do we know what's going to be available? I'm specifically interested in 3.75" but I don't know what'll be out on Force Friday.
There should be a few Rogue One 3.75 figures. Wave 1 should be out at the end of the month.
do we know what's going to be available? I'm specifically interested in 3.75" but I don't know what'll be out on Force Friday.
There should be a few Rogue One 3.75 figures. Wave 1 should be out at the end of the month.
There should be a few Rogue One 3.75 figures. Wave 1 should be out at the end of the month.
Anybody else going out for Rogue Friday? I had a great time at Force Friday last year, but I'm not too sure if I want anything from Rogue One. Also can't really decide on Black Series or 3.75" figures.
Probably not. There's only one thing I'm on the lookout for this time.
Probably not. There's only one thing I'm on the lookout for this time.
I love the Shoretrooper design. Also I'm quite sure Rogue One Stormtroopers are different than your regular ones since they have more detail (because the props now have more detail thanks to modern filmmaking).New Rogue One Hot Toys
Already at TRU. They got three cases of Black Series, didn't know about Shore Trooper. Plenty of everything else. One other guy already here.
My local Walmart(not the one I work at) had nothing out and I couldn't find anyone to ask in the 25minutes I was there.
TRU was something last night, that's for sure.
So I lined up at 10:40 PM and two others guys lined up with me, both of them were guys from last year's event. I had arrived at 9:15 PM to ask if they were gonna have the 6" figures. They had actually just pulled the pallet to the aisle where they were setting up and let me rummage through it, no Black Series to be seen. Ask them the question, they send me to the manager, who looks up their stock. Four cases on the floor (which was about right) and three cases in the back. Awesome. Didn't have an item number for the tank trooper so I was just had to hope.
Anyway, 12:01 comes around, the two guys I know and I walk to the aisle. Tank trooper is on the pegs, we each grab two. No other Rogue One 6" figures at all. Well shit. So I browsed the end caps and aisles for a minute, nothing. Find more pallets of unopened boxes (the 3.75" POA stuff is way overshipped), nothing. Finally ask an employee if they have any in the back, and the typical "What we have is on the floor" response until I reference the manager discussion and suddenly they're much more helpful. So at this point everyone is crowding around me cause hey we might be getting our shit. She comes back with one K2S0 for me, and everyone sighs. Had to ask ANOTHER employee to get the actual cases from the back so that everyone (well two other people since it's all one per case) could get what they wanted. Overall, total shitshow, low 6" stock again, happy I got what I wanted. Final haul was:
I thought the Shoretrooper was coming later in Wave 2. Really like the design.
He is. That wave hit Japan and Malaysia but hasn't hit anyplace else yet.
There is also this Target three pack. This one has Cassian in an exclusive outfit, Death Trooper Officer (with shoulder pauldron), and a repacked Jyn. It's not in stock yet so monitor it closely if you want it:
Still waiting on links to the Toys R Us and WalMart exclusive figures...
Wow only roughly 9+ Gaffers bothered with Rogue Fridays Midnight launch, in this thread by the looks of it, and its late in europe so it's almost over here, i know it's lunch in some states so there still may be a few more, but wow not much interest afterall i was right.
Started looking at the impressions for the TIE Striker, and looks like it is First Order TIE all over again, with it being a great set but dat price.
The Ralph McQuarrie artbook set is down to $150 on Amazon. Oh god, my heart.
Im so glad I got my favorite ship
back when the getting was good... and reasonably priced.
And I mean the lego sets heh. Both the FO TIE and TIE Striker sets feels like they have a bit too high of price really in comparsion to their piece ratio. Striker price feels off compare to the other lego rouge one sets.
Bit of a shame cause back in early 2015, there was a TIE Advanced Prototype from rebels that felt nicely priced, and is a really really good set.
Oh okay,
Yeah Clone Wars Y-Wing, love the design and huge size of the thing.
Also only cost like $70
Looks nicer than the Y-Wing design that would appear later.
Im so glad I got my favorite ship
back when the getting was good... and reasonably priced.
I fear the price these days...
Damn Republic gunship would be like $300+ these days.
The K2SO figure is awesome. Like best Hasbro Black Series figure awesome. Can't recommend him enough.
Just noticed this on my Facebook feed. Out in April 2017.
Just noticed this on my Facebook feed. Out in April 2017.
Yeah, I finally succumbed at that price, should get here today.The Ralph McQuarrie artbook set is down to $150 on Amazon. Oh god, my heart.