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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Maybe I'll just try to find some episode ratings somewhere.

Here's what I did (it was a segment on Full of Sith, and of the handpicked arcs my co-hosts chose for me, here are the ones I genuinely liked)

The Geonosis Arc (S2E5-8)
The Boba Arc (S2E20-22)
The Rookies Arc (S3E1, S1E5, S3E2)
The Nightsisters Arc (S3E12-14)
The Mortis Arc (S3E15-17)
The Umbara Arc (S4E7-10)

Once you hit the Umbara Arc, you can basically go straight through the rest of S4 and 5 in its entirety (skip S5E10-13) and you only need to watch the opening and closing arcs of S6 (1-4, and 11-13)

That's pretty much it. Sure, you're missing some stuff in there, and maybe a stand-alone or two, but that's basically it.


One element of TCW (which 99% of the time was far superior to the prequels) that was worse than the prequels was Count Dooku. The little we got out of him in the prequels showed him not to be much of a mustache twirling sort of villian. More strangely nice for a Sith, someone with good intentions that you clearly could see being the guy who trained and loved Qui-Gon. Someone who was hinted to have only joined the Sith to try and take down Palpatine from the inside. The EU touched on that a bit, that Dooku was less of a villain and his longterm plan was to stop Palpatine.

TCW made him an over the top maniacal villain by comparison.

This was one of my biggest disappointments in TCW. Dooku is one of my favorite prequel characters and unfortunately doesn't get enough screen time in the movies. All he does in TCW is Palpatine's bidding. Yeah he wants to be the top Sith one day so he has Ventress and Savage as apprentices, but he had a lot more potential. He should've been a genuine believer in the separatist cause.

edit: I would disagree with the idea that it's not worthing watching TCW in full. Some episodes are bad (anything focusing on Jar Jar or 3PO and that four episode about R2 and Colonel Gascon) but even the mediocre episodes help flesh out the universe more.

I didn't care for the Nightsisters or Maul or Mortis at all but they're still worth watching at least once.
edit: I would disagree with the idea that it's not worthing watching TCW in full. Some episodes are bad (anything focusing on Jar Jar or 3PO and that four episode about R2 and Colonel Gascon) but even the mediocre episodes help flesh out the universe more.

I don't know that "fleshing out the universe" is worth sitting through 2/3rds of the series in all its mediocrity though. Especially since the universe is pretty thoroughly fleshed out at this point whether you've seen Clone Wars or not.
Right around Season 3. Seasons 4 & 5 contain the bulk of the decent arcs. There's one or two of them in Season 2.

You kinda have to cherrypick with that show. I can't imagine actually watching all of the episodes, in order, all the way through. Lotta episodes I got 3 minutes in and was like "nope"

Agree 100%. Show picks up major steam half way through Season 3 (you can literally see when the change happens because the graphics quality is suddenly upped and Ahsoka/Anakin/Obiwan all look way more mature), but even that was really just going from a minority of episodes per season being worth watching to a majority per season, there were still some god awful arcs right up to the end.

"Heroes on Both Sides" is the first episode released after the quality is upped. Good episode too, I suggest people just start with that or Mortis. Somewhat ironic, but just, the episode before it was the last episode Ziro was in, aka the Jar Jar of the Clone Wars. Unless you want to slice off some cheese and have a laugh at one of the lowest lows of Star Wars, don't watch any episode with Ziro in it.

Watch all the episodes featuring clones as the focus

Ehhhh. Some are okay, some are awful, and they were a bigger focus in the early seasons which even the best of are crap compared to later seasons. IMO the consistently good arcs, at least in the second half of the series, were the Sith focused ones. (IE Ventress, Savage, Maul) But Anakin and Ahsoka arcs are also mostly great too, in fact really in the second half of the series you only need avoid the droid and "youngling" arcs.


I don't know that "fleshing out the universe" is worth sitting through 2/3rds of the series in all its mediocrity though. Especially since the universe is pretty thoroughly fleshed out at this point whether you've seen Clone Wars or not.

Since the EU is wiped from existence, TCW adds a whole lot to canon.


