Wookipedians who are better at this stuff figured it out via the sky and skyline and Leeland Chee confirmed it. (My entire Wook edit record is entirely on one page, and it amuses me to keep it that way.)
Ehh, these shorts are really not doing it for me. This one especially. One of the things that was so interesting about Jyn Erso is that she wasn't the cliched heroine. I got the sense from the movie that Rogue One was the only noble, selfless thing she had ever done in her life. But it was also the most important thing. The idea of her helping little kids get their kittens back (which is cartoonishly evil even by Star Wars standards), just doesn't fit with the Jyn we see in the movie.
EDIT: Also Jyn Erso would not have left those troopers lying there. She would have executed all four of them on the spot.
Ok this came up a LOT in the YT comments and it bugged me to no end. Jyn isn't a selfish person, she just has no interest in ANY DAMN CAUSE. The Empire took her family and destroyed her life. The Rebellion (Mostly through Saw) went and wrecked more of it. Then she's in prison where she has to look out for herself, ok.
And yet, when we get to Jedha, and Saw's people decided to start a MASSIVE firefight in the middle of the crowded streets what does Jyn do? RUN OUT AND RISK HER NECK TO SAVE A LITTLE GIRL. It's the cause, the greater good that Jyn needs to find hope in. Jyn herself when faced with an innocent deciding to intervene is totally in character.
As for the troopers, like the ones on Endor, I'm going with all deaths are happening offscreen.
They should upload this stuff to the Star Wars Channel.
Why uploading it to Disney anyway.
Because it's a show Lucasfilm made for Disney's web and TV platforms and that is where it goes? All the Star Wars social media is alerting people to new episodes and their own channel page has the videos listed and the playlist available, so they sure ain't hiding it.
Any way, this batch of eight is now done, curmudgeons can crawl back into caves, me, I've got a book and toy line to collect. Yessssssshhhhh.