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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


People were breaking out in laughter at the midnight screening of Attack of the Clones I went to, but it wasn't derisive laughter, it was more like "HOLY SHIT I WAS NOT READY" kind of laughter.

I'm trying to think of a situation that's comparable and it's like - you know those reaction videos of NBA stars on the sidelines at a Slam Dunk contest? That's how people were laughing in that theater.

Yeah, same thing happened in my theater. When Yoda pulled out his lightsaber everyone was confused and laughing and then started cheering.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I think the moment Yoda started flipping was one of the first moments where I felt old.


I'd enjoy ROTS so much more if Anakin's turn was handled better. Palpatine lures him in with the promise of saving loved ones from death, then reveals he actually has no idea how to do any of that.

What does Anakin do in response? Time to be edgy and murder children off-screen, yeah that's the kind of redemption story I can get behind.
Yes you can actually, there's a whole world between "THIS WAS THE BEST THING EVER" and "THIS WAS DOGSHIT".

The movie was fun, enjoyable and satisfied my expectations going in about seeing Anakin's transformation into Vader.

this is the internet, baby. pick an extreme.


The Dooku fight was bad -- it was like some of the CG in Spider-Man 1, he had no inertia and looked silly. They did much better with him in Ep3, imo.


I remember when me and my mates saw Ep3 at the cinema when it came out. Until that point, we hadn't seen any trailers or anything about it APART FROM the "do not want" and "united states of nooooo" YTMNDs

Of course, we were in tears of laughter at the vader scene


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
short version: 1 is so-so, 2 is great, 3 is absolutely awesome
Reverse 1 and 2 and you have my opinion.

Super abridged exposition:

Phantom Menace may have a lot of problems, but the pod racing, Qui-gonn, and final battle make up for it. I wouldn't call it an amazing movie, but it is still a very good one. Duel of the Fates is also one of the best tracks John Williams has ever composed.

Attack of the Clones is the poster child for everything wrong with the prequels. Too many important things happen off screen. Dooku and his betrayal mean far more to the Star Wars universe than the movie would have you believe. Anakin and Obi-wan's relationship is largely unexplored. Anakin spends most of the movie wasting all of his potential as a character. On the other hand, I don't think it's terrible. There are some pretty good scenes (Yoda, the factory scene, the arena scene) and it sets up the next movie decently.

Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie. It is a flawed masterpiece. Anakin is much more interesting in this movie and finally lives up to what you'd expect after watching the original trilogy and imagining a pre-fall Vader. Palpatine is a menacing and effective villain. The story is a culmination of everything that's been hinted at not only in the other two prequels, but also in the original trilogy. We see the fall of the Jedi, we see why their philosophy was flawed, we see how their arrogance worked against them. We see how Sidious played everyone like fools. We see how some people realized shit was going down (Windu, for one) but couldn't do anything about it in time. We see the glory days of the republic and watch it burn and rise again as the empire we loved to hate in the OT.

So, yeah, 3 > 1 > 2.


Phantom Menace may have a lot of problems, but the pod racing, Qui-gonn, and final battle make up for it. I wouldn't call it an amazing movie, but it is still a very good one. Duel of the Fates is also one of the best tracks John Williams has ever composed.

Attack of the Clones is the poster child for everything wrong with the prequels. Too many important things happen off screen. Dooku and his betrayal mean far more to the Star Wars universe than the movie would have you believe. Anakin and Obi-wan's relationship is largely unexplored.

You know how they could have dealt with all these issues with the backstory of Attack of the Clones you bring up?

Phantom Menace could have not been a complete waste of time.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You know how they could have dealt with all these issues with the backstory of Attack of the Clones you bring up?

Phantom Menace could have not been a complete waste of time.
No, I totally agree. Episode I should have started when Anakin was already a padawan. Qui-gon and Obi-wan finding him as a child could have been a flashback. As it is, it feels largely separated from the other two movies. Still, on its own, Phantom Menace is a pretty good movie. Is it what we should have gotten? No. Is what we got terrible? I don't think so.


these things have grated me for a long time. I mean there is this huge messy conflict but the whole bloody thing takes place off screen. we hardly get to see the clone wars. yes there is the cartoon series etc. but it really should have been in the movies.


it probably would've been better to have anakin a little older in ep.1 - mainly for logistical reasons... an older actor would, well, act better. and it'd pay credence to more offscreen story arcs like dooku

but the point of the movie was to show how an innocent and talented small child could become vader of all things... so for that reason, i appreciate it. i think the promo poster with anakin in tatooine with his shadow cast as vader personifies what the prequel trilogy was going for. the execution was flawed but mindlessly bashing it because of jar jar or midichlorians or whatever is kind of missing the point


I hope this movie proves to be more than just a nostalgia orgy.

