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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


"Ends the conversation forever" is word for word off the shot list per Jason Ward. It's gospel since we got it before any official media and all official media over the past year matches the leaked shot list 100%. The shot list had descriptions of each shot in terms of what was going on.

For example the actual shot list for Spectre leaked in the Sony leaks, each shot had descriptions of what went on in each scene in a similar manner.

Having read the Spectre one, these are pretty solid indicators of what happens in every scene of a movie from a story and plot stand point.

Okay, got it. Makes sense. Didn't remember that those little blurbs actually directly accompanied the leaked call sheets. It's been a while. Reddit garbage is 100% bullshit then, no doubts.


I mean, that's pretty close to Voldemort, but fuck it. Do it anyway.

As someone who was disappointed with the Voldemort we got in the movies, I hope Snoke turns out to be the snake-villain we didn't get in the Harry Potter movies.

The lack of red snake eyes and a high-pitch voice were the main factors that limited the truly menacing potential of Ralph Phines' Voldemort. He ended up looking almost comical.


Think I'm done reading reddit/starwarsspeculation. All these "I've seen Force Awakens" threads are driving me insane. People are saying Luke's a Force ghost, Kylo wears Vader's mask, etc. Fuck this shit. I can't take it anymore!

JJ needs to finsh what lucas started, Jar Jar Binks should be revealed as snoke! otherwise taking the majority of the spoilerz with a grain of salt.
Think I'm done reading reddit/starwarsspeculation. All these "I've seen Force Awakens" threads are driving me insane. People are saying Luke's a Force ghost, Kylo wears Vader's mask, etc. Fuck this shit. I can't take it anymore!


That subreddit isn't worth reading at all. It's just a fan fiction place.


If you want to read a better subreddit for TFA leaks then /r/starwarsleaks doesn't have all the "my dads mate's poodle has seen it" stuff in and sticks to rounding up the leaks.
Think I'm done reading reddit/starwarsspeculation. All these "I've seen Force Awakens" threads are driving me insane. People are saying Luke's a Force ghost, Kylo wears Vader's mask, etc. Fuck this shit. I can't take it anymore!


Umm. Kylo does wear Vader's mask, a cap, and nothing else.


Dunno if I like it if Luke was taking Rey to a Tatooine backwater planet just like Obi Wan did with him. I mean both he and his father brushed hard with the dark side BECAUSE of their late introduction to the Force and some of its more "structured" practitioners?

This also would mean Luke's wife is probably long dead by the time TFA takes place which seems like a bit of a wasted opportunity story wise?
Dunno if I like it if Luke was taking Rey to a Tatooine backwater planet just like Obi Wan did with him. I mean both he and his father brushed hard with the dark side BECAUSE of their late introduction to the Force and some of its more "structured" practitioners?

This also would mean Luke's wife is probably long dead by the time TFA takes place which seems like a bit of a wasted opportunity story wise?

I am kind of hoping Rey's mother is a plot point but if they are going for symmetry we won't know much to anything about her, just like Padme.



It’s a lonely existence scrounging for sustenance on a junkyard planet. Rey was ditched on Jakku by her family when she was a child and has no idea why — or why they never returned.

Taken from where she lived as a five year old, and dropped off on Jakku. Who do we know that's familiar with protecting loved ones by dropping them off under the watchful eye of some old bastard on a backwater world...

Hopefully this means the Falcon was left there for her, perhaps she was scavenging for the parts to fix the Falcon and when BB-8 show up he, in true R2 spirit, fixes the hyperdrive allowing them (Rey, Finn) to escape the First Order. I mean she knows how to pilot it.


Umm. Kylo does wear Vader's mask, a cap, and nothing else.

-''STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS'' will be Episode X, it will be revealed in the opening crawl.

-A Midquel Trilogy: Episodes VII, VIII, IX will be made sometime in the Future with the Actor of the Young Han Solo from the Anthology Film, and a New Luke, and a New Leia.

-General Hux is the true son of Han and Leia.

-When Han is killed, there is a disturbance in the force felt by Leia. She reaches out to Hux and tells him it's time. He activates a weapon that knocks out the first order Armada and Phasma orders him killed. The first wtf moment is a force push, then full blown mind fuck when he reveals a green lightsaber, which you'll know from Maz's flashback sequence ask students at Luke's academy had.

-Supreme Leader Snoke is actually Yoda's son, as revealed near the end of the movie.

-Final shot of the movie: Rey tries to keep up her tough exterior and says "I think this belongs to you." Tries to hand Luke the lightsaber.
Luke does no such thing, embracing her saying, "my baby girl!"

