My big question is why you'd bother with seaports and large ocean-going vessels at all; at least, why you'd bother to the point of having a dedicated kind of trooper to guard them. Seems kinda massively inefficient.
My big question is why you'd bother with seaports and large ocean-going vessels at all; at least, why you'd bother to the point of having a dedicated kind of trooper to guard them. Seems kinda massively inefficient.
Any thoughts or insight about the re-shoots for Rogue One?
Is that still based on the "rumor" earlier or was there a confirmation?
It's nice to get some actual facts after all the hyperbolic nonsense sprayed about this week.http://www.ew.com/article/2016/06/03/rogue-one-reshoots
Some insider info from EW on the Rogue One reshoots. If true, sounds like some very standard reshoot business and with no truth to the '40% rewrite' rumor. Also sounds like we're definitely getting another look at R1 next month.
It's nice to get some actual facts after all the hyperbolic nonsense sprayed about this week.
Breznican covers all the Star Wars content at EW and seems to be in contact with Lucasfilm regularly so yeah, it's the only trustworthy news we've had. Even Making Star Wars were well off the mark.It does. People really freaked out.
Also, I should mention that I came across the link because the Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo retweeted it. To me, that lends some validity to it.
Haha, yeah, this was the main one I remember.What was the biggest panic-inducing rumour from TFA?
I remember people being rattled after some off-hand comment about Ridley being nervous her first few days on set.
What was the biggest panic-inducing rumour from TFA?
I remember people being rattled after some off-hand comment about Ridley being nervous her first few days on set.
This is a fantastic point in general. I've seen loads of people assume something is more "high-tech" just because of aesthetics.Pablo explaining for the myriad of people who still don't understand this:
Pablo explaining for the myriad of people who still don't understand this:
Vader #21 and Poe Dameron #3 are out today. I don't think either was really a spectacular issue but the Vader plot is moving to its conclusion pretty well. PD #3 was....weird. Wasn't expecting it to suddenly turn kaiju.
Variety said:He plans to begin work on Spielbergs next film, Ready Player One, in November, and then next year expects to do the next Star Wars film. If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy Im happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didnt want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley, he quips.
AFI Honoree John Williams Looks Back on Six Decades of Iconic Themes
John Williams: Big Daisy Ridley fan, wants her all to himself musically
Hopefully he's able to do it. I loved TFA's score.
AFI Honoree John Williams Looks Back on Six Decades of Iconic Themes
John Williams: Big Daisy Ridley fan, wants her all to himself musically
This is a story of actor earnestness that is almost too cute to bear: Charlie Cox has revealed he recently messed up a big audition for a role in a Star Wars movie. How? By being too good... at playing Matt Murdock in Daredevil.
The adorable tidbit comes from a new interview conducted by The Hollywood Reporter about Cox’s upcoming role in an off-Broadway production called Incognito. In the play, Cox has six different roles, and unlike his role as the Man Without Fear, all of them have eyesight. It’s likely a welcome break from playing blind in Daredevil... which is what caused Cox to botch up an audition for a potential role in what he believes was the Han Solo spinoff movie:
"I had gone to an audition—one of those things that are super secretive and they don’t tell you, but I’m pretty sure it was for the Han Solo reboot—and halfway through it, the casting director stopped me and said, ‘Why aren’t you looking at me?’ I realized I had gotten into a habit of not making eye contact, because the only thing I had done for two years is play someone who is blind. I never got invited back, probably because they couldn’t figure out why I was acting like a complete idiot."
That’s right: Cox has gotten so used to playing blind as Matt Murdock, he kept forgetting to make eye contact when auditioning for other roles. It’s nice to see him so committed to his Daredevil work, even if it ends up making him blow a role elsewhere.
EW Rogue One cover and details
Some character profiles from EW including quite a tease about Forest Whitaker's character.
Yeah, that Whitaker tease is really intriguing. Scratching my head trying to figure it out.
Just noticed an inconsistency in the Empire Strikes Back. Vader says, "The rebels are on Hoth. Skywalker is with them." Then later the Emperor says, "We have a new enemy. The rebel who destroyed the Death Star is the son of Anakin Skywalker." Vader replies, "How is that possible?" Except earlier he already mentioned Skywalker by name, so it should of been obvious. The original dialogue made more sense than this.
Someone in the Rogue One thread correctly predicted Forest Whitaker is playing Saw Gerrera. One of the Onderon rebels that appeared in the Clone Wars if you don't remember him by his name. I didn't.
Not only a prequel era character but a Clone Wars character too.
But, but, but, I thought Disney was retconning the prequel era out of existance.
That is a very cool call back. So happy they're including Clone Wars characters in this.
I like seeing 'dat canon synergy too. DO YOU SEE THIS MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE?
Nothing regarding Vader again?
B-but that anime cartoon shit wasn't supposed to count!
How am I going to quickly dismiss an entire medium now?
Im sure its not required viewing. Im guessing it will still be pretty easy to dismiss.