These shots give me some serious Yavin vibes. But I reserve all judgment till I see it myself.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I had a dream last night where this premiered on TV and it sucked :/

There was a shot early on that looked like it was set in suburban america with modern cars and parking lots outside a chain reseraunt, with badly CGId spaceships in the sky having a laser battle. I tweeted JJ Abrams "so an alien planet just happens to look like contemporary earth? Suspension of disbelief shattered, thanks" and he retweeted it

Hopefully I'm no prophet


I always thought it looked stupid lol. I always laugh when I think about him fighting Dooku in EP.2 and he starts screaming.

How do you guys would make Yoda fight in your mind? Just stabbing at knees? Slowly swinging his lasersword? I really liked his fighting style (minus the screaming) and it was beliveable when you think of his size. He has to compensate his size with speed.

Didn't they already stated somewhere in Ep 4-6 that Yoda was one of the best Jedi swordfighters or was is in the prequels?
How do you guys would make Yoda fight in your mind? Just stabbing at knees? Slowly swinging his lasersword? I really liked his fighting style (minus the screaming) and it was beliveable when you think of his size. He has to compensate his size with speed.

Didn't they already stated somewhere in Ep 4-6 that Yoda was one of the best Jedi swordfighters or was is in the prequels?

It certainly wasn't in the OT. In the Making of ROTJ book, Lucas and Marquand were discussing Yoda, and Lucas said something like, "Yoda doesn't fight, Yoda doesn't have to fight...his powers are beyond that." Or something to that effect. He obviously changed his mind for the prequels.


It certainly wasn't in the OT. In the Making of ROTJ book, Lucas and Marquand were discussing Yoda, and Lucas said something like, "Yoda doesn't fight, Yoda doesn't have to fight...his powers are beyond that." Or something to that effect. He obviously changed his mind for the prequels.

Ah ok. Then they probably put a line in one of the prequels to build it up for the fight. Obi Wan or Mace Windu said that if i remember it correctly. Probably Ep. 2.
How do you guys would make Yoda fight in your mind? Just stabbing at knees? Slowly swinging his lasersword? I really liked his fighting style (minus the screaming) and it was beliveable when you think of his size. He has to compensate his size with speed.

Didn't they already stated somewhere in Ep 4-6 that Yoda was one of the best Jedi swordfighters or was is in the prequels?

I love the way Yoda fights in the Prequels. It's fits since he's so small.
How do you guys would make Yoda fight in your mind? Just stabbing at knees? Slowly swinging his lasersword? I really liked his fighting style (minus the screaming) and it was beliveable when you think of his size. He has to compensate his size with speed.

Didn't they already stated somewhere in Ep 4-6 that Yoda was one of the best Jedi swordfighters or was is in the prequels?
Simple. He didn't need to fight. Case closed.


I'm not a big fan of angsty, broody Anakin that festered through Clones and Revenge.

Obi-wan was probably one of the only well demonstrated characters.

The transition from Jedi to Dark Jedi for Anakin was nonsensical, none of it made sense or was a shred convincing.

I could deal with Ep 1 but it doesn't really fit in with the trilogy either.

The one thing about the OT was that each episode played well off the other and the transition from one episode to the next was clear and easy to follow.

The prequels, not so much.
Man, I love that they are using the old cruise missile bunkers. Really fits perfectly. I love that JJ is trying to do as much practical as possible.
The prequels really changed Yoda's character. In the OT he actually spoke regular English a lot of times. It seemed like his backwards speech was just a facade he used to make Luke think he's dumber than he is. Whereas in the prequels, he actually speaks backwards most of the time to everyone.

He's still a Jedi Knight. Part of it is the skill of handling a Lightsaber. And it's not like he's charging into the fights with joy but only as last resort.

Just my opinion. I better not start a heated discussion with SW fans :)

In ESB Yoda was described as a Jedi Master, never a Jedi "Knight".
But why does he have to fight at all? That's like Gandhi dishing out roundhouse kicks to peace haters.

It made sense to me. He was a Jedi Master and the most powerful member till Anakin came along. I think it fits. It made sense to me, and I don't see what the big deal is with him fighting.
He's still a Jedi Knight. Part of it is the skill of handling a Lightsaber. And it's not like he's charging into the fights with joy but only as last resort.

Just my opinion. I better not start a heated discussion with SW fans :)

I agree with you there. I just find it funny how this is such a bad thing that Yoda fights. Of course he fought in the Clone Wars. But I never really saw him enjoy it. Another thing is that OT Yoda is different from Prequel Yoda.


In ESB Yoda was described as a Jedi Master, never a Jedi "Knight".

He certainly didn't went from Padawan to Jedi Master. Knight is the "rank" before you become a Master.

As i got the impressions from all the (now not cannon anymore) books, Jedi Masters were all very good/outstanding with the Lightsaber. Why should Yoda just be exceptional with the force but not with the lightsaber.

Could be stuff for an episode of Big Bang Theory :)

He's a small dude, not really built for a physical battle. And his character originally seemed more like a peaceful monk who was beyond hitting people with a little sword. Just based on The Empire Strikes Back, you might have assumed that he would've fought with the force exclusively, if anything.

Like Shaolin Monks? You still better not start a fight with them :)
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