I haven't. What are you looking to order?
thanks, these are my first star wars figures. somebody recommended the 6" TFA to me as well on Macross World. i'm going to looking to those.It is. The problem is a lot of the figures have already had single carded releases, so many people already own several of the figures included init.
But, if you don't, then yes get it if it interests you. Just keep in mind those are the 3.75 inch figures with 5 points of articulation. Basically, Hasbro's standard 'basic' action figures for Star Wars.
I can only speak for myself, but I tend to prefer the 6" scale figures for the better articulation. I do have a number of the 3.75 figures though.
Was grabbing some stuff at Target today and noticed all the black series figures they had were Finns. Like seven of them.
Around here the major stores are about 50% nothing and 45% just Finn and/or Constable Not-In-The-Movie.
Finn is actually a pretty good figure when he's not in the weird pose they package him in.
Yeah, Finn's pretty good. Good likeness to John Boyega.
I think the problem isn't the likeness or sculpt, but that he is just kind of....boring....he's a guy in a coat and black pants with a blaster. Compare that with most of the other line and he just doesn't stand out much or well...I'm thinking that is why they sold Poe in the two pack with the Riot Trooper after noticing Finn wasn't flying off the shelves, especially since he is wearing the same coat for that matter. IMO a HUGE mistake was also not including Luke's lightsaber with the figure too. You cannot recreate Finn's battle with Kylo nor have anyone for Kylo to fight against either...and since it was in the trailer, it isn't even a spoiler. That I will never understand. It seems like Hasbro has been getting more stingy with the accessories included these days. Real shame.
Don't really know why they're still trying to sell Zuvios, he's not in the movie and just taking up shelf space at this point. Nobody wants him.
That BLACK series Tie Fighter box is HUGE!!!
Not sure if mentioned but Hot Toys Rey/Rey & BB-8 is getting some extra accessories.
Force Awakens spoilers if you haven't seen it by now (who hasn't seen it by now?!)
Not sure if mentioned but Hot Toys Rey/Rey & BB-8 is getting some extra accessories.
Force Awakens spoilers if you haven't seen it by now (who hasn't seen it by now?!)
Preordered her, Finn and Phasma.
I've got Kylo on the way sometime in the next month or so. Gonna go for Rey & BB-8... and I'll get Finn but I'm wondering if it's worth the extra bit of money to go for the legend himself 'TR-8R' bundled with Finn.
Can anybody help with information on when stores will restock the Black Series toys. Im new to Star Wars stuff and all i have is a storm trooper.
FYI - some of the newer die cast figures are currently in stock on Disneystore.com:
Kylo Ren Unmasked: http://www.disneystore.com/kylo-ren...ar-wars-the-force-awakens/mp/1391040/1000255/
Poe Cameron: http://www.disneystore.com/poe-dame...ar-wars-the-force-awakens/mp/1390610/1000255/
I've noticed locally that Targets and Walmarts are getting restocks every now and again, you just gotta catch them before they get depleted.
EDIT: Let me ask you guys this. I see that there are "Waves" on sites like entertainment earth, with Wave 5 being the latest set of figures. Does this mean that ive missed out on figures from previous Waves like Rey and Chewie?
With the move of Episode VIII to December 2017, I'm thinking that the September "Force Friday" is going to become an annual thing.
With the move of Episode VIII to December 2017, I'm thinking that the September "Force Friday" is going to become an annual thing.
With the move of Episode VIII to December 2017, I'm thinking that the September "Force Friday" is going to become an annual thing.
Was it originally a summer 17 release? Because im totally cool with star wars being a holliday thing. Summer is too much of a crowded time for movies.
Was it originally a summer 17 release? Because im totally cool with star wars being a holliday thing. Summer is too much of a crowded time for movies.
Was it originally a summer 17 release? Because im totally cool with star wars being a holliday thing. Summer is too much of a crowded time for movies.
You know, I think I've decided to just start collecting the standard, common, 3.75 inch Star Wars figures. It's real nice because:
1. They're small and don't take up a lot of space. My main concern is with space at the moment.
2. I can walk into any toy store near me and find them stocked, which is a nice change of pace from ordering online or, in many cases, importing from Japan. Which means...
3. They're cheap! But cheap in a good way. With the Canadian dollar in the state it's in, I can't be dropping $100+ on figures or statues.
I've been hesitant for years because I remember these toys looking like compete, cheaply made shit. Even as a kid I wished they would make better looking toys. Well, what was once this:
became this:
and NOW looks like this:
I don't know about yall but that looks pretty fucking good for $15 Canadian. Sure, I'd love to own the SH Figuarts ROTJ Luke, but for $100... ehhhhh.
Bring on the $15 toys, Hasbro![]()
It amazes me that I keep seeing all these new characters coming out under the 6" black series line online but have yet to see a single one in person. I'm thinking about just getting into Lego ships instead lol. I wish hasbro would ship more because if this wave passes up with Phasma in it I'll be super bummed.