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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I really hope The Emperor isn't in the new trilogy. He was awesome in both the prequel, and OT trilogy. I just want someone new for a villain in this new trilogy.
ThisisInfamous really doesn't know shit about shit, and the entirety of his "reporting" consists of waiting a day or two (or a week or two) after someone else has reported something, and then saying "well, I don't know... I think PART of it is true, but this one guy told me this one thing."

Again - this is a dude who apparently was so inept at his job that Harry Knowles fired him from Aint it Cool News.

HARRY KNOWLES thought this guy wasn't good enough to continue writing for him.

Stop checking ThisisInfamous :)


posting on contract only
As opposed to?

I've seen some people calling this movie fan fiction a few times. I think lots of people use the term 'fan fiction' to refer to amateur work, not something like this where a major studio and even the original creator are involved in some capacity. If your definition of fan fiction is so broad as to include Star Wars Episode VII, then I suppose it would also include Aliens, John Carpenter's The Thing, Toy Story 3, Christopher Nolan's Batman movies, every Marvel movie, I don't know, Fallout 3. It would basically lose its meaning.


All I can think of is the stupid scene in the forced unleashed where Starkiller brings down a Star Destroyer. No thanks to that much power.


Not sure if I'd be down with
The Emperor coming back
Luke having Force Unleashed levels of power
. If he was that powerful you'd think he wouldn't be scared of
The Emperor


meh, moving mountains and ships "with a mere glance" sounds a bit over the top for my taste. self-imposed exile is really cool though.

keep palpatine out of this trilogy or at least wait til ep.8. i want to hear more about that inquisitor guy. that supposed concept leak a while back of him holding vader's broken helmet like a relic is the most exciting bit to come out of these leaks so far imo.


palpatine being in and luke rebuilding the order is exactly what I personally hoped for. I dont even mind that he is superpowerful, I want to see him crushing star destroyers
its what I always imagined yoda could do when I was a kid, so all of those sounds like 100% fanservice to me.


It also sounds like the CGI-heavy power displays everyone involved said they were going to minimize this time around.

Speaking of minimal CGI, I hope the new planets/locales are more naturalistic than what we got in the prequels and more in line with the planets of the OT, i.e. real-life locations that just look exotic. I think the closest thing in the prequels was parts of Naboo, but then you had stuff like Geonosis where even the damn dirt on the ground was CGI.
palpatine being in and luke rebuilding the order is exactly what I personally hoped for. I dont even mind that he is superpowerful, I want to see him crushing star destroyers
its what I always imagined yoda could do when I was a kid, so all of those sounds like 100% fanservice to me.

I think Luke being all powerful is a good indicator that he'll die when the main bad guy is revealed in the second movie.

I think the first movie will have hints about the return of the emperor not him actually returning.


That plot sounds awful. It is a shame they are going to wipe all the expanded universe. An OAP Luke can't kill humans with no powers but manages to kill darth Vader and the emperor previously. Ok.
Obi-Wan movie is only acceptable if Ewan McGregor comes back. Because no matter how much you hate the prequels deep down in your hearts of hearts you know he was BOSS as fuck in those movies.
Obi-Wan movie is only acceptable if Ewan McGregor comes back. Because no matter how much you hate the prequels deep down in your hearts of hearts you know he was BOSS as fuck in those movies.

I actually love the Prequels, and The Clone Wars tv show. I hope Ewan McGregor comes back since he is the perfect Obi Wan. This is by far the Star Wars spinoff I want the most, since that character is my favorite.


at last, for christ's sake
Obi-Wan movie is only acceptable if Ewan McGregor comes back. Because no matter how much you hate the prequels deep down in your hearts of hearts you know he was BOSS as fuck in those movies.

if boss means being defeated by every single opponent he got thrown at him, then yes I agree he was boss

*still salty*
if boss means being defeated by every single opponent he got thrown at him, then yes I agree he was boss

*still salty*

That all changes with someone different writing/directing.

Hell, if they're getting McGregor, they have to set it between III & IV. He's GOTTA get some sort of victory there, right? A fun adventure for ol Obi-Wan in the Jundland Wastes.


I don't think I would mind if McGregor showed up in the new trilogy as a Force ghost. He doesn't have to look like Alec Guinness all the time, he's a ghost, he can look however the fuck he wants.
if boss means being defeated by every single opponent he got thrown at him, then yes I agree he was boss

*still salty*


He killed Darth Maul and Grievous and cut off Darth Vaders legs a arm and left him to barbecued that's far from getting defeated by every opponent thrown at him.


at last, for christ's sake

He killed Darth Maul and Grievous and cut off Darth Vaders legs a arm and left him to barbecued that's far from getting defeated by every opponent thrown at him.


Maul, he got owned big time and lucked out at the last second
Grievous, same shit
Jango Fett, that was bad
Dooku, he dispatched him like he was nothing...twice
Yoda even stopped him from going against Sidious, like "lol mate, you stink enough, i'll take care of him"



I would be so down for a solo Ewan McGregor movie showcasing what happened between III and IV.

Stop hyping me up like this you guys. :(

Maul, he got owned big time and lucked out at the last second
Grievous, same shit
Jango Fett, that was bad
Dooku, he dispatched him like he was nothing...twice
Yoda even stopped him from going against Sidious, like "lol mate, you stink enough, i'll take care of him"

Blame Lucas :)


Gold Member

Mark looks great by the way.


The rumor I'm most pleased by is the one about Dooku's lineage. Dooku was such a great character but unfortunately underused in Episodes II and III. Having anything tying in to him would be a fantastic link to the prequels.

Also count me in for a Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan movie.
Obi-Wan movie is only acceptable if Ewan McGregor comes back. Because no matter how much you hate the prequels deep down in your hearts of hearts you know he was BOSS as fuck in those movies.

honestly, I was pretty blown away with what he accomplished. I mean he has very little to work with, and he mimicked what little screen time Alec had, and just made Obi Wan an amazing amazing character.
My problem with the Dooku lineage thing is that it means someone's got to say the name "Dooku" at least once in the new trilogy, and lord does that name sound fucking DUMB no matter who is saying it. :)


My problem with the Dooku lineage thing is that it means someone's got to say the name "Dooku" at least once in the new trilogy, and lord does that name sound fucking DUMB no matter who is saying it. :)

Count Dooku landed on Naboo to find a Gungun who stole his baba booboo gaga


I didn't see this previously posted, but these are sketches done by someone claiming to have seen the concept art for Daisy Ridley's costume:


Edit: The "brim" is actually supposed to be a glass visor covering her eyes that doesn't jut out but from what I recall the artist said he just botched that part.


I like the idea of Luke going on self-imposed exile then him being kidnapped by some super villain that we somehow never knew about.
I didn't see this previously posted, but these are sketches done by someone claiming to have seen the concept art for Daisy Ridley's costume:


Edit: The "brim" is actually supposed to be a glass visor covering her eyes that doesn't jut out but from what I recall the artist said he just botched that part.

Image on the left looks like Jill Valentine from Resident Evil Revelations.


Since we're talking about Palpatine, I've got a question. Did the EU ever explain why he exploded when Vader killed him in Return of the Jedi?
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