors. Disappointing

To be fair, Rian Johnson is fairly amazing at making people seem really damned cool.

In fact as excited as I am for a JJ Abrams Star Wars movie (it's likely as close as we're ever gonna get to a Spielberg Star Wars) I'm WAY more excited to see what Johnson does with it.
I mean, it's going to be a 7 or 8pm showing at the earliest on the 17th; rarely any theaters have solely 12am showings anymore. Unless this is all a "I don't want to deal with crazed fans ruining the night" thing, which I can understand, though I personally don't mind that kind of atmosphere.
I'm from the UK where 12am showing are still a thing but mostly in the BFI IMAX (biggest screen in Britain). I don't mind the fans because I've heard that they're quite respectful once the film starts, it's more to do with public transport nuisances.
I'm from the UK where 12am showing are still a thing but mostly in the BFI IMAX (biggest screen in Britain). I don't mind the fans because I've heard that they're quite respectful once the film starts, it's more to do with public transport nuisances.

Fair enough, I'm in the US and failed to even consider the prospect of it being different overseas. :p


In fact as excited as I am for a JJ Abrams Star Wars movie (it's likely as close as we're ever gonna get to a Spielberg Star Wars) I'm WAY more excited to see what Johnson does with it.

I really don't understand the love for Johnson. I know the only reason people are excited for him are because of his work in Breaking Bad, but he only directed those. I'm worried about Episodes VIII and IX because I don't know if he can write a decent script or not.

Man, I just remembered Trevorrow is directing 9...

He'll probably be decent. The directing was the least of Jurassic World's problems.
I know the only reason people are excited for him are because of his work in Breaking Bad

No. Not even close to the only reason. Brick, Brothers Bloom, Looper are all better reasons than his work on Breaking Bad, which is also phenomenal. Basically, I haven't seen anything he's ever done that hasnt' been, at the least, VERY visually interesting and fairly entertaining. Plus he wrote those three movies, as opposed to just directing on Breaking Bad.

Brothers Bloom is actually the film of his I'm most expecting Episode 8 to play like, honestly. Not Looper, and definitely not Breaking Bad. But a funny, semi-sweet but sometimes really serious adventure film.


Okay, after staring at this poster for forever, Starkiller Base honestly looks kind of weird and not really Star Wars-y (just from what we can see)... but I love it.
Fuckin KNEW it'd be that scene!

Love it.

I just love the audible difference in the foot falls. And the trash can being knocked off so when it moves again he knows how fall away he is. And the sound of his heels echoing through the locker hallway. And the rapidly increasing cross-cutting at the end. And the one Warner Bros film noir style piano riff so you know what they're sending up without hammering it home too hard. And all of it.

If there's any talented, genre-savvy filmmaker who needs to be given the biggest pile of money to write and direct a Star Wars movie, its this dude.
Can you link me to where the leaks say it's a ship? I always hear it described as the Resistance Death Star.

"The Resistance Death Star" was one of the rumored versions of it (I remember a report that flat out said it WAS a Death Star) but it's mostly reported as being a spaceship whose preferred mode of attack is to simply fly through other spaceships. Like it just cracks other ships in half and keeps on going.

Besides which, the Sledgehammer gets taken out when Hux fires off the array over Starkiller base, and it breaks up in the atmosphere. I don't think that can happen if it's the moon-thing in the poster.
Somebody in the Story Group played X-Wing, I see.



Starkiller Base being not just a big base on a planet but an actual transformed planet puts another point in Mizzlewump's column.
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