I love the design of the 'grave robber', I can't wait to find out who it really is. I'm just so glad the franchise is continuing without Lucas, at the very least these will be watchable popcorn films (which is vastly better than the prequels).
They leaked most of episode III if I remember correctly.
Pretty much all of it, and so far, in mostly the same manner:
Guys on set start leaking information.
Guys at website start drip-feeding that information.
Guys at other websites start backbiting quietly in the background
People reading start getting impatient and annoyed with the drip-feeding
Guys at the websites start backbiting even louder
MF rolls in and kicks the whole apple cart over.
MF was (and still is, apparently, even a decade later) basically just one guy and his forum. Back then, he was basically just cracking people's passwords and yanking their scoops out from underneath them. Robin Hood, essentially. Once that became known, people just started taking their shit directly to him - because it was going to end up there anyway.
It's possible someone just mailed him all this stuff - a lot of it had gotten out due to some webmasters getting careless with sharing it for "verification" purposes with messageboard randos, so I can see someone just going "I'm gonna send this to MF, they'll post it."
is that really h ow he will look in the movie, though? those are just concept arts, right?
in the final movie he might be the chrome trooper we have seen pictures of?
Is the one of the girl being held by the cyborg the one that the"Luke is a cyborcyborg villain" rumor is based on? If so, I don't know why the person assumed it was Luke based on that.
Lens flare in concept art.
I like the rumor the cyborg impersonates luke, and uses the found light saber as the cyborgs scam..
I also like the idea the cyborg is actually Luke's son...
Rumour has it that his name is Lukakin
Rumour has it that his name is Lukakin
Rumour has it that his name is Lukakin
George Lucas is a consultant on this right?
George Lucas is a consultant on this right?
Seemingly the last gift Papa Lucas gave us before becoming one with the Schwartz was Sheev.
whats the likeliness of boyega being a jedi in here then? i see ridley's got the lightsaber here if that concept art is legit.
i can see gleeson being related to luke in some way and oscar isaac being a bit of a han solo redux
Faraci dropping more rumors on twitter:
As to Luke being the cyborg:
My guess as to the mystery actor playing the cyborg:Hayden Christensen. The cyborg is a clone of Anakin.
Cut the guy some slack, even Sir Laurence Olivier couldn't read those shitty lines.I refuse to believe that any director given the chance to do a Star Wars movie would choose to rehire Hayden for anything.
What if the cyborg is the further burned remains of Anakin, post Jedi - possessed by the spirit of Sheev?
What if the cyborg is the further burned remains of Anakin, post Jedi - possessed by the spirit of Sheev?
Nolan North in Episode VII confirmed.
Can spirits do that in the Star Wars universe?
Sure, why not. They call it Sheeving.
Why are you spoilering your guess? It's just a guess.
Lotta people are jumping to the Hayden conclusion. I dunno. I'm trying to think of actors that Abrams likes working with, or have talked about wanting to work with him.
I mean, literally resurrecting Vader would be pretty fuckin' out there.
if "the cyborg is a clone of _________" stuff is true it'd probably be anakin... as i don't know what motivation there'd be to clone any other character aside from Luke, who is still alive presumably, which would involve a lot of exposition and likely retcons