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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


You sure? Because if it happens, it's probably going to be entirely set on Tattooine.

If written competently, it could still be just as compelling. I mean the prequels spanned the entire galaxy but that didn't make them interesting. An Obi Wan character piece sounds incredible.
If written competently, it could still be just as compelling. I mean the prequels spanned the entire galaxy but that didn't make them interesting. An Obi Wan character piece sounds incredible.

I have no problems with a movie being entirely set on Tattooine, personally. It's just I know some people consider the place boring.

However, I think it would make a FINE setting for a western in outer-space starring Obi-Wan as a man with no name...


I have no problems with a movie being entirely set on Tattooine, personally. It's just I know some people consider the place boring.

However, I think it would make a FINE setting for a western in outer-space starring Obi-Wan as a man with no name...


I want this so badly.



I have no problems with a movie being entirely set on Tattooine, personally. It's just I know some people consider the place boring.

However, I think it would make a FINE setting for a western in outer-space starring Obi-Wan as a man with no name...

True and I loved Tatooine in Knights of the Old Republic (game), they could easily fetch an entire movie on that planet alone.

Plus a character piece on Obi Wan would be sweet.


Kind of difficult to imagine how they'd shoehorn in a lightsaber fight into a Kenobi-on-Tatooine movie though. Unless he ends up fighting an inquisitor/Jedi Hunter or another Jedi in hiding.
Kind of difficult to imagine how they'd shoehorn in a lightsaber fight into a Kenobi-on-Tatooine movie though. Unless he ends up fighting an inquisitor/Jedi Hunter or another Jedi in hiding.

Maybe no lightsaber fight.

Hell, I like the idea of a bored Obi-Wan going into Mos Eisley and fucking with people to teach some of the scum & villainy a lesson.


There used to be a hilarious video of Obi-Wan stepping on a Lego piece and letting out that scream. Sadly it's no longer on Youtube.
The rumor I'm most pleased by is the one about Dooku's lineage. Dooku was such a great character but unfortunately underused in Episodes II and III. Having anything tying in to him would be a fantastic link to the prequels.

Also count me in for a Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan movie.

I agree with you there. If the Dooku rumor is true, I'll be very happy.


the annoying thing is about the prequels is that they equate skill with a light sabre to how strong they are with the force. it is not dragonball Z lucas.


I heard that hans and Leia's son's light saber will look sort of like a crucifix(sorry don't no if this has already been posted).
So, you want to see an adventure where Obi-Wan gets into it with some Mos Eisley scum?

I want a film about Obi-Wan hanging out in the desert and occasionally being a creeper and spying on Luke while he's sleeping. He would consistently have some internal dialog regarding how he picked the wrong Skywalker to watch over, since Luke is a whinny bitch who always is trying to get out of working the moisture evaporators. The movie could be filmed entirely in sepia-tone. I don't know who would best play disgruntled Obi-Wan though?


Sounds good, but early script leaks and all. Going along with the themes and tone of the original trilogy I think this sounds about right - a sense of hopelessness with some great ordeal for a new generation to take on. Destiny and all that, rebuilding the Order on the back of a grizzled hero. I do not expect Luke to live very far into the first film.

I just really hope they don't fuck this up. Lightning hardly ever strikes twice, but I hope it does with Star Wars. Because the prequels were not up to snuff IMO.


An Obi-Wan spinoff should involve something like him protecting farmers against crime lords. A smaller scale story but one with great implications for him (allowing him to have some catharsis from not being able to save Anakin).


An Obi-Wan spinoff should involve something like him protecting farmers against crime lords. A smaller scale story but one with great implications for him (allowing him to have some catharsis from not being able to save Anakin).
Seven Samurai in space? Except only one is an an actual Samurai (jedi)

I'm hoping they are working on Boba Fett film. I liked Kazdan's idea that the Boba we know from the OT is not the same one from the prequels. He just has Boba's armor because he killed him and took it from him.
Seven Samurai in space? Except only one is an an actual Samurai (jedi)

Oh shit.

