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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


I'm actually more encouraged by The Brothers Bloom, because it shows a degree of range and the ability to land some humor and extract performances. As it was both written and directed by Rian, I think it gives a little more insight than the Breaking Bad episodes written by others and while the show was already going full-steam in Seasons 3 and 5.


Only thing I'm worried so far is the rumor that we'll be seeing a young Leia. That's the kind of flashback sequence that I don't want to see, and it reminds me way too much of Star Trek with the young and old Spock.

Couldn't find a catch-all Star Wars thread so I picked the most recent one but... FUCK YES


Film, practical effects, and IMAX are the way to go for Star Wars. Leave the digital CGI look to Disney's Marvel.
Devin Faraci (who openly hates both everything Star Wars post-1983 and JJ Abrams) wrote this piece on what he has heard about the future of the franchise:

I started putting everything together and the larger shape of this all was… exciting. JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (and I’m starting to increasingly believe the ghost of Michael Arndt’s script) are approaching this sequel from a very different perspective. Everything my sources told me indicates this isn’t a film about the triumphant world the Rebellion had wrought but rather the very real, very compromised world that grew out of a galaxy yet in turmoil. For some fans the end of Return of the Jedi promised a happy-go-lucky universe where the three main characters were best buds and had adventures and spent their lives defending an idyllic status quo. That isn’t the approach Episode VII is taking, and dramatically that seems fruitful and exciting and fresh.

The more I hear about the story of Episode VII - including some spoiler stuff that, if true, will rock the fanbase to its core - the more excited I get. JJ Abrams is a master imitator, following in the footsteps of Lucas and Spielberg. But what if Abrams decided to imitate the Lucas who made Star Wars, not the one who inserted teddy bears in Jedi or trade negotiations in Phantom Menace? What if he followed the Lucas who was intrigued at the idea of having Luke turn to the Dark Side at the end of Jedi instead of the Lucas who overruled it, as the series was essentially for kids?

Because that’s the Lucas that Abrams seems to be imitating here.

More at: badassdigest.com


Devin Faraci (who openly hates both everything Star Wars post-1983 and JJ Abrams) wrote this piece on what he has heard about the future of the franchise:

More at: badassdigest.com

also article on the current spoilers and how they both make sense and are probably misleading



I hope Devin got it right with the general tone of the sequels instead of minor plot points and details. And, regarding the second link... some thing do sound similar. We'll have to wait, I guess.


But they are also saying that
Ian Mcdiarmid
is not involved so... I don't know, it just feels strange when all these other characters are played by their original actors but not this character?

Do we know if there is a particular reason? Is he in poor health?

I don't know, if it happens... I'm sure they could make it good. All I care about is I want to see some BADASS baddies, where can you go after Darth Maul and Vader? You have to give us someone that reaches for those highs.


But they are also saying that
Ian Mcdiarmid
is not involved so... I don't know, it just feels strange when all these other characters are played by their original actors but not this character?

Do we know if there is a particular reason? Is he in poor health?

Maybe it's a
young Palpatine?


also article on the current spoilers and how they both make sense and are probably misleading


Supports my suspicions that Latino / Devin / etc. are just being fed bad info and publishing it because they're easy marks. It's not like the rumors are coming from the trades, etc.

People who think misinformation campaigns are a waste of money and thus unlikely forget that both Lucas and J.J. have that track record ALREADY, irrespective of whether the campaigns were effective, reasonable, or cost-effective. Lucas had a dummy copy of the script locked in his desk so when his PA tried to gift him a leather-bound edition of the script, it was a fake script! J.J.'s misinformation track record speaks for itself. Given the size and scope of the production and the sensitivity to spoilers, a misinformation campaign is probably one of the cheapest things you can do to preserve the surprise of the films. Especially as leaks become inevitable (Phantom's entire script was leaked a little before the release of the film)... with a good campaign, you discredit those who would jump at such spoilers so even when they're true at the 11th hour, people think they're crying wolf.
The new Stormtrooper helmets look like something they would have come up with if they had continued making Star Wars movies throughout the 80s and early 90s, which is totally perfect.
A rumor, but it comes from the BBC, not a random geek blog:

Actor Miltos Yerolemou, best known for his role in the first series of fantasy drama Game of Thrones, has joined the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII.

He played expert and athletic swordsman Syrio Forel in Thrones and has taken on several other parts which involve sword fighting during his career.

His extensive experience will inevitably lead to speculation that he may use a lightsabre in the film.

However, his character in Star Wars is not thought to be a major one.



All this rumours is just JJ Abrams the king of secretism doing his magic, he's just feeding us miss information
If people have been following all the 'leaks', it has become apparent that this is the case with a lot of it- mainly the plot. Some stuff is legitimate though. The only thing I want is some photos of the characters in action and a synopsis of the plot (don't want the full story, just the set up).



Aw yeah Miltos Yerolemou Jedi Knight. I hope this guy gets to do a training montage.


