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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I remember the Star Trek 2009 teaser was cgi footage of workers building the enterprise with "coming in insert year here". I wonder if we will see something similar for star wars, a trailer that is pure tease and doesn't show actual footage from the movie.


I remember the Star Trek 2009 teaser was cgi footage of workers building the enterprise with "coming in insert year here". I wonder if we will see something similar for star wars, a trailer that is pure tease and doesn't show actual footage from the movie.

If I had to wager a guess, the teaser will be set on Tattoine. We are going to get a lot of audio from the original Stars Trilogy talking about the force - mostly Alec Guiness and Yoda's commentary. At some point in the teaser we are going to see a man stand in a pose similar to Luke's introduction in a New Hope, and the teaser is going to end up showing us that this is Luke, aged many years, being a lone wanderer on the dusty world that has somehow become the most important world in the galaxy.


at last, for christ's sake
I remember the Star Trek 2009 teaser was cgi footage of workers building the enterprise with "coming in insert year here". I wonder if we will see something similar for star wars, a trailer that is pure tease and doesn't show actual footage from the movie.

we definitely gonna have a teaser with many hints, so the speculation engine can run in full steam. then in the last five seconds super quick cuts of the Millennium Falcon, Luke's caped face, two sabers clashing, a glimpse of the villain closing with Adam Driver's enormous nose covering the entire screen


It'll definitely be a Superman Returns-esque nostalgia teaser. I don't think we'll get our first trailer with real footage until next spring, maybe even May (partly for Star Wars Day, partly to attach to Avengers, which is conveniently the same weekend).


What Could have been
Fincher talks us through his career for The Total Film Interview, including new film Gone Girl, and reveals that he spoke with Star Wars producer Kathy Kennedy about Episode VII.

"I talked to Kathy about it, but I think that it's a different thing from... I don't know what Disney-Lucasfilm will be like," he says of the studio merger that resulted in a new batch of Star Wars films being greenlit.

"It's tricky," he adds. "My favourite is The Empire Strikes Back. If I said, 'I want to do something more like that,' then I'm sure the people paying for it would be like, 'No! You can't do that! We want it like the other one with all the creatures!'

"I always thought of Star Wars as the story of two slaves [C-3PO and R2-D2] who go from owner to owner, witnessing their masters' folly, the ultimate folly of man... I thought it was an interesting idea in the first two, but it's kind of gone by Return Of The Jedi."

Hm, interesting thoughts. Obviously, Fincher is very few people's first choice, and for good reason. 3PO and R2 are very much the central characters of the first movie, since it contains the most amount of Kurosawa DNA. Though I can't really see why Empire has more of this Droids-as-Narrator dynamic than Jedi, at least in that movie they aren't split up for most of the plot. If Fincher plain doesn't like Jedi as much (despite having worked on it), he should just say so.

I do agree that the story is best framed as another adventure among countless others that these two robots bumble into. In my opinion, tying the duo's origins to the other characters was one of the most limiting decisions of the PT, since that fact never became relevant after their introduction. I don't mind them being around in that time, but it'd be best as an established duo.

Where was I? Fincher's is one accepted interpretation of the series, but I admit that I have trouble imagining a stirring adventure movie from him.
You're all acting like this is some sort of discussion forum where I'm obliged to post links/otherwise substantiate my posts to foster discussion. Excerpts:


Max von Sydow character is Star Wars: Episode VII is not an ancient Sith Lord or a supernatural being with an awesome voice. He’s a beaten man. He’s old enough to have lived through the Clone Wars, seen the Intergalactic Civil War unfold and then the aftermath of the fall of Emperor Palptaine. He’s no longer a man, he’s a cyborg. His eye is obscured by a ocular viewing device, most likely from a past injury which mean the could no longer use the eye with any ease. One leg is entirely cybernetic now, almost like a Super Battledroid but with metallic claws where his toes would be. He sits at a bar drinking, wary, and old. If you have an oddity, a rare weapon, you might want to bring it to him for evaluation.

