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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

That evil cyborg dude looks nothing like Luke, but then again that chick who represents Daisy Ridley's character looks nothing like Ridley either.


these arts are godly. the only thing from those grave robber pics that lead me to believe the luke rumor is the clear attention placed on that robotic hand in the pic with the star destroyer background. otherwise i think it's a pretty big leap to make that conclusion. also one of that guy's reasons for thinking it was luke was because he/we had not seen any concept arts of luke yet, but we also haven't seen any of han or leia either so i don't think that is any indication of it being true.

also the guy on the ground in the pic where the sith guy is force gripping daisy looks like luke, and that combined with that earlier art leak of the landscape shot with green sabre fighting the sith guy, i'm gonna go ahead and guess luke faces off with this cyborg guy on the snow planet at the end.

but goddamn. these arts are glorious.

edit: is there no way to save the larger size images?


as far as spoilers are concerned :

Luke as the Dark Knight Cyborg is wrong on many levels :

1/ it's been already theorized it's Ridley's character "cave" moment
2/ Grave robber meshes well with rumors of Driver's character's interest in all things Sith.
3/ Daisy succombing to the Dark Side meshes well with the concept the Von Sidow's character is Ridely 's path unless she alters it.
4/ Ridley being the main protagonist and needing rescuing in the end is pretty much Empire Strikes Back without waiting for Episode VIII. it's also a nice twist to empower the other characters in the sequels as they will need to step up their game. because it seems Ridley goes from smuggler, to wannabe Jedi, to potential Sith in one movie. Which fits well with Boyega's potential redemption arc. But leaves few room for other characters
5/ Luke will be Luke. IF they shit on the character, there will be massive blood. The "cave" twist is as far as they can go, IMO. I expect his story to be the main theme of the trilogy whatever (non)prominent role he plays. Which is good. Luke Skywalker needs a proper send-off.
Okay, I really like this concept art. With my luck, it'll probably turn out to be fake somehow. I like the colors, especially, and how dirty everything looks.


I love the concepts of the grave robber. Assuming he is Ep7s main villain? I hope they call him The Grave Robber in the movie, it sounds menacing and evil.


I love the concepts of the grave robber. Assuming he is Ep7s main villain? I hope they call him The Grave Robber in the movie, it sounds menacing and evil.

agreed. it's such a striking and unsettling design. with those huge holes in his face for eyes and the spindly fingers he almost looks like an insect.


So seemingly just the Minios of the Inquisitor wear the new Stormtrooper helmets? Thats great, even while I liked the new ones, I still think the old ones are better (because of Nostalgia of course).


agreed. it's such a striking and unsettling design. with those huge holes in his face for eyes and the spindly fingers he almost looks like an insect.

is that really h ow he will look in the movie, though? those are just concept arts, right?

in the final movie he might be the chrome trooper we have seen pictures of?
Amazing art. My hopes are rising that these will actually be worthy sequels to the original series. Looks like they have their minds in the right place
I was wondering why they were hauling around an AT-AT foot in the middle of the desert...




This thread is no longer about potential spoilers. It's now pretty much definite.

I love all of the art for sure. Trying to piece it together against the various rumors and casting announcements is a really exciting part of the fandom. I remember going through this same process during the prequels, as well as with some other projects such as the Lord of the Rings films back in the late 90s. Feelin' old but, ah, the memories!

Anyone remember when the first pics of Hobbiton leaked online and people couldn't agree if it was fake or not? I sure do. Ancient history I know...

I do have some concerns about the look they are going for. Things seem just as run down if not MORE so than during the OT. After all this time they still haven't managed to do much rebuilding? I hope most of the Galaxy doesn't all look like this. I was fond of the ideas in the EU where, post-Empire, we had the New Republic and Luke re-established the Jedi Order. I want to feel like all our heroes fought for during the OT lead to some good things and it hasn't just been nonstop war the entire time.


I can just imagine that when this film comes out, people are going to go nuts finding any flaw they can in it, even if it turns out to be really good.


What a beautiful island but whoa, talk about remote. I hope we get some nice behind the scenes footage someday about their excursion out there.

Something LotR/Hobbit films have done exceedingly well is documenting the entire creative process behind the films. Even with the prequels, Star Wars had a much more modest approach. I hope they amped it up this time.


Wonder what the budget on this film series is.

500 million? 750 million?

If it is good, it will make them billions upon billions anyway

Budget for the production or marketing included?

Film series is already 6 announced movies in 6 years. Which only Marvel did. and Marvel is cheap. Star Wars is not.

considering the current leaks/rumors/production schedule etc...I hardly see Episode VII less than 250 millions. How much of that is going straight into Episode VIII&IX and the spin-offs is unknown, and looking at the cast of directors for the subsequent movies, it's clear the JJ Abrams held one is the most ambitious in terms of associated costs.

We'll get a clearer picture as marketing starts but methinks Episode VII is a good candidate for most expensive movie and I'm not shying away from predicting a >300 millions budget considering the many things Episode VII had to get right before Episode VII & IX were set into motion, and the furious schedule to Xmas 2015.

anyways...SW is pure gold ATM and Disney would be foolish to shy away from a few ten millions here and there.

Damn, that's some good looking art.

Is Montross supposed to be von Sydow's character?

yes. and the dark theme that drives Ridley's character arc apparently.

it's funny that "Kira" seems to be the (spiritual) offspring of Luke and Han. it's looking like they completely dropped the ball on Leia and they incorporated her Jediness and potential outcomes straight into a new, orignal, female character.
These look amazing. If nothing else this film is going to be visually stunning. Love the costume work. I've been trying to visual OT influenced costumes for a project and it's balls hard. Love Daisy's costume concept, it's got elements from Alien, which is so smart.

As others have said I'm getting a Dark Forces vibe from this stuff, which is not a bad thing.


That's no longer canon though, so all bets are off on the existence or location of the Jedi Academy.

lack of Luke.

and importance of ONE lightsaber to kick off the movie.

that points to no Jedi Academy...unless Mara Jade runs it and the new Jedi Order is a Ninja Clan bent on secrecy.
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