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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Just hit Chapter 20 in Bloodline. Such a good read so far, this'll easily be the top of the new canon for me. Lady Carise just
listened to Bail Organa's message for Leia... so good.

It's a really good book. Also, according to the author, imagine Ransolm Casterfo to look exactly like Tom Hiddleston.
The first of Empire's six covers. Shame they're not doing 3D ones like they did for TFA.

They're all rebel themed, so I'm guessing the others will be Cassian, K2, Chirrut, Baze and Bodhi. Maybe Saw instead of one of the latter ones.

Good article from EW on the future of the franchise. Some interesting bits and pieces:

The biggest question of all: After the new trilogy ends with Episode IX in 2019, will a new trilogy begin? Or does the annual release of a Star Wars film become a litany of stand-alones, only occasionally threading back together (the way the Marvel movies do)?

“That’s a conversation going on right now, too,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy says. “I have to honestly tell you, could we [do nothing but stand-alones]? Sure. But I don’t know. We are looking at all of that.”

Giacchino's score will have homages to John Williams' music.

Composer Michael Giacchino’s music, for instance, will include slight homages to the iconic original score by John Williams, but most of what we hear will be original. (More on the music of Rogue One Wednesday on EW.com)

As many of us suspected, Lucasfilm were ready to announce the Boba Fett spin-off at 2015's Celebration before Trank dropped out.

After the release of the new film, the Star Wars braintrust will map out the further reaches of the galaxy. Among the titles that have been considered is a Boba Fett/bounty hunter movie that director Josh Trank was hired to make before he dropped out following the troubled production of his Fantastic Four reboot. It came so close to being officially announced, Lucasfilm even prepped a teaser reel to show at Star Wars Celebration in spring of 2015, sources tell EW. At the last minute, the split with Trank backburnered the project.

Kathy Kennedy on who will decide where to go next.

Who will be making those calls? “The story team and the trust, and the visual effects team that we have been working with,” Kennedy says. “We always pull in the directors and the writers that have been a part of these other three movies. We create pretty much a very collegiate group of people to share ideas.”

If all goes according to Rogue One’s plan, future stand-alones won’t have to lean against events from previous films. “I think that that’s exciting for fans,” Kennedy adds. “It’s certainly exciting as a filmmaker, the notion that we can explore these stories that genuinely have a beginning, middle and an end, and don’t necessarily have to tie into something specific.”


I think for the health of the franchise, and for how awesome it is to have a build up like Phantom Menace/TFA, having a 10 year gap would be just perfect, allowes the films to stand on their own and the anticipation to build up again.

I really dont want SW films to be a "Oh anothers coming out in a week? Guess ill see if I can go"


I started Ahsoka this week and have been slowly making my way through it. It seems good so far. I finished season 2 of Rebels on Saturday and the amazing finale pushed me into wanting more of her character. Hopefully I'll finish it in a week so I can start Catalyst next.


I started Ahsoka this week and have been slowly making my way through it. It seems good so far. I finished season 2 of Rebels on Saturday and the amazing finale pushed me into wanting more of her character. Hopefully I'll finish it in a week so I can start Catalyst next.

I enjoyed it for what it was, it's nothing earth shattering but it gives us a glimpse into the frame of mind she was in post-Clone Wars/Order 66. I would definitely be up for more Ahsoka stories in the near future.

I remember going to see The Clone Wars in the cinema and absolutely hating it, and Ahsoka even more so - amazing that all these years later she's become one of my absolute favourite characters in the entire franchise.

Catalyst arrived today in the post, so I'm hoping to get to that within the next day or two, just wrapping up the last few chapters of Bloodline at the minute.


Wonder if we'll get an Episode 8 teaser this week? If I recall, the Force Awakens teaser came out around Thanksgiving the year before release.


Wonder if we'll get an Episode 8 teaser this week? If I recall, the Force Awakens teaser came out around Thanksgiving the year before release.

Forget a teaser. We don't even have the title. Which given the insane lead time for toys and some other merch, really should be settled by now.
Wonder if we'll get an Episode 8 teaser this week? If I recall, the Force Awakens teaser came out around Thanksgiving the year before release.

