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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Not saying luke being captured makes no sense though. Obi Wan Kenobi goes into hiding for 30 years, and Luke is captured for 30 years. You can see the echoes there.

Obi-Wan was hiding for 19 years, actually.

Why was Luke kept alive by his captors for 30 years? Didn't they want to kill him?


Obi-Wan was hiding for 19 years, actually.

Why was Luke kept alive by his captors for 30 years? Didn't they want to kill him?
Yeah pretty obvious even with little knowledge of SW backstory. Cause Luke is far from being 30 in ANH. This is what happens when I post on my phone and I'm focusing more on these damn typos than what I'm saying :p
The bits we keep getting kinda sound like the Star Wars universe has simply been stuck in neutral for 30 years, with not much progress having happened in any big fashion, which is what a lot of people would want to see.

I don't mind if they've been stuck in neutral so long as the progression forward is onscreen.

I'd rather be witnessing the progress onscreen as opposed to being told about it in a crawl.

A 30 year cold war is an interesting idea, especially if it's the fuel that ignites the events of the trilogy. I don't need to watch that cold war - but the effects of it heating back up? That could be some fun shit.


Has it actually been stated that Luke
has been captive for 30 years? My interpretation is that he hasn't been seen since RotJ, not that he has been captive the entire time. For example, he could have been captured a few years before Ep. VII starts.
Perhaps I missed where it was stated, if the former is the case.

Nevermind, checked a couple other stories. Indeed, I missed that detail.
Not reading the latest villain news. Think it might be time to go on black out for this movie. People want to be surprised and experience exciting new things like the old movies, yet can't help reading the plot a year in advance.


Not reading the latest villain news. Think it might be time to go on black out for this movie. People want to be surprised and experience exciting new things like the old movies, yet can't help reading the plot a year in advance.

The movie has literally brought out actors out of retirement. Is anyone really expecting "new" things out of this movie?
From reddit. Posted in the other thread.

They popped up three days ago...





steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Man that's just idiotic. Everything about this movie's plot seems as awful as the prequels.

Yeah, the retconning of SW history being done by Episode VII is actually worse than the prequels.

I thought there can only be two Sith, because too many Sith resulted in infighting and the destruction of the order. Now you're saying there's an army called the Inquistors that are loyal to the Sith???


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So there will be flashbacks in this movie? That seems to violate the screen rules established by the first two trilogies.

I'd be ok with those spinoff movies having whatever kind of direction is appropriate, but if mainline episodes deviate from the style of movies that the first two trilogies established, I feel something has been violated.

If it's a holocron... Fine.
My favorite "character" in the SW universe is the OT Stormtrooper. I'm on the fence on the new helmet, but it is at least better than the Clonetrooper. I really need to buy some of the 6" and 12" Stormtrooper figures.


So there will be flashbacks in this movie? That seems to violate the screen rules established by the first two trilogies.

I'd be ok with those spinoff movies having whatever kind of direction is appropriate, but if mainline episodes deviate from the style of movies that the first two trilogies established, I feel something has been violated.

If it's a holocron... Fine.

It could be a flashback in terms of Star Trek. IIRC the film begins with the flashback and then fastforwards to the future rather than having the flashback in the beginning, which would be a much smoother transition.

Then again, it would be going against the rumors that the film begins with Luke's hand/lightsaber falling out of the sky.


Yeah, the retconning of SW history being done by Episode VII is actually worse than the prequels.

I thought there can only be two Sith, because too many Sith resulted in infighting and the destruction of the order. Now you're saying there's an army called the Inquistors that are loyal to the Sith???

being an user of the Dark Side of the Force doesn't make you a Sith. The closest thing would be a "Dark Jedi" but the Sith Order itself is only officially composed by a Master and an Apprentice. And IIRC, both Sith are more powerful than any "Dark Jedi" by itself

I might be wrong, though. My EU knowledge isn't that good.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
With the Jedi Order gone and the Empire in shambles, it would not be far fetched that tradition is broke on both sides so at this point, why would Jedi or Sith care about how many there can supposedly be at one time, etc.?


being an user of the Dark Side of the Force doesn't make you a Sith. The closest thing would be a "Dark Jedi" but the Sith Order itself is only officially composed by a Master and an Apprentice. And IIRC, both Sith are more powerful than any "Dark Jedi" by itself

I might be wrong, though. My EU knowledge isn't that good.

Yea and from the OT these guys will probably turn out to be dark side users


Luke being captive for 30 years is dumb as hell, it better be for a shorter period of time.

It won't be.
This is the director who found it cool to have the villain of Star Trek 09 sit around for 30 years doing dick all for no reason in the theatrical cut.

It's convenient narratively for them to do it this way. Lazy, but convenient.

I really really don't like this idea.
I just want the world these characters are in to be as colorful and busy as Guardians of the Galaxy was.

Loving the new enemy and trooper designs.

The plot just depends on how the actors and script pull it off.

Also, isn't all EU stuff not applicable to this movie?


