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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Yeah, a key component of the plot was that nobody knew that the army was being cloned.

Then again, the six-armed chef at Al's Diner or whatever seemed to know that Kamino was the spot you go if you wanna clone a thing, so it couldn't have been THAT secret.

Either way - I think it's safe to rule out "we're just gonna clone the bad guys from the last trilogy" as a viable option. I mean, I could be wrong, but I just don't see them going with that.
I wouldn't put it past them to reuse specific elements. They froze people in carbonate in the clone wars. That said, if I were a betting man, a would bet on this guy being ancient as opposed to a clone.


Yeah, a key component of the plot was that nobody knew that the army was being cloned.

Then again, the six-armed chef at Al's Diner or whatever seemed to know that Kamino was the spot you go if you wanna clone a thing, so it couldn't have been THAT secret.

Either way - I think it's safe to rule out "we're just gonna clone the bad guys from the last trilogy" as a viable option. I mean, I could be wrong, but I just don't see them going with that.

Dear goodness, I forgot about this stupid plotpoint.


Elden Member
New Hope's my favorite because it's in the spirit of old hollywood adventures. Also I like long shots (big fan of Kubrick).

I'm a huge Kubrick fan but the difference is he has eyes for a beautifully composed shot and ideas that lend themselves to long shots. Lucas forced these shots and it shows, Esspecially when you compare the film to empire which just nails the editing. I do not feel more than 1 or 2 shots in ANH are composed well enough to actually justify the long holds put on them. The film seems to recognize its ment for a faster pace as when it switches over to it, it excels. The death star escape, tie fight, swing dog fighting, ect. It's basically the first half of the film the suffers to me. Again using "suffering" lightly here as it's still an A+ film and more than enjoyable.

My hope is JJ takes the editing timing from empire and Jedi, and infuses it with his own flare for extremely well spaced shots and scale (the man knows how to make things look big and have weight).


No it isn't, it's basically the same fuckin' thing.

Just disagree, don't pull this foster-sibling bullshit. Save it for an intervention or something.

I just don't see Abrams/Kasdan/Kinberg/Kennedy all going "yeah. We'll just clone the bad guy. Which bad guy? Shit. I dunno. Both of 'em, maybe" and rolling with it.

Eh. I'm not saying that's what going to happen, however.


A New Hope - Still fun, but my god its hard to enjoy the looooonnnnnngggggg shots. The shot of R2 leaving c3po after crash landing just sits there and holds for what feels like forever. The whole movie is this way except the ending. Every shot is like 5 seconds too long, just held there for no reason. I get this was a transitional movie and faster paced editing was still a few years away, but honestly the difference between Empire and this are sooo damn large. Empire just reeks of quality and high production. A New Hope feels like a student film in comparison.

I thought Ep IV was widely considered to be a fast-paced film at the time and started the trend of quicker pacing in blockbusters.

It's just that modern films are even faster by comparison.


hmm, Finn lacking a last name probably means he is related to an OT or PT character. that would be a bit weird.

I also wonder if Kylo Ren is Adam Drivers name as the X-Wing pilot or if he has two names
hmm, Finn lacking a last name probably means he is related to an OT or PT character. that would be a bit weird.

I also wonder if Kylo Ren is Adam Drivers name as the X-Wing pilot or if he has two names

Finn Windu? Finn Calrissian? Yes, I know there must be more black people in the Star Wars universe. :)
Would be quite terrible if he's a son of the of the few old black characters

While I definitely still think it would be quite stupid and lame to make all black people in Star Wars related, I think that if handled responsibly there could be power to giving him a historical connection to Star Wars via a Skywalker-ish dynasty or by making other black characters a part of his family. Giving him established connections to the universe isn't inherently a bad thing. This would only be remotely justifiable to me if they cast numerous other black people in separate visible and important roles, which appears to be what they are doing for this film. What does make something like this less justifiable to me is that they didn't have many black characters to choose from in the first place, which would make it seem forced simply because he is black.


While I definitely still think it would be quite stupid and lame to make all black people in Star Wars related, I think that if handled responsibly there could be power to giving him a historical connection to Star Wars via a Skywalker-ish dynasty or by making other black characters a part of his family. Giving him established connections to the universe isn't inherently a bad thing. This would only be remotely justifiable to me if they cast numerous other black people in separate visible and important roles, which appears to be what they are doing for this film. What does make something like this less justifiable to me is that they didn't have many black characters to choose from in the first place, which would make it seem forced simply because he is black.

That's a silly lens to look at it through. Making Boyega a Windu or a Calrissian is dumb for the same reason making Serkis actually be Darth Plagueis, or making Isaac a Darklighter. It's not dumb because the characters are black. -_-


for me it would be dumb because he is black. there are only few black characters in star wars. making them related now would make them seem even rarer than they actually are "oh the calrissians? sure I know them, they are the blacks"


for me it would be dumb because he is black. there are only few black characters in star wars. making them related now would make them seem even rarer than they actually are "oh the calrissians? sure I know them, they are the blacks"
I really hope you're not implying that making him a Windu/Calrissian would be racist...
Though sadly some people would undoubtedly make that claim.