This shit is just too fucking hilarious. I'm at a loss for words.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Taken from where she lived as a five year old, and dropped off on Jakku. Who do we know that's familiar with protecting loved ones by dropping them off under the watchful eye of some old bastard on a backwater world...

And who do we know whose father was conceived by immaculate conception...
Rey has no mother.
Snoke details, finally.

“Supreme Leader Snoke is quite an enigmatic character, and strangely vulnerable at the same time as being quite powerful,” Serkis says. “Obviously he has a huge agenda. He has suffered a lot of damage. As I said, there is a strange vulnerability to him, which belies his true agenda, I suppose.”

If Snoke is a “damaged” character, that raises the question: Did his wounds come from the clash between the Rebellion and the Empire, seen in the original Star Wars trilogy? Serkis hesitates here, but then says he believes Snoke was outside of that conflict.

“No, he’s a new character in this universe. It is very much a newly-introduced character,” Serkis says. “He’s aware of what’s gone on, in the respect that he has been around and is aware of prior events. I think it’d be fair to say that he is aware of the past to a great degree.”

Plagueis = off the table, I believe.


One of the things about Disney cancelling the clone wars when they did is that it spared us them canonising of the Vong which was apparently on the cards.

Snope had better not be a damn Vong.
“The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design – you couldn’t have gotten there with prosthetics. It’s too extreme. Without giving too much away at this point, he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone structure and facial structure. You could never have done it [in real life.]”

Combine that with some of the leaked concepts we've seen and the renewed emphasis on McQuarrie's art and my imagination takes me to these pieces:




Obviously with some significant revision, but I can see him appearing (physically or via hologram or via force projection) as a zenned out giant Buddha-Voldemort-Dracula-Sauron figure. I'm positive he'll be simple and iconic, rather than overdesigned orcish vong thing.


“The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design – you couldn’t have gotten there with prosthetics. It’s too extreme. Without giving too much away at this point, he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone structure and facial structure. You could never have done it [in real life.]”

Combine that with some of the leaked concepts we've seen and the renewed emphasis on McQuarrie's art and my imagination takes me to these pieces:




Obviously with some significant revision, but I can see him appearing (physically or via hologram or via force projection) as a zenned out giant Buddha-Voldemort-Dracula-Sauron figure. I'm positive he'll be simple and iconic, rather than overdesigned orcish vong thing.
I've never seen these. Awesome stuff.


Part of me wants a Snoke-Plagueis-Palpatine connection.
Him being a seperate dude from a race that e.g. got fucked during the Empire-Rebellion conflict feels like it is missing that rhyming thing :)


“The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design – you couldn’t have gotten there with prosthetics. It’s too extreme. Without giving too much away at this point, he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone structure and facial structure. You could never have done it [in real life.]”

Combine that with some of the leaked concepts we've seen and the renewed emphasis on McQuarrie's art and my imagination takes me to these pieces:


Hmm, this picture is interesting. This is a McQuarrie piece, correct? The Sith in the hologram looks exactly like the Snoke concept images taken from the SDCC video posted a page back.

As far as Plagueis...not happening. Confirmed by J.J. and I doubt he is bullshitting on this one. Also, Larry Kasdan's response to a question about if Plagueis might be in TFA was classic: "Who? Darth VEGAS?" LOL


The question we've all been asking: Where is Luke Skywalker?


Who is Luke Skywalker? Is he really the person we thought we knew? Did crude Jedi training and the emotional and physical scars of battle, not to mention learning that a galactic tyrant was his father, take a toll that warped the pie-eyed farmboy who longed for adventure?

Was Yoda right about him being impulsive and impatient? “If you end your training now – if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did – you will become an agent of evil.” Return of the Jedi seemed to prove Yoda wrong. Vader turned, the Emperor was destroyed, and balance – whatever that means – seemed to have been brought to the Force.

But what if Yoda was the misguided warrior, bent by cynicism from his years of fighting the good fight? What if Luke was more noble than the little green guy gave him credit for? It’s possible Luke is engaged in an act of dedication and self-sacrifice that has estranged him from his friends and loved ones, however much they miss him.

“It was the thing that struck me the hardest, which was the idea that doing a story that took place nearly 40 years after Jedi meant that there would be a generation for whom Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia would be as good as myth,” Abrams says. “They’d be as old and as mythic as the tale of King Arthur. They would be characters who they may have heard of, but maybe not. They’d be characters who they might believe existed, or just sounded like a fairy tale.”