Badass Digest:

According to my sources von Sydow is playing a key character who gets the story in motion.
Remember that I told you the movie begins with the discovery of the lightsaber? Well, it isn’t Daisy Ridley who discovers it but rather a blue alien guy. He brings it to a salvage yard where Kira – that seems to be what Ridley’s character’s name is, or at least what they’re calling her on set – sees it. She’s hanging out there with von Sydow, who is an old cyborg dude, a guy who maybe has dementia. He talks a lot of nonsense. But as soon as that lightsbaber shows up, he gets lucid. He recognizes it. He begins to talk about the old days, name drops a couple of Prequel Trilogy characters, even. And then, after Kira and the alien leave he makes a call to a mysterious figure. “It’s here,” he says.

Kira’s got a pretty cool place to call home. She lives inside an abandoned AT-AT, knocked over on its side. Remember, AT-ATs are ‘all-terrain,’ so while we saw them only on a snow world, they would work just as easily on the desert planet where Episode VII opens.

You know all those shots from Greenham Common Air Base, with the X-Wing fighters and the Millenium Falcon? That’s a familiar location – it’s the Massassi Temple from the original Star Wars. Yup, they’re back on Yavin IV.

Here’s one bonus piece of info: there are pieces of concept art that show Chewbacca with a cybernetic hand, having lost it in a battle sometime after the events of Jedi. Will that be in the final film? I don’t know – there’s other concept art where he’s got both furry hands intact.

Here’s one bonus piece of info: there are pieces of concept art that show Chewbacca with a cybernetic hand, having lost it in a battle sometime after the events of Jedi. Will that be in the final film? I don’t know – there’s other concept art where he’s got both furry hands intact.

Ohh that might be strange to see. Thematically the cybernetic hands were something associated with the Skywalkers, up until now.
Maybe he used to bus tables for Dexter Jettster

Also, why are we spoiler tagging rumors in a spoiler thread?

It seems as if Daisy Ridley lives in a knocked-over AT-AT, and Max Von Sydow is a Clone War burnout who sells junk.

Maybe his dad is Watto.
You never know who will complain about reading a spoiler they didn't want to read in a potential spoiler thread.

Actually, there's more reports of wacky shit on MakingStarWars. Hunter-Killers, a Station from Bill & Ted looking motherfucker and a WALL-E droid.

Also, why are we spoiler tagging rumors in a spoiler thread?

It seems as if Daisy Ridley lives in a knocked-over AT-AT, and Max Von Sydow is a Clone War burnout who sells junk.

Maybe his dad is Watto.
I like these rumors. He seems like a fine candidate for crossover with Rebels. If I had my way he would be the last remnant of the actual clones who has lived an extraordinarily long lifespan aided by technology (at 60 years or so, given rapid aging), maybe even Rex or whatever surviving named clones from the TV show. That would give him the Jedi experience necessary without making him a Jedi.
You never know who will complain about reading a spoiler they didn't want to read in a potential spoiler thread.

Yeah, good point. Still though, I don't truck with coddling spoilerphobes who are kicking sand around a playground blatantly labeled "POTENTIAL SPOILERS" in the thread title :)

I don't see him being an actual clone-trooper, though, because there's no way Max Von Sydow looks like Temuera Morrison.

Heh, I do sorta like the idea he used to work with Watto and he got his injuries podracing. Sebulba fucked him up or something and he's been a junk merchant ever since.


Rumors seem to confirm that Abrams is going full-on pander mode with this film. Wonder if we'll go to any new locations that haven't had all the wonder sucked out of them yet.


Yeah, good point. Still though, I don't truck with coddling spoilerphobes who are kicking sand around a playground blatantly labeled "POTENTIAL SPOILERS" in the thread title :)

I don't see him being an actual clone-trooper, though, because there's no way Max Von Sydow looks like Temuera Morrison.

Heh, I do sorta like the idea he used to work with Watto and he got his injuries podracing. Sebulba fucked him up or something and he's been a junk merchant ever since.
He's one of those random kid extras hanging with Jake Lloyd and baby-Greedo.


