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Star Wars or Star Trek? Which is the better franchise overall?

Best space opera franchise overall.

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 37 33.0%
  • Star Trek

    Votes: 75 67.0%

  • Total voters


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I like Star Wars more, and think the 4, 5 and 6 are 3 of the greatest movies ever made and defined my childhood. I love Star Trek as well, but the new Star Trek stuff is worse than the ne SW stuff. PIcard is one of the worst things ever put on TV....and written without any understanding or care for Picard's past. Just awful. I feel like the new SW was one awful movie in the Last Jedi, and a lot of other missed opportunities.
As a nerd I've enjoyed both franchises since childhood, but Star Trek edges out Wars.
Empire was amazing, but you just can't beat Wrath of Khan.


Star Wars is a fantastic but shallow franchise, full of excitement, adventure and romance - just like the serials from the 30s and 40s it was based on.

Star Trek is a long running TV series that, through allegory, has tackled some of society's most important and most divisive ideologies and social problems.

Star Trek is better.
I like Star Wars more. The original trilogy, Rogue One, and Solo being my favorite movies in the franchise. I would watch the original trilogy back to back all the time when I was younger and while Return of the Jedi is kind of silly it wraps up the story of Luke, Leia, and Han quite nicely.
Original> Star trek , even prequels I like more than Star trek but Sequel trilogy killed it. Lost all interest in SW after that. And I was a hardcore fan. After how they treated Luke Han and Leia SW is no longer interesting to me.


Both equally to be honest. they compliment each other well.

Stargate can join that list also.
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I was always a huge Star Wars geek, but my father was all in on Star Trek. The more Star Trek I watch the more I'm coming around to his side of things. Although, I just finished Discovery and season 3 is some of the worst shit I've ever watched. Hopefully, Picard washes the stench off.

Also, Stargate is excellent.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I loved the original Star Wars trilogy growing up. Prequels stink, and then Disney has turned the whole thing into unsalted matzoh. It's just bland and there's a new thing every four seconds and I'm actively sick of it.

It was sort of sad realizing that I don't even like Star Wars anymore.

Star Trek also has a kind of narrow heyday for me, TNG and DS9 mostly, but it hasn't been totally run into the fucking ground.
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Star Trek by large.
Better products overall, Enterprise was shit, Picard only decent, but DS9 and TNG were really good, not counting the classic movies.
Also Trekkers way are better than the toxic SW fandom.

Stargate is Star Trek for the newer generation, bit Atlantis was really bad.


Hold onto your panties
Star Trek is a much bigger universe and seems to be touch on infinitive philosophical science fiction stories/storytelling.

First 3 Star Wars films were fun but the adventure is a closed book. Every single extension of Star Wars ends up retelling the same story or treading on the same themes as previous. I never got that with Star Trek.

According to nerds I'm apparently a "Trekker" because I prefer TNG to TOS.


all your favourites

luck slow walker, ham solo, princes layer, your order, chew tobacco, see three peas and dank invader



No, you did. It's one word. Stargate. And it sucks.

Okay, it doesn't suck, but SG-1 is the only good show, and it runs out of steam. And it's kind of like a weaker Trek show but with some modern military trappings (which I enjoyed).

The idea was to follow the pattern of Star -four letter word- but yeah, Stargate.

It's got its problems, but I'd argue they are less then both Star Wars and Star Trek, Star Wars only has 2 trule good movies and 2 okeyish out of 9...not exactly a stellar record. Star Trek has two good series I'll give it that, and less camp then SG1 and Atlantis (I kind of like the camp), but at it's very worst, Stargate Universe was no where near the fuckup Discovery is, Stargate has never made it clear it hates its own audience.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
The idea was to follow the pattern of Star -four letter word- but yeah, Stargate.

It's got its problems, but I'd argue they are less then both Star Wars and Star Trek, Star Wars only has 2 trule good movies and 2 okeyish out of 9...not exactly a stellar record. Star Trek has two good series I'll give it that, and less camp then SG1 and Atlantis (I kind of like the camp), but at it's very worst, Stargate Universe was no where near the fuckup Discovery is, Stargate has never made it clear it hates its own audience.
I dunno:

That simp situation featuring wish.com Jonah Hill getting cucked hard by package deal wish.com Channing Tatum seemed like a fuck you to the target demographic.

And at some point SG-1 completely lost any hint of a serious tone, with RDA mentally checking out. Felt a bit like contempt for the viewer to me.

I liked the Stargate movie back in the day, even though the body of work is up and down, there are many Trek movies better than it.

I have no interest in defending Discovery or Picard, because they are indeed bad. But let's not pretend Universe was any better. It similarly trashed the franchise tone in a desperate attempt to be edgy. At least Discovery has a solid Pike... I'd say maybe there's potential for the Strange New Worlds spinoff but it sounds like there's still way too much Alex Kurtzman involved.

Back to Trek vs Wars, because let's face it that's the Coke and Pepsi, enough getting sidetracked by the RC Cola that is Stargate. As bad as Picard is, it doesn't really sully the characters the way the sequel trilogy did. Han regressing to being a smuggler wearing the same fucking shirts for 30 years? Luke suffering one setback, becoming a loser hermit then spending his final years on some bullshit planet taking gross hermit lessons from Yoda's ghost? Ya know, Yoda, who wasn't actually a gross weirdo he was just testing Luke before he turned on the Jedi Master??? Leia somehow still running "The Rebels" who have uhh... broken off from the New Republic or something... just so the good guys could be the underdog rebels in these fucking movies even though it makes no sense?

Picard is an old fuck going on kind of a stupid adventure, but he hasn't regressed into a degenerate moron. He's not back to playing space snooker and having knife fights with cheating Naussicans innit? Riker didn't go back to First Officering. Data isn't acting like a total retard. Even Seven of Nine going mercenary space lesbian is a less insulting character arc than literally everything in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. That shit is so bad you can't even go back to the original movies and pretend like the follow-ups didn't happen.


In terms of content (tv/films) its star trek all day, but I'd rather watch the first 3 star wars films over all of star treks content


Star Trek by far. The movies are a bit meh, but TNG and DS9 alone place it far above Star Wars. Add TOS/ENT and even VOY and it's a slam dunk. I will ignore Discovery and Picard exist though.


I still don’t think these franchises should be compared. Yes, they both got popular in the 70s and 80s, they both are set in space, and they both have the word “star” in their names. But they’re completely different genres of storytelling.

One is a thinking man’s hardcore sci-fi story and the other is a fantasy space opera.

They are both good in areas and bad in areas for completely different reasons.

It would be more appropriate to compare Star Wars to Lord of the rings and Star Trek to Stargate.
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Both are in really bad shape at the moment. If you had asked me half a decade ago, I'd say Star Wars for me.
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