John Boyega’s Finn, raised from childhood to be a stormtrooper for The First Order, has actually heard of Luke Skywalker, but he was given a starkly different picture of him. “For Finn, he’s been raised from the ashes of the Empire,” says Boyega. “He’s been taught about Luke Skywalker, he knows about his history. For him it’s like joining the army and then learning about one of the great enemies of your country. It has that effect on him. But in terms of the Force, and the magical stuff that happens, that is the point where Finn kind of questions what is what. What is the Force, what part does Luke Skywalker play in all of this?”

He ends up in possession of the lightsaber that once belonged to Luke, and to Luke’s father before him. It was last seen tumbling down an air shaft after Darth Vader sliced off his hand and revealed that he, he was Luke’s father. In this film … it’s an important piece of the puzzle that will reveal Luke’s fate and whereabouts.

Here’s another piece of the puzzle from our world – a long time ago, in June 2005. An IFC show called Dinner For Five, presided over by geek impresario Kevin Smith, featured Mark Hamill discussing what he imagined the future to be for Luke Skywalker. It’s a pretty dark one.

Sitting right across from him happened to be J.J. Abrams, years before having any idea he would someday actually make another Star Wars film with the actor.

“Dinner For Five …” Abrams says, thinking back. “It was a funny night. And Stan Lee was there too – it was a very funny group of people. Yeah, Mark had a whole concept.”

Here’s the question fans have been wondering ever since this clip started to recirculate online: Did any of that sink in and find its way into The Force Awakens?

Abrams offers a smile that looks like a “Closed” sign being turned forward in a storefront window. “It was definitely entertaining to be at that table, yeah,” is all he’ll say.

Dinner for Five video with Mark Hamill on future of Luke: https://youtu.be/5W7paueNuEc?t=4m3s

Some fans – those of the presumably casual variety – have wondered if the masked, Darth-Vader-obsessive Kylo Ren is Luke in disguise. But this actively ignores the inconvenient fact that Girls actor Adam Driver is the one playing Kylo Ren. So, uh, maybe that’s not the best guess?

A much better guess is that Luke actually is in the trailer, as a cloaked figure affectionately brushing R2-D2’s dome with a robotic right hand. In the April trailer, Luke’s narration, lifted from a scene in Return of the Jedi, has the character talking about Force sensitivity and saying, “I have it,” at the moment we see that shot.

Abrams won’t confirm or deny anything: “The thing I’m most grateful for is that anyone’s asking any questions.” But the smile on his face suggests he’s enjoying your anguish. “We’ve tried to give people a taste. But you’ve got to be careful that you don’t start to give too many bites,” he says. “They can start to get full. They can start to feel like they’ve seen the whole movie before they have.”


But what if Yoda was the misguided warrior, bent by cynicism from his years of fighting the good fight? What if Luke was more noble than the little green guy gave him credit for? It’s possible Luke is engaged in an act of dedication and self-sacrifice that has estranged him from his friends and loved ones, however much they miss him.

I'm going to assume this is what the answer is.

At least, I hope.
“The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design – you couldn’t have gotten there with prosthetics. It’s too extreme. Without giving too much away at this point, he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone structure and facial structure. You could never have done it [in real life.]”

Combine that with some of the leaked concepts we've seen and the renewed emphasis on McQuarrie's art and my imagination takes me to these pieces:




Obviously with some significant revision, but I can see him appearing (physically or via hologram or via force projection) as a zenned out giant Buddha-Voldemort-Dracula-Sauron figure. I'm positive he'll be simple and iconic, rather than overdesigned orcish vong thing.

Where did you get these? Interesting. He does look a little like Plaguis from the book at least and he was rather tall i think.

But still it be weird for him to be leading The Knights of Ren unless he founded the order thinking he did create Vader (which was hinted at in the book).


Unconfirmed Member
I imagian Snoke as like a mix between a close encounters tall gray alien, and a sorcerer based on those descriptions.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

It’s a lonely existence scrounging for sustenance on a junkyard planet. Rey was ditched on Jakku by her family when she was a child and has no idea why — or why they never returned.

Taken from where she lived as a five year old, and dropped off on Jakku. Who do we know that's familiar with protecting loved ones by dropping them off under the watchful eye of some old bastard on a backwater world...

And with that I've gone back to thinking these new movies will be fucking terrible.


One of the things about Disney cancelling the clone wars when they did is that it spared us them canonising of the Vong which was apparently on the cards.

Snope had better not be a damn Vong.

I'd love to hear more about this.

Was Outward Bound going to become canon or something?
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