Rumors seem to confirm that Abrams is going full-on pander mode with this film. Wonder if we'll go to any new locations that haven't had all the wonder sucked out of them yet.

I hope not. Star Wars appeal is not in re-doing what's been done already... at least, it is not for me.
Give us something new, and make it feel like Star Wars, what else is needed?
Very tired of Star Wars EU doing that actually, though i'll allow some exceptions...


they were always going to connect the prequels, a generation of children love them and the clonewars.

ultimately its those children disney want.
The fact that's Star Wars means it's intrinsically connected to the Prequels. The fact they happen almost 100 years after Episode I is going to automatically put a lot of distance between this trilogy and the Prequel trilogy. Shouting out prequel character/locations isn't much of a "connection" in any really meaningful story sense. It's cool for those watching, nice little nods, but these are still, by dint of when they're set and who is in them, sequels to the Original Trilogy, not the Prequel Trilogy. The Prequels are going to be (and have been) minimized. They haven't been erased, but they're not as important as they recently were.
The fact that's Star Wars means it's intrinsically connected to the Prequels. The fact they happen almost 100 years after Episode I is going to automatically put a lot of distance between this trilogy and the Prequel trilogy. Shouting out prequel character/locations isn't much of a "connection" in any really meaningful story sense. It's cool for those watching, nice little nods, but these are still, by dint of when they're set and who is in them, sequels to the Original Trilogy, not the Prequel Trilogy. The Prequels are going to be (and have been) minimized. They haven't been erased, but they're not as important as they recently were.
Yeah, it should be pretty harmless, I imagine. No need for overreactions yet.
I mean, they probably could have gotten away with not even mentioning anything from the prequel era due to the amount of time between those movies and this one, but on the flip - it's not like a name-drop here and there is going to appreciably hurt anything, anymore than referencing things like "That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell" or "That business on Cato Neimodia" hurt their respective movies. The only difference is that we'll actually have some sort of reference on these references :)
If nothing else, the namedropping of prequel characters will keep amateur fan editors busy for years to come. It's when these sequel films start building their core storylines around bullshit prequel concepts like the rule of two/immaculate Force conception/everyone is Temuera Morrison that I will veer from a state of being "mildly vexed/inconvenienced" to "visibly saddened and disappointed".


The fact that's Star Wars means it's intrinsically connected to the Prequels. The fact they happen almost 100 years after Episode I is going to automatically put a lot of distance between this trilogy and the Prequel trilogy. Shouting out prequel character/locations isn't much of a "connection" in any really meaningful story sense. It's cool for those watching, nice little nods, but these are still, by dint of when they're set and who is in them, sequels to the Original Trilogy, not the Prequel Trilogy. The Prequels are going to be (and have been) minimized. They haven't been erased, but they're not as important as they recently were.

Yeah, I'm actually more worried about the continuous reuse of OT locations. Why does everything have to happen on planets we've already been to? I'd prefer to avoid the massive world-shrinkage that Abrams did with Star Trek.
Yeah, I'm actually more worried about the continuous reuse of OT locations. Why does everything have to happen on planets we've already been to? I'd prefer to avoid the massive world-shrinkage that Abrams did with Star Trek.

From what I understand, the forest planet is also the snowy planet, and is NOT Hoth. The desert planet isn't completely desert, and also isn't Tatooine.

The only planet I've heard is definitely making a comeback is the fourth moon of Yavin, and that's only been recently rumored.
Planets, creatures and vehicles from the OT will appear in the movie. Luke, Leia and Han appear in the movie. Han supposedly has a very important role. Some random names from the PT are mentioned in passing.

I'm fine with that.


From what I understand, the forest planet is also the snowy planet, and is NOT Hoth. The desert planet isn't completely desert, and also isn't Tatooine.

The only planet I've heard is definitely making a comeback is the fourth moon of Yavin, and that's only been recently rumored.

The desert planet not being Tatooine would be nice, although I'm curious how they'll differentiate it in that case. The photos we've seen have been extremely Tatooine-ish.
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