A riff/adaptation on Seven Samurai was what Zack Snyder met with Lucasfilm about back in February of 2013.

He should be wrapping up Justice League right around the time Lucasfilm is done with the second spinoff...


Seven Samurai in space? Except only one is an an actual Samurai (jedi)

Haha yea that's exactly what I was thinking of. Given the influence of Kurosawa's works on the SW saga (or on its origins), it would make some sense. But mostly I think it's just where Obi-Wan's story needs to go. After ROTS he's in exile and probably blaming himself for the rise of the Empire, so he needs something in which he can 'be a hero'.

I forgot about that rumor of Snyder doing a spin-off. Maybe that's why he's been tweeting SW/BvS crossover images these past few months. :p
I forgot about that rumor of Snyder doing a spin-off. Maybe that's why he's been tweeting SW/BvS crossover images these past few months. :p

Honestly, I've been thinking the same thing. He DID have that meeting, and has been quiet ever since. My guess is that he knows when he's going to be done making superhero movies for WB, and set up his next jump back in February 2013, and the closer he gets to that exit date, the more he's got Star Wars on his mind.

An Obi-Wan Kenobi led Seven Samurai riff on Tatooine, starring Ewan McGregor, directed by Zack Snyder... I think it's possible.


Honestly, I've been thinking the same thing. He DID have that meeting, and has been quiet ever since. My guess is that he knows when he's going to be done making superhero movies for WB, and set up his next jump back in February 2013, and the closer he gets to that exit date, the more he's got Star Wars on his mind.

An Obi-Wan Kenobi led Seven Samurai riff on Tatooine, starring Ewan McGregor, directed by Zack Snyder... I think it's possible.

It would be a great thing to see. I hope it happens!
Honestly, I've been thinking the same thing. He DID have that meeting, and has been quiet ever since. My guess is that he knows when he's going to be done making superhero movies for WB, and set up his next jump back in February 2013, and the closer he gets to that exit date, the more he's got Star Wars on his mind.

An Obi-Wan Kenobi led Seven Samurai riff on Tatooine, starring Ewan McGregor, directed by Zack Snyder... I think it's possible.

As one of Snyder's defenders... I want this.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'm forgetting the progression here...did Ben go straight to Tatooine after the events of III?

For the purposes of a new movie with Ewan (which I really like the sound of), I wouldn't mind if they shoehorned in a big event into his early years in hiding. Hell, work the Inquisitors into it for the ultimate retcon...maybe they made it to Tatooine and somehow didn't get their man.
I'm forgetting the progression here...did Ben go straight to Tatooine after the events of III?

For the purposes of a new movie with Ewan (which I really like the sound of), I wouldn't mind if they shoehorned in a big event into his early years in hiding. Hell, work the Inquisitors into it for the ultimate retcon...maybe they made it to Tatooine and somehow didn't get their man.

He took Luke to his uncle didn't he?
I can see Obi-Wan getting into trouble on Tatooine. He never seemed like the type to let shit fly past him. You can even work in the Jabbas.


I can see Obi-Wan getting into trouble on Tatooine. He never seemed like the type to let shit fly past him. You can even work in the Jabbas.

The Obi-Wan movie would probably have Boba Fett as well. Also wouldn't be surprised to see a young Luke out-pilot the Jedi Master.
The Obi-Wan movie would probably have Boba Fett as well. Also wouldn't be surprised to see a young Luke out-pilot the Jedi Master.

They need to be more sly with a Luke cameo. Like have Obi-Wan in a market and there's a little blonde kid telling his friends he can't go to the pod races because he has to help on the farm.
Yeah. Having Luke do a Anakin the Pod Racing Wizard redux would be a bad call. If anything, it'd be funny if, to keep Luke low-profile, he sabotages a race so that Wormie stays in 2nd or 3rd place, and doesn't catch anyone's attention.