Since the EU is wiped from existence, TCW adds a whole lot to canon.

People are still parroting this? Try reading Tarkin, or even A New Dawn, to see how much of the EU is still around.

I'll give you a hint: specific storylines are now 'legends', but many places, people, technologies and organisations that were 100% EU previously are now more canon than they ever were before.


The only ones I felt strongly enough about skipping to actually do it were basically the ones with Jar Jar and a couple of the more droid-focused ones. I think even some of the youngling ones are pretty decent for what they are. I liked the one with David Tennant teaching them how to build lightsabers as at least a guilty pleasure kind of thing.

People are still parroting this? Try reading Tarkin, or even A New Dawn, to see how much of the EU is still around.

I'll give you a hint: specific storylines are now 'legends', but many places, people, technologies and organisations that were 100% EU previously are now more canon than they ever were before.

No one's saying they'll never pull anything in from the EU, but uh... the vast majority of the EU is post-RotJ stuff that has pretty much zero relevance anymore. That they might pull in fragments is no different from the EU originating Coruscant in the first place.
No one's saying they'll never pull anything in from the EU, but uh... the vast majority of the EU is post-RotJ stuff that has pretty much zero relevance anymore. That they might pull in fragments is no different from the EU originating Coruscant in the first place.

Yeah, thats the point. Saying the EU is dead is excessive if its still being used as a deep well of inspiration or even fully intact facts. Really, to say its anything other then what its always been (not G-canon) is excessive, but people will talk.

All I can do is keep saying this like a broken record, but the change that occurred is not that the EU is any different then it ever was, certainly not dead, but that very little new EU material will release because most of the books/comics/games for now on will be part of G-Canon instead of the EU C-Canon.


Yeah, thats the point. Saying the EU is dead is excessive if its still being used as a deep well of inspiration or even fully intact facts. Really, to say its anything other then what its always been (not G-canon) is excessive, but people will talk.

All I can do is keep saying this like a broken record, but the change that occurred is not that the EU is any different then it ever was, certainly not dead, but that very little new EU material will release because most of the books/comics/games for now on will be part of G-Canon instead of the EU C-Canon.
Well more like none not very little.


Yeah, thats the point. Saying the EU is dead is excessive if its still being used as a deep well of inspiration or even fully intact facts. Really, to say its anything other then what its always been (not G-canon) is excessive, but people will talk.

All I can do is keep saying this like a broken record, but the change that occurred is not that the EU is any different then it ever was, certainly not dead, but that very little new EU material will release because most of the books/comics/games for now on will be part of G-Canon instead of the EU C-Canon.

I'll apologize for asking since you mention being a broken record but do you have a link to support the use of words like "very little" and "most"? Because my understanding is that it will be "no" and "all", respectively.

If there's actual new material coming under the Legends banner, even if it's very little, that would make me pretty happy. But I don't believe that's the case.


TOR only survived since it was already started up prior to reset anyway. You aren't going to see a "Legends" novel ever again.
Speaking of the Plagueis rumor, do we agree that the character from the leaked batch of concept art, specifically this one


is depicted pretty much as Plagueis was


Even the official action figure is exactly like the guy from the concept

Holy shit, I saw that Daisy Ridley was born in 92 or 93(according to wikipedia). That's like my little cousin's age. That makes me feel so fucking old.


That concept art could just be using Plagueis as a placeholder like how some concept art of the burning village used Vader. Alternatively, it looks like Darth Malgus.
On a sidenote, I watched "This is Where I leave You" last night with Adam Driver. I've also seen Driver on Girls and Inside Llewyn Davis. I'm excited to see him in the new film. I think he can be as good as the script calls for. He has a presence. I feel like he stole the show on Girls and some of the other stuff I've seen.
On a sidenote, I watched "This is Where I leave You" last night with Adam Driver. I've also seen Driver on Girls and Inside Llewyn Davis. I'm excited to see him in the new film. I think he can be as good as the script calls for. He has a presence. I feel like he stole the show on Girls and some of the other stuff I've seen.

