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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


Poe Dameron #4 and Han Solo #2 are both out today. Poe is shaping up to be one of the better canon comics and this Solo miniseries is pretty fun so far.


I really didn't enjoy the first few Poe issues but I really likes this week's. I'm glad they brought


I haven't been paying attention to anything other than the movies and Rebels. Has the New EU gotten as bonkers as the old one yet? That spoiler Wadium posted tells me it's getting there.


I haven't paying attention to anything other than the movies and Rebels. Has the New EU gotten as bonkers as the old one yet? That spoiler Wadium posted tells me it's getting there.

There's been a couple of wacky things but nothing on the level of the neverending clones or lightsaber-knees or Abeloths of the old EU. Most of the really weird stuff does seem to come from the comics though, especially from the Vader comic - the books are pretty reserved if anything.


except the art

I don't mind Larroca but the characters seem a bit out of proportion sometimes. His art seemed a little different in #22. Looked like the lines were a bit stronger or something.

Looks like you get a free Mr Bones poster if you buy Aftermath Life Debt from Barnes and Noble.

The Star Wars Show's revealed the cover for Aftermath: Empire's End too.



Batteries the CRISIS!
There's been a couple of wacky things but nothing on the level of the neverending clones or lightsaber-knees or Abeloths of the old EU. Most of the really weird stuff does seem to come from the comics though, especially from the Vader comic - the books are pretty reserved if anything.

Having Han, Leia and Chewie fight with lightsabers was pretty wacky, I thought. I also couldn't buy the queen of Naboo hopping in fighters only she knew about with Leia and Shara to go fly into orbit and blow up satellites, either.


Having Han, Leia and Chewie fight with lightsabers was pretty wacky, I thought. I also couldn't buy the queen of Naboo hopping in fighters only she knew about with Leia and Shara to go fly into orbit and blow up satellites, either.

The lightsaber thing was fanservicey but more cringey than terrible. I liked the starfight over Naboo though. Really the worst things to me so far have been Cylo's cybernetic whale starships things and Commander Karbin.

The Star Wars Show's revealed the cover for Aftermath: Empire's End too.

Inflictor! I wonder if Ciena and Thane will make an appearance or if they're just throwing that on there because the Battle of Jakku takes place during the book. Kind of weird to put the Inflictor on there though and not the Ravager since Rae Sloane would probably be on the latter.


Batteries the CRISIS!
The lightsaber thing was fanservicey but more cringey than terrible. I liked the starfight over Naboo though. Really the worst things to me so far have been Cylo's cybernetic whale starships things and Commander Karbin.

My problems with that part:

1) If Naboo doesn't think it has any starfighters, why does it have a program to train people how to fly starfighters?
2) Why does the queen of Naboo know about mothballed starfighters behind a secret door in the palace but the fucking head of security doesn't?
3a) Why does the queen of Naboo have to go up there to destroy satellites? Is it not more important to keep the leader of a planet safe and away from a combat situation?
3b) Why does a third person at all have to go up there to destroy satellites? Are Leia and Shara not sufficient? If not, shouldn't there be other people trained to be starfighter pilots who learned alongside the queen who could do it instead of the queen? (And if so, couldn't they send more than just three people up there if that's the case?)
4) Where is the fuel for these mothballed starfighters? If no one knew about them then no one would have kept fuel around. If fuel's been sitting around inside the tanks for years, uh, that probably won't be good anymore. And do they not need any maintenance crews to get the things prepped for launch? No? Leia, Shara and the queen can just hop right in, turn the ignition key and fly off? OK.

Nothing about it made sense. It was dumb.


The lightsaber thing was fanservicey but more cringey than terrible. I liked the starfight over Naboo though. Really the worst things to me so far have been Cylo's cybernetic whale starships things and Commander Karbin.

Do I even want to know?


First review for Life Debt is out: http://www.scifinow.co.uk/reviews/star-wars-aftermath-life-debt-by-chuck-wendig-book-review/

They gave it a 4/5 but said it gets stuck with "awkward middle book in the trilogy syndrome" sometimes. Also some very slight spoilers:

"Like in Aftermath, this takes the form of various 'Interlude' chapters. In some cases these are centred around linking the various trilogies together (Mas Amedda! Crix Madine! Maz Kanata), while in others they revisit old planets, some choices of which are more abstract than others (ever wondered what the Rancor keeper on Tatooine did next? No? Well, you'll find out anyway), but it's still nice to see that this has been written both by fans and with fans in mind."
First review for Life Debt is out: http://www.scifinow.co.uk/reviews/star-wars-aftermath-life-debt-by-chuck-wendig-book-review/

They gave it a 4/5 but said it gets stuck with "awkward middle book in the trilogy syndrome" sometimes. Also some very slight spoilers:

"Like in Aftermath, this takes the form of various 'Interlude' chapters. In some cases these are centred around linking the various trilogies together (Mas Amedda! Crix Madine! Maz Kanata), while in others they revisit old planets, some choices of which are more abstract than others (ever wondered what the Rancor keeper on Tatooine did next? No? Well, you'll find out anyway), but it's still nice to see that this has been written both by fans and with fans in mind."
Sounds like an improvement then. I liked the excerpt they released.