While I definitely still think it would be quite stupid and lame to make all black people in Star Wars related, I think that if handled responsibly there could be power to giving him a historical connection to Star Wars via a Skywalker-ish dynasty or by making other black characters a part of his family. Giving him established connections to the universe isn't inherently a bad thing. This would only be remotely justifiable to me if they cast numerous other black people in separate visible and important roles, which appears to be what they are doing for this film. What does make something like this less justifiable to me is that they didn't have many black characters to choose from in the first place, which would make it seem forced simply because he is black.

He doesn't need that, though. No one does. Let's just have hm be whomever he is, and allow him to blaze his own trail. And not, "Windu's grandson. I knew it!" or something.


Mark Hamill says BB-8 the little ball droid is practical. Not CGI. Including the rolling around and everything.

They never cease to amaze me with what they’re able to come up with, you know? I said, “How are you ever gonna top R2-D2, the most adorable droid in movie history?” And then they have this new one. I can’t even tell you his name, but you saw it in the trailer. [Editor’s note: the name of the droid has been revealed as BB-8.] And when they were demonstrating how they did this thing, live on set — because it’s not CGI, that’s a live prop — I was just amazed. They let me play around with it. [Laughs] I was running it all around at the creature shop up in Pinewood. I’m telling you, it’s an absolute delight. And not having thought that I’d ever go back there, to go back into that world, is just – I get the chills. It’s just so much fun.


hamill is just an adorable nerd. I really hope luke survives the ST

I really hope you're not implying that making him a Windu/Calrissian would be racist...
Though sadly some people would undoubtedly make that claim.

nope, just dumb. and weird.


for me it would be dumb because he is black. there are only few black characters in star wars. making them related now would make them seem even rarer than they actually are "oh the calrissians? sure I know them, they are the blacks"

I definitely agree. And I think really this is true more broadly as well. Forcing all these interconnections between 'generations' of a multigenerational story feels both cheap and like it shrinks the world. Really if one new character is a skywalker and C-3PO and R2-D2 get mixed in somehow that's more than enough. Shoving a Chewbacca cameo into RotS, by comparison was silly even if he should have been alive at the time.

Bridging things is good. You then use the bridge to strike out into new directions. Regenerating the whole same cast through new actors who are children of the old, though? Stupid.

Agreed, but so would a Plagueis or Darklighter appearance. Meh.

I disagree about Plagueis, though. His is a story we know about as well as Anakin's from the point of view of the OT, and seeing it enlarged in a similar way would broaden the world (so long as it wasn't somehow a retread of Palpatine or something). I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


I disagree about Plagueis, though. His is a story we know about as well as Anakin's from the point of view of the OT, and seeing it enlarged in a similar way would broaden the world (so long as it wasn't somehow a retread of Palpatine or something). I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Yeah, I agree that IF DONE CORRECTLY, Plagueis might be okay. But as you said I'm kind of afraid of a Palpatine retread. I also don't think Darklighter would have been that bad. Or a Calrissian/Windu (though admittedly those are a little more out there... but NOT just because the characters are black).


I'm still floored BB-8 is a practical effect. I'm curious as to how they made it.


OMG yes, I thought for sure this was cgi.

If they make a toy of this droid by Christmas 2015, it will be mine!


I don't know if it was someone on GAF or wherever, but the midichlorian retcon he came up with was brilliant. A character could easily explain that we now know that midichloreans are attracted to the force, rather han stimulating force sensitivity like they thought in the old times. That would explain the connection between midichlorians and force sensitive creatures.

Much like how we thought our eyes sent out beams to see in the past. It's the same basic premise, only turned around.
I'm still floored BB-8 is a practical effect. I'm curious as to how they made it.


OMG yes, I thought for sure this was cgi.

If they make a toy of this droid by Christmas 2015, it will be mine!

the amount of people on gaf saying it was obviously cgi was ridiculous.
I'm as sceptical as the rest of you after 3 of the worst worst films ever made but you shouldn't jump to conclusions and think that anything good looking is cgi, if anything it should be the other way around.
To me it was clearly practical, that ball movement in cgi would be way to hard to produce realistically.
Gaf needs to give practical effects some credit.


the amount of people on gaf saying it was obviously cgi was ridiculous.
I'm as sceptical as the rest of you after 3 of the worst worst films ever made but you shouldn't jump to conclusions and think that anything good looking is cgi, if anything it should be the other way around.
To me it was clearly practical, that ball movement in cgi would be way to hard to produce realistically.
Gaf needs to give practical effects some credit.
Eyes just rolled out of my head. Didn't realize it was still this cool to hate the prequels. I guess people who enjoyed them to any degree aren't real Star Wars fans?