They won't want to release anything VIII related until Rogue One's had it's time in the spotlight. I'd guess at a title reveal early next year and the first teaser shortly after Rogue One's Blu-Ray release. April might be a bit too late but then again, they waited until then to show off Rogue One this year.


They won't want to release anything VIII related until Rogue One's had it's time in the spotlight. I'd guess at a title reveal early next year and the first teaser shortly after Rogue One's Blu-Ray release. April might be a bit too late but then again, they waited until then to show off Rogue One this year.

Seems like that's the safest bet. Though it's up to anyone when they'll reveal the title, I think that's more up in the air. I hope it's in January sometime.
I've been really enjoying Catalyst so far, really interesting characters. Would recommend. Booked my midnight ticket for Rogue One as well, good times ahead for me!
I have about 50 pages to go on Catalyst. Goal is to finish it before bed tonight. Last few chapters have been very dry but overall it's been a fun read. Krennic is a great bad guy. Can't wait to see his story in the movie.


Directors often do different takes of the same scene. Movies come together in the editing phase.

i compared it to the footage thats in the teaser. i dont think its just a different take (you usually dont change the framing of a scene during takes).
it looks more like a recreation.
So I just checked - we got the first 88 second teaser for The Force Awakens on November 28th in 2014. It opened December 15th, 2015.

I know that Rogue One is currently all up in our business, but how long do you think it will be before we get the first Episode VIII teaser? They can't use the same time spread, but I think that by the end of January we get it. Probably the Superbowl at the latest if I was going to guess.
So I just checked - we got the first 88 second teaser for The Force Awakens on November 28th in 2014. It opened December 15th, 2015.

I know that Rogue One is currently all up in our business, but how long do you think it will be before we get the first Episode VIII teaser? They can't use the same time spread, but I think that by the end of January we get it. Probably the Superbowl at the latest if I was going to guess.

I hope we see a teaser by the Superbowl, but I'm hot holding my breath as it seems they don't want to overshadow or confuse people while Rogue One is out.


I'd say Superbowl as well for the trailer. I'd imagine it's Superbowl for a teaser, Spider-Man: Homecoming or GOTG Vol. 2 for another trailer, and another one sometime after.

The Star Wars website's 20 years old today. It's nearly as old as me.

Pretty interesting seeing the evolution of the site and how website content has changed over the past couple of decades.

I spent a ton of time on the website in my teens, mostly reading up on everything I can on the Databank section.

I always wanted to join Hyperspace, but lacking a credit card, that wasn't possible. Maybe for the best, lol.


Some of you have a lot of hope. I'd be willing to bet we don't see/hear anything official about EP8 until R1 is out on video.

They wanna milk it dry before moving on.


Some of you have a lot of hope. I'd be willing to bet we don't see/hear anything official about EP8 until R1 is out on video.

They wanna milk it dry before moving on.

I thought in terms of marketing that putting a saga films trailer infront of an anthology would be a good move, id imagine there would be a lot more hype for rogue one if there was ep 8 footage, im not seeing much hype at all currently (Neither sadly do I feel hyped)


There was a fan event in Mexico today where they showed the first twenty minutes of Rogue One. I made a thread on what they've replacedd the crawl with, but avoid it if you don't want to know anything.


Opens up the way I thought it would.

Some of you have a lot of hope. I'd be willing to bet we don't see/hear anything official about EP8 until R1 is out on video.

They wanna milk it dry before moving on.

On one hand, they'd probably want to get marketing cranked up ASAP but not interfere with Rogue One directly.

On the other hand, it's Star Wars. They can probably kick off marketing later in the spring and still make bank anyway.
Editors should be celebrated a hell of a lot more than they actually are.

Oh for sure. Especially when you have absurd cases like Mad Max: Fury Road with its 480 hours of footage. Jaws is another film that was famously very much made the success it was by its editing, and the editor hugely influenced Spielberg's approach going forward (this is most readily seen in Jurassic Park, which takes a lot of cues from Jaws in this area).

Interesting fact: both Fury Road and Jaws were edited by women!
Oh for sure. Especially when you have absurd cases like Mad Max: Fury Road with its 480 hours of footage. Jaws is another film that was famously very much made the success it was by its editing, and the editor hugely influenced Spielberg's approach going forward (this is most readily seen in Jurassic Park, which takes a lot of cues from Jaws in this area).