I wouldn't be surprised if Obi-Wan was the person who taught Luke how to fly considering how Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru want him far away from that kind of stuff. I also like the idea of seeing a grizzled Obi-Wan still bitching about flying, and it would tragically tie in with Anakin if he flew with Luke and blasted some womprats. I also want to see Boba Fett spying on them.

But yea Episode 1 was a great example of how not to do younglings in Star Wars.
Prequel trilogy: "Jedi can't have children."

Sequel trilogy: "lol Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku all had children."

I know this is giving the writers too much credit, but perhaps the Jedi came to the realisation that preventing Jedi -namely Anakin- to have children will eventually lead to an embittered, horny Jedi turning to the dark side. *shrugs*


On Jedi marrying...
Jedi do not marry (with some exceptions), in order to avoid attachment and—according to Vergere—so as not to create dynasties of those strong in the Force. However, in many periods of the Order's history, such as the era prior to Exar Kun and in Luke Skywalker's reformed Jedi Order, marriage was not forbidden. That being said, celibacy was enforced in many periods of the Order's history.

Regarding the Jedi code...
Conquer External Loyalties
"A Jedi is a Jedi, first and foremost, and only. For a Jedi to divide his attention between the will of the Force and the will of others is to invite disaster."
―Hoche Trit
Each Jedi was expected to remove as many external distractions from his or her life as possible. For that reason, the Order only accepted potential Padawans while they were still young children; they were too young to have already formed strong relationships and forbidden them forming attached relationships later in life. Jedi were not allowed to marry without special dispensation, like in the case of Cerean Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was allowed to marry several Cerean women because of his people's low birth rate. Jedi were forbidden from taking a political appointment or to accept gifts. They were taught that their loyalty was to be to the Jedi Order, and to nothing else.


The Jedi Order was broken and dysfunctional. The idea that the survivors of its fall would want to continue its ways as if nothing had happened is silly. Also why would anyone be shocked by Dooku having kids? Yeah, he was clearly a big believer in the order.
The Jedi Order was broken and dysfunctional. The idea that the survivors of its fall would want to continue its ways as if nothing had happened is silly. Also why would anyone be shocked by Dooku having kids? Yeah, he was clearly a big believer in the order.

Yes it was, that was one of the reasons why the Order fell. I hope that rumor about the villains being related to Dooku is true, since I want these movies to tie in to not only the OT trilogy but Prequel trilogy too.
They'll tie into both.

And I was talking with Count the other day but what if the girl isn't Han's daughter but Luke's? How would you guys respond?
They'll tie into both.

And I was talking with Count the other day but what if the girl isn't Han's daughter but Luke's? How would you guys respond?

I would be fine with it. I just wonder who the mother would be? Would Mara Jade still be the mom, or are they going with someone completely different? That is if Luke has a daughter or son.
I would be fine with it. I just wonder who the mother would be? Would Mara Jade still be the mom, or are they going with someone completely different? That is if Luke has a daughter or son.

Not sure who could be the mother but I would like it this way. I think it would be good if Luke had a life outside of the jedi order. So no one really knows about her they just know Luke leaves once and a while. That's why when he left for the last time there were no questions.

I know they're going to go the easy route and she'll be Han and Leia's.
What if the girl is a female clone of Luke made by Sith/Imperial remnants to hunt him down and kill him but then she can't because she falls in with the Solos on their own search for Luke and grows like and respect them and so when the time comes 2/3 of the way through the movie to kill him she can't and instead joins them in their own quest to learn of the forces arraying against them?

I like my idea better.
Not sure who could be the mother but I would like it this way. I think it would be good if Luke had a life outside of the jedi order. So no one really knows about her they just know Luke leaves once and a while. That's why when he left for the last time there were no questions.

I know they're going to go the easy route and she'll be Han and Leia's.

That's a good theory about Luke's wife. I think he should have a kid in the movies. I guess once the first trailer comes out, it might answer a few questions. Either way, I'm just looking forward to this movie. The onsite photos of spaceships, etc, is getting me very excited. :)
I just love Star Wars. My father loves these movies. My son loves them. We're going to use this as my son's first midnight movie. Can't wait.
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