Bobby got banned? I always wondered btw, what's the difference in bans if your name is in grey or black? Temp vs perm?

Also, where's the info about BB-8 being practical? Not Ihat I don't believe it, just want to read it


Bobby got banned? I always wondered btw, what's the difference in bans if your name is in grey or black? Temp vs perm?

Also, where's the info about BB-8 being practical? Not Ihat I don't believe it, just want to read it

It was revealed by Mark Hamill in a interview with Yahoo:
They never cease to amaze me with what they’re able to come up with, you know? I said, “How are you ever gonna top R2-D2, the most adorable droid in movie history?” And then they have this new one. I can’t even tell you his name, but you saw it in the trailer. [Editor’s note: the name of the droid has been revealed as BB-8.] And when they were demonstrating how they did this thing, live on set — because it’s not CGI, that’s a live prop — I was just amazed. They let me play around with it. [Laughs] I was running it all around at the creature shop up in Pinewood. I’m telling you, it’s an absolute delight. And not having thought that I’d ever go back there, to go back into that world, is just – I get the chills. It’s just so much fun.


BB-8 being practical is almost thread worthy the amount of stupid hate it got. Wonderful, see what happens when you make star wars in England again ;)
Eyes just rolled out of my head. Didn't realize it was still this cool to hate the prequels. I guess people who enjoyed them to any degree aren't real Star Wars fans?

To be fair, I think they provide a serviceable distraction. Better when enjoyed as mindless action films (mainly episodes 2 & 3) and not taken as an integral or emotionally resonant period in SW history.

They are quite unfortunate, though, when one begins to look just a tiny bit deeper at the acting, writing, and direction.


Lucas actually had some fantastic story ideas for the prequels that got buried and lost in bad dialogue and weak directing.

I mean Palpatines rise being through political means and embraced by the public in a very Hitler like fashion rather than a typical movie all out war/invasion was a fantastic idea. The idea that Anakin/Vader is a failed Jesus like figure was fantastic as well. The fact the Clone Wars were a sham and just a cover to gain political power as well. I loved the idea that the Jedi were complacent and lazy and it helped lead to the ease of their downfall.

All of these are fantastic ideas and story elements, just poorly accomplished on screen.
Lucas actually had some fantastic story ideas for the prequels that got buried and lost in bad dialogue and weak directing.

I mean Palpatines rise being through political means and embraced by the public in a very Hitler like fashion rather than a typical movie all out war/invasion was a fantastic idea.

The idea that Anakin/Vader is a Jesus like figure was fantastic as well.

The fact the Clone Wars were a sham and just a cover to gain political power as well.

All of these are fantastic ideas and story elements, just poorly accomplished on screen.

Someone on some forum once mentioned that staging the Yoda/Sidious fight in the Galactic Senate auditorium was a pretty brilliant idea. I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment (even though both of them going at it with lightsabers was silly as fuck).


yeah on paper the prequel story would probably sound great. but hey it's mostly about sheev and he was always one of my favoutire villains.


Yeah the basic story/outline of the prequels is actually pretty damn original and a good story. Just really poorly executed.


I would go as far and say that The millenium falcon sequence was a miniature. The motion blur is dead giveaway. Just to keep my standards in check :!
Eyes just rolled out of my head. Didn't realize it was still this cool to hate the prequels. I guess people who enjoyed them to any degree aren't real Star Wars fans?

The prequels being bad isn't a fad. They will always be so. Pointing out their poor quality doesn't stop you from enjoying them if you do. But they are awful.
The prequels being bad isn't a fad. They will always be so. Pointing out their poor quality doesn't stop you from enjoying them if you do. But they are awful.

The prequels would have been way better if Lucas had any concept of subtlety. I mean the first movie is a kids film but the second one had potential to set up an amazing plot and an interesting twist on the clone wars. Spoilers obviously....

When Dooku mentons to Obi-Wan that the Republic is being controlled by the Sith they had a golden opportunity to turn him into a tragic hero who turned to the dark side in a mistaken attempt to combat the Sith corruption. The Jedi, blinded by Sidious, don't believe him and thus he's forced to take more and more drastic measures to fight against Sidious. The more atrocities he committs to save the Republic, the more he is vilified by the public, playing right into Sidious's hands. Ultimately he is cut down by a misguided Anakin, his actions having helped the very enemy he was trying to stop. The galaxy remembers him as a villain despite hs motives.

Instead it's a throwaway line meant to tease something we already know. Dooku knows who Sidious is but is apparently too dumb to realize he's expendable and playing the same old Sith power game.

I mean if you're going to have political intrigue do it right, not the half-baked senate crap.

Hopefully the new films can wash their bad taste out of our collective memories.
Yeah the basic story/outline of the prequels is actually pretty damn original and a good story. Just really poorly executed.

I don't even think it was poorly executed, just had some dialogue and acting problems. I thought the actual story itself was wonderfully handled.
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