Inside Llewyn Davis is on Netflix I'll have a look.

Watched Attack the Block last week and it was pretty great, Boyega was good even if it wasn't the greatest role


Be careful with what you wish for though, if the floating hand through space thing is real.
That would be normal level fan fiction to me, not "bad" fan fiction, haha. But yeah, still bad.

Plagueis as the villain would be sort of fan fictiony too, but that one might have a chance of the execution is good.


I think the spirit inhabiting bodies, Plaguies et al, is too complex a story for Star Wars. It was originally space cowboys and opera. I think it will go back to those roots. Probably something simple, like a Jedi survived and fell to the dark side, trained whoever the bad guy is, and he or she has some kind of plot bent on controlling the galaxy again. Maybe a sith army, or at least a large sith force, to rival any build up of jedi.

I say she, because the bad guy we've seen might just be an apprentice.
Be careful with what you wish for though, if the floating hand through space thing is real.

I still don't understand why the reaction to that is what it is. It seems such a disproportionate reaction.

A disembodied hand holding a lightsaber, tumbling through space? What's immediately comedic about that imagery? Like there isn't a visually interesting way to shoot that.
I still don't understand why the reaction to that is what it is. It seems such a disproportionate reaction.

A disembodied hand holding a lightsaber, tumbling through space? What's immediately comedic about that imagery? Like there isn't a visually interesting way to shoot that.

It's Luke's hand from Bespin(Cloud City) right? I just imagine the force causing it to lift off away from that planet and orbiting in space for years until it lands on that desert planet. Listen, I'm very curious how it will look, just like seeing the scenes in the trailer that we knew about for a while.
I still don't understand why the reaction to that is what it is. It seems such a disproportionate reaction.

A disembodied hand holding a lightsaber, tumbling through space? What's immediately comedic about that imagery? Like there isn't a visually interesting way to shoot that.

Star Wars are serious bizness.

Honestly, though, while I do dig the imagery, from a plot perspective it's more than a little contrived.
A lot of the comments were uncalled for. Raping your childhood I mean really? Come on. And Lucas is well aware of those type of comments. Kevin Smith once relayed a story from Ben Affleck from when Affleck has dinner at Steven Spielbergs house with George Lucas and found out both Lucas and Spielberg go on message boards and read what people say about them.

I agree with you there.

Also about Dooku, that's one of the problems I had with the TV show. He was portrayed quite two dimensional.
I agree with you there.

Also about Dooku, that's one of the problems I had with the TV show. He was portrayed quite two dimensional.

But do we even know who Dooku really is? I always thought he was a JEdi and later on a Dark Jedi and not a Sith...cause he references his powers as Jedi powers...and he cant be a sith cause he is clearly older than Darth Maul and the rule of two clearly states that there are only two siths at a time...


But do we even know who Dooku really is? I always thought he was a JEdi and later on a Dark Jedi and not a Sith...cause he references his powers as Jedi powers...and he cant be a sith cause he is clearly older than Darth Maul and the rule of two clearly states that there are only two siths at a time...

Oh he is 100% a sith. Darth Tyranus is his Sith name. Palpatine took him on as an apprentice after Maul "died". It is just his motivation for being a Sith seemed far less two dimensional pre-TCW.


Oh ok..so any new ideas who van Sydow could play? Maul? Fett?

Not an old character. Reports have indicated he is an old junker wit a lot of cyborg implants due to war wounds who is sort of a mentor to Daisy Ridley on the Tatooine like planet and is only in the first act. Our big baddies look to be Andy Serkis and Adam Driver.


Before Star Trek Into Darkness I'd have agreed with you.
I didn't think Abrams wrote that.

Don't get me wrong, I am appalled at what they did to Star Trek. It isn't even Star Trek anymore. But Star Wars is a different animal. And all early indications are that they're not completely changing everything about the heart and soul of the franchise as was done to Star Trek.
Did you get that from the "Spoilerman" guy at reddit?

He's already been proven to fabricate shit once now.

Also, Lucasfilm has already said they're not using the episode number for any of the marketing, and if they were, that's not the font they're using for it.
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