Yes the taker of the drone pics was saying something like 'WOAH I didn't realise what I had - what luck' and proceeds to share with the world.

I know its a business ultimately and leaks are inevitable but lots of people are creatively invested passionately in this project, going to great lengths to keep it nailed down. I've been part of many creative teams (not film) that have had things like this happen and it does bum some of the crew out emotionally.
With the fate of Ahsoka and Assaj Ventress unclear, what do you guys think of them making an appearance in the movie? They were both really good characters and would bring some more female characters to the cast.

Or is this more of a Rebels storyline?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Couldn't find a catch-all Star Wars thread so I picked the most recent one but... FUCK YES


"This isn't the first hint we've gotten that the new trilogy will pull back a bit from the CGI overload in the prequels — last year, details emerged that the film would feature plenty of on-location shoots and models from Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic.

The fuck?
ILM hasn't even had a model shop or motion control stages since 2005. They used to outsource to Kerner Optical but they went bankrupt. Chalking it up to bad reporting. Miniatures are seriously overrated anyway.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
With the fate of Ahsoka and Assaj Ventress unclear, what do you guys think of them making an appearance in the movie? They were both really good characters and would bring some more female characters to the cast.

Or is this more of a Rebels storyline?

I think it is exceeding unlikely we will see either of them in live action films, but Rebels is possible.
With the fate of Ahsoka and Assaj Ventress unclear, what do you guys think of them making an appearance in the movie? They were both really good characters and would bring some more female characters to the cast.

Or is this more of a Rebels storyline?

well they'd both be considerably old so i dont think itd be worth while trying to force either one of them into the new films. Ashoka was 14 in the SWCW show, so given that theres 23 years between ep. III and ep. VI, and then another 30 years between ep. VI and ep. VII, she'd be 67, right around Kenobi's age when we saw him in ep. IV. i just don't think it'd be worth tying in a character like that given her absence from mainline films.


With the fate of Ahsoka and Assaj Ventress unclear, what do you guys think of them making an appearance in the movie? They were both really good characters and would bring some more female characters to the cast.

Or is this more of a Rebels storyline?

It would be very out of place to throw in two characters from a tv show that most people who only watched the movies have never seen. If they're in any visual media going forward it will be Rebels.


I fully expect Ahsoka and/or Assaj Ventress (hopefully both) to appear in Rebels, yeah. Maybe not in season 1. Look at how long it took them to re-introduce Maul. There are tons of characters really, look at this list of jedi who survived Order 66. Want more Master Vos? Totally doable.

It's funny, the films make it seem like almost every Jedi is slaughtered, but it's definitely not that cut and dry. It's funny the way people talk about Luke starting a Jedi Academy after the events of RotJ (which may or may not have happened), in theory any number of these escaped Jedi had their own chance to train their own padawans post-Order 66. Some of them may even have gotten away with some Holocrons or other important data to rebuild with.

I just hope the show is good enough to even justify having that many seasons. I really don't want it to suck, because while I'm sure there will be other Star Wars shows coming down the pipe to replace it if it is bad, it would still take them a while and I want me some Star Wars and I want it now!
There will however, be Episode VII related material in REBELS:

The team behind Disney’s other announced Star Wars filmed story, the one that’s being released next month—Star Wars Rebels, which premieres Disney Channel before moving to Disney XD—is creatively in cahoots with the Episode VII team, EW has learned exclusively. Even though Rebels takes place years before the events of the first-released Star Wars film (Episode IV), and is an animated series rather than a feature film, Disney wants to make sure any creative elements introduced in Rebels align with the rest of the Star Wars canon. That way, even with multiple Star Wars projects in various stages of development at the same time, the brand’s world-building will continue in a cohesive and consistent manner.

So you might see a new Star Wars city or a character in Rebels and not even realize until 14 months later (when Episode VII is scheduled to be released) that they’re also in the new film albeit presumably in some older form). And for fans of IV, V and VI, expect plenty of “set-ups and Easter eggs” to elements in those classics. “There are characters, vehicles, imagery that are introduced in the show before we’ve ever seen them in the movies, possibly including VII,” he said.

Rebels is likely going to be THE bridge between Prequel Trilogy and everything else. If anything from the PT is going to survive, it'll survive there.
From what I’ve been told, Luke hasn’t been missing for a full 30 years, only about 10, with his early time post-RETURN OF THE JEDI being spent rebuilding the Jedi Order. Yeah, Luke had some things to do, in order to help get things back on track after the fall of the Empire. In addition, he has grown so powerful with his command of the Force that he can literally move mountains or bring down ships with merely a glance. But then Luke begins to feel a disturbance in the Force… and starts to feel the lure of the Dark Side. If word about the Emperor’s resurgence is true, I believe his presence and desire to court young Skywalker once again is the root of this new evil. Because he knows just what a danger he would be if successfully convinced to switch sides, Luke goes into a self-imposed exile and disappears.

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