Interesting fact: both Fury Road and Jaws were edited by women!
a new hope was saved in editing by george lucas ex wife!


Jason Fry has been posting about his work on the Servants of the Empire series, and I particularly liked this bitmap shows how much thought was put into these "kids" books and why SotE is one of the best parts of the new canon.

Much of the action in this section is driven by Fhurek’s anti-alien prejudice – the athletic director’s dislike for Hench Sina and Frid Kelio is obvious from the beginning, and he goes from insisting that they be kicked off the team to arranging their transfer to other schools.

Anti-alien prejudice was a hallmark of the Expanded Universe; my inclusion of it in the treatment for Edge of the Galaxy led to a discussion with Story Group and the Rebels creative team. Where we ended up was that the Empire might not be openly and uniformly anti-alien, but people who felt that way about aliens were probably rah-rah Imperial supporters.

On the other hand, some readers took Leo Leonis’s dismissal of Fhurek as a suggestion that anti-alien prejudice is more of an Outer Rim mindset. That’s not what I had in mind: Leo’s a snob, and dismissing Fhurek as an Outer Rim rube is an easy out that keeps him from having to ask himself tougher questions about the Empire. (To be fair, we all go through life struggling with our own blind spots and falling prey to this kind of self-deception.)

Fhurek’s prejudice – and Zare’s reaction to it – got complicated, though. As I wrote earlier, my inspiration for writing a Star Wars sports novel began with two ideas: Lothal as a frontier ag planet and a city kid trying to fit in with farm boys. It was Friday Night Lights meets Footloose, essentially.

I’m pretty sure I was already developing my plans for Edge of the Galaxy when I found out Zare was black. Now, there’s no intra-human racism in the Empire – Fhurek’s a bigot, but he doesn’t care that Zare’s skin is darker than his. But unavoidably, real-world readers will be aware of that difference, and I realized that would change the dynamic of their scenes together. And suddenly my sports story had veered close to the real-world history of institutionalized bigotry and prejudice in sports.

That gave me pause. Was this part of the plot a little too on the nose? After some debating, I decided that having arrived there by accident, I’d run towards those parallels instead of away from them. And so Fhurek’s suggestion that Hench and Frid may lack “the necessary capabilities” closely tracks something Dodger executive (and supporter of Jackie Robinson) Al Campanis infamously said on Nightline.

I also realized there was an ironic twist to the grouping of Fhurek, Zare, Hench and Frid. I’m old enough to remember when racists said (or more often sneakily implied) that African-Americans couldn’t be quarterbacks because the position was too intellectually demanding. Well, Zare Leonis is a black quarterback – which may not matter in-universe, but still has real-world reverberations. I didn’t do that on purpose, but came to see it as a happy accident.

A counterpoint to that, though, is the scene between Zare and Merei – which is about class privilege, not prejudice. Zare is furious at the other SaberCats for hemming and hawing when he proposes boycotting the title game, but Merei sees what he doesn’t: Zare’s going to a good school and will probably wind up as a highly-paid research scientist or perhaps an Imperial officer, but the best that the other SaberCats can hope for is a job as a field technician for one of the ministries. A junior grav-ball title could help them get into a better school and give them brighter prospects; it means a lot more to them than it does to Zare. As Merei asks Zare, aren’t they his teammates too?

(I like that scene, but it would have been stronger if I’d made it clear that the other SaberCats are old Lothal like Beck, not newcomers like Zare and Merei. Missed opportunity!)

Finished Catalyst. I enjoyed it quite a bit and makes the hype for the movie even greater. Knowing there is a movie less than a month away, the ending really makes you question how things are going to go and excites you with the possibilities. It's hard to say if it's essential reading. We should hope it's not essential reading so that would mean the movie can stand on its own. If you want to satisfy some curiosity about the characters you are about to go meet on the screen, I would say it's definitely worth the read.
Just finished Catalyst as well. It has it's ups and downs, and sometimes it reads like a Wikipedia entry. I wouldn't call it a necessary book, but I did enjoy it for the most part.
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