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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Why are you spoilering your guess? It's just a guess.

Lotta people are jumping to the Hayden conclusion. I dunno. I'm trying to think of actors that Abrams likes working with, or have talked about wanting to work with him.

I mean, literally resurrecting Vader would be pretty fuckin' out there.

Well, there were those old rumors about a group raiding Vader's funeral pyre on Endor - and the presence of Vader's burnt helmet in the concept art lends some credence to that. Why would anyone want Vader's remains?

I don't think the cyborg would literally be Anakin or Vader reborn. That's not what we've been shown so far on how cloning works so far in universe. Neither clone troopers nor Boba inherited Jango's memories.

This has gotta be part of it, right? I don't think he's Luke, but he looks damn cool anyway.
I hope he's not Luke.

Well, that looks like
Anakin's/Luke's blue


never heard about the cat, apparently
Faraci dropping more rumors on twitter:


As to Luke being the cyborg:




My guess as to the mystery actor playing the cyborg:
Hayden Christensen. The cyborg is a clone of Anakin.
meh, i love han solo, but I I always liked him as what he is. A supporting character. I want to see more Luke.


meh, i love han solo, but I I always liked him as what he is. A supporting character. I want to see more Luke.

It sounds like he still is a supporting character, just that he has the best scenes/lines/whatever. Devin's tweet even says Boyega and Ridley are still the leads. It's like saying Hulk steals the show in The Avengers or Joker steals the show in The Dark Knight -- they aren't the lead characters, just the more memorable ones.
It sounds like he still is a supporting character, just that he has the best scenes/lines/whatever. Devin's tweet even says Boyega and Ridley are still the leads. It's like saying Hulk steals the show in The Avengers or Joker steals the show in The Dark Knight -- they aren't the lead characters, just the more memorable ones.


That's exactly why I think Han is going to bite it.
Old man Solo better die. Ford can't make it through 3 films

Artwork looks good. JJ gonna deliver

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised. If that's the artwork for the actual movie than I'm very happy. I just hope he tones down on the lens flare. I really need my Star Wars movie fix, now that The Clone Wars tv show is done :p

As for Han Solo, I wouldn't mind if he died. It'll be like passing on the torch to the younger generation in the movies.
I'm really liking this Joseph Gordon-Levitt (from here on out to be referred to as JoGoLev) idea. It fits with Rian Johnson coming on for 8 & 9, and it fits in that if this Grave Robber character is going to be how Abrams fulfills his fetish for mystery - then when the hood comes off and we get a really good look at who this guy is finally, our expectations are going to have to be subverted somehow.

Either you do that by a) seriously tweaking an already established character, or b) Casting a face that people will recognize, against type.

JoGoLev is a really, really likable guy. Most large audiences remember him as a) the nice guy from Inception and b) the nice guy from Dark Knight Rises.

So if the hood comes off in the last 15 minutes and it's fuckin' Cobra Commander :)


Then people are gonna be like "Whaaaaaaaaa"

Abrams gets what he wants, Johnson gets what he wants.
I'm really liking this Joseph Gordon-Levitt (from here on out to be referred to as JoGoLev) idea. It fits with Rian Johnson coming on for 8 & 9, and it fits in that if this Grave Robber character is going to be how Abrams fulfills his fetish for mystery - then when the hood comes off and we get a really good look at who this guy is finally, our expectations are going to have to be subverted somehow.

Either you do that by a) seriously tweaking an already established character, or b) Casting a face that people will recognize, against type.

JoGoLev is a really, really likable guy. Most large audiences remember him as a) the nice guy from Inception and b) the nice guy from Dark Knight Rises.

So if the hood comes off in the last 15 minutes and it's fuckin' Cobra Commander :)


Then people are gonna be like "Whaaaaaaaaa"

Abrams gets what he wants, Johnson gets what he wants.

I really like the actor. I just don't think he should be in the new Star Wars films. If he is, it's not going to ruin my enjoyment of the film. If he does a great job, I wouldn't mind. I'm just waiting till the movie comes out to fully judge it after I watch it.

I really hope we get a teaser trailer this year.


"You're going to be blown away by who is playing the Dark Knight in that leaked art."

It sounds like he's talking about the actor playing him being a surprise, not the character's identity.


I think Adam Driver is that guy from the light Saber artwork. He was rumored to be dressed like that for awhile.

yeah could be, but wasn't his character also rumored to be an aristocrat who's obsessed with sith artifacts? i get that vibe from this grave robber art.


bubububu the tweet you're quoting literally has the words "Yeah Ridley and Boyega are leads."

And of course, the word "steals" implies it's not his movie to rightfully own.


"This is Han Solo's movie"

Anyway, those words up the chances of this movie being an abject disaster by a considerable margin. Ford has no business being in the acting business these days.
Lord knows. The lost actors of all this Episode VII rumormongering:

Carrie Fisher
Lupita N'yongo
Domnhall Gleeson
Andy Serkis.

Nobody knows what the fuck is up with any of those four.
That Graverobber character is interesting. The way he is holding that vader mask, sure seems personal.

What if it was a cloned cyborg anakin?
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