Just a heads up for UK peeps my local Waterstones was selling Life Debt today so check yours if you want an early copy. I think I'm right in thinking its out on Tuesday.


Death infrastructure assembled Over Geonosis
>Geonosian Genocide when the job was done
>>Death Star moved to Scariff
??>Scariff Genocide?


Death infrastructure assembled Over Geonosis
>Geonosian Genocide when the job was done
>>Death Star moved to Scariff
??>Scariff Genocide?

Possible. In the old EU the Death Star was constructed over Despayre, which they blew up to test the laser. Scarif could be a canon version of that.


So Life Debt spoilers are starting to pop up on TFN and Wookiepedia. Plot hasn't been revealed so far but people were asking about specific things and these were some things revealed:

-No Thrawn. The Fleet Admiral from the end of Aftermath is Gallius Rax, who is a very cruel man who was part of Palpatine's inner circle. He is purposefully manipulating the post-Palpatine situation to have Imperials who he thinks are not trustworthy or good enough killed (he's the Operator from Aftermath who was serving as an informant to the New Republic), hoping to purge the excess from the inelegant machine of the Empire to create something more focused (which obviously will later become the First Order). Sloane does not like him and thinks he has no honor. Mas Amedda is alive and helps Sloane investigate Rax.
-Rax, Palpatine, Amedda, and interestingly Yularen were trying to find something on Jakku. Palpatine once said that Jakku "was significant to the galaxy a thousand years ago, and will be significant again." We know that the Sith were thought to be destroyed 1000 years before TPM. Did the final battle take place on Jakku instead of Ruusan in the new continuity, or did perhaps Darth Bane go into hiding there? Is this why Lor San Tekka was on Jakku, since he was searching for Luke who himself had worked with Lor earlier to hunt for Force relics and knowledge? And what does this mean for Rey?
-There were 13 Super Star Destroyers, all of them now destroyed, taken over, or missing. The Annihilator, which was Tagge's personal SSD in the Vader comic, has been commandeered by pirates. Palpatine's personal SSD was the Eclipse (!!!) and what happened to it is unknown.
-General Hux's first name is...Armitage. He's the illegitimate son of Brendol Hux (which we already knew), the commandant of the Arkanis Academy from the Servants of the Empire books, who was responsible for coming up with the idea of breeding Stormtroopers.
-Some characters from other media appear, like Yendor from Lost Stars and Bloodline, and Evaan Verlaine from the Princess Leia comic.
-No Luke.
So Life Debt spoilers are starting to pop up on TFN and Wookiepedia. Plot hasn't been revealed so far but people were asking about specific things and these were some things revealed:

-No Thrawn. The Fleet Admiral from the end of Aftermath is Gallius Rax, who is a very cruel man who was part of Palpatine's inner circle. He is purposefully manipulating the post-Palpatine situation to have Imperials who he thinks are not trustworthy or good enough killed (he's the Operator from Aftermath who was serving as an informant to the New Republic), hoping to purge the excess from the inelegant machine of the Empire to create something more focused (which obviously will later become the First Order). Sloane does not like him and thinks he has no honor. Mas Amedda is alive and helps Sloane investigate Rax.
-Rax, Palpatine, Amedda, and interestingly Yularen were trying to find something on Jakku. Palpatine once said that Jakku "was significant to the galaxy a thousand years ago, and will be significant again." We know that the Sith were thought to be destroyed 1000 years before TPM. Did the final battle take place on Jakku instead of Ruusan in the new continuity, or did perhaps Darth Bane go into hiding there? Is this why Lor San Tekka was on Jakku, since he was searching for Luke who himself had worked with Lor earlier to hunt for Force relics and knowledge? And what does this mean for Rey?
-There were 13 Super Star Destroyers, all of them now destroyed, taken over, or missing. The Annihilator, which was Tagge's personal SSD in the Vader comic, has been commandeered by pirates. Palpatine's personal SSD was the Eclipse (!!!) and what happened to it is unknown.
-General Hux's first name is...Armitage. He's the illegitimate son of Brendol Hux (which we already knew), the commandant of the Arkanis Academy from the Servants of the Empire books, who was responsible for coming up with the idea of breeding Stormtroopers.
-Some characters from other media appear, like Yendor from Lost Stars and Bloodline, and Evaan Verlaine from the Princess Leia comic.
-No Luke.

Poor Hux. No wonder he's so grumpy.

The Jakku stuff's interesting. It'll be intriguing to see where they go with that.


Hmm, not into politics but love Leia. Do the politics make more sense than in the prequels?

They're very simplified. Nothing about trade routes and taxation. It's all about two factions arguing about whether the New Republic should have a strong executive or not. There's a lot of influence from the Articles of Confederation days of American history.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
For those who somehow have not picked up the Blu-ray, The Force Awakens will be up on Netflix Canada this Friday.
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