It could be a flashback in terms of Star Trek. IIRC the film begins with the flashback and then fastforwards to the future rather than having the flashback in the beginning, which would be a much smoother transition.

Then again, it would be going against the rumors that the film begins with Luke's hand/lightsaber falling out of the sky.

It'd still be strange for a SW movie to do that, even in the beginning. Flashbacks have never been in its storytelling repertoire.

This movie is visually adhering to a lot of SW tenets, from the type of film to the aesthetics, so it feels weird for them to violate this particular ground rule. The prequels already arguably bent it with some of the war footage snap zooms and Anakin nightmares, but not to such a storytelling degree.

Who from the cast is supposed to play the villain? Cause none of them really resemble that concept art.

Like Bobby said, it's probably Driver. He fits the description.


It'd still be strange for a SW movie to do that, even in the beginning. Flashbacks have never been in its storytelling repertoire.

There are six Star Wars films. Its repertoire is not so deep that you can make never ever claims about what will or won't be found in it in the future. Pretty sure there were flashbacks at some point or other in The Clone Wars, anyway.

Honestly, they'll do what they please, 'repertoire' be damned.
With the Jedi Order gone and the Empire in shambles, it would not be far fetched that tradition is broke on both sides so at this point, why would Jedi or Sith care about how many there can supposedly be at one time, etc.?

they've never cared lol. there's been multiple Sith at the same time, even after the rule of two was enacted. for anyone who saw The Clone Wars tv show, you had at one time Maul, Savage Opress, Ventress, Palpatine, and Dukoo all running around at the sme time. there are also other dark force users that aren't Sith that are also always around, i think the new Inquisitor character from SW Rebels is one of them. you also had Jedi running around outside the Jedi Order as well, so i dont think the rules on either side have ever really been followed and thats just the canon, lets not even go into non-canon EU.


There are six Star Wars films. Its repertoire is not so deep that you can make never ever claims about what will or won't be found in it in the future. Pretty sure there were flashbacks at some point or other in The Clone Wars, anyway.

Honestly, they'll do what they please, 'repertoire' be damned.

With all due respect, most film series are lucky to even make it to three films, let alone six, so I'm not sure why you're acting six films that have thus far established a fairly consistent narrative and visual identity is some trivial number.

Not having flashbacks is about as ingrained as not having slow-motion - there's a particular linear storytelling style that every movie has adhered to, so I have to assume there's some sort of cohesive vision to "what SW is." Furthermore, they seem to have gone to great lengths in replicating the OT style with these new films, so the deviations are bound to be even more noticeable.

As somebody who's dabbled in screenwriting and directing, I think it's often under-appreciated how important maintaining narrative/plot device/visual continuity is within and between films, especially in situations where there is director transitions or studio meddling.

If JJ and company feel like it's absolutely necessary to tell a good story, then I agree sometimes rules can be broken. Unfortunately, I don't feel like this plot idea justifies it, and even sounds lazy and cynical
(got to have Vader tied into some long-running-but-never-seen villains to give them credibility and give him a cameo for fan nostalgia reasons).


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
These latest plot rumors are really killing my hype.


Yeah, Luke
being captive for 30 years
is the first thing I've heard about this film that has made my go nope, incredibly stupid decision if true. Makes zero sense and a mockery of the character, there must be more to it.


Man I'm loving all the little details coming out, especially surrounding the antagonist. It's cool that they are going against the grain to what some were expecting.

Yeah, Luke
being captive for 30 years
is the first thing I've heard about this film that has made my go nope, incredibly stupid decision if true. Makes zero sense and a mockery of the character, there must be more to it.

Of course there is more to it. Whether you like the explanation though lol


Yeah, Luke
being captive for 30 years
is the first thing I've heard about this film that has made my go nope, incredibly stupid decision if true. Makes zero sense and a mockery of the character, there must be more to it.

Why does it have to be 30 though? Just cos the film is set then, it could be just a year or a few months (maybe in Sw rebels, later seasons could fill in the other years)


Why does it have to be 30 though? Just cos the film is set then, it could be just a year or a few months (maybe in Sw rebels, later seasons could fill in the other years)

I hope you are right, and yeah that idea had been tossed around. But the 'leaks' are claiming he is kidnapped shortly after RotJ. I'm hoping otherwise, because I'd like to think Luke has a lot more to do during those 30 years than be held captive. Honestly, it feels a bit overly tragic for a SW mainline film... That our hero we came to love during the OT is under such bad circumstances this entire time. It's quite a bit worse than what Han had to endure between ESB and RotJ.
The only way I can imagine
30 years of captivity being acceptable is if Luke has allowed himself to be held captive that long and has been manipulating them.
Otherwise this is "Batman takes an 8 year break" level of bad.


at last, for christ's sake
Who from the cast is supposed to play the villain? Cause none of them really resemble that concept art.

I'm betting Lupita is a badass alien Sith leader with green eyes or something

Max von Sydow is definitely a riddle to me; he could play either the ancient Jedi master exile, or the Sith Emperor. But he's definitely a big game character

Adam Driver is playing Mickey Mouse
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