Catalyst was written with input not only from the Lucasfilm Story Group, but also from the filmmakers of Rogue One, who felt this part of their story needed to be told. It is the tale of two men: Galen Erso and Orson Krennic, who you might know as the Rogue One characters played by Mads Mikkelsen and Ben Mendelsohn, respectively. Galen Erso is indeed father to Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones in the film; but in this book the focus shifts to her parents and the person inevitably ensnaring them in his web.
Six Reasons Catalyst is Essential Reading for Rogue One:
Which spot is that footage from?
The space battle stuff looks like it's straight out of the OT. It's that good.I didn't know about this Korean trailer either. It's edited a bit choppily in places but some of the new shots look great.
I can already tell Chirrut and Baze will be a good duo and I'm loving what we've seen of the space battle so far. Definitely one of the bits I'm most looking forward to.
The space battle stuff looks like it's straight out of the OT. It's that good.
I asked Claudia a while back and she said there were no plans at that time, but not to rule it out.I finally finished Lost Stars a few days. I enjoyed that way more than I thought I would. Has there been any word on a follow up? I feel like there's more to tell there.
I asked Claudia a while back and she said there were no plans at that time, but not to rule it out.
Pretty sure there'll be a follow up. Lucasfilm know her books have been received well.Well, that's better than a 'no'.
I finally finished Lost Stars a few days. I enjoyed that way more than I thought I would. Has there been any word on a follow up? I feel like there's more to tell there.
Darth Maul getting a mini-series.
Back to four Star Wars comics again then.
Another Rogue One poster to add to the mix. It's the IMAX one this time.
Back to four Star Wars comics again then.
Another Rogue One poster to add to the mix. It's the IMAX one this time.
how long til the damn tickets go on sale for rogue one
we're almost a month away ^_^
So catalyst is releasing tommorow. Pretty excited for it.
how long til the damn tickets go on sale for rogue one
we're almost a month away ^_^
So since Starkiller Base is apparently built in a planet where they got kyber crystals for the Death Star, could that mean thatone of the planets in Rogue One later becomes Starkiller Base? Seeing as how the plot seems to focus on the finishing of the laser, not the construction of the station itself? Maybe it's Jedah that had the weather effected by a test run by the Empire or something?
Maybe I'm just trying to draw too many connections.
Okay, that was kind of awesome.
Makes me want a new X-Wing Simulator so desperatly.This just made my day.. thank you.
Even after the Ahoka book, I keep wondering if Starkiller was on.Ilum
I remember reading that theory too. It can't just be some random planet we've never heard of, right?Even after the Ahoka book, I keep wondering if Starkiller was on.Ilum
Makes me want a new X-Wing Simulator so desperatly.
This is what I've always assumed until Lucasfilm say otherwise. I love how it would connect TCW and the films again.
I've gotta read that. I have to catch up on the books in general, only finished Tarkin and Lords of the Sith so far, halfway through Aftermath but I forgot most of what I read since it was a while ago. Gotta get my ass in gear.
Do you have an OT title yet?
I would down with that.It should be : No Bothans Died to Bring Us this Information